外研版八年级下册英语教案Module3 Unit2.doc

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1、Module 3 Unit 2 We have not found life on other planets yet. 一、教学目标 1. To read and find out information from simple texts and choose the best title 2. To understand the differences between the Present Perfect and the Present Simple 3. To write a passage to describe a picture 二、教学重点 (1)重点词汇: group, l

2、ight, impossible, take, out, communicate, environment (2)重点句型: 1. However, we have not found life on any other planets yet. 2. Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe. 3. None of them has an environment like that of the earth. 4. Why has no one communicated with us? 三、教学难

3、点 (1)在语境中理解现在完成时和一般过去时的区别 (2)理解并能根据提示复述课文 四、教学资源 点读笔, OHP, video, cards 五、教学过程 教学环节 教学活动具体描述 教学资源 (一) 热身导入 1. Play a game Hand out some cards (each card has a word connected to the planets in the solar system) then ask them to put the Sun and the eight planets at the right place. The best group with

4、 get some prize. PPT 第 2 页 2. Ask students to work in groups to discuss the question: Have we found life on other seven planets yet? If not, why? Then lead to this lesson: Unit 2 We have not found life on other planets yet. PPT 第 3-6 页 【设计意图】 通过动手操作的游戏活动, 将较难掌握的天体名称以生动有趣的形式呈现给 学生,可以活跃课堂气氛,提高学生的兴趣,同时

5、检查了学生的预习情况。 通过问题的讨论,为后面的文章学习做好了相关知识的储备,使得学生学起 来更轻松愉快。 (二) 新知呈现 1. Vocabulary Look at some pictures and review the new vocabulary PPT 第 7-9 页 2. Free-talk Watch a video about Change III landing on the moon, then ask Ss work in groups to talk about Chinese spaceships. (Activity 1) (三) 课文学习 1. Skimming

6、 (Activity 2) Ss skim the passage and try to find the best title of the passage. (First, Ss choose the title individually, then discuss it with their partners and try to explain the reasons.) PPT 第 10 页 活动 2 录音 2. Scanning (Activity 3) Ss scan the passage and try to check the true sentences in Activ

7、ity 3. Ask Ss to correct or give reason why it is false. PPT 第 11-12 页 3. Detailed reading Read Para.1 and answer: 1). How long has there been life on the earth? 2). Have we found life on any other planets yet? Read Para.2 and answer: 1). How many planets go around the sun? 2). What is called the so

8、lar system? What is it? 3). Why dont scientists think theyll find life on the other planets? Read Para.3 and answer: 1). What have scientists discovered? 2). Why is it impossible to imagine how large the universe is? Read Para.4 and answer: 1). Why have scientists sent spaceships to the planet Mars?

9、 2).Has any spaceship travelled to reach other stars in our Galaxy? 【设计意图】 训练学生对文章的整体理解能力。要求学生说明选择的依据,目的是帮助学 生分析细节与整体的差别,关注学生阅读策略的培养。 训练学生对文章细节的理解与判断,要求学生能独立思考,完成练习,总结阅读 技巧与规律。 分段进行细节阅读,有利于学生对文章的透彻理解,在解决问题的同时,解决了 语言点上的困惑, 在具体语境中也更好地理解现在完成时和一般过去时的用法区 别。设计这些问题是为了帮助学生提高学习的主动性,学会自主学习的方法,逐 渐形成比较完善的阅读学习策略

10、, 以抢答积分的形式可以提高学生的上进心和竞 争意识。 4. Post-reading(Activity 4) 1) Watch and listen 2) Complete the passage in Activity 4. 3) Retell competition - Memory challenge First read the paragraph, then try to retell the passage by looking at the concerning pictures and some hints connected to key words and phrases

11、. The winner will get a prize. PPT 第 13-15 页 【设计意图】 听看动画,使学生对文章有个形象的整体把握,为后面的看图复述做准备。 通过完成 Activity 4 的短文填空,不仅考察了学生对词汇的掌握,还形成了 对文章主旨大意的把握。 以比赛的形式来复述课文,检查学生对文章的理解和运用,并增强竞争意识。 (四) 拓展运用 1. Show students a cartoon picture, let Ss answer the questions in Activity 5 first, and then use the answers to desc

12、ribe the picture orally. PPT 第 16-18 页 【设计意图】 先进行句子写作为后面的语篇写作做好准备, 这种递进的过程式写作方式可以降 低写作的难度,增强学生的写作信心和强化。 2. With the help of blackboard deign, let Ss talk about what they learned in this lesson, the teacher give necessary supplements and emphasis. PPT 第 19-23 页 【设计意图】 学生总结,老师点拨,培养学生归纳总结的能力。 【Classroo

13、m Assessment】 激励性评价,发展性评价,过程性评价和小组互评。 (五) 布置作业 1.Read the passage fluently 2.Write a passage to finish A6 3.Search for information about the names of the days of the week (巩固所学,为 Unit3 Around the world 做准备) PPT 第 24 页 (六) 板书设计 Module 3 Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet. There has/ have been + n. None + of No one Communicate with sb. Its impossible to do


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