外研版七年级下册英语M5ShoppingU1 What can I do foryou教案.doc

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1、Module5 Unit1 What can I do for you? 课型课型 listening and Speaking Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims: (1) Enable students to master the new vocabulary and phrases in the vocabulary list; Help students infer the meanings of some words and phrases according to the dialogue. (2) Help students understand th

2、e dialogue, According to the topic shopping, communicate with classmates fluently 2. Ability aims: (1) The students will be able to communicate with each other on different places of shopping .they will be able to accomplish a few tasks. (2) To improve the students abilities of listening, speaking,

3、reading , writing and communicating with others. 3. Emotion aims: To encourage the students to express their own opinions in English and improve their confidence of learning English. Teaching main points: Master the new words and phrases in the passage Develop the students interest in English studyi

4、ng. Teaching difficult points: How to use the knowledge and communicate with classmates fluently. Teaching procedure Step one: Greetings (1minute) (设计意图:增进师生间的感情,活跃课堂气氛) Step two: Lead in (4 minutes) Lets relax ourselves - interesting picturesinteresting pictures Free talk and answer: ( according to

5、 the pictures) 1 What is she doing? 2 Do you like shopping? 3 Where do you often go shopping? (设计意图:为进入正文的学习做好铺垫工作,让学生渐渐进入 话题) Step three: Pre-listening (4 minutes) Free talk 1、What place is it? Picture1? Picture2? Picture3? 2、What can we buy in these places? Questions: 1 What place is it? Picture1?

6、 Picture2? Picture3? 2 What can we buy in these places? (小组合作,在 1 分钟内说的最多的给予表扬) (设计意图:向学生展示目标词汇,通过说的练习使学生充分熟 悉本单元的重点词汇,为后面的活动做准备。 ) Listening tips: You dont have to understand every word when you listen. Try to listen for the important information. Step four: Activity2 Activity2 Listening (2 2minute

7、s) 问题导入 Questions: 1 When is Mothers day? Who knows? 2 What present do you often buy for your mother on Mothers day? First: Read the questions in Activity2 (1) What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mothers Day? (2)What is Betty going to make for her mother? (3)What does Betty want to buy?

8、(4)When are they going to the shops? (设计设计意意图图:学会感恩;进行学会感恩;进行听力训练听力训练, ,通过语通过语言的输入训练,感知言的输入训练,感知 目标语言找出正确答案。个体活动目标语言找出正确答案。个体活动) ) Then: Listen and find out the answers. 1. Listen to the dialogue in the shop and answer the following questions. (1) What does Lingling want to buy for her mum? (2) What

9、 colour does Linglings mum like? (3) What size does Linglings mum take? 2. Listen to the dialogue in the market and answer the questions. (1)What does Lingling buy? (2)What does Betty buy? 3. Listen again and complete the table in activity3 T-shirts Sausages Strawberries How much/many do they buy? H

10、ow much is it/are they? (设计意图: 在输入环节,利用课件,借用泛听和精听让学生 明确购物场景,获得相应的购物语言的信息,为语言输出做铺垫。 ) Step Five Step Five : Speaking(5minutes) 1播放音频,学生跟读。 (设计意图:训练学生掌握标准语音语调的能力。独立活动) 2 播放消音的视频,让学生模拟购物场景,模仿购物用语。 (设计意图: 是学生对英语国家购物方式和购物用语有更深入的 体验,为下一步的输出环节做铺垫,树立学生学英语的自信。两人合 作) Step Six: Step Six: Practice (14minutes) 每

11、小组选择不同的购物场景和任务每小组选择不同的购物场景和任务, ,进行购物对话。举例如下进行购物对话。举例如下: : (in the shop) StudentA:what can I do for you?/ studentB:Id like to buy. StudentA:what colour.? studentB:_ StudentA:what size. studentB:_ StudentA:what about this one? studentB:_ . (设计意图:(设计意图: 把学生自然学习英语和将所学的英语运用到各种语境把学生自然学习英语和将所学的英语运用到各种语境 中,

12、 通过完成设计的各种任务使从而学到的知识和技能将转化成在真中, 通过完成设计的各种任务使从而学到的知识和技能将转化成在真 实生活中运用的能力。 )实生活中运用的能力。 ) Step Seven: SummaryStep Seven: Summary(2 2minute) Summary Where is mother, where is the most happy place. 母亲在哪儿,哪儿就是最幸福的地方母亲在哪儿,哪儿就是最幸福的地方。 情感目标的体现和升华 (in the shop) Student A: What can I do for you?/Can I help you?

13、 Student B: Id like to buy. Student A: What color.? Student B: _ Student A: What size. Student B: _ Student A: What about this one? Student B:_ ( in the market) Student B: Ive got some food to buy. Student A: Can I help you? Student B: Yes. Id like some.How much. Student A:_ Student B:_ Student A: W

14、hat else would you like? Student B:_ Where is mother, where is the most happy place.Where is mother, where is the most happy place. 母亲在哪儿,哪儿就是最幸福的地母亲在哪儿,哪儿就是最幸福的地方方。 (设计意图: ,强化学生对本节所学知识的理解,通过母亲节给 母亲买礼物,学会感恩,关爱他人。 ) HomeworkHomework(1minute) 1 .Surf on the Internet and know more information about shopping. 2 Read some books about different ways of shopping 教学效果预测教学效果预测 本节课预想达到这样一个效果:本节课预想达到这样一个效果: 1 1 通过购物话题教育学生要以感恩的心关爱父母和他人。通过购物话题教育学生要以感恩的心关爱父母和他人。 2 2 把学生自然学习英语和将所学的英语运用到各把学生自然学习英语和将所学的英语运用到各种语境中, 通过完成种语境中, 通过完成 设计的各种任务从而使学到的知识和技能转化成在真实生活中运用设计的各种任务从而使学到的知识和技能转化成在真实生活中运用 的能力。的能力。


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