外研版七年级下册英语Module12知识点 语法点 练习题(含答案).docx

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1、一、必背词汇 lively lavl adj. 活泼的; 轻快的 modern md()n adj. 现代的 noisy nz adj. 吵闹的 pop ( = popular ) adj. 流行的; 受欢仰的 rock rk n. 摇滚乐 sound sand n. 声音 violin valn n. 小提琴 western west()n adj. 西方的 through ru prep. 穿过 both b pron.两个;两者 opera p()r n. 歌剧 voice vs n. 声音 drum drm n. 鼓 believe bliv v. 相信 musician mjuz()

2、n n. 乐手; 音乐家 centre sent(Am E center) n. 中心 European jrpin adj. 欧洲的 classical klsk()l adj. 经典的; 古典的 century sentr n. 世纪 composer kmpz n. 作曲家 elder eld adj. 年长的 知识图谱 Module 12 Western musicModule 12 Western music 知识精讲 another n pron. 又一个; 再一个 piece pis n. (写作、音乐或艺术的)作品 poor p; p adj. 贫穷的 perfect pfkt

3、 adj. 完美的 sad sd adj. 令人悲伤的;令人难过的 二、重点词汇 1. sound noun /sand/ 1). something that you can hear or that can be heard 声音,声响 例句: I heard the sound of a class bell tolling in the distance. 我听见远方下课钟声响起。 She stood completely still, not making a sound. 她静静地站在那儿,一声不吭。 2). to seem good, interesting, strange,

4、etc. from what is said or written 听起来不错听上去有意思似乎很奇怪等 例句 Your job sounds really interesting. 你的工作听起来真有趣。 I know it sounds silly, but Ill miss him when hes gone. 我知道这听起来很傻,但他走了我会想他的。 2. believe verb /bliv/ to think that something is true, correct, or real 相信 例句: Strangely, no one believed us when we to

5、ld them wed been visited by a creature from Mars. 奇怪的是,当我们告诉他们曾有火星人来访时,居然没人相信。 He believes that all children are born with equal intelligence. 他相信孩子们出生时智商是一样的。 3. compose verb /kmpz/ 1). to produce music, poetry, or formal writing 作曲;创作(乐曲、诗歌) ;着(书) Prokofiev started composing at the age of five. 普罗

6、科菲耶夫 5 岁就开始作曲了。 The music was specially composed for the film. 这音乐是专门为该电影创作的。 2). to be formed from various things 由组成,由构成 例句: Air is composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. 空气主要由氮和氧构成。 The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public. 委员会由议员、医生、学者和普通民众组成。 The audience

7、was composed largely of young people. 观众中大部分都是年轻人。 4. piece noun /pis/ 1). a part of something 块;片;段;碎片;碎块 例句: She torn a piece of cloth from her coat. 从她大衣上撕下的一块布 He cut the cake into six pieces. 他把蛋糕切成了 6 块。 2). something that has been created by an artist, musician, or writer (艺术家、音乐家或作家的)作品;篇,段,

8、首,幅 例句: Did you read that piece (= article) in the newspaper? 你看报纸上的那篇文章了吗? This is a skillful piece of work. 这是一件非常精巧的作品。 5. perfect adjective older B. the oldest; older C. the oldest; elder D. the older; elder 【答案】B 【解析】考查固定搭配和形似词区分。one of the+最高级+可数名词复数“最之一”,排 除 AD;第二空表示中国比美国古老得多,用older不用elder,故选

9、 B。 4. voice,noise,sound 1). noise 多指不悦耳的“噪音”。 2). voice 指人的嗓音,语音等。 3). sound 泛指能听到的“声音”,广义上涵盖所有能听到的声音的统称。 例句: Dont make noise. The baby is sleeping. 不要发出噪音,孩子在睡觉。 Never talk with your classmates in a low voice in class. 不要在课上跟同学小声说话。 I heard a strange voice outside. 我听见外面有奇怪的声音。 例题: Cathy has such

10、a good _ that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A. sleep B. idea C. voice D. time 【答案】C 【解析】考查名词辨析。根据句意:凯西有如此好的嗓音,以至于她去年在唱歌比赛中得了 许多奖。A 睡觉;B 想法;C 嗓音;D 时间。根据语境,故选 C。 题模一:题模一:Module12 词汇应用词汇应用 例例 I live in a (an) _ neighborhood. Many people and cars come and go very ofte

11、n. A quiet B empty C noisy D lonely 例例 根据首字母和括号提示填空 1). Michael Jackson was known as the King of P_. 2). He lives in the _ (中心) of Moscow. 题模精选 题模二:感叹句和选择疑问句题模二:感叹句和选择疑问句 例例 _ wonderful speech Emma gave at the UN conference! A How B What C What a D What an 例例 根据中文提示完

12、成句子 1). 你想喝点什么,咖啡还是茶? What would you like, _ _ _? 2). 真实太堵了! _ _ traffic jam it is! 随练随练 1.11.1 -How well she sings! -Yes, she has a sweet _. A voice B sound C noise D mouth 随练随练 1.21.2 She lost his wallet last week. She felt _ and couldnt help crying. A happy B sad C lively D serious 随练随练 1.31.3 根据

13、首字母和括号提示完成句子 1. Some old man like Beijing o_. 2. B_ Lily and Linda like classical music. 3. The boy often tells lies. As a result, nobody b_ him. 4. Nowadays its a m_ lifestyle to spend weekends in the countryside. 5. I like the song because it sounds _ (轻快的). 6. As we all know, France is a _ (西方的)

14、country. 7. There are so many people here. Its too _ (noise). 8. Come and try. It is a _ (tradition) food in Britain. 随练随练 1.41.4 选词填空(词汇运用) 随堂练习 (1)He likes the _ in the 1980s. (2)Im making a plan of having a visit _. (3)The food was popular_. We cant eat it now (4)Many students are looking at the

15、board. Who is _ in our school? (5)Here is a red star on the map. Maybe its _ the country 随练随练 1.51.5 -Your classroom is so clean. -Of course. It _ every day. A is cleaned B was cleaned C cleans D cleaned 随练随练 1.61.6 -Making paper bottles? Wow, _ good idea! -Thank you. We may use plastic in this way.

16、 A how B what C what an D what a 随练随练 1.71.7 -Which do you prefer, tea _ coffee? -Tea, please. A but B so C or D and 随练随练 1.81.8 句型转换 (1)The TV play is very interesting(改为感叹句) _ _ _ TV play it is! (2)He can play both the violin and the piano(改为同义句) He can play _ _ the violin _ _ the piano (3)She wen

17、t to the zoo by bus(用 by bike 改为选择疑问句) _ she _ to the zoo by bus _ by bike? 随练随练 1.91.9 补全对话 A: The weather gets warm B: Yes, I like it. _ A: On Saturday or Sunday? B: _ give concerts, dance music, all over Europe, the capital city of, in the eighteenth century A: OK. What are you going to do on Sat

18、urday? B: _ A: Well, are you going to the library? B: No. A: No?_ B: Right. Im going to help clean the park A: I see. Can I join you? B: _ A: thank you. 拓展拓展 1 1 He is my _ brother and he is _ than me. A elder; elder B older; older C elder; older D older; elder 拓展拓展 2 2 The twins are in different cl

19、asses. One is in Class One and _ is in Class Two. A another B other C the other D others 拓展拓展 3 3 -Would you like to try some pizza? -Yes, please. It _ lovely and _ nice. A sounds; sees B hears; turns C looks; smells D sounds; watches AWhats the weather like? BIve got something important to do CLets

20、 go biking this weekend DIts good for us to read EWelcome! FLets go on Sunday GHave you got any new ideas? 能力拓展 拓展拓展 4 4 单词拼写(词汇运用) (1)He is reading a book about _(西方的)history. (2)Here are two _(鼓). What are they for? (3)You are lucky. You can work for these two learning _(中心). (4)Did you hear a big

21、 _(声音)? (5)Look! That man is my _(年长的)brother. 拓展拓展 5 5 填空题 (1)He came back home early _(cook)supper for his son. (2)What about _(play)football after class? (3)Do you like _(Europe)modern music? (4)The Smiths _(be)here in two minutes. (5)We all know a Chinese soldier _(call)Lei Feng. 拓展拓展 6 6 The ro

22、bot can help me sweep the floor. _ smart invention it is! A What B What a C What an D How 拓展拓展 7 7 -What would you like, tea or coffee? -_, thanks. I just prefer a glass of water. A Both B Neither C Either D Each 拓展拓展 8 8 根据中文提示完成句子 1. 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩啊! _ _ beautiful girl she is! 2. 杭州真美啊! _ beautiful H

23、angzhou is! 3. 不仅他,而且他妈妈也是周杰伦的歌迷。 _ _ he, _ _ his mother is a fan of Jay Chou. 4. 巴黎是法国的首都。 Paris is _ _ _ France. 5. 她会弹奏好几首动听的曲子。 She can play _ _ _ of music. 拓展拓展 9 9 完形填空 Do you like music? Do you know about Beethoven, a famous _1_ in the world? He was born in Germany. His father was a singer an

24、d _2_ Beethoven. When Beethoven was only four, his _3_ asked him to learn different musical instruments(乐 器). Beethoven loved music and he _4_ very fast. He got high praise(赞扬)from Mozart, the great musician at that time, _5_ the age of seventeen. At that time, it was difficult to have _6_ happy lif

25、e. Beethoven was hard-working, but it wasnt easy to make much money. One day, he found he couldnt _7_ clearly. But he still went on working and writing music pieces. Some of his best pieces came out _8_ he lost his heating. In 1827, _9_ more than 300 pieces, the great musician died. But people remem

26、ber his name and _10_ today 拓展拓展 1010 阅读理解 Jane went to Scotland(苏格兰)for her holiday. Two days ago, she sent a letter and a postcard to her family. Jane said in her letter. “How are you all? I miss you very much. I visited a lot of places. I went to Edinburgh(爱丁堡)by train. I stayed there for three d

27、ays and then l went to the mountains. I met a lot of young people there and now they are my friends. I also saw many famous lakes. I find that Scotland is more beautiful than(比)England(英格兰). And the restaurant is very nice. Im having a wonderful time here now.” (1)Jane sent _ to her family Aa letter

28、 Ba postcard (1) Aactor Bfarmer Cmusician Ddoctor (2) Astrict with Bbad for Ccareful with Dready for (3) Auncle Bbrother Cmother Dfather (4) Aforgot Blearned Cran Dspoke (5) Afrom Bby Cwith Dat (6) Aan Bthe Ca D不填 (7) Ahear Bsee Csing Dread (8) Abecause Btill Cafter Dso (9) Aleaving Btaking Cturning

29、 Dpaying (10) Amusic Bpoems Cvoice Dmovies Csome presents Da letter and a postcard (2)In her letter Jane said _ Ashe met many young people in the mountains Bshe was in the mountains for three days Cshe went to the mountains three days ago with her mother Dshe went to the mountains by plane (3)Jane s

30、aid that _ Ashe visited many lakes Bshe visited some rivers Cshe didnt visit any lakes DScotland wasnt beautiful (4)Jane thought that _ AEngland was more beautiful than Scotland BScotland was more beautiful than England CEngland was smaller than Scotland DScotland was as beautiful as England (5)From

31、 Janes letter we know that _ Ashe didnt like England Bshe didnt make any friends Cshe enjoyed herself very much Dshe didnt like the trip at all 拓展拓展 1111 写作题 某中学英文杂志推出荐约名人专栏,请你根据下表提示内容,写一篇不少于 60 词的英语短 文向专栏投稿推荐这位钢琴家(pianist)。 2016 年在世界多座城市巡回演出 姓名 李云迪 出生地 中国重庆 出生年月 1982 年 10 月 经历 6 岁学手风琴(accordion) 7

32、岁学钢琴 18 岁参加(take part in)第 14 届肖邦国际钢琴比赛 (14th International Chopin Piano Competition) 2016 年在世界多座城市巡回演出 答案解析答案解析 题模一:题模一:Module12 词汇应用词汇应用 例例 1.1.1 【答案】C 【解析】 考查形容词辨析。根据句意:许多人和车频繁进过,可知这个地方非常吵。A 安 静;B 空旷;C 嘈杂;D 孤独。根据语境,故选 C。 例例 1.1.2 【答案】 1). Pop 2). center 【解析】 考查本课重点核心词汇,根据提示和语境,填出相应单词。 题模二:感叹句和选择疑

33、问句题模二:感叹句和选择疑问句 例例 1.2.1 【答案】C 【解析】 考查感叹句。 对名词speech感叹用what, 排除 A;speech为可数名词,wonderful 前要用a,故选 C。 例例 1.2.2 【答案】 1). coffee or tea Module 12 Western musicModule 12 Western music 题模精选 2). What a 【解析】 考查选择疑问句和感叹句的结构,注意大小写问题。 随练随练 1.1 【答案】A 【解析】 考查名词辨析。根据句意:她常得真好啊!是的,她的嗓音很甜。A 嗓 音;B 声音;C 噪音;D 嘴巴。根据语境,故选

34、 A。 随练随练 1.2 【答案】B 【解析】 考查形容词辨析。 根据句意: 上周她丢了钱包。 她觉得很伤心, 禁不住哭了起来。 A 高兴;B 伤心;C 活灵活现的;D 严重的。根据语境,故选 B。 随练随练 1.3 【答案】 1. opera 2. Both 3. believes 4. modern 5. lively 6. western 7. noisy 8. traditional 【解析】 考查本课重点词汇。根据提示填出对应单词,注意词的正确形式。 随练随练 1.4 随堂练习 【答案】 (1)dance music (2)all over Europe (3)in the eigh

35、teenth century (4)giving conceits (5)the capital city of 【解析】 (1)dance music 为名词短语。句意:他喜欢 20 世纪 80 年代的舞曲。 (2)all over Europe 整个欧洲。句意:我正计划参观整个欧洲。 (3)in the eighteenth century 在十八世纪。句意:这种食物在十八世纪很受欢迎。我们现在 吃不到了。 (4)give concerts 开音乐会。句意:许多学生在看公告栏。谁将在我们学校举行音乐会呢? 因此,用现在进行时表将来。 (5)the capital city of .的首都。

36、句意:在地图上有个红星,或许它是这个国家的首都。 随练随练 1.5 【答案】A 【解析】 考查被动语态。根据句意:你们教室真干净。当然了,每天都要打扫。 主语为it,用被动语态,排除 CD;every day为一般现在时标志,故选 A。 随练随练 1.6 【答案】D 【解析】 考查感叹句。idea为名词,感叹用what a,故选 D。 随练随练 1.7 【答案】C 【解析】 考查选择疑问句。根究句意:你更喜欢咖啡还是茶?请来杯茶。两者择 其一用or,故选 C。 随练随练 1.8 【答案】 (1)What; an; interesting (2)not; only; but; also (3)D

37、id; go; or 【解析】 (1)play 是可数名词单数形式,interesting 以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an,感叹 句为:What an interesting TV play it is ! (2)bothand 可以和 not onlybut also 替换同义句。 (3)选择疑问句的前半部分是一般疑问句,中间用 or 并列两个成分,句子是一般过去时。 随练随练 1.9 【答案】 CFBGE 【解析】 (1)由 On Saturday or Sunday?问是周六还是周天可知上一句应该是对某件事情 的提议,C 意为我们周末一起去骑车吧。 (2)由 OK. What are

38、 you going to do on Saturday?可知上一句应该是选择了周天,因为周六 有事。F 选项意为我们周天走吧。 (3)由 OK. What are you going to do on Saturday?可知下一句应该是对周六要干什么的回 答,B 意为我有重要的事情要做。 (4)由否定的回答可知,提问者想知道不去图书馆还有什么新的安排,G 意为你有什么新想法 吗? (5)由 I see. Can I join you? I see. thank you这样的问答可知,他的到了加入的同意,E 意为欢 迎。 能力拓展 拓展拓展 1 【答案】C 【解析】 考查近义词辨析。根据句意:

39、它是我哥哥,他比我年龄大。elder brother“哥哥” ; older“更老的” ,故选 C。 拓展拓展 2 【答案】B 【解析】 考查不定代词的选择。根据句意:这对双胞胎在不同的班里。一个在一班,另一 个在二班。one the other“一个另一个” ,故选 B。 拓展拓展 3 【答案】C 【解析】 考查动词辨析。 语境是从感官层面来形容披萨很好, 要选系动词。sound听起来; look看起来;smell闻起来,其他都不是系动词,故选 C。 拓展拓展 4 【答案】 (1)western (2)drums (3)centers (4)sound (5)elder 【解析】 (1)we

40、stern:西方的。他在读一本关于西方的历史的书。 (2)drum,鼓。这有两只鼓,他们是用来干什么的?因为数量词为两个,所以用名词复数形式。 (3)中心:center。你很幸运,你可以为这两个学习中心工作。因为数量词是两个,所以用名词 复数。 (4)sound。声音。你有没有听到一个很大的声音?。 (5)年长的:elder。看,那个人是我的大哥。 拓展拓展 5 【答案】 (1)to cook (2)playing (3)European (4)will be (5)called 【解析】 (1)“为了给儿子做晚饭他回家很早。”用动词不定式作后置定语。 (2)What about doing

41、sth?做某事怎么样? (3)句意是:你喜欢欧洲现代音乐吗?根据句意用形容词 European。 (4)in two minutes 两分钟以后,表示将来的时间。 (5)句意是:我们都知道一个叫作雷锋的中国战士。called 叫作,过去分词作后置定语。 拓展拓展 6 【答案】B 【解析】 考查感叹句。invention为名词,对名词感叹用what,排除 D;invention为可数 名词单数,smart前用a,故选 B。 拓展拓展 7 【答案】B 【解析】 考查选择疑问句的回答。根据语境:你要喝茶还是咖啡?都不用了,谢 谢。我只想喝杯白开水。故选 B。 拓展拓展 8 【答案】 1. What

42、a 2. How 3. Not only; but also 4. the capital of 5. several beautiful pieces 【解析】 考查本课中重点表达和祈使句,注意固定搭配,大小写和单复数问题。 拓展拓展 9 【答案】 CADBD CACAA 【解析】 (1)A、actor 演员 B、farmer 农民 C、musician 音乐家 D、doctor 医生由 Do you like music? Do you know about Beethoven, afamous in the world?前一句问是否喜欢音乐, 后一句应该是问是否知道这个音乐家。 (2)A

43、、 strict with 对.严格 B、 bad for 对.不好 C、 careful with 小心 D、 ready for 准备好.His father was a singer and Beethoven,他的爸爸对他很严格。 (3)A、 uncle 叔叔,舅舅 B、 brother 兄弟 C、 mother 妈妈 D、 father 爸爸由 When Beethoven was only four, his asked him to learn different musical instruments(乐器).前一句在讲爸爸 对他的严格,后一句应该是说爸爸从小就让他学乐器。 (

44、4)A、forgot 忘记 B、learned 学习 C、ran 跑 D、spoke 说。 Beethoven loved music and he very fast。前文说学乐器,后文应该是学的非常快。 (5)the age of seventeen.在十七岁的时候。at the age of,在.的年纪,固定搭配。 (6)it was difficult to have happy life.想有一个快乐的生活很难。have a happy life。有一个 快乐的生活。固定搭配。 (7)A、hear 听 B、see 看 C、sing 唱 D、read 读。he found he cou

45、ldnt clearly他发现他 听不清了。因为后接形容词清楚,所以听更符合句意。 (8)A、because 因为 B、till 直到 C、after 之后 D、so 所以。Some of his best pieces came out he lost his heating。当他丧失了热情以后一些最好的作品出版了。after,在.之后,符合 句意。 (9)A、 leaving 离开 B、 taking 带来 C、 turning 转动 D、 paying 支付。 In 1827, more than 300 pieces,the great musician died. 1827 年的时候

46、,伴随着留下了 300 首作品,这个伟大的音乐 家去世了。leaving,留下,现在分词做伴随状语。 (10)A、 music 音乐 B、 poems 诗 C、 voice 声音 D、 movies 电影。 But people remember his name and today但是人们今天仍然记着他的名字和音乐。 拓展拓展 10 【答案】 DAABC 【解析】 短文大意:Jane 去苏格兰度假,两天以后,她给家人寄了一封信和一张明信片,在 信中讲述了她在苏格兰的见闻。 (1)根据文章第一段 Jane went to Scotland(苏格兰)for her holiday. Two da

47、ys ago, she sent a letter and a postcard to her family可知 Jane 寄了一封信和一张明信片给家人。 (2)根据第二段内容 I met a lot of young people there and now they are my friends可知 Jane 在信中写了她在山上遇到了很多年轻人。 (3)根据第二段内容 I also saw many famous lakes可知 Jane 参观了很多湖。 (4)根据第二段内容 I find that Scotland is more beautiful than(比)England(英格兰)可知 Jane 认为苏格兰比英格兰更漂亮。 (5)通读文章,可知 Jane 玩得非常开心。 拓展拓展 11 【答案】 Li Yundi is a great pianist. He was born in October, 1982 in Chongqing, China At the age of six, he started to learn the accordion. And at seven he began to learn the piano. When he was eighteen, he took part in


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