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1、外研社七下期中复习专题词汇训练/完成句子 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 1. There_(be)a pair of gloves on the desk. 2. _(she) favourite subject is science. 3. My mother wants_(buy) some vegetables, but she cant find her wallet. 4. These arent their clothes. _(their) are over there. 5. . Can you help me_(look) after my

2、 baby? 二、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 6. 从现在起我们应该每天做运动。 We should play sports every day _ _ _. 7. 学生们不应该匆忙做作业。 Students shouldnt do their homework _ _ _. 8. 小心你的眼镜, 否则它们会掉在地上。 _ _ _ your glasses, or they may fall onto the ground. 9. 他在寻找什么? What is he _ _? 10. 因为大雨, 数百人失去了他们的房子。 _ _people lost thei

3、r houses because of the heavy rain. 三、从方框中选择单词并用其适当形式填空(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) ball, ride, everybody, club, fast 11. Look! Tim is _ a horse on the farm. 12. There are three _ in our school. 13. He walks _. Why is he in a hurry? 14. How many _ are there in the box? About fifty. 15. _ is getting ready for th

4、e coming match. 四、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 16. 46. 他想在上海学习。 He _ _ to study in Shanghai. 17. 47. 他们会做灯笼, 但仅此而已。 They can make lanterns, but_ _. 18. 48. 不用担心我们的饮食。 Dont _ _ our food and drink. 19. 49. 那个动物不大, 就像一只猫。 That animal isnt big, _ _ a cat. 20. 50. 我们经常在学校帮忙打扫卫生。 We often help _ _ at sch

5、ool. 五、从方框内选择单词并用其适当形式填空(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) silly during collect else something 21. Dont be _. Everything will be fine. 22. Im very hungry now, but there is _ in the fridge. 23. Who _ is going to the zoo with us this Sunday morning? 24. I am going to listen to music at home _ the weekend. 25. . She lik

6、es _ stamps and she has about 200 stamps now. 六 根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 26. 布莱克一家在夏威夷玩得开心。 The Blacks are _ _ in Hawaii. 27. 今天上午你将待在家里吗? Are you going to _ _ _ this morning? 28. 我晚上经常和我的家人一起散步。 I often _ _ _ with my family _ _ _. 29. 这周日我将和妈妈去青岛观光。 I am _ _ in Qingdao with my mother this Sund

7、ay. 30. 我计划今年暑假交一些朋友。 I am going to _ some _ this _ _. 七、根据首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 31. There is going to be a strong _(风)tomorrow afternoon. 32. I hope _(每件事)goes well. 33. Can you help me to c_ water? 34. He n_ much money to buy a new house. 35. The sun r_ in the east(东方)every day. 八、根据所给汉语意

8、思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 36. 我们都坚信中国梦会实现。 We all believe that the China Dream will_ _. 37. 明天他们将乘坐飞机去香港。 They will go to Hong Kong _ _ tomorrow. 38. 因为忙, 他不再打网球了。 He doesnt play tennis _ _ because he is very busy. 39. 明天将有一场大雨。 There will be a _ _ tomorrow. 40. 三天后, 小女孩就能够走路了。 The little girl_ _ _ _ w

9、alk in three days. 九、从方框内选择单词并用其适当形式填空(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) try, market, almost, shopping, biscuit 41. How many _ are there in this street, David? 42. Alice would like to buy some _. 43. People can buy _ everything on the Internet. 44. Lucy likes going _ on weekends. 45. Tony is _ on his favorite scarf.

10、十、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 46. 这支钢笔我花了二十元钱。 I _twenty yuan _ the pen. 47. 汤姆是我的一个朋友。 Tom is _ _ my friends. 48. 这个苹果看起来很新鲜。 The apple _ _. 49. 我认为你应该稍等一会。 I think you should _ a _. 50. 他很忙, 总是把自己比作蜜蜂。 He is busy and always _ himself _ a bee. 十一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 51. Every year many

11、 t come to visit the Great Wall. 52. . Please be careful when you go a the road. 53. Its c today. Lets go and fly a kite. 54. Please t left into Center Street. 55. The building is thirty- six m high. 十二、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 56. 打扰一下, 你来自上海吗? _ _, are you from Shanghai? 57. 为什么不尝尝鱼呢? _ _ try

12、 the fish? 58. 这个城市有两家邮局。 There are two _ _ in this city. 59. 你能告诉我怎样去机场吗? Could you tell me_ _ get to the airport? 60. 你们经过市场时请给我打电话。 Please call me when you_ _ the market. 十三、根据所给汉语意思完成句子(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) 61. 我想试穿一下这件毛衣。 I want to _ _ the sweater. 62. 因为忙我不再打篮球了。 I cant play basketball _ _ because

13、 I am busy. 63. 我也知道答案。 I know the answers _ _ 64. 他外向, 喜欢交朋友。 He is outgoing and enjoys _ _. 65. 他计划课后去散步。 He plans _ _ _ _ after class. 答案 1is 2Her 3to buy 考查want的用法。 want to do sth.意为 “想要做某事” 。 4Theirs 5(to)look 考查 help。 help sb. (to) do sth.意为 “帮助某人做某事” 。 6from now on 7in a hurry 8Be careful wit

14、h 9looking for 1045Hundreds of 11riding 考查 ride。 其意思为 “骑” 。 ride a horse 意为 “骑马” 。 由 Look 可知用现在进行时。 12clubs 句意为 “我们学校有三个俱乐部” 。 观察句子及句意, 可知这里缺名词,club 符合句意,又注意到“three” ,所以应该用复 数。 13fast 句意为“他走得很快。他为什么这么着急”?观察句 子可知, 这里缺少副词修饰动词walks, 再结合 “Why is he in a hurry?” 可知他是走得快,故填 fast。 14balls 句意为“盒子里有多少个球?大约 5

15、0 个” 。 How many 多少,后面接复数名词,结合句意可知填 balls。 15Everybody 句意为 “每个人都在为即将到来的比赛做准备” 。 观察句子可知, 缺少主语, 并且注意到 be 动词为 “is” , 故填 Everybody。 16would like 17thats all 18worry about 19just like 20do cleaning 21silly 22nothing 23else 24during 25collecting 点拨:考查 collect。其意思为“收集”,这里指收 集邮票。由 likes 可知 collect 加- ing。 26

16、enjoying themselves/having fun 27stay at home 28take/have a walk; in the evening 29going sightseeing 30make; friends; summer holiday 31wind 32everything 33carry 点拨:考查 carry。carry water 意为“提水”。 34needs 点拨:考查 need。其意思为“需要”。这里指需要大 量钱。主语 He 为第三人称单数,故 need 加- s。 35rises 点拨:考查 rise。其意思为“升起”。这里指太阳从东 方升起。注意

17、 rise 用第三人称单数形式。 36come true 37by plane 38any more 39heavy rain 点拨:考查 heavy 及 rain。雨大常用 heavy 来修 饰。 40will be able to 41markets 42biscuits 43almost 44shopping 点拨: 考查固定短语。 go shopping 意为 “去购物” 。 45trying 点拨:考查 try on。其意思为“试穿;试戴” 。由句 中的“is”可知用现在进行时。 46pay; for 或 spend; on 47one of 48looks fresh 点拨:考查

18、look 的用法。look 意为“看起来” , 作系动词,后接形容词。由主语 The apple 可知 look 用第三人称单数 形式。 49wait; minute 50compares; to 点拨:考查 compare。compareto意为 “把比作” 。注意 compare 用第三人称单数形式。 51tourists 点拨:考查 tourist。其意思为“游客” 。由 many 可 知用复数形式。 52across 53clear 54turn 55meters 56Excuse me 57Why not 58post offices 59how to 60walk past 61try on 62any more 63as well 64making friends 点拨:考查 enjoy 及 make friends。enjoy 后 接动词的ing 形式;make friends 意为“交朋友” 。 65to take a walk 点拨: 考查 plan 及 take a walk。 plan to do sth. 意为“计划做某事” ;take a walk 意为“散步” 。


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