人教版七年级下册英语Unit 10完成句子专项练习(含答案).doc

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1、Unit 10 根据中文意思,完成句子 1. 他们想要什么种类的面条。 What _ _ noodles _ they like? 2. 我想要一大碗鸡肉卷心菜面。 Id _ a _ _ of _ and _ noodles. 3. -他想和你一起吃饭吗? -是的。 -Does he _ _ have dinner with you? -Yes, he _. 4. 你要多大号的鞋子? _ _ _ would you like? 5. 在过生日的时候人们吃什么? _ would people like to eat _ their birthday? 6. 我不喜欢绿茶,也不喜欢咖啡。 I _

2、like green tea _ coffee. 7. 如果你努力学习,你的梦想就会实现。 If you study hard, you dream will_. 8. 他们班有 40 名学生。 _students in their class is forty. 9. 在你生日那天你必须许愿。 You must_on your birthday. 10. 世界各地的生日食品不同。 Birthday foods_are different. 11. 长寿面条是长寿的象征。 The long noodles are_long life. 12. 你缺钱吗? Are you_ _money? 13

3、. 他想要一小碗羊肉饺子。 _like a small bowl of dumplings_mutton in them a lot. 14. 在生日那天人们通常许个愿,并吹灭蜡烛。 People usually_a wish and_out the candles on the birthday. 15. 那儿的人们怎么样? How_the people there? 16. 那个孩子迷路了,我们帮他找到了他的父母。 That child was_. We helped him_his parents. 17. 一年前在街的拐角处有一家小饭馆。 There_a small restauran

4、t at the_of the street one year ago. 18. 莎拉病了,她呆在家里,哪里也没有去。 Sarah was ill. She_at home. She didnt go_. 19. 该是回家的时候了,但是他找不到他的猫。 It was time_go home. But he_find his cat. 20. 我们玩电脑游戏玩得很高兴。 We had great fun_computer games. 21. 他中午吃了一大碗米饭。 He has_ _ _ _rice for lunch. 22. 红色会给所有中国人带来好运的。 The red colour

5、will_ _ _ _all the Chinese people. 23. 你不能将这支蜡烛吹灭。 You cant_ _the_. 24. 他一口气喝完了那瓶水。 He drinks the bottle of water_ _ _. 25. 你想要哪种面条? _ _ _noodles_ _ _? 26. 我们也有上好的莎拉,还有饮料和绿茶。 We_have_ _, drinks and_. 27. 我想要一个中等的甜点。 Id like a_ _, please. 28. 我不喜欢汉堡包,沙拉和汤。 I dont like_, _ _ _. 29. 你想要订购比萨饼吗?欢迎到比萨饼房来。

6、 _you_ v _a pizza? _to Pizza_. 30. 你穿几码的鞋? _ _shoes_you_? 31. 早餐你想吃什么? _ _you_ _breakfast? 32. 你妹妹长得怎样? _ _your sister_? 33. 她有点瘦,中等高度,金黄色的长发。 She_of medium height, but_ _bit thin, and she_long and blonde hair. 34. 他想要哪种类型的面条? _kind of noodles_he like? 35. 我想要有羊肉和西红柿的饺子。 Id like a bowl of dumplings_

7、mutton and_. 答案 1. kind of, would 2. like, large bowl, chicken, cabbage 3. want to, does 4. What size shoes 5. What, on 6. dont, or 7. come true 8. The number of 9. make a wish 10. around the world 11. a symbol of 12. short for 13. Hed, with 14. make, blow 15. were 16. lost, find 17. was, corner 18.

8、 stayed, anywhere 19. to, couldnt 20. playing 21. a large bowl of 22. bring good luck to 23. blow out candle 24. in one go 25. What kind of, would you like 26. also great, green tea 27. medium dessert 28. hamburgers, salad or soup 29. Would, like to order, Welcome, House 30. What size, do, wear 31. What would, like for 32. What does, look like 33. is, a little, has 34. What, would 35. with, tomatoes


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