(精)2021学年人教版七年级下册英语Unit 9 综合水平测试教师版(含答案和听力音频).zip

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Unit 9综合水平测试综合水平测试 听力部分(20 分) 一、听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。有一张图片多余。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.I want to buy a pair of jeans. 2My best friend Gina has curly hair. 3The man with glasses looks tall. 4Lily looks a little heavy. 5I like him because he is really cool and he is good at playing football. 1F2.C3.E4.B5.D 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Is your sister very tall,Andrew? M:Yes,she is.Shes very tall and thin. (B)6.What does Andrews sister look like? AShes tall and heavy.BShes tall and thin. CShes short and thin. 听力材料:7.W:What does Lucy look like? M:Shes of medium height.And she has long blonde hair. (C)7.What color is Lucys hair? ABlack.BRed.CBlonde. 听力材料:8.M:Alice,do you want to be a singer? W:No,I dont.I want to be an actress. (C)8.What does Alice want to be? AA teacher. BA singer. CAn actress. 听力材料:9.M:Are these pictures Joes or Peters? W:They are not Joes or Peters.They are Davids.David loves drawing peoples faces. (C)9.Who loves drawing peoples faces? AJoe. BPeter. CDavid. 听力材料:10.W:Can you go to the cinema with me tomorrow? M:Sure.Lets meet at a quarter past eight. (B)10.What time will the speakers meet tomorrow? AAt 7:45. BAt 8:15. CAt 8:45. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听第一段长对话,回答第 1112 小题。 听力材料:W:Do you know my new friend? M:What does she look like? W:She has curly hair. M:Is she Mary? W:Yes,she always wears a yellow sweater.She likes yellow very much. (C)11.What does Mary look like? AShes thin. BShe wears a pair of glasses. CShe has curly hair. (A)12.What color does Mary like? AYellow. BRed. CGreen. 听第二段长对话,回答第 1315 小题。 听力材料:M:Do you know we have a new student from America? W:What does he look like? M:He has brown hair and he is of medium build. W:Does he like playing basketball? M:No,he doesnt,but he likes playing chess. W:I think I know who he is.He often plays chess with Joe. M:Yes,thats him.His name is Peter.Sometimes he is a little quiet. W:I really dont know how they can be friends.You know,Joe likes talking. (C)13.Wheres the new student from? AJapan. BCanada. CAmerica. (C)14.What does the new student like? APlaying basketball. BReading books. CPlaying chess. (A)15.What is Joe like? AHe likes talking. BHe is a little quiet. CHe is a little shy. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:My name is Helen.Im an American girl.I have a sister.Her name is Maria and she is sixteen years old.She has a round face and a small nose.Her mouth is small,too.But her eyes are big.Her hair is blonde and it is very beautiful. Maria has a dream.She dreams of being an actress.But my parents want her to be an artist.Can her dream come true? (A)16.Who is Maria? AHelens sister. BHelens friend. CHelens cousin. (B)17.How old is Maria? ASix. BSixteen. CEighteen. (C)18.What does Maria look like? AShe has a long face. BShe has a big nose. CShe has big eyes. (B)19.What color hair does Maria have? ABlack. BBlonde. CBrown. (C)20.What does Maria want to be? AAn artist. BA singer. CAn actress. 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) (D)21.I want to be ________ actor. Well,to be ________ good actor,you must practice a lot. Aa;a Ban;an Ca;an Dan;a (D)22.We see with ________ and speak with ________. Alegs;nose Beyes;nose Clegs;mouth Deyes;mouth (A)23.The police dog finds one shoe of the criminals ________ then brings it to the police. Aand Bbut Cso Dor (C)24.________ does your brother look like? He is fat. AHow BWhy CWhat DWhere (D)25.Do you know the way ________ Hongxing Hotel? Sorry.You can ask the girl ________ glasses about it. Ato;in Bof;with Cof;in Dto;with (C)26.Bill and I are good friends but we often see things ________. Aeasily Bquickly Cdifferently Dusually (D)27.Li Ming ________ very well and his dream is to be a ________ like Li Jian one day. Asinger;sings Bsinger;singer Csings;sings Dsings;singer (B)28.I dont like this brown sweater. OK.Ill show you ________ one. Aother Banother Csome Dany (C)29.Carl is very handsome and he has ________ hair. Ablond straight short Bshort blond straight Cshort straight blond Dblond short straight (B)30.Can you ________ the person to us? Yes.Let me think first. Aput Bdescribe Cwear Dspeak (C)31.Whats the weather like in London? Its sunny,but ________ be rainy later. Ahas to Bmust Cmay Dneed (C)32.My dog Frank is ________ lazy but I still like it very much. Akinds of Ba lot of Ca little Dtoo many (A)33.Is Gina with you,Emma? No.She goes back to the classroom ________ her English book. Ato get Bgetting Cget Dgets (D)34.Is your father tall or short? ________. AYes,he is BHe is thin CNo,he isnt DHe is tall (C)35.So,lets meet in the dining hall at 5:00 pm. tomorrow. OK.________. AIm not sure BHave a good time CSee you tomorrow then DIm really sorry about it 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Mr. and Mrs. Jones never go out in the evening.But today,Mr. Jones behaves (表现) __36__He says to Mrs. Jones, “The great __37__ Morgan Freemans movie is on tonight.I know you like him.Lets go to the __38__ to see it.”Mrs. Jones is really happy,so they drive there.They __39__ the movie very much. When the movie comes to an end,it is about 11 oclock.__40__ get into the car and begin their __41__ home,Mrs. Jones says, “Look!A __42__ man,over 1.8m in height,is running after a woman along the street.” Mr. Jones says, “Yes,I see.She __43__ be in danger.But I am not sure.”Mr. Jones drives the car slowly (慢慢地) __44__ the woman and says to her, “Can I help you?” “No,thanks, ”says the woman.“My husband (丈夫) and I always __45__ home after watching a movie.The person who gets home late must do the dishes.” (C)36.A.easily Busually Cdifferently Dquickly (B)37.A.actress Bactor Cmusician Dsinger (A)38.A.cinema Bhospital Crestaurant Dhotel (B)39.A.put Benjoy Crelax Dvisit (D)40.A.We BHe CShe DThey (A)41.A.way Broad Cstreet Dboat (B)42.A.short Btall Cthin Dlittle (C)43.A.must Bmustnt Cmay Dneednt (B)44.A.around Bnear Cbehind Dacross (D)45.A.walk Bride Cdrive Drun 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 20 分) A Hello!I am Gina.I am 11.I am a little short and thin.I have long straight black hair.I have a sister Kate.She is two years older than (比大) me.She is tall and beautiful. Good morning!My name is Bill.I am 12.I am not tall or short.I have short black hair.I have a friend Mike.He is handsome with short brown hair.He does well in cooking.Come and play with us. Hi,my friends!I am Peter.I am 14.My hair is long and curly.I am short and thin without (没有) glasses.I want to grow tall,so I often play basketball.Jack is my twin (双胞胎) brother.We look the same.Now do you know what he looks like? (C)46.How old is Kate? A11. B12. C13. D14. (C)47.From the passage,we can know Bill ________. Ahas short brown hair Bis handsome Cis of medium height Dis good at cooking (A)48.The underlined word “grow” means “________” in Chinese. A生长 B种植 C成熟 D发展 (D)49.What does Jack look like? A B C D (D)50.From the passage,we can know that ________. AKate is a tall and thin girl BMikes hair is short and black CPeter often plays volleyball DJack is fourteen years old B My name is Sofia.Im fifteen years old.Im in the ninth grade at Wheeler High School in New York.There are five people in my family:my father,my mother,my brother,my sister and I. My fathers name is Juan.He has short black hair.He works at the police station.My mothers name is Rose.She has long blonde hair.Shes a teacher.My brother,Jim,is nineteen years old.He has short black hair,like my father.Hes very thin.My sisters name is Linda.Shes sixteen years old.She has beautiful long black hair.Her clothes are always cool.As for me,I have short brown hair and blue eyes.And I wear glasses. My best friend at school is Barbara.We love basketball.Were on the girls basketball team (队).We dont play well but we really enjoy it. (B)51.How old is Sofia? A13. B15. C16. D19. (D)52.Where does Juan work? AIn the bank. BAt school. CIn the post office. DAt the police station. (B)53.What does Jim look like? AHes short. BHes thin. CHe wears glasses. DHe has brown hair. (C)54.Who wears cool clothes? ASofia. BJim. CLinda. DBarbara. (D)55.What can we know from the passage? AJims eyes are blue. BRoses hair is short. CBarbara and Sofia are sisters. DSofia likes playing basketball. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。每空一词。 56My dream is to be a(n) artist (艺术家). 57That house is round (圆形的),just like a big ball. 58My brother cant come tonight (今晚).He is very busy these days. 59Mom,are those real (真正的) pandas? Yes,they are. 60Lin Tao is a kind person (人) and he always helps others. B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 put,each,way,cinema,later 61I want to go to the cinema to see a new movie tomorrow. 62There are two ways to go to the new park. 63You dont have to do it now.You can do it later 64Therere three dictionaries for you and each of them is very important. 65The girl always puts the newspaper on the table because her father likes to read newspapers every morning. 九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 66我的妹妹中等身高。 My sister is of medium height 67最后,莉莉去了图书馆。 In the end,Lily went to the library. 68首先,你必须遵守学校的规定。 First of all,you have to follow the school rules. 69你可以用同样的方法完成这些工作。 You can finish the work in the same way 70老师让我画出我梦想中的房子。 The teacher asks me to draw a picture of my dream house. 十、从下面方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。其中有两项为多余项。(每小题 2 分,共 计 10 分) A:I hear that you have a new friend. B:Yes.71.__B__ A:What does she look like? B:72.__A__ A:Is she tall? B:Yes.Shes tall and thin. A:Does she often wear glasses? B:73.__D__ And she can speak a little Chinese. A:74.__C__ She often wears a yellow sweater and blue pants. B:75.__E__ Shes Betty. AShe has long curly blonde hair. BShes from America. COh,I think I know her. DYes,she does. EYes,thats her. FIs she heavy or thin? GWhats her name? 十一、还原型阅读。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) My name is Zhang Feng.Im a middle school student.76.__E__ His name is John Smith.He is an American boy.He comes from New York.77.__B__ He is tall with small blue eyes and short curly hair.He usually wears glasses in class,because he is nearsighted (近视的). 78__C__ We often go home together (一起) after school.On the way home,we talk about a lot of things.He tells me he has a sister.Her name is Anna.She is also a student.79.__A__ When she is free,she often goes to the library. John loves music very much and he practices singing every day.80.__D__ Right!He wants to be a musician. 根据短文内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通 顺、内容完整。 AShe likes reading. BHe is of medium build. CJohn and I live on the same street. DDo you know what his dream is? EI make a new friend at school this term. 十二、书面表达。(共计 15 分) 英语课上,老师要求每个学生介绍一位自己的好朋友。你想要介绍你新认识的朋友 Laura。请你根据下表信息,写一份介绍 Laura 的发言稿。 姓名Laura年龄14 国籍澳大利亚学校No. 1 Middle School 外貌 金色长卷发、中等身 高、很瘦 爱好 喜欢穿蓝色衣服、喜 欢读书和讲故事 要求:1.语言流畅,符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 260 词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 Hello,everyone!Im very happy to make friends with a girl from Australia.Her_name_is_Laura_and_shes_a_cute_and_friendly_girl_with_long_curly_blonde_hair.T he_fourteenyearold_girl_is_of_medium_height_and_very_thin.She_likes_wearing_blue_clothes ,because_blue_is_her_favorite_color_and_she_really_looks_beautiful_in_blue.Now_Laura_is_s tudying_in_No._1_Middle_School_and_she_studies_very_hard.In_her_free_time,she_enjoys_re ading_and_telling_stories.All_in_all,Laura_is_a_really_nice_girl. Thats all.Thank you.
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