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外研版英语九年级下期末综合检测试卷外研版英语九年级下期末综合检测试卷 2 第一部分第一部分 听力听力(20 分) .听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,对话读两遍。 .听对话和问题,选择正确答案,对话及问题读两遍。 6. A. In No. 62 street. B. Across from the zoo. C. Next to the zoo. 7. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes,it is. C. Ive no idea. 8. A. Noisy music. B. Gentle music. C. Both A and B. 9. A. Fifteen. B. Five. C. Fifty. 10. A. In the classroom. B. At school. C. At home. . 听对话,选出正确答案,对话读两遍。 11. Its ______ today. A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy 12. Now it is not _____ yet. A. winter B. spring C. summer 13. Its the ______ time that the boy has seen so much snow. A. first B. second C. third 14. The boy comes from ______. A. the north B. the south C. the west 15. They will ______. A. watch TV B. make a snow C. go skiing .听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。 16. What will these people do today? A. Go hiking. B. Play some games. C. Do some outdoor activities. 17. How long will they spend on the bus? A. About one hour. B. About two hours. C. About three hours. 18. Where will they get on the bus? A. In the car park. B. At the bus stop. C. At the school gate. 19. What will happen if they forget to bring the tickets for lunch? A. They will not get any lunch. B. The can still get some lunch. C. They will have to ask their friends for help. 20. How soon will they leave? A. In ten minutes. B. In twenty minutes. C. In half an hour. 第二部分第二部分 笔试(笔试(100 分)分) .单项选择(15 分) 1. Most boys in our class like playing ______ soccer. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. Look at the shoes. They are in different ______: red, black and blue. A. sizes B. colors C. prices D. styles 3. Dont worry about me, Mum. I can look after ______. A. I B. me C. mine D. myself 4. Im interested ______ running. I can run a kilometer in three minutes. A. in B. for C. with D. about 5. -Alan, come here. I need your help. -Sorry, Dad. I ______ the dishes now. A. do B. did C. am doing D. was doing - 6. -Is that Mr. Li under the tree? -No, it ______ be him. Hes in the office now. A. cant B. mustnt C. might D. must 7. -Well have a basketball game tomorrow. -______. A. Good luck B. Well done C. Never mind D. Nothing much 8. Of all the girls, Lisa danced ______. She won the first prize. A. good B. well C. best D. better 9. You should ______ smoking. Its bad for your health. A. get up B. put up C. give up D. look up 10. She often gives money to the charity ______ she isnt rich. A. since B. unless C. because D. although 11. -______ does your sister look like? -She is tall with long hair. A. Who B. What C. Which D. How 12. What a lovely dress! It ______ by my sister. A. makes B. made C. was made D. is making 13. -Could you tell me ______?- -By telling them some funny stories. A. when I can visit the children B. why the children are not happy C. where the children want to go D. how I can cheer up the sick children 14. The plane ______ when we got to the airport. A. had taken off B. was taken off C. will take off D. is taking off 15. -David, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _____? - He is a doctor. A. Who is he B. who he is C. what is he D. what he is .完形填空(15 分) I am amazed by American supermarkets. Three years ago, when I first visited the US, I was very 1 by the vast size of American supermarkets. I had never seen 2 a large number of products. I didnt 3 how quickly time passed as I watched everything because it was so 4 . I like shopping, but that is not the reason why I enjoy going to the supermarkets in the US. The reason is 5 I think I can understand a little more about American 6 by watching the people. 7 I can see what they like and dont like. It is really 8 to watch what they are buying and what they are choosing. I can 9 what kinds of foreign foods they like and see what cultures they have accepted 10 the food that they choose. I see that Americans have a lot of different choices in their supermarkets 11 they can always choose the best. It seems thats 12 companies are always making new things and trying to 13 the quality. I also guess that there are so many kinds of people living in America and their 14 are very varied. I think this may be 15 in many aspects of American life. Anyway, I think the supermarket is one of the best places for me to begin to understand America. 1. A. interested B. happy C. bored D. surprised 2. A. so B. very C. such D. much 3. A. think B. learn C. realize D. suppose 4. A. boring B. interesting C. moving D. changing 5. A. that B. who C. whose D. which 6. A. people B. traditions C. culture D. way 7. A. To this way B. By this mean C. By the way D. In this way 8. A. interesting B. relaxing C. exciting D. amazing 9. A. think about B. learn about C. care about D. walk about 10. A. from B. by C. as D. for 11. A. even though B. ever since C. so that D. such as 12. A. what B. how C. where D. why 13. A. develop B. improve C. grow D. decrease 14. A. thought B. positions C. tastes D. interests 15. A. true B. real C. right D. usual .阅读理解(30 分) A The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of June, 2011.Now the journey can take about five hours. The train can reach the speed of up to 380 kilometers an hour. The passenger volume (容量) can reach 160 million a year, marking a great step in Chinas Railway development. Going to Disneyland is a dream vacation for kids. You may have been to the Disney-land in Hong Kong Or in other places. Soon you will be able to enjoy a Disney Park in Shanghai. Shanghai Disneyland started building on April 8, 2011. There will be many Chinese characters in Shanghai Disneyland, It is different from the Others. There is a 10-kilometer-long river. It goes around the whole park. Shanghai Disneyland will cost 24. 4 billion yuan to build. It will open in five years. In order to keep the road safe, European Commission (欧盟) says that buses and taxis can be fitted (安装) with black boxes. The black boxes can help police to find what happened after an accident. Some robots will soon be used to carry medical rubbish, pass, food and give out medicine at a UK hospital. The newest technology(技术) is already in hospitals in Japan, the US and France. A village in eastern Germany doesnt have enough money to repair the holes in the road. So they sell the holes to the people in the village. Each hole is $ 68. The government will repair them with the money and put a message on top of each hole to remember the buyers. Its a funny idea. Most buyers just want to do some good things to the society. However, some TV stations and newspapers buy some holes just to make more money from 1. The Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway was put into operation at the end of __, 2011. A. June B. July C. August D. September 2. Which of the following is TRUE to Shanghai Disneyland? A. A 10-kilometer-long river goes in the middle of the park. B. There will be many Chinese characters. C. It is the same as the others. D. It opened 5 years ago. 3. In order to keep the road safe, European Commission wants to ______. A. make buses and taxis go slowly B. fit buses and taxis with black hones C. make the police find out what happened D. find out what black boxes can do 4. The robots will ______ in a UK hospital. A. carry medical rubbish B. give out newspapers C. cook dinner D. water flowers 5. TV stations and newspapers buy the holes because ______. A. the roads have been broken badly B. they want to have their own holes C. they want to make more money D. the government doesnt have enough money B Rock climbing(攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun. If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people dont know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志). To climb successfully, one must use wonderful skills(技能). One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing(推) you up, the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb. Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, youll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem-solving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape (体形), rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby. 6. When did rock climbing become a sport? A. In 1900. B. Early in the 1900s. C. In the middle of the 1900s. D. Late in the 1900s. 7. The chess players may like rock climbing because ______. A. theyd like to get into beautiful shape B. it is more interesting than chess playing C. it is like chess playing in the way of thinking D. they really like to do sports 8. What can we learn from the passage? A. Rock climbing is a kind of indoor and outdoor activity. B. Rock climbing is a very easy sport. C. When you climb, your arms push you up. D. The closer you are to the rock face, the more difficult it is to climb. 9. Who should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby? A. People who enjoy indoor activities. B. People who enjoy music. C. People who enjoy a difficult game and love the outdoors. D. People who love dancing. 10. What does rock climbing depend on? A. It depends on your brain. B. It depends on your hobby. C. It depends on your interests. D. It depends on your body and mind. C We use our smart phones to carry out many tasks every day. Many of us have become so reliant on them. However, it is bad for our eyes and health to use too much phone. A study shows that smart phone owners usually start to use their phones early in the morning. They check personal emails and wechat. And before they get out of bed, many people often check the weather, read the news, and send a message or two to friends. After getting up, they often take photos of food, themselves, and even whatever they can see with their phones. They share their photos with their friends. The research finds that users pick up their phone more than 1,500 times to do different tasks in an average (通常的) week. And the smart phone users are on their phone for three hours and sixteen minutes a day. That is to say, people use their phones for almost one full day each week. Using phones will take much time and its also bad for our health. Many people stay up late to play phones. And mobile phones will influence our sleep. Without using the phones, many people will feel sad. Many owners also find they use their phones without realizing theyre doing so. How do you think people use their phones too much? 11.The underlined (划线的) word “reliant” means “______” in Chinese. A. 依赖的 B.讨厌的 C. 喜欢的 D. 感兴趣的 12.Before getting up, many people use their phones to do tasks, not including ______. A. checking the weather B. sending messages C. reading the news D. taking photos 13.How long do people use their phones a week? A. Almost three hours and sixteen minutes. B. Almost six hours and thirty-two minutes. C. Almost twenty-four hours. D. Almost thirty-six hours. 14. Many people ______ without using their phones. A. will stay up B. will feel sad C. cant do work D. cant live 15.Where can we probably read this text? A. In a newspaper. B. In a travel magazine. C. In a story book. D. In a history book. .阅读表达(10 分) My friend Peter was kind and lovely. But as a student, he was bad at math, English and science because he didnt have an aptitude (资质) for that kind of study. One day we were playing football and the ball got stuck in a tree. Peter climbed the tree to get it, and one of the teachers, John Marston who was looking out of the window, noticed that he was a talented climber. Mr. Marston was an expert (专家)in climbing. He had climbed many mountains. One weekend Mr. Marston invited Peter to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Peter really enjoyed the climbing. Mr. Marston told Peter he was a very talented climber for his age. Peter left school three years later with no qualifications (毕业证),but he kept climbing regularly until he became very good at it. In his early twenties, he became a professional climber. He said, “Ill always remember Mr. Marston because he showed me I had an ability which no one else, including me, knew about. 1. Which subject was Peter not good at? ______________________________ 2. When did Peter and Mr. Marston climb Mount Kilimanjaro? ______________________________ 3. How did Peter feel about the climbing? _______________________________ 4. What did Mr. Marston say about Peter? _______________________________ 5. Did Peter know he had an ability to climb at first? _______________________________ .用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每个单词仅限一次) Chinese , what, student, from ,bad, solve, receive, kind, how , one As China is becoming better and better, many foreign students come to China learning something to build their own countries. 25-year-old Monthero is one of them. Monthero comes 1. ___ Benin in West Africa. He is studying 2. ___ at Beijing Language and Culture University. “I thank Chinese 3. ___ a lot since they would help me practice Chinese whenever I asked them,” Monthero said. He added that his Chinese teachers were also very 4. ___ . He wanted to learn more than just the language. He also wanted to study Chinese technology so that he could help 5. ___ water problems back home in Cotonou. “To learn 6. ___ to deal with water pollution is my goal,” he said, “China is developing quickly in technology and science.” According to Monthero, water in Cotonou and many other African cities is 7. ___ polluted. Montheros love for China grew after the Beijing Olympic Games. He 8. ___ a ticket from a friend and went to watch a wrestling match. “It was my 9. ___ time to China,” he said. “I felt so good and I wanted to learn in China.” Like Monthero, many other students from different countries also want to study hard and then return to their countries to build them better with 10. ___ they have learned in China. .根据汉语提示完成句子(5 分) 1. Go ______ (穿过) the bridge and you can see the post office. 2. The government will ______ (提供) the homeless people with all kinds of help. 3. Please dont make any ______ (噪音) when you are reading in the library. You should keep as quiet as possible. 4. -What happened? -There are ______ (数以百计的) people crowding round there. 5. Mr. Wang had a bad cold yesterday, so Miss Yang took the Chinese class ______ (代替) him. .书面表达(10 分) 在和谐社会里,人与人之间的互帮互助已构成我们生活中的重要组成部分。下周英国友好学校将来你 校访问,你校英语俱乐部将举行一次以“Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful”为主题 的英语演讲比赛。假如李智要参加演讲比赛,请你以“李智”的名义用英语写一篇讲稿。内容要点 提示: 1、 帮助同学-友谊; 2、 帮助老人-幸福; 3、 帮助病人-快乐; 4、 帮助别人体会 要求: 1、 词数:80 词左右。正文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2、 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful Hello, everyone. Im Li Zhi. Its nice to speak about help here. ___________________
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