
上传人(卖家):四川天地人教育 文档编号:1195535 上传时间:2021-03-21 格式:DOCX 页数:8 大小:229.87KB
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1、第 13 讲 疑问句 一般疑问句一般疑问句 定义:用是否来回答的问句 一般以 be 动词,情态动词,助动词开头的句子 句式改写时 1 找句中是否有 be 动词,如果有直接提前 2 没有 be 动词,找情态动词, 直接提前 3 无 be 无情 借助于助动词 单三 does 过去 did 其他都 do 助动词后面要用动 词原形。 4 注意人称的变化 我和你 I am a teacher. Are you a teacher? 句末加上问号 He is a good student at school. Is he a good student at school. She will go to T

2、hailand this summer vocation with her family. Will she go to Thailand this summer vocation with her family? My father goes to work at 7 every morning. Does your father goes to work at 7 every morning? 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 1.有特殊疑问词引导的特殊疑问句 以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫做特殊疑问句。常用的特殊疑问词有 what,who,where,whose,which,when,

3、how 等。 如果特殊疑问词作句子的主语或主语的定语,特殊疑问句使用陈述语序: 疑问词(+名词)+谓语动词+其他成分。 Who teaches you English? Whose bicycle is red? 如果特殊疑问词作句子的其他成分,特殊疑问句使用疑问语序: 疑问词+ 一般疑问句。 Whatdoes she like? Where do you live? 2 特殊疑问词的具体含义 What 用来对事物提问: What do they learn in the class? What do you do after school? What does she eat at brea

4、kfast? What 引导的特殊疑问句 :What(什么) what time(什么时候) what day(星期几) what color(什么颜色) How 用来询问方式 How 引导的特殊疑问句:how(怎么样) how old(几岁) how often (频率,多久一次) how long (时间,距离多长) how many(多少)how much(多少) who 用来对人提问: Who is your teacher? Who does she visit in the summer? Who tells you the news? when 用来对时间提问: When do

5、you get up every day? where 用来对地点提问: Where do they have holidays? Where are my friends? Whose 用来询问是属于谁的: Whose sweater is this? Whose bicycle does he fix? Which 用来询问哪一个(人或物) : There are four books here. Which is yours? 注意 what 用于泛泛的提问, which 用于对谈话双方已确定的某个范围内的事物提问。试 比较: What color do you like? Which

6、color do you prefer,red or blue? 1 理解一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的区别和联系 2 由陈述句变成一般疑问句的方法要熟练 3 在特殊疑问句中能选出准确的特殊疑问词 一就划线部分提问 1. We have music on Wednesday(提问). ? 2. He likes history because its interesting (提问). ? 3. Miss Green is our math teacher.(提问) ? 4 My friends favorite sport is swimming. (提问) ? 二单选 ( ) 1. do you

7、 have math? On Tuesday. A. What B. Who C. Why D. When ( ) 2. does she likemusic?Because its relaxing. How; listening B. What; listen C. Why; listeningD. Why; listening to ( )es after Saturday. A. Sunday B. Friday C. Thursday D. Tuesday ( )4. do you have history? On Tuesday. A. What B. Who C. Why D.

8、When ( )5Why do you like music?. A. We dont like music. B. We like music a lot. C. Because its relaxing. D. Because its boring. 答案答案 1. When do you have music? 2. Why does he like history? 3. Who is our math teacher? 4.What is your friends favorite sport? 单选: D D A D C 解析解析 一一 殊疑问句的变法: 口诀:一选(选择疑问词)二

9、变(变成一般疑问句)三去(去掉划线部分)四照抄(其 余不变) 第一步: 选择好特殊疑问词:根据划线部分选择好疑问词 如:Im going to the zoo.-特殊疑问词:where 第二步:把所给句子变为一般疑问句: 如:Im going to the zoo. - 一般疑问句:are you going to the zoo? 第三步:加上疑问词,去掉划线部分:Where are you going to? 第四步:其余部分不变,加问号,并照抄。Where are you going to? 1 划线部分为时间,特殊疑问词选用 when; 把原来的句子变成一般疑问句 do we have

10、 music on Wednesday? 注意人称我和你 do you have music on Wednesday?; 加上特殊疑问词 when 去掉划线部分 故答案为 When do you have music? 2.划线部分为原因,特殊疑问词选用 why; 把原来的句子变成一般疑问句 ;加上特殊 疑问词 why 去掉划线部分 Why does he like history? 3. 划线部分为人,特殊疑问词选用 who; 把原来的句子变成一般疑问句 Who is our math teacher? 4.划线部分为事物,特殊疑问词选用 what; 把原来的句子变成一般疑问句 What

11、is your friends favorite sport? 二单项选择 1 回答为时间 所以选 when 2 回答为原因 所以选 why listen 为不及物动词,加宾语时要加 to 3 周日来与周六之后, 能准确认读 7 天的单词 4 回答为时间 所以选 when 5 回答 why 要用 because,句中说为什么喜欢,根据聚义应为褒义词故选 C A A 一.用 what, who, when, where, wh 或其他相关短语填空 1.-is your favorite subject?-Music. 2.-do you have music today?-At eleven o

12、clock. 3.-is that man over there?-Thats my brother. 4.-do you like koala bears?-Because they are cute. 5.-do you have P.E.?-On Tuesday. 6.-do you work?-In a school. 二.对划线部分提问 1. I usually go to school at ten. 2. My favorite color is red. B B 三单项选择。 ( ) 1. What _ the weather be like tomorrow? A. will

13、 B. is C. be D. are ( ) 2. _ open the window? A. Will you please B. Please will you C. You please D. Do you ( ) 3. The train _ at 11. A. going to arrive B. will be arrive C. is going to D. is arriving ( ) 4.There_a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. A. was B. is going to have C. will have D.

14、is going to be ( ) 5.Mother_me a nice present on my next birthday. A. will gives B. will give C. gives D. give C C 四 按要求转化句式 1. People in the north will go skating in winter next winter. 改为否定句 _ 2. She is going to be a conductor of a train soon. 否定句: _ 3. He will come back late in two days. 改为一般疑问句

15、_ 答案答案 一一 what when who why when where 二 1 When do you usually go to school? 2. What is your favorite color? 三 A A D D B 四 1 People in the north will not( wont) go skating in winter next winter. 2 2 She is not (isnt) going to be a conductor of a train soon. 3 Will he come back late in two days? 一 选择

16、正确的特殊疑问词填空: what, what time, what day, what color, how, how old, how many, how much 例如: Whose lunchbox is this? 1. _ is her name? 2. _ do you go to school, by bicycle or by bus? 3. _ do you go to bed? I go to bed at 9:00. 4. _ chairs are there in the classroom? 5. _ is your mother? Shes 36. 6. _ is

17、tomorrow? Its Monday. 7. _ is the shirt? Its 25 dollars. 8. _ is she going? Shes good. 9. _ can give me a hand? 10. _is your favorite color? 11. I will study hard next term. 否定句: _ 12. She is going to speak English at the meeting tomorrow. 一般疑问句: _ 答案:答案: 1 What 2 How 3 What time 4 How many 5 How ol

18、d 6 What day 7 How much 8 How 9 Who 10 What 11 I will not (wont) study hard next term. 12 Is she going to speak English at the meeting tomorrow? 一根据句意完成句子: 例如: When do you go to bed? I go to bed at 9:00. 1. _ do you want to see? I want to see the dolphins. 2. _ do you spell January? 3. _ did you do

19、yesterday? I did my homework. 4. _ would you like? Id like a bowl of noodles. 5. _ is the football match? Its half past eight. 6._ can give me a hand? 7._is your favorite color? 二 按要求改写句子 1.She lives in a small town near New York.(改为一般疑问句) 2.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句) 3.We have four lessons.(改为否

20、定句) 4.Nancy doesnt run fast (改为肯定句) 5.Mike has two letters for him. 一般疑问句: 否定 句: 6.I usually play football on Friday afternoon. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 划线提问 7.Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 划线提问: 8.Mingming usually waters the flowers every day. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 9.Tom does his homework a

21、t home. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 三三用所给的人称改写句子 1.I take photos on Sunday. ( Mike) 2.We grow beautiful flowers. (she) 3.They like collecting stamps. (Ben) 4.I listen to music carefully. (my aunt) 5.You like making a model ship. (Helen) 6.We clean the classroom every day. (he) 7.They look after the pandas. (Mr Wang

22、) 8.I draw a tree and some flowers. (Nancy) 9.We go to bed at eight. ( my sister) 10.I read newspapers in the evening. (Mr Green) 四 写作 你的好朋友 Sally 在美国,她将迎来暑假,你想知道她的暑假安排,他假期要去哪儿,去 做什么,和谁,多长时间,怎么去等等,请你给她写一封信,字数 50 词左右。 Dear Sally, How are you those days? Yours Marry 答案答案 一 1 what 2 How 3 What 4 What 5

23、 What time 6 Who 7 What 二 1. Does she live in a small town near New York? 2. Do you watch TV every day? 3.We dont have four lessons. 4.Nancy runs fast. 5.Does Mike have two letters for him? Mike doesnt have two letters for him. 6.I usually play football on Friday afternoon. 否定句:I dont usually play f

24、ootball on Friday afternoon. 一般疑问句:Do you usually play football on Friday afternoon? 划线提问:What do you usually doon Friday afternoon? 7.Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday. 否定句:Su Yang doesnt usually wash any clothes on Saturday. 一般疑问句:Does Su Yang usually wash any clothes on Saturday? 划线

25、提问:What does Su Yang usually do on Saturday? 8.Mingming usually waters the flowers every day. 否定句:Mingming doesnt usually waterthe flowersevery day. 一般疑问句:Does Mingming usually water the flowers every day? 9.Tom does his homework at home. 否定句:Tom doesntdo his homeworkat home. 一般疑问句:Does Tom do his h

26、omework at home? 三 1.Mike takes photos on Sunday. 2.She grows beautiful flowers. 3.Ben likes collecting stamps. 4.My aunt listens to music carefully. 5.Helen likes making a model ship. 6.He cleans the classroom every day. 7.Mr Wang looks after the pandas. 8.Nancy draws a tree and some flowers. 9.My sister goes to bed at eight. 10.Mr Green reads newspapers in the evening. 四写作略


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