(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修第三册unit1-unit5 单词拓展及练习(共35张PPT).pptx

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1、人教版高中英语新教材 必修三词汇拓展 unit1unit1 1.congratulate v.祝贺祝贺congratulation n.祝贺祝贺 向某人祝贺某事向某人祝贺某事 congratulate sb. on doing sth =send /offer congratulations to sb. on sth. eg.祝贺你通过考试祝贺你通过考试 congratulate you on passing exams =send/offer congratulations to you on passing exams 2.origin n.起源起源original adj.原创的原创的

2、 3.gratitude n.感激感激grateful adj.感激的感激的gratefully adv.感激地感激地 4decorate v.装饰装饰decoration n.装饰装饰 5.significant adj.有重大意义的有重大意义的significance n.重要性重要性significantly adv.重要地,显著地重要地,显著地 6.reflect v.显示,反应显示,反应reflection n.反射,反思反射,反思 reflect on sth 反思反思/思考某事思考某事 7.belief n.信仰信仰believe v.相信相信believable adj.值得信

3、赖的值得信赖的 unbelievable adj.难以置信的难以置信的 8.faith n.信仰,信任信仰,信任.faithful adj.忠实的忠实的faithfully adv.忠实地忠实地 have faith in sb./sth对对.有信心有信心 9.occasion n.机会机会 occasional adj.偶尔的偶尔的occasionally adv.偶尔偶尔 地地 10.grace n.高雅高雅graceful adj.优雅的优雅的 11.absolute adj.绝对的绝对的absolutely adv.绝对地绝对地 12brief adj.简洁的简洁的briefly ad

4、v.简洁地简洁地 in brief = to be brief 简而言之简而言之 13.respect v./n.尊重尊重respectful adj.礼貌的礼貌的 respectable adj.值值 得尊重的得尊重的respective adj.各自的,分别的各自的,分别的 with respect 尊重地尊重地 out of respect出于尊重出于尊重 14.horrible adj.令人震惊的令人震惊的horror n.惊恐惊恐 .单词拼写 1I want to take this occasion(机会) to thank you. 2She showed a touching

5、faith(信任) in my ability to resolve any and every difficulty. 3The condition of the house is reflected(反映) in its low price. 4All the local media(媒体) reported the event across the country. 5I work for a commercial(商业的) radio station. 6There are three churches(教堂) in this town. 7Decorate(装饰) the cake

6、with berries and whipped cream. 8One of the islands chief features(特色) was its beauty. 9Id be very grateful(感谢的) if you could let me know as soon as possible. 10Our knowledge about agriculture(农业) has so far been exclusively confined to books. .单句语法填空 1In common with other officers I had to undertak

7、e guard duties. 2This sort of thing is usual on occasions(occasion) like this. 3Her writings ranged from poems,prose to short stories. 4Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures(figure) 5A wedding is a joyful(joy) celebration of love. 6Harvesting(harvest) g

8、rain in the 19th century required plenty of horsepower and manpower. 7Some of the food crops(crop) failed.However,the cotton did quite well. 8We watched the harbour and then the coastline faded away into the morning mist. 9The media,meanwhile,has blown hot and cold on the affair. UNIT2UNIT2 1. faint

9、 v.昏倒fainted adj.昏倒的 2.illustrate v.解释,说明illustration n.插图illustrative adj.解 释的 3.precious adj.宝贵的preciousness n.宝贵,可贵 4.marry v.嫁娶marriage n.婚姻married adj. 已婚的 5.major adj.主要的 v. 主修majority n.大多数 minor adj.少数的minority n.少数,少数民族 the majority of 大多数 the minority of少数 plain v.抱怨complaint n. 抱怨 7.schol

10、ar n.学者scholarship n.奖学金 8.appoint v.任命,委派appointment n.约会,任命 at the appointed time在约定的时间 9.tend n.照顾tendency n.趋势 10.retire v.退休retired adj.退休的retirement n.退休 retire from.从.退休 11.scare v.惊吓scaring adj.令人害怕的scared adj.害 怕的 be scared of doing sth.害怕做某事 be scared to death吓死 12.sharp adj.锋利的sharpen v.使

11、锋利sharpener n.卷 笔刀 13.energetic adj.精力充沛的engergy n.精力 14.replace v.接替,取代replacement n.取代 15.operate v.操作,经营operation n.经营operator n. 经营者 16.assist v.援助assistance n.援助,协助assistant n.助 理,助手 17.harm n.伤害harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无 害的 18.flexible adj.灵活的flexibility n.灵活性 flexibly adv.灵活地 语法填空之派生词语法填空

12、之派生词 1The most energetic(energy) and significant festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring. 2If you cannot accept our suggestion,we will return the goods for replacement(replace) 3I was so scared(scare) that I could hardly think clearly after that. 4If I

13、am lucky enough to win the election(elect),the first thing I will do is to enrich our students afterclass activities. 5The majority(major) of young people in the city take subway to work every day. 6The product was developed in response(respond) to customer demand in the company. 7He couldnt stand t

14、he painful feelings of rejection(reject) by his girlfriend.So he went abroad to have a holiday. 8She made an appointment(appoint) for her son to see the doctor. 9Id like to make a complaint(complain) about the noise from the upstairs. 10A good marriage(marry) is beneficial to their children. 单词拼写:根据

15、汉语提示写出下列单词。 1What will you do if you find someone fainted(昏倒的) on the street? 2The author wanted to illustrate(说明) the question by showing us some pictures. 3If you entrust(委托) me with your life,Ill do my best to protect you. 4Onethird of the country is covered with trees and the majority(大 多数) of t

16、he citizens are black people. 5The low level of interest in the election(选举) has been reflected in the unwillingness of the citizens to vote. UNIT3UNIT3 1.fortune n.运气,机会fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸 运地unfortunate adj.不幸的 be fortunate to do sth= be fortunate in doing sth幸运地做某事 2.spice n.香料,调味品s

17、picy adj.辛辣的 3.ethnicity n.种族渊源,种族特点ethnic adj.具有民族特色的 4.admit v.承认admission n.入场费,承认 admit doing sth=admit having done sth承认做过某事 sb. be admitted to/into某人被.录取 5.definite adj.肯定的definition n.定义definitely adv.肯定 6.occur v.发生occurrence n.发生 7.history n.历史historic adj.具有历史意义的,历史上著名的 historical adj.历史的

18、8.earn v.挣得earnings n.收入,工资 9.immigrate v.移民immigration n.移民immigrant n.外侨 10.select v.选择selection n.选择 select sb. to do sth挑选某人做某事 11.journey n.旅途,旅游journal n.日记,日志journalist n. 新闻记者journalism n.新闻业 12.minor adj.次要的minority n.少数民族 13.escape v.逃跑escaped adj.逃跑了的 14.finance n.金融financial adj金融的financ

19、ially adv.金融地 15.poetry n.诗集poem n.诗poet n.诗人 16.fold v.折叠unfold v.打开 17.collect v.收集collection n.收集 18.settle v.定居,结束settler n.殖民者settlement n.协议,解 决 19.construct v.建造construction n.建造constructor n.建筑者 20.suit v.适合suitable adj.合适的 21.contain v.包含,含有container n.容器,集装箱 22.neat adj.整洁的neatly adv.整洁地 单

20、词拼写:根据首字母或汉语提示写出下列单词 1He sought(追求) his fortune in the city after graduating from the college. 2He made a diagram(图表) to introduce his plan about the project. 3He escaped(逃跑) to Japan from Guangdong in 1910. 4He was selected(挑选) to take part in the game held in our school last month. 5He described s

21、ome beautiful scenery in his travel journal(日记) 语法填空 1The diversity(diverse) of culture is not surprising when you know the history of California. 2These two brothers decided to go to big cities to try their fortune(fortunate) 3He said that it definitely(definite) felt good to be invited to attend t

22、he important party. 4All the visitors kept silent when they paid a visit to the historical(history) scene. 5Some of these immigrants(immigrate) were injured when they were sent to the England last month. UNIT4UNIT4 1.mental adj.精神的mentally adv.精神地physical adj.身体的 physically adv.身体方面地 2.intelligence

23、n.聪明intelligent adj.聪明的 3.front n.前面frontier n.边境field n.领域 4.universe n.宇宙universal adj.普遍的,全体的universally adv.普遍地 5.determine v.下决定determined adj.有决心的determination n.决心 6.orbit v.绕行orbital adj.轨道的 7.agent n.代理人,经纪人agency n.代理机构 8.transmit v.传输transmitter n.发射台,传播者transmission n.传输 9.disappoint v.使

24、失望disappointment n.失望disappointing adj.令人失 望的disappointed adj.感到失望的 10.desire v.渴望desirable adj.合意的 11.depend v.依靠,取决于dependent adj.依靠的依赖的independently adv.独立地independent adj.独立的 12.lack n./v.缺乏lacking adj.短缺的 be lacking in 缺乏 for lack of sth.因为缺乏 13.current adj.当前的currency n.货币,通货currently adv.当前地

25、14.sufficient adj.充足的sufficiency n.充足,充分性 15.globe n.地球,世界global adj.全球的 16.argue v.争论arguable adj.可论证的argumentative adj. 好争论的,爱辩论的 17.fatal adj.致命的fatally adv.致命地fatality n.死亡率 18.analysis n.分析analyze v.分析 19.limit v.限制limitation n.限制limited adj.有限制的 20.attach v.依附attached adj.依恋的 单词拼写:根据汉语或首字母提示写出

26、下列单词 1As the saying goes“Mystery creates wonder and wonder is basis of mans desire(渴望) to understand it.” 2He put down the election procedure(程序) for astronauts on the blackboard. 3It is known that Yang Liwei is a famous astronaut(宇航员) in China. 4Unfortunately astronauts on Americas Challenger died

27、during the launch(发 射) 5.He is paid less than he really earns(赚得). 6He has lived and learned independently(独立地) at abroad since he was 16 years old. 语法填空 1It must be the first duty of us to perform physical and mental(mentally) work. 2She solved the problem in an intelligent(intelligence) way. 3If y

28、ou do,youll have the force of the universe(universal) behind you. 4He has been determined(determine) to learn English well. 5To his great disappointment(disappoint),he failed again in the driving test. 6As a teacher,I want my students to be independent (independently) learners. 7I have to find a way

29、 to transmit(transmit) the objects. 8Whether you are married or single,we all want to feel desired(desire) 9It is universally(universe) acknowledged that the earth goes around the sun. 10He leapt/leaped(leap) on me without a word. UNIT5UNIT5 1.basis n.基础 basic adj.基础的 basically adv.基本地base n. 基地base

30、ment n.地下室 2.plastic n.塑料 plastics n.塑料学 3.apology n.道歉apologize v.道歉 4.ignore v.忽略 ignorant adj.无知的ignorance n.无知 5.judge v.判断,评价judgement n.判断,评价 6.narrate v.叙述,记叙narrator n.叙述者narration n.叙述 7.serve v.服务service n.服务server n.服务器 servant n.佣人 8.sail v.航行sailor n.水手,海员 9.spot v.看见 n.污迹,斑点spotless ad

31、j.无瑕疵的 10.mine n.矿业 mining n.采矿业 miner n.矿工 11.patience n.耐心 patient adj.有耐心的patiently adv.有耐心 地 12.indicate v.表明,显示indication n.显示,表明 13.postpone v.推迟postponement n.推迟prepone v.提前 14.odd adj.奇怪的,怪异的oddness n.奇怪,怪异oddly adv. 怪异地 15.intend v.计划,打算intention n.计划,意图 16.opera n.歌剧 operatic adj.歌剧的drama

32、n.戏剧 comedy n.喜剧 tragedy n.悲剧 17.hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑hesitation n.犹豫 18.event n.赛事 eventual adj.最终的eventually adv.最终地 (=finally) 19.option n.选择optional adj.可选择的optionally adv.可选择 地 20.broad adj.宽阔的 broaden v.使扩大 21.normal adj.正常的 abnormal adj.反常的 22.element n.要素 elementary adj.基本的 23.external adj.外部的int

33、ernal adj.内部的 根据语境及汉语提示写出单词的正确形式 1. Both factions have broadly agreed that the UN plan is a possible _(基础) for negotiation. 2. This may have influenced your bank managers decision not to give you a _(贷款). 3. I _(道歉) if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled. 4. It will take a few more years to _(评判

34、) the impact of these ideas. 5. She could see the muscles of his shoulders _(在 下面) his T-shirt. 单句语法填空 1.The tests are supposed to provide a (base) for the assessment of children. 答案basis 2.As far as I am concerned,you should make an (apologise) for losing your temper with her. 答案apology 3.For two d

35、ecades her theatrical talents were (ignore) by the film industry. 答案ignored 4.Though the shoreline could be seen,it was impossible (judge) how far away it was. 答案to judge 5.Just (have) you sit here talking with me is a great honor. 答案having 6.Our school sports meeting has already (postpone) three ti

36、mes. 答案been postponed 7.We can buy all (sort) of specially created gifts for our friends. 答案sorts 8.It is great honor for me to be invited to speak at the meeting. 答案a 9.The two brothers saw a man in rags (walk) in the street at that time. 答案walking 10.Mr Smith found the windows (break) when he got home from the holiday. 答案broken 谢谢欣赏


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