(2019新教材)人教版高中英语必修三unit 1 Festivals and celebrations reading and Thinking 单词和短语的用法课件(共56张).pptx

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1、新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 2019人教版高中英语必修三 unit 1 Festivals and celebrations reading and Thinking 单词的用法 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 1. dress(sb.)up 穿上盛装;装扮 教材原句教材原句 It is now a childrens festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbors homes to ask

2、 for sweets. 万圣节前夕如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮去邻居家要糖果吃。 (1). dress up as 打扮成 (2).dress sb./oneself 给给穿衣(表示动作)穿衣(表示动作) (3). be dressed in 穿着(表示状态)= be wearing (4). get dressed 穿好衣服 区别:区别:put on sth穿上;戴上(表示动作);穿上;戴上(表示动作); wear sth 穿上;戴上(表示动作)穿上;戴上(表示动作) be in +颜色颜色(表示状态):穿着表示状态):穿着颜色的衣服颜色的衣服 eg:put on my gl

3、ove/ my shirt 戴上手套;穿上衣服 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 练习题 (1) He dressed up a hunter for the party. (2) She is usually dressed red,which makes her look more energetic. = She is usually _ red, _(make) her look more energetic. = she is usually wearing in red clothes, _ (make) her lo

4、ok energetic. (3) You dont need to (穿正装)to go to the gatheringjeans and a T-shirt are fine. (4) The mother is (给她的宝宝穿衣服). (5) He went to the bedroom to (穿好衣服). as in dress up dressing her baby up get dressed inin makingmaking makingmaking 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 2. congratul

5、ation n 祝贺 ;恭喜 教材原句教材原句 receive congratulations from 从从那里收到祝贺那里收到祝贺 (1). congratulations to sb on sth 祝贺某人某事祝贺某人某事 (2).congratulate sb on sth / doing sth 就就 向某人祝贺向某人祝贺 精讲精练精讲精练 (1).(1). Congratulate you _receiving the second highest score in the exam.Congratulate you _receiving the second highest sc

6、ore in the exam. (2). Congratulate the Chinese woman volleyball team _ their victory in the Olympic (2). Congratulate the Chinese woman volleyball team _ their victory in the Olympic Games.Games. = Congratulations _ the Chinese woman volleyball team _ their victory in = Congratulations _ the Chinese

7、 woman volleyball team _ their victory in the Olympicthe Olympic Games. Games. onon to 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 3. ceremony n. 典礼;仪式典礼;仪式 教材原句教材原句 attend the ceremony 出席典礼 记住下列相关的短语记住下列相关的短语 hold a ceremony 举行典礼 opening ceremony 开幕式 closing ceremony 闭幕式 presentation ceremony

8、颁奖仪式 religious ceremony 宗教仪式 wedding ceremony 婚礼 graduation ceremony 毕业典礼 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练精讲精练 (1) It is said that the old woman usually ( 举行仪式)before she tells fortunes for others. (婚礼)has come into fashion in his country. (3) He finally turned up at our (毕业典礼)w

9、ith some souvenirs in his hands. (4) To my delight,I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend_ (开幕式). holds a ceremony wedding ceremony graduation ceremony the opening ceremony 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 4. after all 毕竟;别忘了;终究,还是 教材原句教材原句 After all,as you know,I love to

10、 dance!毕竟,你知道,我喜欢跳舞! (1)after all a.毕竟,别忘了 表示解释或说明理由,常置于句首常置于句首; b. 终究,还是 表示结果与预想的不同,常置于句末常置于句末。 (2). all in all 总的说来 in all 总共,总计 (not)at all 一点儿也(不),完全(不)above all 最重要的是(强调重要性) first of all 首先(强调顺序) 串串记:串串记: You shouldnt have scolded the boy at all,for he is a child after all. Above all,he made on

11、ly two mistakes in all. 你根本不该责备那个男孩,因为他毕竟还是个孩子。最重要的是,他总共才出了两处错误。 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲讲练:精讲讲练: (1) Why are you so anxious? ,it isnt your problem. (2) They spent 500,000 yuan advertising their new products. (3) In my opinion,you must be smart,confident,and, , honest. (4)

12、 He is honest. He doesnt like making up an excuse for his failure . (5) ,the conference has been a great success. After all in all above all at all All in all 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS (6) Thanks for coming. (别客气). I enjoyed it. (7) (首先),you should know what profession suits y

13、ou. (8) Im so sorry and I ( 终究还是不能和你一起去). (9) Its not surprising that he has got a stomachache. _ (毕竟他吃得太多了). Not at all First of all cant go with you after all After all,he has eaten too much 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 5. origin n. 起源;起因;出身 教材原句教材原句 They have a wide range of o

14、rigins,such as the seasons of the year,religions,famous figures,and important events. 它们有着广泛的起源,如一年中的季节、宗教、著名人物和重要事件。 a wide range of 广泛的广泛的 event 事件;比赛项目事件;比赛项目 1). by origin 出身;籍贯 He is French by origin . 他出身是法国人。 2).original rdnl adj. a.原来的,起初的; b. 创新的,独创的; C.原版的;原件的 originally rdnli adv. 原来,起初 =

15、 at first originate ridineit vi起源 originate from 起源于某地起源于某地 eg: The quarrel originated from a misunderstanding.争吵源于一个误解. 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) The family had its origin _ _Canada. (2) After much discussion they settled on the plan _ (origin)proposed in originally 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRA

16、TIONS 6. range n 一系列;范围; 界限 vi 包括;(在一定范围内)变化 教材原句教材原句 They have a wide range of origins,such as the seasons of the year,religions,famous figures,and important events. 它们有着广泛的起源,如一年中的季节、宗教、著名人物和重要事件。 (1) a wide range of 一系列; 广泛的;各种各样的 within/in range 在范围之内 beyond /out of range在范围之外 (2). range from to

17、包括从 到 之间= vary from to The price of the house is so high that it is well beyond our range.这栋房子的价格太高了,远远超出 了我们能承受的范围。 A study shows the safe driving speed ranges from 60km to 80km per hour. 一项研究表明安全驾驶的速 度为60到8千米/小时。 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练 (1). The national park has a la

18、rge collection of wildlife, _(range) from butterflies to elephants. (2). He is the manager of our company, so hiring and firing are _ the range of his responsibility. (3). We have _ wide range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends. (4) 听众大多是中学生,其余年龄从听众大多是中学生,其余年龄从12岁到岁到

19、18岁不等。岁不等。(背下来)背下来) The listeners are mostly middle school students, and their ages _ from 12 to 18. (并列句) = The listeners are mostly middle school students, _ range from 12 to 18. (定语从句) = The listeners are mostly middle school students, _. (with复合结构)。 rangingranging withinwithin a rangesranges who

20、se agewhose age with their ages ranging from 12 to with their ages ranging from 12 to 1818 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 7. figure n 人物;数字;身材 vt 认为;认定 教材原句教材原句 They have a wide range of origins,such as the seasons of the year,religions,famous figures,and important events. 它们有着广泛的起

21、源,如一年中的季节、宗教、著名人物和重要事件。 (1). a public figure/face 一位公众人物一位公众人物 keep ones figure 保持体形保持体形 have a good figure 身材好身材好 Mary has kept her figure by working out every day. 玛丽通过每天的锻炼保持体形。 (2). figure out 理解;想出;计算出理解;想出;计算出 They figured it was better to stay where they were.他们认为认为还是呆在原地好 精讲精练精讲精练 (1). I wan

22、t to interview Xi jin ping, because he is recognized as one of the greatest _(figure) in the world nowadays. (2). I could hear them talking but I couldnt figure_ what they were saying. figure s out 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 8. grateful adj. 感激的;表示感谢的 教材原句教材原句 People celebrate

23、to show that they are grateful for the years supply of food. 人们通过庆祝来表达 他们对一年粮食自给自足的感激之情。 (1)be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. 因某事而感激某人因某事而感激某人= thank sb for sth 区别:区别:appreciate ones doing sth /sth感激某人做了某事感激某人做了某事 appreciate sb不对不对 I would be grateful if you could/would. ( =I would appreciate it

24、if you could/ would.) 如果你能我将不胜感激。(用于提出请求) (2)gratitude n. 感激,感谢 show/express one gratitude to sb for sth 因某事向某人表达感谢因某事向某人表达感谢 gratefully adv. 感激地 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) Id be very grateful you could let me know as soon as possible. (2) Any help or donations w

25、ill be (grateful)received. (3)We are grateful to you your support. (4) I (因 对你表示感激)your help when Im in trouble. if gratefully for am grateful to you for 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 9. charm n 魅力;迷人的特征;咒语 charming adj 有魅力的;迷人的= fascinating = absorbing = attractive 精讲精练:精讲精练: Par

26、is has great charm for tourists = Paris is _ for tourists. 对旅游者而言,巴黎是一个有魅力的地方。 10. joy n 高兴;喜悦 joyful adj 高兴的;快乐的 joyfully adv 高兴地 be full of joy 高兴 to one joy = to ones delight 令某人高兴的是 精讲精练: (1). She was full of joy when she heard she had passed the exam. = She was _when she heard she had passed th

27、e exam. (joy) (2). _(让他高兴是),he passed the exam. charming joyful To his joy 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 11. gather vt 搜集 vi 聚集;集合;收割 教材原句教材原句 People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 由于越冬的粮食收集起来了, 农活也结束了,人们都心怀感激。 1). vt

28、搜集 gather information 收集信息 2). vi 聚集 gather together 聚集起来 收割 gather in (crops )收割(庄稼)= harvest crops 精讲精练: (1). During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often _(聚集起来)to share a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cake.(2018.北京卷) (2). _(gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the loc

29、al people. gather/get togethergather/get together GatheringGathering 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 12. feature(1)vt. 以为特色 (2)n. 特色;特征;特点 教材原句教材原句 It featured a parade and a great feast with music,dancing,and sports. 它以游行和伴有音乐、舞蹈和运动的盛大宴会为特色。 1). A features B A 以以B为特色为特色 2). the mai

30、n/important feature 主要的/ 重要的特征 a feature of 一个 的特色 精选精练:精选精练: 1. The logo of the Australia company _a red kangaroo. 2. Impatience in everything is _ feature of our age. featuresfeatures a a 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 13. decorate vt. 装饰;装潢 教材原句教材原句 Today, in some European count

31、ries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and get together to celebrate over a meal. 如今,在一些欧洲国家,人们用鲜花和水果去装饰教堂和市政厅,聚在 一起共享大餐,以示庆祝。 1). decorate. with. 用装饰 2).be decorated with 装饰着 3). decoration n. 装饰;装饰品 a table decoration 餐桌装饰物 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRA

32、TIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) We decorated the dragon boat pictures of all kinds of animals. (2)With its simple (decorate),the main bedroom becomes a peaceful place. (3). _(decorate) with many bells, the Christmas tree looked nice. = _ with many bells, the Christmas tree looked nice. (改为状语从句) 14. play a role

33、/part in a .在在中起作用;中起作用;b. 参与;在参与;在中扮演角色中扮演角色 教材原句教材原句 Customs play a significant role in festivals,but sometimes they can change over time. 习俗在节日中起着重要的作 用,但有时它们会随着时间的推移而改变。 1). Play(perform) an important/key role/part in 在中起重要/关键的作用;在中扮演重要角色 2). the role/part (that/which) sb. plays in. 某人在中起的作用 The

34、 role(that) women plays in agriculture is great. 3). play the role/part of Hamlet 饰演哈姆雷特 with decoration DecoratedDecorated Because it is Because it is decorated decorated 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1)We all think that she has played an important role _ carrying out

35、 the plan. (2) Its our hope that we will play _ greater role in the market place and,therefore, supply more jobs. (3)What an interesting role she _(play)in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar. (4) Computers _ (在中起重要作用)our daily life. (5) _ (她起的作用)in the experiment was very important. in a playe

36、d play an important role/part in The role/part that she played 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 15. significant adj. 有重大意义的;显著的 (1)It is significant/important that sb(should) do sth .很重要。 a significant difference between.and. 和有明显差别 be significant/important for sb/sth = be of signifi

37、cance/importance to sb/sth 对对 重要重要 ( 2)significance n. 重要性,意义 attach(great/little)importance/significance to (doing) sth 认为认为(很(很/ 几乎不)重要几乎不)重要 ( 3)significantly adv. 有重大意义,显著地 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) Your success today may be (significance)for your whole futu

38、re. = Your success today may be _ to your whole future. (同义转换) (2) Eating a good diet (significant)can lessen the risk of heart disease. (3) Could you explain to me the (significant)of this part of the contract? (4). My parents always attach great importance to my _(get) a good education. significan

39、t significantly significance of of significancesignificance greetinggreeting 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 16. fade vi. 凋谢,枯萎 教材原句教材原句 With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas, some traditions may fade away and others may be established. 随着现代社会的发展和新思想的传播,

40、一些传统可能会消失,另一些可能会建立起来。 fade in(画面)淡入,渐显;(声音)渐强 fade out(画面)淡出,渐隐;(声音)渐弱 fade into 渐渐融入于 fade away 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱 fade up 逐渐增强 fade from 从逐渐消失 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) The coastline faded darkness. (2) He felt like picking up his studies again,but in

41、the days that followed,this idea faded . (3) In virtual reality,the memory of the reality will fade the users mind. (4)With the development of society,some traditions ( 逐渐消失). (5). 翻译下列句子中fade的意思。 a. Will this shirt fade when I wash it?_ b. The flowers in the vase have faded. _ into away from fade a

42、way 褪色 凋谢 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 17. typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的;平常的 教材原句教材原句 One example is the typical Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits and celebrate the new year. 其中一个例子是具有代表性的燃放鞭炮以驱赶邪灵、庆祝新年的中国春节习俗。 1). be typical of sb./s

43、th. 是某人/某物的特点(典型) 比较:比较: sth be unique to sb 某物为某人所独有某物为某人所独有 2).It is typical of sb. to do sth.某人经常做某事。 3). typically adv. 典型地;代表性地 Telling lies is typical of him. = It is typical of him to tell lies. 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练: (1) Jack is late again. It is typical of hi

44、m (keep)others waiting. (2) The woman she acted in the film is typical the women in the 1930s. (3) The factory (typical)produces 500 chairs a week. (4) The view (很有代表性) the people of his generation. = The view is _(unique) the people of his generation. (5) (她的一贯作风)to get straight to the point. to ke

45、ep of typically is very typical of It is typical of her unique tounique to 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 18. in spite of 不管;尽管 教材原句教材原句 Another example is Halloween,which slowly became an exciting festival for children,in spite of its religious origins. 另一个例子是万圣节前夕,尽管它有宗教渊源,但它慢慢地成

46、了让孩子们 兴奋的节日。 1). in spite of / despite/regardless of + n/代词/ing 2).in spite of / despite the fact that + 句子句子. 3). although/though/while +句子 让步状语 新教材 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS 精讲精练:精讲精练: (1) _(尽管)his old age,he was still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon. (2)_ (不管)

47、danger,he climbed the tower. (3) In spite of the heavy rain,we went shopping yesterday. In spite of the fact that it rained heavily, = _,we went shopping yesterday.(介词短语) = _,we went shopping yesterday.(状语从句) = _, we went shopping yesterday. (介词+名词引导的同位语从句) = _, we went shopping yesterday. (with 复合结

48、构)with it raining heavily (4). China is widely known for its ancient civilization which has continued all the way through into modern times, _ (尽管)ups and downs in its history. (Book1 Unit5 )despite In spite of Regardless of Regardless of/Despite the heavy rain Though/Although it rained heavily Despite the


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