高一英语(2019新教材)人教版必修三 unit4 语法(共30张PPT).pptx

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1、Learning aims: 1. To know the basic rules of the infinitive 2. To use it flexibly in different contexts Due to the Coronavirus, experts advise us _ (stay) at home. However, to learn online is not so pleasant. First, I find it hard _(follow) my teachers. Whats worse, I still have a lot of homework _

2、(do) . To tell the truth, sometimes I fail _ (hand in) . Thanks to my classmates, the group leader in particular, they always remind me _ (finish) my homework on time. Gradually, my study seems _ (get) better. Now my goal is _ (be) a top student in my class. What do you think of online learning? to

3、stay to follow to hand it in to finish to be getting to be to do Infinitive Definition:动词不定式由“:动词不定式由“to+动词原形动词原形”构成,构成,toto是不定式标志,无意义,有时可省略。是不定式标志,无意义,有时可省略。 不定式既有名词、形容词或副词的某些语法功能,又有动词的时态和语态的特点及作用不定式既有名词、形容词或副词的某些语法功能,又有动词的时态和语态的特点及作用, , 但但不能作谓语不能作谓语。不定式不定式可以有自己的可以有自己的逻辑主语逻辑主语, , 如如for /of sb to do

4、. 考点一考点一: 不定式的时态和语态不定式的时态和语态 主动语态主动语态 被动语态被动语态 意义意义 一般时一般时 to do to be done 表示动作与谓语动作同时发表示动作与谓语动作同时发 生或发生在谓语动词之后生或发生在谓语动词之后 完成时完成时 to have done to have been done 表示动作发生在谓语动作之表示动作发生在谓语动作之 前前 进行时进行时 to be doing 表示谓语动词发生时,不定表示谓语动词发生时,不定 式的动作正在进行式的动作正在进行 完成进行时完成进行时 to have been doing 表示动作发生在谓语动作之表示动作发生在

5、谓语动作之 前且一直持续到谓语动作发前且一直持续到谓语动作发 生时仍在进行生时仍在进行 1. Im sorry_(keep) you waiting so long. 3. He is thought _(write) the book ten years ago. to have kept to have written 2. She is too young_(attend) school. to attend 4. The problem remains_(settle) to be settled 5. She pretended _(study) English when her m

6、om came in. to be studying Practice: 动词不定式具有动词不定式具有名词名词,形容词形容词和和副词副词的特性的特性 动词动词不定式不能做谓语,是不定式不能做谓语,是非谓语非谓语的一种形式。的一种形式。 主语、宾语,表语主语、宾语,表语 定语、表语,补足语定语、表语,补足语 状语状语 考点二:不定式在句中的作用考点二:不定式在句中的作用 不定式作主语不定式作主语 To see is to believe. I wont believe it until I see it with my own eyes. Being exposed to the noisy s

7、urroundings for a long time may result in some physical and mental problems. 不定式做主语一般表示具体的不定式做主语一般表示具体的, 将来的将来的,有意识的动作有意识的动作. 动名词做主语表示抽象的动名词做主语表示抽象的,无意识的无意识的,习惯性的倾向习惯性的倾向. 单个不定式作主语时谓语动词用单个不定式作主语时谓语动词用单数单数。两个或两个以上的不定式做主语时,。两个或两个以上的不定式做主语时, 谓语动词常用谓语动词常用复数复数形式;但当它们作为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数。形式;但当它们作为一个整体时,谓语动词用单数

8、。 To love and to be loved is sweet to us. To improve peoples lives and to speed up socialize construction are two important tasks today. 为避免句子出现为避免句子出现 “头重脚轻”现象“头重脚轻”现象,常用常用it做形式主语做形式主语,将真正主语的不将真正主语的不 定式后置。定式后置。 (2019全国卷)Whats more, its necessary for you to take a good rest, which will provide enoug

9、h energy for you. It+be+adj.+for/of sb to do: (用of sb时,形容词常用修饰人品质的词,如 nice, stupid, rude, clever, warm-hearted, foolish, thoughtful, thoughtless, brave, considerate, silly) 用动名词作主语的情况: no pleasure no use It is/was no good doing sth no fun a waste of money/time worth no也可换成not或of little It is no good

10、 just being upset. 不定式作表语不定式作表语 动词不定式作表语时,放在系动词后面,表示将来的动作或解释说明主语的内容; 主语常是wish, idea, task, purpose, duty,aim, hope, mistake,goal 等表示意向、打 算、计划的词 His ambition is to set up schools for children of poor families. 不定式作宾语不定式作宾语 decide,/determine, learn, want, expect/ hope/wish, refuse, manage, care, prete

11、nd, offer, promise, choose, plan, agree, ask/beg, help/ afford, strive, happen, wait, threaten等 V+ to do 决心学会想希望决心学会想希望, , 拒拒绝设法愿假装绝设法愿假装. . 学会答应选计划学会答应选计划, , 同同意请求帮一帮意请求帮一帮. . 作know, wonder, discuss, teach, show等动词的宾语时,不定式前要加 特殊疑问词,如:who, where, when, what, how等。 Eg: He is wondering where to find h

12、is lost bike. He feels it his duty to help the poor. sb. believe/think/consider/feel/make/find+ it + adj. + to do sth. 不定式作宾语补足语不定式作宾语补足语 1. My mother always likes me to get up early. 2. Lucy often teaches me to learn English. 3. She doesnt want her to attend the meeting. 4. Please allow me to intro

13、duce Mr. White to you. ask/tell/order/want/invite/allow/like/warn/encourage/teach/ would like sb to do A. 带带to的不定式的不定式作宾补:作宾补: B. 不带to的不定式作宾补: 使役动词 make/ have/ let sb. do 感官动词 see/ watch/ observe/ hear/ listen to/ notice sb. do He made a face and made everybody laugh. The policeman saw a child play

14、in the street. A child was seen to play in the street by the policeman. We were not allowed to smoke in his house. A. 做目的状语,常用的结构:to do; in order to do; so as to do;但so as to do 一般不置于句首。 C. 不定式做原因状语原因状语, 一般跟在表示“喜、怒、哀、乐”等的形容词后。 I am more than delighted to be invited to attend the meeting. B. 做结果状语,常表

15、示意想不到的结果常用only to do/enough to./tooto 不定式作状语不定式作状语 To/In order to catch the early bus, I got up early this morning. I got up early this morning to/in order to/so as to catch the early bus. I went to see him, only to learn that he had left the city the night before. 熟记固定结构sth be+ adj.+ to do sth As f

16、ar as I am concerned, he is very easy to get along with. 2. The frontline medical couple hope to go back to Wuhan university to admire cherry blossoms after the outbreak ends. 不定式作状语 Time for News 1. President Xi Jinping urged more decisive measures to curb the spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia

17、in order to win the battle against the epidemic. 抑制 1.Employees have worked overtime _ (ensure)the supply of protective suits. to ensure 2.I rushed to the street corner, _ our community is on lockdown. 匆匆跑到街角,结果却发现我们社区被封了。 only to find 不定式作定语不定式作定语 1. I have a lot of homework to do. 2. Do you have a

18、nything to say? 3. My father has something important to tell me. 4. Would you like something to drink? 动词不定式作定语时与所修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,并且放在所修饰名词的后面动词不定式作定语时与所修饰的名词或代词有动宾关系,并且放在所修饰名词的后面。 He found a good house to live in. He told me he had no pen to write with. 不定式做定语时,若其中动词为不及物动词,必须在后面加上对应的介词。即不定式做定语时,若其中动词

19、为不及物动词,必须在后面加上对应的介词。即 .sth to vi + prep 用来修饰被序数词、最高级或用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no, all, any, the only, the next, the last等限定的中等限定的中 心词心词, 且与中心词为主动关系,这是用不定式做定语。且与中心词为主动关系,这是用不定式做定语。 They are always the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts. These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the

20、 desire to expolre the universe never died. the desire to expolre the universe 不定式作后置定语 不定式常放在抽象名词的后面:ability, chance, desire, way, courage, plan, effort, attempt, determination, decision, dream等 或不定代词nothing, something的后面作后置定语。 We must have courage to face challenges. 3.Many volunteers offered _(he

21、lp) build Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan. 4.I deeply regret (hear)that Li Wenliang passed away on Friday evening. 1. Its dangerous to let the children who are so young (go) swimming in the river. 2. She is always the first one_(come) to the office. 5. The airport _complete) next year will help promot

22、e tourism in this area. 6. Jane hurried back,only _(find)her mother dead in the hospital. 7.Its no use_(complain), and you should take action to avoid greater loss. 8. One of his ambitions when he was young was_(become)a famous lawyer. go to come to help to hear to be completed to find complaining t

23、o become Practice makes perfect 9.His father passed away,_(leave) him little money. leaving Due to the Coronavirus, experts 1.advise us to stay at home. However, 2.to learn online is not so pleasant. First, I find it hard 3. to follow my teachers. Whats worse, I still have a lot of homework 4.to do.

24、 To tell the truth, sometimes I fail 5.to hand it in. Thanks to my classmates, the group leader in particular, they always remind me 6.to finish my homework on time. Gradually, my study seems 7.to be getting better. Now my goal is 8.to be a top student in my class. 宾补宾补 主语主语 宾语 宾语 定语 定语 宾语宾语 宾补宾补 表语

25、表语 表语表语 1and scientists work hard to find answers. (目的状语) 2.They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets of the universe.(定语;目的状语) 3. For example, Americas NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 to study deep space.(目的状语) 4. These disasters made every

26、one sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died.(定语) 5. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003,(定语) 6. followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface.(目的) 7China launched the Tiangong2 s

27、pace lab into space and Tianzhou1 to dock with it.(目的) 8. This signaled one step further in Chinas plan to establish a space station in the future.(定语) 9. China has sent Change4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations.(都做目的状语) 10. and China all have p

28、lans to further study and explore planets like Mars and Jupiter.(定语) Look at the following sentences and focus on the italicized infinitives, and then write down the function of the infinitive. 1.I trained for a long time to fly airplanes as a fighter pilot. 2.As we all know, an astronaut needs to b

29、e healthy and calm in order to work in space 3.First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree. 4.Some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to explore space. 5.On 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to go into space.

30、目的状语目的状语 目的状语目的状语 结果状语结果状语 定语定语 定语定语 Dicscovering useful structures-infinitive (动词的)不定式(动词的)不定式 Do Ex1 on P42 discuss the fucctions(adverbial or attribute) and meanings 1-3 infinitive as adverbial 4-5 infinitive as attribute They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to find out the secrets

31、 of the universe. infinitive as attribute China has sent Change 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations. both infinitives as adverbial China all have plans to further study and explore planets infinitive as attribute . Rewrite the sentences by using

32、 infinitives as attribute or “in order to/so as to + do” as adverbial. 3.Mankind has always been curious about the universe and many people have dream to fly into space. 4. Astronauts bones and muscles can get very weak in space due to the lack of gravity, so they need to exercise every day in order

33、 to/so as to/to help them stay healthy. 5. Astronauts have to use tape to stick everything down while working in space so as not to/in order not to/not to float off. 6. During a spacewalk, astronauts have to move slowly to /in order to /so as to keep their bodies under control. Dicscovering useful s

34、tructures-infinitive (动词的)不定式(动词的)不定式 Do Ex2 on P42 Using the infinitives to rewrite the italicised parts accordingly. 1. first person who as attribute 2. so that it can be recycled as advervial: in order to/so as to/to 3. and many people have the dream to fly into space one day. 4. so they need to

35、exercise everyday to stay healthy. as advervial: in order to/so as to/to due to the lack of gravity as attribute Dicscovering useful structures-infinitive (动词的)不定式(动词的)不定式 Do Ex2 on P42 Using the infinitives to rewrite the italicised parts accordingly. 5. Astronauts have to use tape to stick everyth

36、ing down while working in space because everything would float off otherwise. in order to keep everying from floating off otherwise 副词,否则;不然。表示情况如果不是这样的话,会产生别的后果。 因为表达的情况可能是虚拟的条件,所以产生的后果需要用虚拟语气。 I have got a cold-otherwise I would love to see the film with you. 因为表达的情况是真实的条件,所以产生的后果使用真实语气 We must le

37、ave now, otherwise well miss the flight. 6. move slowly to keep their bodies under control. as attribute as advervial Dicscovering useful structures-infinitive (动词的)不定式(动词的)不定式 Do Ex3 on P42 to achieve; using; to get; known; to store; to help an easy goal to achieve 不定式作后置定语 Using 现在分词做状语 to get 不定式

38、作主语,it作形式主语 known 过去分词做后置定语 to store 不定式作后置定语 to help 不定式作结果状语 The title will be _63_(official) given to me at a ceremony in London.But my connection with pandas goes back _64_ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, _65_ I was the first Western TV reporter_66_ (permit) to film a special unit caring

39、for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. My ambassadorial duties will include _67_(introduce) British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia. 2016全国全国1卷卷 66题,题, 当时就很有争议,有专家说当时就很有争议,有专家说 to be permitted 和和permitted都可以,但是都可以,但是 后者

40、更简洁,有老外评价后者更简洁,有老外评价Permitted sounds right, to be sounds pretty redundant and clumsy there. 2016全国1卷 66题 课本P42 Although light is the fastest thing known in the universe, 课本P81 As the first woman selected to make a trip into space, Ex1: 1. travel agency 旅行社 2. regular customer 老顾客/常客 3. mental illnes

41、s 精神疾病 4. sports facilities 体育设施 5. shallow argument肤浅的论点 6. natural resources 自然资源 Ex 2: Across: 1 data 4monitor 5 rocket 8 sufficient Down: 1 desire 2 signal 3 towel 4 material 6 current 7 beyond Ex 3: 1 orbit 2 patterns 3 sufficient 4 muscles 5 otherwise 6 independent 7 arguing 8 procedure 9 dete

42、rmine 10 limited 1. much 修饰比较几 far-further- furthest far-farther-farthest 2. crop circle麦田怪圈(指在麦田里 发现的没有麦子的奇怪圆环,目 前没有科学的解释) alien 外星人 3. make an album制作一本照片簿 4. Warm up your muscles 8. safety video 安全短片 in case of以防,万一,假设 9. 一个人的教育决定了他的未来生 活。 10. be designed for/be meant for Ex 4: 1 on board 2. resu

43、lted in 3 In closing 4 cant wait to 5 in the hope of 6 ran out 7 carry on 8 As a result 1 a live video 实况转播视频实况转播视频 2 occur-occurred-occurred on 28 January 1986 4 give/deliver/ a lecture 5 monster 怪物;巨兽怪物;巨兽 7 sth happens to sb sb happen to do sth 1. Because he is the first Chinese astronaut to go i

44、nto space. 2. Im afraid the film is too long and boring for me to finish. 3. One of the reasons is that Mir was too old and no longer a safe place to live in. 4. Yes, and I want to become the first Chinese to land on Mars. 5. Im afraid the whole process is too complicated to explain in a few words.

45、ex1 ex 2 1. to carry, to hold 2. to set, to take 3.to build, launch, to provide, to live 4. selected, to fall ex 3 1. to connect, 2. to do, 3. to get, 4. to send/sending, 5. to see, being, 6. making ex 4 1. I think physics is too difficult to learn. 2. I think my dog ate enough to feed three dogs last night. 3. I hope scientists will invent a time machine to go back into the past. 4. I think we need to find a way to explore space and end world hunger at the same time. 5. I study English so as to pass my exams. Homework: 1.整理课件语法不定式的用法整理课件语法不定式的用法; 2. 对完课后题答案对完课后题答案


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