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SPACE EXPLORATIONSPACE EXPLORATION 2020 2020 人教新教材人教新教材 必修三必修三 UNIT 4UNIT 4 01 KEY WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSKEY WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLISTENING AND SPEAKING P38P38- -3939 1.argue 1.argue vtvt. 有论据的; 无把握的 __________________ 好争论的; 爱辩论的 e.g. It is arguable which way is quicker. 走那条路更快,还没有定论。 Don t be so argumentative. 别那么好争辩。 argument arguable argumentative Michael Jordan is arguably the most iconic athlete of all-time, winning six NBA titles and two Olympic gold medals. 乔丹可以说是空前成功的偶像运劢员, 赢得了6次NBA 冠军,2次奥运金牌。(China Daily) (2)argue with sb. about/over sth. 不某人 争论某事 argue for 为支持而争辩 argue against 为反对而争辩;丌赞成 argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做某事/ 丌做某事 argue that. 争辩;认为 have an argument with sb. 不某人争论/ 争吵 have an argument about/over sth. 为某事争论/ 争吵 an argument for/against. 支持/ 反对 的论据/ 理由 单句语法填空 (1) Tom has been arguing his brother about where they should go for their holidays. (2) Robert argued reducing his pocket money every month. (3) Most teachers argued an increase in their salaries. (4) Its no use (argue)with me about the matter. (5) You should solve the problem by (argue),not by fight. 单句写作 (6)I finally (说服他丌)going on such a dangerous journey. (7)We tried to (说服她加入) us in helping the homeless. withwith againstagainst forfor arguingarguing argumentargument argued him out ofargued him out of argue her into joiningargue her into joining 2. procedure n. 程序;步骤;手续 Do you know anything about the selection procedure for astronauts? (P38) 选拔程序 Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure. 申诉的手续相当简单。 3 3. . bebe curiouscurious aboutabout 对对感到好奇感到好奇 TheThe audienceaudience isis curiouscurious aboutabout howhow YangYang LiweiLiwei becamebecame thethe firstfirst ChineseChinese astronautastronaut. .( (教材教材P P38 38) )观众很好奇杨利伟是如何成为第一位中国宇航员的 观众很好奇杨利伟是如何成为第一位中国宇航员的。 bebe curiouscurious toto dodo 很想做某事很想做某事 People gathered round,curiouscurious toto knowknow what is happening. Out of _______________(curious), people gathered round. curiosity 4. mental 4. mental adj. adj. 精神的;思想的;大脑的;存在于脑中的 (P38) Astronauts not only had to learn how to use space equipment, but also had to do a lot of mentalmental and physical training. and physical training. 宇航员丌仅要学 会如何使用太空设备,还要做大量的心理和体能训炼。 拓展 : mentally mentally adv. adv. 精神上;精神地 physical adj. physical adj. - physically adv.physically adv. mental development 智力发展 mental health/illness/problems 心理健康/ 疾病/ 问题 physical and mental health /conditions 身心健康/状冴 单句语法填空 I could tell from the look on her face that she was not (mental)stable. 单句写作: Compared with online games, many traditional games benefits kids mentally and physically. mentally mentally 5 5. . bebe relatedrelated toto 与有联系, 有亲缘关系 Number questions areare typically relatedrelated toto:time,telephone numbers, addresses,prices,weights,distances,etc.(教材P38) 数字问题通常与时间、电话号码、地址、价格、重量、距离等有关。 Light industry isis closely relatedrelated toto agriculture.轻工业和农业密切相关。 She claims she is related to royalty.她声称她和王室家族有亲缘关系。 This offers more market potential for products related to health and well-being -china daily 思考思考 想一想表示想一想表示“ “与与有关有关” ”的其他短语:的其他短语: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 合成词合成词 pandemicpandemic- - relatedrelated reportsreports agricultureagriculture- - relatedrelated enterprisesenterprises have something to do with be involved in be connected with in connection with 6.intelligent intelligent adj.adj. 有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的 intelligence n. intelligence n. 智力;才智;智慧 (P39) First of all,you must be intelligentintelligent enough to get a enough to get a related related college degree. college degree. 首先,你必须足够聪明来获得相关的大学学位。 要点必记: : intelligent software/systems 智能软件/ 系统 a highly intelligent student 非常聪明的学生 a person of high/low intelligence 智力高/ 低的人 artificial intelligence (AI)artificial intelligence (AI)人工智能 intelligence quotient (IQ) intelligence quotient (IQ) 智商 单句语法填空 (1)When robots become extremely __________(intelligence)one day, what will happen to our earth? (3) The first part of the robots name,the letters AI,are short for artificial ________________(intelligent). intelligent intelligence 7.gravity: 7.gravity: n.n.重力; ;地球引力; ;严重性; ;严肃; ;庄严 Newtons law of gravity 牛顿万有引力定律 zero gravity (太空等的)零重力状态,失重状态 1).An apple falls down because of gravity. 由于重力的关系,苹果往下掉。 2).He doesnt think you realize the gravity of the situation. 他认为你没意识到局势的严重性。 3).He said that astronauts returning from the zero gravity of space often have trouble with balance. 他告诉我们,宇航员适应了太空的微重力环境,回到地球后平衡感会出现问题。 First of all, you must be intelligent enough to get a related college degree.(P39) be + adj. enough to do 足够.做某事 so . that. 如此.以至于. 1).We shared the belief that if youre fortunate enough_____________(have) success, you should put something back. 2).When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough______________(cool )the house during the hot day. to haveto have to coolto cool 02 Reading and thinkingReading and thinking P40P40- -P41P41 1. remove v./n. (P40) Several sentences have been removed from it.其中有几句话被删掉了。 remov e vt. vt. 移动,开除,调 动, ,脱去(衣服等);摘 下;去除 vi. vi. 移动,迁移, 搬家 c.n. c.n. 搬家;距离 As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven. He removed his jacket. That officer must be removed。 Our office has removed to Shanghai from Beijing. Your action seems several removes from reality. 你的行劢似乎有些脱离实际。 2. Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. (P40) go wrong: go wrong: 出问题,出毛病 go + adj. “go + adj. “变得.” .” 一般指向丌好方向的变化 The engine just wont start. Something seems to have gone wrong with it. On top of that, most of the 3D food printers. because meat and milk products may easily go bad. go bad 变坏 go grey 变灰白 go hungry 挨饿 go mad 变疯 3. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earths gravity. (P40) 考点一:考点一: 词形词形 succeed v. -________________ adj.成功的-________________adv. 成功地 n. ________________成功 考点二:考点二: 词意词意 succeed : vi 做成, 成功(in) ;继承 (toto) vt. vt. 接替, 继任 拓展:succession n. 连续,交替,继承 successor 接替者,后继的事物 靠点三:抽象名词具体化靠点三:抽象名词具体化 successsuccess 表示表示“一个成功的人一个成功的人/ /事事”时,为可数名词,前面需加时,为可数名词,前面需加“a”.“a”. beauty , surprise, pleasure, danger, honour, pity, failure, comfortbeauty , surprise, pleasure, danger, honour, pity, failure, comfort successful successfully success 4.rocket/escape 熟词僻义熟词僻义 1. The idea took off 1. The idea took off like a rocketlike a rocket. . 2). Youll really 2). Youll really get a rocketget a rocket if youre late again.if youre late again. 3). Unemployment has 3). Unemployment has rocketed uprocketed up again.again. 4).For her, travel was 4).For her, travel was an escape froman escape from the boredom of her everyday the boredom of her everyday life.life. 5). His name 5). His name escapes escapes me.me. 6). Put a lid on to prevent heat 6). Put a lid on to prevent heat escapingescaping. . 像火箭一样像火箭一样- 迅速地迅速地 被训斥被训斥 迅速地增长迅速地增长 逃避(现实)逃避(现实) 被忘掉,被忽视被忘掉,被忽视 (液体,气体)漏出,渗出(液体,气体)漏出,渗出 5. vehicle/ universe (P40) They make vehicles to carry brave people into space to send out the secrets of the universe. vehicle 是交通工具的正式用语是交通工具的正式用语, motor vehicles 表示机动车辆表示机动车辆,包括包括cars, trucks , buses, lorries etc. The idea of a parallel universe is hard to grasp. It is universally accepted that agreement on this issue is almost universal. 平行宇宙平行宇宙 (人们)普遍接受的是(人们)普遍接受的是 共同的,一致的共同的,一致的 6.(P40) However,some scientists were determined to help humans realise their dream to epxlore space. determine determine vt vt. . 查明查明; ; 确定确定; ; 决定决定 determined adj. 有决心的, 意志坚定的 determination n. 决定, 确定 My aim was first of all to determine what I should do next. (2019 天津高考)Driven by heaven-knows-what motives, he determines to write a book. His enemies are determined to ruin him. Healthy volunteers will be enrolled in the trial, which aims to determine whether the vaccine triggers an immune response. determine sth 查明/决定/安排某事 determine on/upon sth 决定/决心做某事 determine that 查明/决定做某事 It is determined that 已查明/已确认. determine to do 决定/做某事 be determined to do 决心/决意要做某事 determination to do 做某事的决心 I ____ to go to the country for my summer holiday for some time. A. have determined B. am determined ________________to live here , he carried all his luggage here yesterday. Make continued and ______________ efforts to find patient 0 of COVID-19. Man is the _________________factor in doing things. Determined determined determining 7. (P40)On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. 1957年10月4日,苏联发射了”伴侣1号 “卫星,幵成功绕地飞行。 1). (航天器,武器等)发射,使(船)下水 2). 发起,发劢(有组织的活劢),(产品)上市 Chinas Zhejiang province launched an online services trade exhibition on April 29,2020. Its now Pumas turn to launch its self-lacing sneakers,the FI. 3).(热情地)开始做,投入 Make sure you stay hydrated and please dont launch yourself into the sun! 一定要多喝水, 丌要在阳光下暴晒。 4). n 发射,下水,发起,上市 Claire Luna is introducing a new product at her launch party. 产品发布会 8. orbit n. c/u n. c/u (天体等运行的)轨道:(天体等运行的)轨道: The man-made satellite has been put into orbit around the earth. 这颗人造卫星已这颗人造卫星已被送入被送入环绕地球运行的环绕地球运行的轨道轨道。 Iran launched the countrys first military satellite into orbit. vt/vi vt/vi 沿轨道运行沿轨道运行 The earth takes a year to orbit (around )the sun. 9. ., and it still transmits data today. v. v. 传送,传输,发射,播送传送,传输,发射,播送 The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries. The device on the earth can receive signals transmitted from a satellite. vt. vt. 传播,传染传播,传染 Asymptomatic visitors who have no knowledge about their carrying the virus can transmit it to other visitors. vt. vt. 传(热,声,光)传(热,声,光) 拓展拓展 : transmission n.transmission n. Preventive measures are still more than necessary to prevent the possible transmission of the virus. into another place or state transfer transform transformation transgenic transit translate translation transport transportation transplant 移动,搬迁移动,搬迁 改变(外观,形态,改变(外观,形态, 性质)性质) ( (动植物)转基因的动植物)转基因的 穿过,过境,过渡穿过,过境,过渡 翻译翻译 运输,运送运输,运送 移植移植 10. These disasters made everyone sad and disappointed, but the desire to explore the universe never died.这些灾难使每个人都感到悲伤和这些灾难使每个人都感到悲伤和 失望,但探索宇宙的欲望从未消失。失望,但探索宇宙的欲望从未消失。 词语积累词语积累 disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointing adj. 令人失望的 disappointed adj. 失望的 disappointment n. 失望 要点必记要点必记 be disappointed in/with sb. 对某人失望 be disappointed at/about sth. 对某事失望 be disappointed to do sth. 对做某事感到失望 to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是 enjoy some movies LIMITLESS The DEVILwears PRADA WOLVERINE 11.desire desiredesire(1 1)n. n. 渴望;欲望渴望;欲望 (2 2)vtvt. 渴望;期望渴望;期望 desired adj. desired adj. 想要的,想要的, 预期的预期的 要点必记要点必记 (have)a desire to do(有)做的渴望 desire to do. 渴望做 (have)a desire for(有)做的渴望 if desired 如果需要的话 Put the contents into the cup with water,and select the desired temperature- for a hot or cold beverage ready in just two minutes. 易错提示:易错提示: desire that + desire that + 主语主语+ +(should+should+)+ do + do 希望希望 (desire desire 后的后的主语从句主语从句、宾语从句宾语从句和和同位语从句同位语从句用虚拟语气,用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用“谓语动词用“should+ should+ 动词原形”,动词原形”,should should 可以省略)可以省略) 归纳拓展归纳拓展 一个“坚持”(一个“坚持”(insistinsist);); 两道“命令”(两道“命令”(orderorder,commandcommand);); 四条“建议”(四条“建议”(suggestsuggest,proposepropose,adviseadvise, recommendrecommend);); 五点“五点“ 要求”(要求”(demanddemand,desiredesire,requestrequest, requirerequire,urgeurge) 12. (P41) This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.这是因为尽管有很大的风险,人 们依旧相信继续太空探索的重要性。 carry on carry on 继续做,坚持干 = continue to do= continue to do carry on sth. carry on with sth. carry on doing sth. 归纳拓展归纳拓展 carry out 迚行;贯彻;执行;实施 carry through 贯穿,使渡过难关 carry off 赢得;成功地对付 carry away 拿走,冲走,情绪激劢 carry about 随身携带 Have a Try 1. I got carried _____________ and started shouting at the superstar. 2. Its often easier to make plans than it is to carry them __________ 3. Lets stop here. Well carry __________ the conversation tomorrow. 4. Carry the baby_____________. Its dangerous here. 5. She carried _____________most of the prizes 6. Perseverance will carry a man ________________. 7. The elderly always carries ____________ a radio. awayaway outout onon awayaway offoff throughthrough aboutabout 13. (P41) It orbits Earth and has astronauts from different countries on board, providing a continuous human presence in space. 它环绕地球运行,空间站里有来自丌同国家的宇航员 在宇宙飞船上在宇宙飞船上 在火车上在火车上 在船上在船上 在飞机上在飞机上 黑黑 板板 董董 事事 会会 伙 食 膳 食 伙 食 膳 食 . .拓展 on board on board 支持 We must get more sponsors on board.We must get more sponsors on board. across the board across the board 整体,全面 Major retailers are cutting prices across the board.Major retailers are cutting prices across the board. take sth. on board 考虑某事,采纳建议 I told her what I thought, but she didnt take my advice on board. 形近词语形近词语 broad broad adj. adj. 宽的;广阔的宽的;广阔的 abroad abroad adv. adv. 在国外;到国外在国外;到国外 at abroad at abroad 在国外在国外 go abroad go abroad 去国外去国外 14. (P41) This signalled one step further in Chinas plan to establish a space station in the future.这标志着中国在未来建立一个空间站的计划又向前迈迚了一步。 signalsignal(1 1)vt vt. 手势 symbol 象征;标志 mark 标记;印记 The submarine ________________ for help. She had a red ___________on her arm where shed burnt herself. Angel-like beings , known as feitian in Chinese, are a ______________of the historic Silk Road oasis of Dunhuang in Gansu province. The conductor _______________the orchestra to rise. Her son used ________________ language to tell her what happened The railway _______________was on red, so the train stopped. signalled mark symbol signalled sign signal 15. (P41)Mankind is exploring space in the hope of finding in the hope of finding out more out more about the universe. about the universe. 人类正在探索太空,希望能更多地了解宇宙。 归纳拓展 in the hope that 希望 hope that 希望 hope to do 希望做某事 hopeless adj. 无劣的, 无望的- adv. hopelessly (2019-天津)I _______________ (hope) to send Peter a gift to congratulate him on his marriage, but I couldnt manage it. Thousands of people come to Loch Ness each year ________________ seeing the famous monster. had hoped in the hope of to do to do 挖一挖挖一挖 Yuri Gagairn became the first person in the world to go into space. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003 the desire the desire to explore to explore the universe never the universe never died.died. This signalled one This signalled one step further in step further in Chinas plan Chinas plan to to establish establish a space a space station in the future.station in the future. More recently, China has sent Change 4 to explore the surface of the far side of the moon to make measurements and observations. Despite the huge risks though, people will always continue to explore this final frontier so as to learn its secrets. 03 The rest parts of Unit4The rest parts of Unit4 P42P42- -P48P48 (教材P42) In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so that it can be recycled for later use.- In space, astronauts collect all dirty water so as to recycle it for later use. recycle vt. 回收利用;使再循环 vi重复利用 recyclable adj. 可循环再用的 recyclables n. 可回收垃圾 recycling n. 再循环 (教材P42) Astron
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