(精)2019年春人教版七年级下册英语单元过关与检测(Unit 5)(含听力+答案).zip

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单元过关与检测(Unit 5) (时间:90 分钟满分:120 分) 一、听力(20 分) .听句子,选择正确的图片。句子读两遍。(5 分) Please keep quiet.Pandas are shy. ( B )1. His nose is so long,and his two teeth are very long,too. ( A )2. Koalas are from Australia. ( B )3. My cat is very lazy.He never plays with the little dog,and hes always sleeping. ( C )4. The giraffe has a long neck and long legs. ( B )5. .听小对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) M:What animals do you like? W:I like penguins.They are cute. M:What other animals do you like? W:I like dogs,too.Theyre very friendly and clever. ( C )6.Why does the woman like dogs? A.Because the dogs are friendly and cute. B.Because the dogs are clever and cute. C.Because the dogs are friendly and clever. M:Would you like to go to the zoo with me on Sunday afternoon? W:That sounds great.Id like to. ( A )7.Where are they going this Sunday afternoon? A.Going to the zoo.B.Going to the park. C.Going to the shop. M:There are three new koalas in Guangzhou Zoo.Lets go to see them tomorrow. W:Im so sorry.I have to see my grandfather. ( C )8.Why cant the woman go to see koalas tomorrow? A.She has to see her father. B.She has to see her grandmother. C.She has to see her grandfather. M:Excuse me.Wheres Monkey Park? W:Its next to Lion Park and across from Tiger Park. ( C )9.What animal does the man want to see? A.Lions.B.Tigers. C.Monkeys. M:Are elephants from Australia? W:No.Theyre from Africa. ( B )10.Where are elephants from? A.Australia.B.Africa. C.China. .听长对话,选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,完成第 11-12 小题。 W:Lets see the koalas. M:Why do you like them? W:Because they are cute and theyre from Australia. M:But they are lazy,too. W:I dont like tigers. M:Why? W:They are too scary. M:Where are they from? W:Some of them come from Asia and others from America. ( A )11.Where are the koalas from? A.Australia.B.Asia.C.America. ( C )12.Why doesnt the girl like tigers? A.Because they are cute. B.Because they are lazy. C.Because they are scary. 听第二段对话,完成第 13-15 小题。 W:Hi,Bill!Is there a big zoo in your city? M:Yes,there is. W:Do you often go there? M:Yes,I do. W:When do you usually go there? M:On weekends. W:What animals do you like best? M:Pandas. W:Why do you like pandas? M:Because they are cute. W:Lets go to the zoo this weekend. M:OK. ( A )13.Is there a big zoo in the city? A.Yes,there is. B.No,there isnt. C.I dont know. ( C )14.When does the boy usually go to the zoo? A.On Mondays.B.After school. C.On weekends. ( B )15.Whats the boys favorite animal? A.Lions.B.Pandas. C.Cats. .听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) David is Liu Pengs pen pal.He comes from Africa.At school David likes science and art best. Davids uncle has a farm.It is a big farm.There are many animals on the farm.David likes dogs very much.He has a cute dog.Its name is Hanhan.Its smart.David often takes a walk with Hanhan after dinner.David likes to go to the zoo on weekends.He likes tigers best.There are some photos of tigers on the wall of Davids bedroom.David also likes pandas from China.He thinks they are cute and clever. ( B )16.Who is David? A.He is Liu Pengs brother. B.He is Liu Pengs pen pal. C.He is Liu Pengs classmate. ( C )17.What are Davids favorite subjects? A.English and math. B.Chinese and English. C.Science and art.来源:学科网 ( B )18.Who has a big farm? A.Davids father.B.Davids uncle. C.Davids pen pal. ( A )19.Whats the dogs name? A.Hanhan. B.Liu Peng. C.David. ( C )20.Whats on the wall of Davids bedroom? A.Photos of dogs.B.Photos of pandas. C.Photos of tigers. 二、单项选择(15 分) ( B )21.There is elephant in the zoo. elephant is very clever. A.a;AnB.an;The C.a;The ( C )22.I am afraid of tigers because they are very . A.beautiful B.shy C.scary D.quiet ( B )23.Animals are our friends,so we cant them.(2018 青岛黄岛区期中) A.saveB.killC.taste D.love来源:学科网 ( C )24.What does Alice like? She likes koalas because they are lovely. A.sportsB.subjects C.animalsD.food ( D )25.Dont forget him for his phone number. A.askB.askingC.asksD.to ask ( B )26.Pandas are friendly people. A.forB.toC.withD.at ( A )27.The girl is new here,so she is shy. A.kind ofB.a kind of C.kinds ofD.little ( C )28.Look at this dog! Oh,it can walk two legs.(2018 芜湖繁昌县期中) A.fromB.ofC.onD.by ( A )29.My dog likes sleeping .(2018 武冈期中) A.all day B.all a day C.all the day ( C )30. pandas are cute, he wants to see them first.(2018 德阳二中 期中) A.Because;soB.So;because C.Because;/ D.So;/ ( C )31.Where your uncle ? Hes from China. A.is;come fromB.does;from C.is;from D.is;comes from ( C )32.We must save the elephant and not buy things of ivory. A.makeB.making C.made ( A )33.There was a tall tree near my house.I helped my father . A.cut it downB.cut down it C.cut them down D.cut down them ( B )34.Some animals are now.I think we must try to save them. A.in frontB.in danger C.in needD.in line ( C )35.Lets see the pandas first in the zoo. A.Thats right.B.Good luck. C.That sounds good. D.Have a good time. 答案及剖析: 21.B泛指一头大象用不定冠词,elephant 以元音音素开头,应用 an,再次提到某物则用定 冠词 the。故选 B。 22.Cbeautiful 漂亮的;shy 害羞的;scary 吓人的; quiet 安静的。根据“我害怕老虎” 可知,因为它们很吓人,scary 符合语境。故选 C。 23.Bsave 救助;kill 杀死;taste 品尝;love 喜欢。根据“动物是我们的朋友”可知,我们 不能杀害它们。故选 B。 24.C根据答语“她喜欢考拉”可知问句询问爱丽丝喜欢什么动物。故选 C。 25.D由语境可知句意为:不要忘记向他要电话号码。forget to do sth.忘记做某事,为固 定搭配。故选 D。 26.Bbe friendly to 对友好,为固定搭配。故选 B。 27.Akind of 有点; a kind of 一种;kinds of 各种各样的;little 小的。根据“那个女 孩是新来的”可推知:她有点害羞。因 shy 为形容词,四个选项中 kind of 可修饰形容词。 故选 A。 28.C由语境可知答语意为:这条狗能用两条腿走路。表示动物用腿走路,常用介词 on。故 选 C。 29.Aall day 整天,为固定短语。故选 A。 30.Cbecause 与 so 不能同时出现,排除 A、B 两项;由语境可知前一句表示的是原因,所以 应选 C。 31.CWhere is/are.from?= Where does/e from?询问某人/某物来自某地。故 选 C。 32.C分析句子成分可知:空白处为过去分词作定语。故选 C。来源:学|科|网 33.Acut down 是“动词+副词”构成的短语,有人称代词作宾语时,放在 cut 与 down 中间;根 据 a tall tree 可知,应用单数代词 it。故选 A。 34.B根据“我认为我们应该设法保护它们”可知,有些动物处于危险中。故选 B。 35.CLets.表示建议,肯定回答常为:That sounds good./ Thats great.等。故选 C。 三、完形填空(10 分)(2018 阜阳九中期中) Welcome to the City Zoo!There are many 36in the zoo.Lets see the koalas first.Koalas are 37 Australia.They are quiet,38and cute.Children like them very much.The kangaroos(袋鼠)are also from 39.They are quiet and interesting,40they are not friendly. The giraffes(长颈鹿)come from Africa.They have 41necks(脖子).They like to eat leaves(树叶).The lions are also from Africa.They are exciting,but a little 42.Many people dont like 43.We also have pandas.They are from China.They are very cute and friendly,but they are very shy.So please be 44 . You can also see many other animals in the zoo.Have 45here. ( C )36.A.childrenB.flowers C.animals D.vegetables ( B )37.A.atB.from C.in D.come from ( A )38.A.friendlyB.boring C.ugly D.difficult ( D )39.A.CanadaB.China C.America D.Australia ( C )40.A.orB.with C.but D.so ( C )41.A.short B.big C.long D.small ( D )42.A.smart B.clever C.shy D.scary ( D )43.A.itB.you C.us D.them ( C )44.A.busyB.new C.quiet D.noisy ( B )45.A.music B.fun C.dinner D.food 答案及剖析: 36.C根据 City Zoo 及 Lets see the koalas first.可知,动物园里有很多动物。 故选 C。 37.Bbe from 来自,为固定短语。故选 B。 38.A由下文“孩子们都非常喜欢它们”可知空白处表示考拉的优点。故选 A。 39.D由常识可知:袋鼠是澳大利亚特有的物种。故选 D。 40.C根据句意“它们很安静很有趣,它们不友好。”可知,前后两句为转折关系。 故选 C。 41.C根据常识可知,长颈鹿脖子长。故选 C。 42.D根据下句“很多人不喜欢”可知,它们有点吓人。故选 D。 43.D根据上句 The lions 可知,空格处应用复数代词。故选 D。 44.C根据 they are very shy 可知,请保持安静。故选 C。 45.B根据上文可知,这是介绍了动物园,应祝游客玩得开心,have fun 符合语境。故选 B。 四、阅读理解(40 分) A In our city there is a big zoo.There are a lot of different animals in it.There are some scary tigers and lions.They like eating meat(肉)and they eat much meat every day.There are also two big elephants and a baby(小)one.Children like to ride one of them.The elephants are very kind and friendly.They eat much grass (草)and many bananas. In the zoo,we can see different kinds of bears(熊):brown bears,black bears and white bears. Do you like pandas?Theres only one in the zoo.Her name is Lingling.Shes very cute.She likes eating bamboo a lot.She is kind of shy.Shes very interesting and lovely. ( B )46.Tigers and lions like eating . A.fruit B.meat C.vegetablesD rice ( C )47.There are elephants in the zoo. A oneB.twoC.three D.four ( D )48.What color are the bears in the zoo? A.Black B.Brown C.White D.A,B and C. ( D )49.Elephants eat. A.grass B.bananas C.meatD.grass and bananas ( C )50.Which of the following is NOT right? A.Children like to ride one of the elephants in the zoo. B.The elephants are friendly to people. C.There are two pandas in the zoo. D.Pandas like bamboo very much. B (2018 滨州无棣县期中) Many people like animals.Now a lot of people k eep animals as pets.Usually people like to keep dogs,cats,fish and other animals.Many young people keep animals because they think these animals are interesting.Some old people keep pets because they 来源:Zxxk.Com dont live with their sons and daughters. Molly lives in No.25 Garden Street.He is a doctor(医生),but he helps dogs.People usually call him The Dog Doctor.When their dogs get sick(生病),they call him on the telephone.He goes to the peoples houses and helps them.He gives the dogs the right medicine(药物).Wherever(无论) he goes,he is always welcome. ( D )51.Why do old people keep pets? A.Because they dont have children. B.Because they are old. C.Because they think animals are interesting. D.Because they dont live with their sons and daughters. ( D )52.What kind of animals do people keep? A.Dogs. B.Cats. C.Fish. D.All of the above(以上所有). ( B )53.What does Molly do? A.He sells dogs. B.He helps animals. C.He keeps animals. D.He cleans the houses. ( C )54.What is the best title(标题)? A.A Pet Doctor. B.A New Pet Store. C.Pets and Doctors. D.An Interesting Animal. ( D )55.Where does Molly live? A.In a hospital. B.In a city. C.In a garden. D.In No.25 Garden Street. C Hello,my name is Annie.I like giraffes.They are tall and friendly.They dont hurt(伤害)people.So we dont need to be afraid of them.Giraffes can live to be about thirty years old. My name is Tina.Im a Chinese girl.Pandas are my favorite animals.They have black eyes and fat bodies(身体).They are quiet and funny.There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild (野外).They are in danger and they need our help. My name is Sophia.I dont like big animals.I like dogs best.I have a pet dog.His name is Doggy.He is smart and he can walk on two legs.He likes running and playing with balls.He runs with me every morning.We are good friends. Hi,Im Peter.I live near the sea.Dolphins (海豚)are my favorite animals.They are smart and interesting.They like to live together(一起).The baby dolphin usually lives for a long time with its family.I often watch dolphin shows with my parents on weekends. ( D )56.Giraffes can live to be about . A.tenB.fifteenC.twentyD.thirty ( C )57.Tina thinks pandas are . A.friendly B.noisy C.quiet and funnyD.smart ( C )58.What are Sophias favorite animals? A.Cats. B.Pandas. C.Dogs. D.Koalas. ( D )59.Peter often on weekends. A.helps the animals in danger B.plays with his pet dog C.lives with his parents D.watches dolphin shows ( A )60.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Annie thinks giraffes are afraid of people. B.There are about 1,600 pandas in the wild and they are in danger. C.Doggy likes running and playing with balls. D.Baby dolphins usually live with their family for a long time. D 任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,补全表格中所缺的信息。 In Thailand,there are many elephants.The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.You can find a white elephant on their first flag.Every year many people come to Thailand to see elephants there. Elephants are very useful.They can carry(搬运)big things so they can do a lot of difficult work for people.And they are very smart.They can act(表演) and dance.Sometimes they can play with people.Its very interesting. But today there are only about 3,000 elephants(over 100,000 before).People cut down many trees,so elephants are losing their homes.Some people also kill elephants for their ivory. Luckily,more and more Thai people want to save elephants.There is even(甚至) a festival for the elephants in Thailand.It is called Elephant Day.It comes on March 13th.The elephants dont need to work or act.They can have a good rest(休息).People bring them much good food like fruit and vegetables.People also have some activities for them.On that day,the elephants wear beautiful clothes and they have great fun with people. Elephants Importance in Thailand One of Thailands symbols First flag had 61.a white elephant . Description of elephants Useful:Elephants can 62.help with difficult work. Smart:Elephants can act and dance. Why elephants are 63.in danger today People cut down many trees or kill them for their ivory.So elephants are losing their homes and lives. Information (信息) about Thai Elephant Day To let more people 64.save them,Thailand has Elephant Day.Elephants dont work or act;they eat well,wear nice clothes and 65.have great funwith people. 五、词汇运用(5 分) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 66.There is ( be )some water in the glass. 67.The girl from America is very friendly(friend). 68.Li Lin and his classmates want to save (save)these small trees. 69.My father always sleeps (sleep)for thirty minutes in the afternoon. 70.Its relaxing (relax)to read a book before going to bed. 六、句子运用(5 分) 根据汉语意思完成句子。来源:学科网 71.我的爷爷很老了,所以有时会迷路。 My grandfather is very old and he sometimes gets lost. 72.其中的一只熊猫有一个宝宝。 One of the pandas has a baby. 73.我们必须找到一个有水的地方。 We must find a place with water. 74.这头大象来自南非。 This elephant comes from South Africa. 75.字母“V”是胜利的象征。 The letter “V” is a symbol of victory. 七、短文填空(10 分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词。 When people think of tigers,they think:big and kind of 76.scary.But now,the big 77.animal is calling for help. There are once (以前)eight 78.kinds of tigers in the world,but three kinds die out (灭绝).They are in great 79.danger.Why?Because people 80.kill them for their skin (皮).Whats more,people cut down so many 81.trees to make money (赚钱).Because of it,the tigers have no 82.places to live in.They cant eat and 83.sleep well. I think when people are working to make themselves (他们自己)safe,they shouldnt 84.forget to make sure the animals can live a happy life.Animals are our friends.So we need to do our best to 85.save them.They are important to us. 八、补全对话(5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余 选项。 A:Hi,Jack.86.D B:That sounds good.I like animals. A:87.B B:I like tigers. A:Theyre so scary.88.G B:Because theyre cute and beautiful. A:89.E B:Yes.Theyre friendly and smart. A:There is a new elephant in the zoo.It can play soccer. B:Really?90.A A:Yeah.It likes to play with people. B:Great! A.Can I play soccer with it? B.What animals do you like? C.Wheres it from? D.Lets go to the zoo on Sunday. E.Do you like elephants? F.What can the elephant do? G.Why do you like them? 九、书面表达(10 分) 根据所给问题提示,以 My Favorite Animals 为题,写一篇 60 词左右的作文。可适当 发挥。 1.What kind of animals do you like best? 2.Where are they from? 3.What are the animals like? 4.What do they eat and like doing? 5.What do you think of them? My Favorite Animals One possible version: My Favorite Animals Do you know what animals are my favorite animals?Please guess!They have four legs.They like eating meat and bones.Many people like them and keep them at home.Do you know the answer now?Yes,they are dogs.I have a pet dog at home.My uncle gives it to me.Its black and white.It looks very cute and clever.I often play with i
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