2019新人教版高中英语必修第一册weclome unit知识清单.doc

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1、必修一 welcome unit.知识清单 重点单词 1. Exchange n.交换,交流,vt.交易,兑换。 (1)拿。交换_exchange.for_ (2)与某人交换某物_exchange sth with sth_ (3)交换_make an exchange_ (4)汤姆给了海伦一个苹果,作为一块蛋糕的交换。Tom gave Helen an apple_in exchange for a piece of cake. 2. Lecture. N.讲课,讲座、vi/ vt 教训、训斥 (1)听演讲,听课 attend a lecture_ (2)上课,发表演讲_give a lec

2、ture_ (3)去听课_go to a lecture_ (4)我要去听史密斯博士的讲座. I am going to _attend a lecture_ given by Dr smith. 3. Design.n 设计,设计方案,vt 设计,筹划,_designer_ 设计者 (1)为、设计、准备_be designed for_ (2)被设计做、_be designed_to do _ (3)故意地_by design_ (4)这件连衣裙是为她女儿特别设计的。 This dress is_specially designed_- 4.anxious. adj 焦虑的;不安的-_anx

3、iety_n 焦虑;不安 (1)为、忧虑、担心_be anxious about/for_- (2)渴望做、急于做、_be anxious_to do_ (3)他们确实渴望和平。_They are really anxious for peace. 5.annoy.vt.使恼怒;打扰恼怒的;_annoyed_生气的; (1)对、生气_be annoyed with_ (2)被、烦扰_be annoyed at_ (3)对、感到不快_be annoyed by_ (4)贝丝发现咖啡没有煮好, 很生气。 Bess_was annoyed to find_that coffee was not re

4、ady. 6. Frightened.adj 受到惊吓的; 害怕的; _frighten-v 使惊吓; 使惊恐-_frightening_adj 令人恐惧的-惊吓 n_fright_ (1)吓走、吓跑_frighten off/away_ (2)恐吓某人做某事_frighten sb into doing sth_ (3)吓得要死_be frightened to death_ (4)一个人看见怪物,吓得大叫起来。 A man saw the monster and shouted_in fright_. 7. Senior 级别高的 、年长的人- 地位低下的 ,职位低的人、青少年 (1)(美

5、国)高中、初中_senior/junior high school_ (2)比、年长/幼;比、职位高/低_be _senior/junior to_ (3)比、年长/幼多少岁_be _senior/junior to sb by .years_ (4)他比我大三岁。_He is senior to me by three years_ 8. impress 使钦佩、给、留下深刻的好印象 vi 留下印象;引人注目-_impression_n. 印象;感想-_impressive_adj.令人难忘的 (1)某事给某人留下深刻的印象_impress sb with/by sth_ (2)向某人强调某

6、事的重要性 impress sth on sb=impress on sb sth_ (3)留下深刻印象_make an impression_ (4)他的幽默给我们留下了深刻印象。_we were impressed with/by his humour_ 9. Experiment. n 实验,试验;v 进行实验 (1)用、做实验_experiment with sth_ (2)利用某人某物做实验_experiment on sb sth_ (3)做实验_do/perform/conduct/carry out an experiment_ 10. explore.vt/vi 探索;勘探

7、(1)勘探某物_explore for sth_ (2)人们渴望探索未知世界。 Human beings desire to _explore the unknown world. 11.confident.自信的;有把握的-_confidence_ n 信心;信任 (1)对、有信心_have confidence in_ (2)对某事有把握_be confident of_- (3)自信地_with confidence_- (4 )他有信心在比赛中获得第一名。He is confident_that_he can win first place in the competition. 12

8、. Organise. vt 组织;筹备;安排;vi.组建;成立- _organisation_组织;团体;机 构 (1)非营利组织_non_-profit organization_ (2)成立一个组织_found an organization_ (3)组团旅游_organized tour_ (4)社会组织的数量也有所增加。 _The number of _ organization_has also increased. 13. Goal.n.目标;球门;射门 (1)达成某人的目标_achieve ones goal_ (2)设立目标_set a goal_ (3)我们队在比赛中甚至进

9、球得分了。 Our team even_scored a goal_in the competition. 14. Curious. adi 好奇的;求知欲强的 (1)对、感到好奇_be curious about_ (2)好奇做某事_be curious to do sth_ (3)满足某人的好奇心_meet ones curiosity_ (4)出于好奇_out of _curiosity_ (5)男孩好奇地往包里看。 The boy looked into the bag_with curiosity_. 2重点短语 1. At last 终于;最终 (1)最后但并不是最不重要的_las

10、t but not the least_ (2)雨终于停下了。_The rain came to an end_at last_ 2. concentrate on 集中精力于 (1)把注意力集中在、concentrate/fis/focus( ones attention) on_ ( 2) 全身心地投入_put ones heart _into_ (3)专心于、致力于、的_be devoted to_ (4)她无法全神贯注地看这部电影。She couldnt concentrate on the film. 3. leave、alone 不打扰;不惊动 (1) 搁置一边,不考虑_leave

11、 aside_ (2)忘记带走;留下;超过_leave behind_ (3)动身去_leave for_ (4)遗漏,省去;忽视;冷落_leave out_ (5)我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。 We cant afford a bicycle,_let alone a car._ 4. Look forward to 盼望;期待 (1)回顾,回忆起_look back on_ (2)轻视,瞧不起_look down on_ (3)仰慕,尊敬_look up to_ (4)注意,当心,留意_look out for_ 我们期待着与你再次相见。 _We look forward to

12、seeing you again_ 5. Take notes 记笔记 (1)做笔记,记录_take notes of (2)注意;留意_take note of (3)交换意见_compare notes (4)你应该注意作文中的语法错误。 You should _take note of grammar mistakes in your composition. 3重点句型 What if.? 要是、会怎么样呢? (1)假如你失败了,该怎么办呢?_What if you fail? (2)我没有带伞。要是下雨了该怎么办? I dont have an umbrella, what if it rains


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