新人教版英语七年级下Unit 4 Don't eat in class!(Section A 1a-2c)教学设计.doc

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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 共 1 课时 Section A 初中英语 人教 2011 课标版评论( 0) 1 教学目标 Knowledge aims : Ask students to remember new words and phrasesLet students grasp reading skills skimming and scanning. Ability aims: 1. How to use Modal verbs、 may、 and have to. 2. Improving students ability of speaking skills. Emotional

2、aim: Teach students to know what we should do at school, and what we shouldn t do . We must obey the school rules.评论( 0) 2 重点难点 Teaching important points: Learn to talk about rules What are the rules in your school / class? Don t eat in class. Listen carefully in class. We have to wear uniforms in s

3、chool. We can t run in the hallways. Teaching difficult points: How to teach students to use Modal verbs.3 教学过程 3.1 第一学时教学活动评论( 0)活动 1【导入】 Unit 4 Section A 1a 2c Lead in 1.Show some picturres and set up real scences. 2.Free talk Talk about the school rules.评论( 0)活动 2【导入】检查课前预习学习情况以及课时流程 Step1.Groupw

4、ork(Preparation) Letthestudentspreparelessonsbeforethenewclass(newwords 、phrasesandexercises).Finishoff1a.Readtheimportantanddifficultpoints.Solvethequestionsthattheylearnbythemselves. 学习目标: 1. 学 会 使 用 祈 使 句 和 情 态 动 词 can 和 haveto.2. 学 会 掌 握 词汇 :rule,classroom,hallway,fight,haveto.3.熟练应用句型 Don teati

5、nclass! Canwe? ?Yes,wecanNo,wecan t 4.培养学生运用所学句型谈论守则规定的能力。 学习过程 课前准备 一、翻译词组 1.在教室 _2.打架 _ 3.在走廊上 _4.校规 _ 5.在课堂上 _6.在教室里 _ 7.在音乐教室 _8.在餐厅 _ 二、翻译句子 1)上课不要迟到。 _ 2)不要在走廊里乱跑。 _ 3)不要在教室或走廊吃东西。 _ 4)不要在教室里听音乐。 _ 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 5)不要打架。 _ 6)你学校的校规是什么? _ 知识导学 1.fight 做动词是“打架”的意思,常用的词组有: fightwithsb 与某人打架; fight

6、for 为?而战。 2.rule 为名词,意为“规则”,“遵守规则”: obeykeeptherule;“违反规则”: breaktherule. 3.Don tarrivelateforclass.这是一个否定祈使句,祈使句表示请求,命令、叮嘱、号召等预期的句子。肯定祈使句多以动词原形开头,常在句首或词尾加上 please 表示客气。否定祈使句常在句首加 Don t,表示不允许,不能,不要做某事,有劝告,禁止或命令的口气 。 4.Don tarrivelateforschool=Don tbelateforschool. 5.语法点拨:祈使句 表示请求,命令、建议或劝告等的句子叫祈使句。主语

7、 you 通常省略。祈使句的肯定形式:一般以动词原形开头。 Openthedoor,please. 祈使句的否定形式:在句首谓语动词前加 Don t, Don tbelateforclass. 3.说话对象是第一人称和第二人称时,表示建议做某事。 Eg: Letmeushimherthem? .Letsgotoschool. 4.表示禁止时,尤 其是标语等也可用“ No+名词 动名词”来表示。 Nosmoking!禁止吸烟! Noparking!禁止停车! 5.相关口令: 祈使句无主语,主语 you 常省去; 动词原形谓语当,句首加 don t 否定变; 朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。 通过

8、预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问? 课堂学习 模块 1 预习情况交流(小组活动) 1.核对“课前准备”的答案。 2.完成课本 1a。 3.再读“知识导学”,互相探讨学习。 4.探讨解决预习中的问题。 模块 2 1.朗读单词,听写单词。 2.读 1a 中的句子。 3.找出图中学生违反的规则。 4.把号码写在违纪学生的旁边。 5.检查答案。 模块 3 学习目标语: Don t? . 1.听录音 1b,听他们违反了哪些规则,然后编号。 2.再听录音,完成下面的对话: MsClark:Hey,Peter.Youknowtherules.Dont_inthe_. Peter:Sorry,MrClark. M

9、rSmith:Nike,dont_inclass. Nike:Oh,sorry,MrSmith. MrSmith:Hey,Selina.Don t_to_inthe_,Selina. Boy1:Hecan thearyou,MrSmith. 3.谈谈你的校规。 模块 4 1.学习目标语: Wecan t? ? 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 2.听录音,给谈论到的规则打钩,完成 2a。 3.再听录音,圈出“ can”或者“ can t”,完成 2b。 4.核对答案。 5.对话练习 Gussinggame 模块 5 实践运用:制定你满意的校规 .评论( 0)活动 3【讲授】教学过程和活动 Step

10、2. Free talk1.Go over the new words and phrases. 2.Free talk Have a free talk with the students. Talk about “ Can we eat in class?” The talk may be like this:A: Can we eat in class?B: No, we can t. We can t eat in classA: Can we run in the hallways? (in the hallways.)B: No, we can t. We can t runA:

11、So, don t run in the hallways.A: Can we listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways?B: No, we can t. We can t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.A: So, don t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. Step 3 PresentationShow Ss some pictures of Ss who are breaking school

12、 rules. Are they good students? What rules are these students breaking? Ask Ss to talk about what they mustn t do and what they should/shouldn t/have to/don t have to do. Step 4 MatchFinish 1a. Step 5 Listening1.Finish 1b.First let Ss guess what rule Peter/ Selina/Nick is breaking ?1. Don t arrive l

13、ate for class.2. Don t run in the hallways.3. Don t eat in the classroom.4. Don t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Don t fight.What rules are Peter, Nick and Selina breaking? 2. Listen again and complete the conversation Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the rules. Dont _ in the_ .

14、Peter: Sorry, Mr Clark. Mr Smith: Selina, dont _ in class. Nike: Oh, sorry, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: Hey, Nick. Don t_ to_ in _ , Nick. Boy1: He can t hear you, Mr Smith. Step 6. Group work: Work in groups and write down the rules in your school, then compare which group has the most. Eg : 1. Don t sleep

15、 in class. 2. 3. -Can you? at school? -Yes,we can./No,we can t arrive late for class eat in the classroom play pingpong after school sleep in class. talk loudly in the classrooms wear hats in school use mobile phones Step 6 PracticeShow Ss some pictures, then let Ss talk about them with “ Can you/ w

16、e ? ?” S1: Can we arrive late for class?S2: No, we can t. We can t arrive late for class.Let the students practice in pairs. Try to act it out in front of the class. Step 7 Pair work Make up a conversation -What are the rulers at your school? 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 -We can t . -Can you .?. -. -Do you have to

17、.at school? -. -What else do you have to do? -We have to . Step 8 ListeningFinish 2a and 2b. Check the activities Alex and Cindy talk about.Listen again. Can Alex and Cindy do these activities? Circle “ can” or “ can t” . Step 9 Have a talk like this:T: There are many school rules in our school. Wha

18、t rules are they? Can you name any of them?S1:Don t eat in class.S2: We can t fight. ? Practiced in pairs like this:A: Can you fight?B: No, We can t. We can t fight.A: So, don t fight.Teach these important expressions:school rules (keep the rules 遵守规则 , break the rules 违反规则 )be late for class = arri

19、ve late for classWork in pairs, practice the dialogue like:A: Can we arrive/be late for class?B: No, we can t. We can t arrive /be late for class.A: So, don t arrive /be late for class.T: What are the school rules?S1: We can t arrive late for class.S2: We can t run in the hallways. ? 1. Dont arrive/

20、be late for class.2. Don t run in the hallways.3. Don t eat in the classroom.4. Don t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.5. Don t fight. Step 10 Summary Talk about the rules in your school. Then sing a song We can t fight. We can t fight. What are the rules? What are the rules? Can we

21、 eat in class? Can we eat in class? No , we can t. No , we can t. What are the rules? What are the rules? We can t fight. We can t fight. Can we sleep in bed? Can we sleep in bed? Yes , we can. Yes , we can. Step 11 Do Ex Step 12 Homework Write some rules for your school. Step2.Freetalk1.Gooverthenewwordsandphrase


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