人教版新目标九年级全册英语Unit9 I like music that I can dance to复习学案(含答案).doc

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人教版新目标九年级全册英语Unit9 I like music that I can dance to复习学案(含答案).doc_第1页
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1、秋季初三英语讲义秋季初三英语讲义 本节课题 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. 学习目标 1. 掌握本单元重点短语和句型, 表达喜好。 2. 定语从句 重点与难点 情态动词的用法综合梳理 【复习巩固】【复习巩固】 1.参加 v.:_ 2.噪音 n.:_ 吵闹的 adj.:_ 3.珍贵的 adj.:_ 珍贵, 珍视 v.:_ 4.困倦的、瞌睡的 adj.:_ 5. 战胜敌人的一场胜利 _ 6.阻止 v.:_ 阻止某人做某事:prevent/ keep/ stop sb. _ 7.埋葬 v.:_ 8.收到、接收 v.:_ 接受 v.:_ 9.医学的、药

2、物的 adj.:_ 医学、药物 n.:_ 10.狼 n.:_(复数) 11. 或许、可能 adv.:_ 12. 属于_ 13.指出_ 14. 捡起、接(电话、某人)_ 15.与某人沟通交流 _ 16.珍贵的, 宝贵的 adj.:_ 17. 追逐, 追赶 _ 一、本堂内容一、本堂内容 【知识点一】动词及短语【知识点一】动词及短语 1. prefer (v.)_ (过去式)_ 【用法 1】prefer _ 【用法 2】prefer _ sth. rather than _ sth. 2. provide (v.)_ provide sb. _ sth. = provide sth. _ sb. o

3、ffer/ give sb sth = offer/ give sth _ sb 3. stick (v.)_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)_ stick to n./doing 坚持;固守 stick to ones words _ stick to ones dream _ stick to ones idea _ 4. sense (v.)_/ (n.) 感觉;意识 the sense of directions _ 5. perform (v.)_ (n.)表演者_ (n.)表演_ 6. praise (v.)_ (反义词)惩罚:_ raise _ raise money 【短语】pra

4、ise sb. _ sth.:因某事表扬某人 rise_ The sun rises in the east. 7. reflect (v.) _ 8. spare (v.)_/ ( adj.)_ spare time to do sth._ in ones spare time _ 9. marry (v.)_ 【短语】与某人结婚:get married _ sb. 10. feel like _ sth. 想做某事 stick to_ depend on_ shut off _ 【课堂练习】 1.(青岛)The hotel always _ good service for tourist

5、s.(提供) 2.(市北)If he _to his dream, he will be sure to realize it.(stick) 3.(市北)Carla _ pop music to folk music when she was young.(prefer) 4.(李沧)What you choose to buy in the future your values and tastes.(reflect) 5.(李沧) I prefer _ at home rather than _ out in such bad weather. A. stay; go B. to sta

6、y ; going C. staying; to go D. to stay; go 6.(李沧)Sandy promised to help me and she _ to her word. A. kept B. insisted C. said D. stuck 7.(市北)-Would you like some coffee, please? -Yes, and please get some sugar. I prefer coffee _ sugar. A.to B. for C. with D. from 8.(市北)-How long have you_? -Since my

7、 dream of being a university teacher _. A. married, came true B. been married, was achieved C. got married, achieved D. been married, be come true 9.(李沧/市南)Im so tired and I just want to _my brain and stay in the corner quietly. A. clean off B. shut off C. take off D. turn off 10.(市北)-Whats the movi

8、e about, Helen? -It the life of the Chinese farmers in the 1950s. A. greets B. suits C. supports D. reflects 11.(李沧)My father _a letter from Australia last week. A. received B. accepted C. heard from D. get 12.(李沧)Teenagers _ their parents too much. They should learn how to look after themselves. A.

9、 get on B. keep on C. hold on D. depend on 【知识点二】其他词性及短语【知识点二】其他词性及短语 1. intelligent (adj.)_ intelligence (n.)智力 2. electronic (adj.)_ electricity(n.)_(U6) 3. director (n.)_ direction (n.)_ direct (adj.)_ (反义词)_ 4. pity (n.) _ what a pity _ Its a pity (that) _ 5. sadness (n.)_ sad (adj.)悲伤的, 难过的 (比较

10、级)_ 6. pain(n.)_ (adj.)令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的_ wound (n.) _ (adj.)受伤的_ 7. moving(adj.)_ moved (adj.)_ move (v.).移动 8. except (prep.) _ 与_, _连用 expect ( )_ besides (prep. _ 与_, _连用 beside (prep.) _ 9. smooth (adj.)_ (adv.) _ 10. sing along with _ get along well with._ dance to _ in that case _ plenty of _ once

11、in a while _ 11. notanymore = _:_ 12. by the end of_ at the end of _ in the end _ 【课堂练习】 1. Since you prefer music that is gentle, I dont suppose you would buy this _music CD.(electron) 2. Which is the _of all these pieces of music?(悦耳的) 3. Alice wants to be an_(电子的)engineer when she grows up. 4. Th

12、e movie has got many _ praise.(大师的) 5. Erquan Yingyue makes many people recall their deepest _from their own painful experiences.(创伤) 6. -We are all here _Tony, where is he? -He _to the store to buy some food. A. besides, has been B. except, had gone C. beside, went D. except, has gone 7. -There was

13、 a basketball match between our class and Class 3 yesterday afternoon. -_! I missed it. A. Certainly B. What a pity C. With pleasure D. Sorry to hear that 8.(李沧)This is _ useful book. A. an B. a C. the D. / 9.(市北)-Can you come today or tomorrow? -Im afraid _day is possible. I am so busy these days.

14、A. either B. both C. none D. neither 10.(李沧)What kind of music do you like? I like music that I can sing along or dance . A.to; with B. with; with C.to; to D. with; to 【知识点三】重点语法:定语从句【知识点三】重点语法:定语从句 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词先行词, 定语从句放在先行词的后面。 e.g. I like music that I can dance to. Music 是先

15、行词, that 是关系代词 He is the man who I met yesterday. Man 是先行词, who 是关系代词 引导定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose和关系副词where, when, who, whom指人, 分别 在从句中做主语和宾语;which 指物, 在从句中做主语或宾语;that 即可指人也可指物, 在从句中做主语或宾语; Whose 表示所有格, 在从句中做定语;where 指地点, when 指时间。 1. who / that /which 在定语从句中做主语时在定语从句中做主语时, 谓语动词的单复数应与

16、先行词保持一致谓语动词的单复数应与先行词保持一致 I prefer shoes that / which are cool. I like a pizza that / which is really delicious. I love singers who / that are beautiful. I have a friend who / that plays sports. 2. who, which 和和 that 在定语从句中作主语时不可省略在定语从句中作主语时不可省略 The old man is a professor. He teaches chemistry in a c

17、ollege. The old man is a professor who/ that teaches chemistry in a college. 3. which 和和 that 在定语从句中作宾语时可省略在定语从句中作宾语时可省略 I enjoyed reading the book. You gave me the book. I enjoyed reading the book (which/ that ) you gave me . 4. whose 在定语从句中作定语用在定语从句中作定语用 1) Whats the name of the man? His sister is

18、 a doctor. Whats the name of the man whose sister is a doctor? 2) Have you seen the cup? Its color is red. Have you seen the cup whose color is red? 【小结】【小结】 关系代词关系代词 先行词先行词 成分成分/ /作用作用 例句例句 that 人、物 主语、宾语 The man that you met is my teacher. which 物 主语、宾语 The school which I liked a lot is this one.

19、who 人 主语、宾语 I know the man who hit you. whom 人 宾语 I know the man who/ whom you hit. whose 人、物 定语 I know the man whose car was stolen. 下面几种情况宜用下面几种情况宜用 that 引导定语从句引导定语从句, 而不能用而不能用 who 或或 which: (1)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰, 或本身序数词、基数词、形容词最高级时 He was the first person that passed the exam. (2)先行词为 all, few, li

20、ttle, much, something, everything, anything, nothing 等不定代词时 Is there anything that you want to buy in the shop? (3)先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 等词修饰时 This is the same/ very bike that I lost. (4)先行词里同时含有人或物时 I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room. (5)以

21、 who 或 which 引导的特殊疑问句, 为避免重复, 只能用 that. Who is the girl that is crying? (6)先行词被 no, any, every, each, one of 等词所修饰时 You can take one of the books that is on the desk. (7)主句是 there be 结构, 修饰主语的定语从句用 that There is a book on the desk that belongs to Tom. 【定语从句小结】定语从句中,先行词是人,关系代词用_;先行词是物,关系代词用 _,两个都有时,选

22、_。 【课堂练习】 1.(黄冈)-I really want to relax myself. Could we see City Danger tonight? -Sure! The actor _a hero used to be a schoolteacher. I like him very much. A. who play B. which plays C. that play D. who plays 2.(市南)When I go to watch a scary movie, I always bring a friend _isnt afraid of it. A. who

23、 B. whom C. he or she D. which 3.(市南)He has a friend who_the piano very well. A.play B.playing C.plays D.played 4.(市南)I like smooth music_helps me relax after a long week at work. A.what B.that C.who D.whether 5.(临沂)After Mandela was free (自由的) in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people _ want

24、ed to kill him. A. whose B. which C. / D. who 6.(长沙)The shop _ sells flowers is at the end of the street. A. who B. where C. which D. when 7.(泰安)-Which is your new neighbor, Liu Hua? -The man _ T-shirt is red. A. that B. who C. which D. whose 8.(淮安)-Have you found the information about famous scient

25、ists_you can use for the report? -Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. where B. whom C. what D. / 9.(黄石)Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place_well visit next week. A. that B. who C. where D. whom 10.(长沙)-What are you doing, Tim? -I am listening to the song Long Live_makes me feel excit

26、ed. A. which B. who C./ D.when 二、当堂检测 一、单选 1.(绵阳) I prefer movies_me something to think about. A. which gives B. that gives C. that give D. who give 2. -Would you mind _ the TV? -Certainly not. A. turn on B. to turn on C. turning on D. turn off 3.(市北)-What should I do if I want to succeed? -You shou

27、ld _ your dream and you will make it. A. put on B. stick to C. deal with D. leave out 4.(市北)Jean was _by our Chinese teacher because of getting an “A” in the test. A. praised B. expected C. educated D. supposed 5.(市北)If you want to know _what a word means, you can look it up in a dictionary. A. late

28、ly B. widely C. exactly D. gradually 6.(李沧)All the members of the club thought that the plan should be turned down, but the director still _ his own idea. A. stuck to B. kept C. insisted D. held on 7.(16 市南)Its nice of you to _us _so many CDs. A. offer, to B. provide, with C. provide, for D. offer,

29、with 8.(17 市南)Its a good idea to wear something white because it _heat. A. requires B. recycles C. receives D. reflects 9.(17 市北)Our teacher told us to _junk food. Its not healthy. A. pay attention to B. stick to C. keep away from D.get used to 10. The light music helps me feel_after the heavy work.

30、 A.safety B.sleepy C.relaxed D.smooth 11. _my parents_my friends thinks Im very tired because I have worked for over 6 hours without a rest. A.Both, and B.Neither, nor C.Either, or D.Not only, but also 12. He_ her for ten years. A.has been married with B.has married to C.has married with D.has been

31、married to 13. She finds that its really a_to return there without him. A.down B.painful C.sadness D.pity 14. -I like music that I can dance _. What about you? -Me, too. And I also like music I can sing along _. A.to, with it B. to it, with C. to, with D .to it, with it 15. -What do you think of the

32、 music? -It sounds_. I love it. A. awful B. smooth C. uncomfortable D. relaxed 16. -Who won the first prize in English speech contest? -The prize went to the girl_speech was the most natural and fluent. A. that B. who C. whose D./ 17.I prefer skiing to _. The snow makes me excited. A. cycles B. cycl

33、ing C. cycled 18.You have _time to catch the bus. A. plenty of B. many C. a lot D. a lots of 二、综合填空 A (李沧)(behave, manage, prefer, attend, translate, list) 1.Different writers _Lu Xuns works into different languages for many times. 2._their lives, they had to start working at very young age. 3.Tony

34、_a meeting about English Competition while Jim is at home. 4.Billy saw a website last week. The pioneers of different inventions _there. 5.As a child, he _playing to studying. 6.Even though he is often rude at home, when he comes to a party, he _as a gentleman. B. 综合运用。 三、完形填空。 (共每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) T

35、he Englishman Robert Scott is known for leading two trips to Antarctica. The first one made him a star; the second (1)_ him his life. After his first successful trip, Scott (2)_ to be the first person to stand on the South Pole. (3)_, he wasnt the only one who had this dream. He would be in race wit

36、h Roald Amundsen, from Norway. Both left their countries by ship in June of 1910 and (4)_ in Antarctica in January of 1911. (5)_ ten months, both teams started their trips down to the South Pole. And their ways of traveling decided which team would win. Amundsens team used dogs and Scotts team used

37、horses. Because horses werent good at (6)_ on snow, it took Scots team 77 days to arrive at the South Pole. They got there on January 7, 1912, and were (7)_ to find that Amundsen was ahead (前面) of them. The news hit Scott very hard, but what he didnt know was that the (8)_ had not come yet. His team

38、 began their long trip home with broken hearts. After days of terrible weather and little food, Scott lost his men one after (9)_ and he himself was the last one to meet the end of his life. (10)_ on his team lived to go back home and tell their story. It was only learned through Scotts diary. ( )1.

39、 A. cost B. made C. had ( )2. A. failed B. decided C. needed ( )3. A. So B. But C. However ( )4. A. reached B. arrived C. got ( )5. A. For B. In C. After ( )6. A. traveling B. climbing C. leaving ( )7. A. nervous B. excited C. surprised ( )8. A. best B. worst C. maddest ( )9. A. another B. other C.

40、others ( )10. A. Only one B. Everyone C. No one 四、阅读理解。 A Six people are being interviewed about the garden on the roof(屋顶)of their building. Jasmine: I loved the idea when Wilber first told me about it. We had lots of meetings with our neighbors, trying to make them understand why its good to build

41、 a garden on the roof. Now people love coming here, and its helped many of us become friends! Wilber: The whole thing wasnt easy at first. But Jasmine helped a lot. And she was really good at making people happy to give money for the roof garden. David: My kids love going up there. They sit there wa

42、tching butterflies and birds. The roof garden brings them closer to nature. Samuel: You want something green? Visit the park! Its only one block away! After the roof garden was built, spiders started coming into my apartment! And the kids leave mud(泥巴)on the stairs when they come down from the roof!

43、 Rosie: Our building is now cooler in the summer. My baby sleeps well even on hot summer days! Flora: Guess where these tomatoes are from! Not from the supermarket. Theyre from our roof! Isnt that wonderful? ( )1. The six people in the interview all said good things about the roof garden. ( )2. Samu

44、el is against the idea of the garden on the roof of their building. ( )3. The babies sleep in the roof garden on hot summer days. ( )4. Flora likes the idea because they can grow tomatoes in the roof garden ( )5. In the interview, The whole thing probably means “Having people agree to the idea of th

45、e roof garden.” B ( )6. Why did the soldier go to the doctor? A. The soldier had a problem. B. The soldier got crazy. C. The soldier was very dangerous. D. The soldier wanted to make the doctor believe Rule 22. ( )7. What can we learn from the comics? A. The doctor tried several ways to help the soldier. B. Th


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