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1、20212021年春外研版五年级英语下册年春外研版五年级英语下册 优质课件优质课件 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容, 方便使用。方便使用。 Unit 1 Unit 2 外研版外研版英语英语五年级下册五年级下册 Module 7 Unit 1 My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. 第一课时第一课时 Lets chant. My father, my father Hes a worker, hes a worker. He goes to work, goes t

2、o work at eight oclock. My mother, my mother Shes a nurse, shes a nurse She goes to work, goes to work at half past five. Amy: Dad, will you take us to the park tomorrow morning? Mr Smart: Yes. Ill take you there at half past seven. Amy: Half past eleven? Ms Smart: Half past seven. Look, listen and

3、say. 一天分成四部分,一天分成四部分, 早晨和上午叫早晨和上午叫morning, 中午过了是中午过了是afternoon。 接着到来是接着到来是evening, 晚上十点后叫晚上十点后叫night。 说说声声Good night睡觉去,睡觉去, 到到了下一天接着轮。了下一天接着轮。 evening 傍晚,晚上 What time is it now? six oclock twelve oclock eight oclock half past three half past nine half past eight Amy: Dad, will you take us to the pa

4、rk tomorrow morning? Mr Smart: Yes. Ill take you there at half past seven. Amy: Half past eleven? Ms Smart: Half past seven. Role play. 他他/ /她是做什么的?她是做什么的? teacher policeman worker doctor nurse dancer -He/She is a driver farmer -What does he/she do? This is a worker. The worker works in a factory. w

5、orker 工人 work 工作,劳动 动词 + er = 从事该动作的人 interviewer singer teacher a factory 工厂 bag 包,书包 cat 猫 This is a teacher. The teacher works in a school. This is a doctor. The doctor works in a hospital. This is a farmer. The farmer works in a farm. This is a driver. The driver works in a taxi. taxi 出租车,计程车 x

6、taxi 出租车,计程车 fox 狐狸 box 盒子 Ask and answer. 仿照例句小组问答。 What does your uncle do? He is a teacher. 练习 选一选 1. The _ is my uncle. A. work B. works C. worker 2. School begins _ 7:40 in the morning. A. on B. at C. in 3. _ He is a doctor. A. What does he do? B. Where will he do? C. How are you? C B A 询问某人的职业

7、 句型:句型:What+ + do/does+ + 某人某人+ + do? What do you do?(你是做什么的?) 例 What does your mother do?(你的妈妈是做什么的?) 表达某人的职业 句型:某人句型:某人+ + am/is/are+ (a/an+) +) 职业名称职业名称. . Damings mother is a nurse.(大明的妈妈是一位护士。) 例 They are workers in a factory.(他们是一家工厂的工人。) 1.朗读、背诵第七模块第一单元的单词。 2.朗读P38活动一的对话。 3.预习P38活动二的对话。 4.用我们

8、今天学过的句型分别介绍爸爸妈妈的职 业。 Homework 第二课时 farmer dancer policeman driver worker nurse doctor teacher Review. Look and listen. Damings parents Fangfangs parents What do they do? Listen and read. Daming: My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. Fangfang: What does he do? Daming: Hes a policeman.

9、 Listen and read. Fangfang: My father goes to work at six oclock every evening. Daming: Thats late. What does he do? Fangfang: Hes a worker in a factory. Listen and read. Daming: My mother goes to work at eleven oclock every night. Fangfang: Thats very, very late. What does she do? Daming: Shes a nu

10、rse. Listen and read. Fangfang: My mother goes to work at half past five every morning. Daming: Thats very early. What does she do? Fangfang: Shes a taxi driver. Listen and read. Fangfang: Look! Heres my mother! Fangfangs mother: Hello, children. Ill take you to school. Fangfang and Daming: Thank yo

11、u! Listen and answer. When does Damings father go to work ? What does he do? He goes to work at eight oclock every morning. He is a policeman. go to的固定短语 go to school 上学 go to bed 睡觉 go to sleep 入睡 go to work 上班上班 Listen and answer. What does he do? He goes to work at six oclock every evening. He is

12、 a worker in a factory. Thats late. When does Fangfangs father go to work? a late 近日暮的,近深夜的,时间不早的 take 带走,拿走 lake 湖 Listen and answer. What does she do? She goes to work at eleven oclock every night. When does Damings mother go to work? She is a nurse. Thats very, very late. evening:指18:0022:00 nigh

13、t:指22:0024:00 Listen and answer. What does she do? She goes to work at half past five every morning. She is a taxi driver. Thats very early. When does Fangfangs mother go to work? They are . 时间不早的 early late 早的 1. I get up at five oclock in the morning. Thats very . 2. Today I went home at seven ocl

14、ock in the afternoon. Thats very . early late Role play. Practise. My father goes to work at , oclock every . Hes a . eight morning policeman My uncle goes to work at oclock every . Hes a in a . six evening worker factory Practise. My uncle goes to work at. He is a. teacher 07:00 My uncle goes to wo

15、rk at seven oclock every morning. Hes a teacher. My father goes to work at half past eight every morning. He is a doctor. My father. 08:30 My mother goes to work at ten oclock every night. She is a nurse. 22:00 My mother. 练习 译一译 1. 我爸爸每天早上八点去上班。 _ 2. 他是干什么工作的? _ -他是一名警察。 _ 3. 我将带你们去学校。 _ My father g

16、oes to work at eight oclock every morning. What does he do? Hes a policeman. Ill take you to school. 英语中的时间表达法 表示整点时,用“钟点数+oclock”,oclock可省略。 5:00 five oclock 例 表示几点半时,用“half+ past+ 钟点数”。 2:30 half past two 例 外研版外研版英语英语五年级下册五年级下册 Module 7 Unit 2 Ill be home at seven oclock. 第一课时第一课时 Look and say Wha

17、t time is it? Its three (oclock). Look and say What time is it? Its six (oclock). Look and say What time is it? Its seven (oclock). Look and say What time is it? Its half past six. Its six thirty. Look and say What time is it? Its half past eight. Its eight thirty. Look and say What time is it? Its

18、a quarter to seven. a quarter to seven 差一刻钟差一刻钟7 7点点 to (距整点(距整点)差差. quarter 一刻钟一刻钟 Look and say What time is it? Its a quarter to six. What time is it? Its six ten. Its ten past six. Look and say Look and say What time is it? Its twenty to seven. Its six forty. Look and say What time is it?/ Whats

19、the time? Its a quarter to eleven. Its ten forty-five. What time is it? Its a quarter to eight. Whats wrong with Daming? Lets listen and look. Look, listen and say. Oh no! Its a quarter to eight now. School starts at eight oclock. Ill be late. Its half past eight now. Im late and Im tired. Listen an

20、d answer. What wrong with Daming? What time is it? Its a quarter to eight. School starts at eight oclock. Daming will be late. Its half past eight. Listen and read. Oh no! Its a quarter to eight now. School starts at eight oclock. Ill be late. Its half past eight now. Im late and Im tired. 练习 读句子,选择

21、对应的时间。 ( )1. Linda gets up at a quarter to seven. ( )2. My uncle goes to work at nine oclock in the morning. ( )3. School starts at half past eight. ( )4. My father goes home at a quarter to ten in the evening. ( )5. Toms family drink tea at four twenty-five in afternoon. A B C D E D E C B A 表示几点几分时

22、,有三种表达方法 钟点数+分钟数。 7:10 seven ten 例 分钟数在30分钟以内,分钟数+past+钟点数,表示“几点过几分”。 7:12 twelve past seven 例 超过30分钟,用“60-分钟数+to+下一个钟点数”。 11:50 ten to twelve 例 1.朗读、背诵第七模块第一单元的单词。 2.朗读P41活动一的对话。 3.预习P41活动二的对话。 4.用英语写出五个不同的时间。 Homework Ask and answer 第二课时第二课时 A:What time is it? B:Its look and listen. Listen and ans

23、wer. 1.What time did Sam call Mr Smart? 2.What time did Amy call him? 3.What time did Ms Smart call him? At six oclock. At half past six. At a quarter to seven. Listen and read. Sam: Dad, its six oclock now. Will you be home at seven oclock? Mr Smart: Yes, I Will. Amy: Its hall past six. Are you goi

24、ng to be late, Dad? Mr Smart: Dont worry! Ill be home at seven oclock. Why? Listen and read. Ms Smart: Its a quarter to seven. What time will you be home? Mr Smart:Ill be home at seven oclock. Amy: Its seven oclock. Here he is. All: Happy birthday! Mr Smart: Thank you! Dad is very happy. Why? Becaus

25、e its Dads birthday! Practise. A: Will you be home at seven oclock? B: Yes, I will. A: What time will you be home? B: Ill be home at seven oclock. Its a quarter to seven in the morning. School will starts at eight oclock in the morning. Its three oclock in the afternoon. Daming will play football at

26、 half past four in the afternoon. Look and write. Its nine oclock in the morning now. Dad will be home at seven oclock in the evening. ch,tch ck kn / t / / k / / n / children watch black back know knife Listen and say. Try to read. chair teacher clock check knew known Practise. 判断下列单词红色部分的发音是否相同。 1.

27、 China watch 2. clock black 3. kind know 4. check chair 5. chicken back Dad goes to work at seven oclock, seven oclock, seven oclock. Dad goes to work at seven oclock. Hes a busy man. Listen and say. Then chant. Mum goes to work at half past six, halt past six, halt past six. Mum goes to work at hal

28、f past six. Shes a busy woman. I go to school at eight oclock, eight oclock, eight oclock, I go to school at eight oclock. And well all be home at six. Dad goes to work at seven oclock, seven oclock, seven oclock. Dad goes to work at seven oclock. Hes a busy man. Mum goes to work at half past six, h

29、alt past six, halt past six. Mum goes to work at half past six. Shes a busy woman. I go to school at eight oclock, eight oclock, eight oclock I go to school at eight oclock. And well all be home at six. Listen and say. Then chant. Say and guess. get up have breakfast go to school have lunch go home

30、have dinner go to bed I do it at seven oclock every morning. Do you get up at seven oclock every morning? Yes, I do. Ask and answer. Then write. What time does your mum get up? She gets up at seven oclock. My mum gets up at half past six. Xiaoweis mum gets up at seven oclock 英语中的时间表达法 表示整点时,用“钟点数+oc

31、lock”,oclock可省略。 5:00 five oclock 例 表示几点半时,用“half+ past+ 钟点数”。 2:30 half past two 例 表示几点几分时,有三种表达方法 钟点数+分钟数。 7:10 seven ten 例 分钟数在30分钟以内,分钟数+past+钟点数,表示“几点过几分”。 7:12 twelve past seven 例 超过30分钟,用“60-分钟数+to+下一个钟点数”。 11:50 ten to twelve 例 练习 用英语写出下列时钟显示的时间。 seven thirty/ half past seven one fifty-five/ five to two nine fifteen/ a quarter past nine four ten/ ten past four


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