2021新版人教版选修二英语Unit 5 泛读技能初养成 同步讲解 .doc

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1、阅读 P56教材课文,选择最佳答案。 1Who choked on some steak while having a dinner? AChen Wei. BChen Weis friend. CZhang Tao. DZhang Taos friend. 2How did Chen Wei help Zhang Tao out of danger? ABy doing the Heimlich manoeuvre. BBy slapping him on the back. CBy helping him to his feet. DBy taking him to hospital. 3

2、What will happen to a choking person? AHe cant stand up. BHe cant see anything. CHe cant speak any more. DHe cant walk around. 4What should you do if a child chokes on something? ASlap the victims stomach hard. BPull the obstruction out of his mouth. CPlace your fist in the upper part of his stomach

3、. DLay his face down and slap his upper back. 答案 14 CACD Words And Phrases 知识要点1 panic vi.& vt.(使)惊慌 n惊恐;恐慌 (教材 P55) Listen carefully and dont panic. 仔细听,不要惊慌。 例 1 I felt very nervous and had to force myself not to panic. 我感到非常紧张,不得不强迫自己不要惊慌。 例 2 There was a panic when the building caught fire. 大楼起火

4、时,人们一片惊慌。 翻译 人们听到枪声感到惊慌。 The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns. 知识拓展 (1)panic over/at 因而恐慌;对感到惊慌失措 panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人惊慌地做某事 (2)get into a panic 陷入恐慌(动作) be in a panic 陷入恐慌(状态) 即学即练 单句语法填空 He panicked over/at this accident. Many landowners were panicked (panic) into leaving the count

5、ry at that time. She got into a panic when she couldnt find the tickets. The girl is in a panic.Try to help her calm down. 知识要点2 (教材 P56) Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table. 陈伟是北京的一名高中生,当他听到另一张桌子上有人在尖叫时,他的晚餐 被打断了。

6、 (1)interrupt vi.& vt.打断;打扰 vt.使暂停;使中断 例 1 Im sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here? 对不起,打断你一下,但他们怎么会住在这儿呢? 例 2 It is not polite to interrupt when someone is talking. 在别人讲话时打断他是不礼貌的。 翻译 我正忙的时候请不要来打扰我。 Dont interrupt me when I am busy. 知识拓展 (1)interrupt sb./sth. (with sth.) (因某事)打断某人/某事

7、 be interrupted by 被打断 (2)interruption n. 打扰;插嘴;打岔;阻断物 without interruption 连续地;不断地 即学即练 单句语法填空 It is bad manners to interrupt a speaker with frequent questions. Lets go somewhere where we can talk without interruption (interrupt) They were interrupted (interrupt) by a sudden and urgent knock at the

8、 door. (2)scream vi.& vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 n尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声 音 例 1 People were staggering about,screaming with pain. 人们跌跌撞撞地四处乱跑,痛苦地尖叫着。 例 2 People ran for the exits,screaming out in terror. 人们奔向出口,恐惧地尖叫着。 翻译 整个屋子都能听到她那高声的尖叫。 Her loud screams could be heard all over the house. 知识拓展 scream at 朝尖叫 scream for 为

9、而喊叫 scream out 尖声喊出;尖叫着 即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子 The trapped passengers screamed for help. She screamed at me to get out of the way. She screamed out that she had lost her passport. 她尖声嚷着她把护照弄丢了。 知识要点3 desperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的 (教材 P56) He was now holding his throat with his face turning red,while his d

10、esperate friends were slapping him on the back. 现在他正掐着自己的喉咙,红着脸,而他绝望的朋友们在拍打着他的背。 例 1 They made a desperate attempt to save the company. 他们为挽救公司作孤注一掷的努力。 例 2 They are desperate to escape. 他们急于想逃跑。 翻译 突然丢钱使他很绝望。 The sudden loss of his money made him desperate. 知识拓展 (1)be desperate about 对绝望 be despera

11、te for 极想要 be desperate to do. 渴望做某事 (2)desperately adv. 绝望地;不顾一切地;拼命地 即学即练 单句语法填空 The man in the river desperately (desperate) tried to reach the side. He was desperate for work to provide food for his children. He is desperate to pursue (pursue) his vocation as an artist. 知识要点4 justify vt.证明有道理;为辩

12、护;是的正当理由 (教材 P56) How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing? 我怎么能证明坐在那里什么都不做是正当的呢? 例 1 He tried to justify his absence with lame excuses. 他想用站不住脚的借口为自己的缺席辩解。 例 2 How can you justify spending so much money? 你怎么能对花掉这么多钱做出令人满意的解释呢? 翻译 你能证明你有着充分理由可以那样说吗? Can you justify yourself in saying that

13、? 知识拓展 justify (doing) sth. 证明正当 justify.to 向证明合理 justify oneself in doing. 在做某事证明自己 即学即练 单句语法填空 How will you justify this pay cut to your employees? The decision is justified (justify) on the grounds that there is no realistic alternative. He is fully justified in doing (do) so. Sentence Pattern 重点

14、句式 have sth. done 结构 (教材 P56) Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table. 陈伟是北京的一名高中生,当他听到另一张桌子上有人在尖叫时,他的晚餐 被打断了。 句式分析:句中 had his dinner interrupted 是“have宾语宾语补足语”结 构,his dinner 与动词 interrupt 之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。 例 1 The boss

15、 had me set down what people present at the meeting said. 老板让我记录下出席会议的人员所说的话。 例 2 The patient is going to have his temperature taken. 这个病人准备请人量体温。 翻译 不幸的是,他在训练中把右腿弄伤了。 Unfortunately,he had his right leg injured during the training. 知识拓展 (1)have/get sth. done 可以表示:使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语 自己做,也可能是让别人做);遭

16、遇/经历(此事违背主语的意愿)。 若宾语和宾补之间是主动关系则用: (2)have sb. do sth.(do 强调做某事这一事实) (3)have sb./sth. doing (doing 强调持续进行某一动作) 即学即练 完成句子 Theres something wrong with my computer,so I have to have/get it repaired 我的电脑出了问题,所以我得让人修理一下。 He was very funny and had us laughing all the way. 他非常滑稽,一路上逗得我们笑个不停。 The boss often

17、has them work for 14 hours a day 老板经常要他们一天工作 14 个小时。 名师点津 have sth. done 相当于 make/get sth. done;不管“have sth. done”结构表示何种 意义,sth.与 done 之间都存在着逻辑上的动宾关系。 观点态度题 典例剖析 Inventors have been trying to make flying cars since the 1930s,according to Robert Mann,an airline industry expert.But Mann thinks Terrafu

18、gia has come closer than anyone to making the flying car a reality.The government has already permitted the company to use special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly. The Transition is now going through crash tests to make sure it meets federal safety standards. Mann said Terrafugia

19、was helped by the Federal Aviation Administrations decision five years ago to create a separate set of standards for light sport aircraft, which are lower than those for pilots of larger planes.Terrafugia says an owner would need to pass a test and complete 20 hours of flying time to be able to fly

20、the Transition,a requirement pilots would find relatively easy to meet. What is the governments attitude to the development of the flying car? ACautious. BFavorable. CAmbiguous. DDisapproving. 试题特点 文章作者或文中人物对某事物所持的情感、 观点或态度往往隐含在文章的字 里行间或流露于修饰词之中。题干中常有 think of,attitude,opinion 等词。 解题思路 Step 1:确定题干中的

21、关键词(题干黑体字) Step 2:根据关键词定位信息句(中句) Step 3:尝试解答根据信息句“政府已经允许该公司使用特殊材料,使 车辆更容易飞行”可判断出,政府对研制飞车持支持的态度。故选 B。 名师点津 四个关注点 看清楚谁对什么的态度 留意那些表达情感、态度或观点的词(动词、形容词、副词等) 语或句子 关注首段首尾句,根据文章主题定观点 不要掺杂自己的观点 熟悉四类选项常用词汇 肯定 positive 积极乐观的;supportive 支持的;optimistic 乐观的;enthusiastic 热情的 否定 negative 否定的,消极的;disapproval 不赞成;cri

22、tical 批评的 怀疑 suspicious 可疑的,怀疑的;doubtful 可疑的;puzzled 迷惑的 客观 objective 客观的;neutral 中立的 即学即练 A Going to university is supposed to be a mindbroadening experience.That statement is probably made in comparison to training for work straight after school.But is it actually true? Jessika Golle of the Univer

23、sity of Tubingen,in Germany,reports in Psychological Science this week that those who have been to university indeed seem to leave with broader and more curious minds than those who have spent their immediate postschool years in vocational (职业的) training for work.However, it was not the case that un

24、iversity broadened minds.Rather, vocational training for work seemed to have narrowed them.The result is not quite what might be expected. Dr.Golle came to this conclusion after she and a team of colleagues studied the early careers of 2,095 German youngsters.The team used two standardized tests to

25、assess their volunteers personality traits (特点) including openness, conscientiousness (认真) and so on, and attitudes such as realistic, investigative and enterprising twice, once towards the end of each volunteers time at high school,and then again six years later.Of the original group,382 had to mak

26、e a choice between the academic and vocational routes,and it was on these that the researchers focused.University beckoned for 212 of them.The remaining 170 chose vocational training and a job. When it came to the second round of tests,Dr.Golle found that the personalities of both groups had not cha

27、nged significantly.As for changes in attitude,again,none were noticeable in the university group.However,those who had chosen the vocational route showed marked drops in interest in tasks that are investigative and enterprising in nature.And that might restrict their choice of careers. The changes i

28、n attitude that the researchers recorded were more worrying.Vocational training has always been what Germany prides itself on.If Dr. Golle is correct,and changes in attitude brought about by the very training are narrowing peoples choices that is indeed a matter worthy of serious consideration. What

29、 is the authors attitude towards the finding? ASkeptical. BOptimistic. CConcerned. DUnclear. C 根据最后一段内容,特别是“The changes in attitude that the researchers recorded were more worrying.Vocational training has always been what Germany prides itself on.”可知,职业训练存在降低学生的兴趣、限制职业选择的缺点,但 德国人却以职业训练为傲,这引起了作者的担忧,故

30、选 C。 B Reyes Clark,the owner of Yemaya a popup business,is part of a movement in El Salvador,composed of young chefs who are making traditional foods into contemporary cuisine. “We used to go to McDonalds and Pizza Hut a lot when we were kids.We thought it was cool, ” she says.“Anything from the U S

31、.was considered better than here.But attitudes about American fast food are changing.Salvadorans are becoming more curious about ancestral vegetables and herbs.” Reyes Clark picks up a piece of paterna,a large seedy green pod(豆荚) that grows all over the country.“Im going to make hummus(豆沙) out of th

32、e seeds, ” she says. “The first time I made it for my friends, they thought I was crazy, but then when they tasted it,they were surprised by how good it was.” Paterna,along with leafy green nutritional powerhousesmora,chipilin and chayagrow easily in the wild,but over the years they have been replac

33、ed with processed foods.“You are not going to find paterna in the supermarket, ” Reyes Clark says. “This is because most of El Salvadors food culture was wiped out, ” says Luis May,a doctor who focuses on locally sourced food as medicine.He has a garden behind his office where he grows many local pl

34、ants and teaches his visitors about their nutritional value.He says, “Nearly 500 years ago,the Spanish rulers abolished many local foods.” Mirandal is a chefs at a newly opened restaurant Boca Boca,hidden in a tree- lined area of San Salvador,where they focus on what they call food nostalgia(乡 愁)“We

35、 take old plants from the farming areas and combine them in new ways.The taste is new and exciting for our generation,and brings back a flood of good memories for the older people, ” Mirandal says. Mirandals 68yearold grandmother,Elva Duran,is thrilled to see these foods making a comeback. “When I w

36、as young, we didnt have fastfood chains that have no health value, ” she says.“I think its incredible that this generation is taking steps to keep our roots alive.” Whats the old peoples attitude towards the movement? AApproving. BSkeptical. CObjective. DNeutral. A 根据最后一段可知, 68 岁的祖母 Elva Duran 很高兴看到这些食物卷土 重来。“当我年轻的时候,我们没有健康价值的快餐连锁店, ”她说。“我认为, 这一代人正在采取措施保持我们的传统,这令人难以置信。”由此可知,老人对 运动的态度是支持的。故选 A。


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