新人教版七年级下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas (Section B 2a-2c reading)教学设计(省优).docx

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1、【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 共 1 课时 Section B 初中英语 人教 2011 课标版评论( 0) 1 教学目标 通过限时快速阅读,了解文章大意和中心;通过慢速扫读,获取具体细节信息,并能用自己的话表述清楚;通过大声有感情地朗读,体会作者的写作初衷,了解保护大象的迫切性和必要性;通过小组合作绘制思维导图,学会利用关键词梳理文段并复述文段,并体会合作学习的乐趣;通过分析文章结构,培养围绕写作目的撰写英语文章的意识。评论( 0) 2 学情分析 学生已经通过完成预习任务,对文章中的生词和短语有了初步的认识和了解;学生已经基本适应阅读课模式,并对小组合作十分熟悉,能通过合作完成共同的任务;学生

2、对于保护动物的话题有很高的热情,并愿意积极发表意见贡献自己的力量;学生对英语复述文段有一定的基础,并愿意开口说英语。评论( 0) 3 重点难点 重点: 阅读方法和策略的培养,跳读扫读朗读能力的训练;思维导图的绘制,并用自己的话根据导图复述全文。 难点: 扫读之后,用自己的话表述所获取的信息;个性思维导图的绘制;思维导图的展示及复述文段。 4 教学过程 4.1 第一学时教学活 动评论( 0)活动 1【导入】 Lead in Enjoya song from Thailand and some pictures taken on Thailand Elephant Day to lead in n

3、ew class.评论( 0)活动 2【活动】 Pre reading Before reading, first check the students preview work. Ask them to finish the following tasks. Task I: Words and phrases Words: elephant Thailand symbol flag ivory luck smart place save Phrases: get lost cut down lose homes be in danger ( be) made of Task II: Thin

4、k about how to describe an animal What do we usually write about? What kinds of words do we usually use?评论( 0)活动 3【讲授】 While reading Part I Skimming Read the passage quickly. Then answer the following questions. 1. What does the passage mainly talk about? 2. What s the best title? Part II Scanning R

5、ead the passage carefully, and then answer the following questions with books closed. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 1. Who wrote this passage? 2. What do elephants mean in Thailand? 3. Elephants are smart. What can they do? 4. What happens to elephants now? 5. What can we do for them? After reading and finding answ

6、ers, first ask the students share their answers with partners, then ask some students to give theirs. Part III Read Aloud! Standing on the writer s shoes, read the passage loudly and emotionally! Ask some students to read aloud.评论( 0)活动 4【活动】 Post reading Task I: Talk about the structure. Point out

7、the writing aim is to save the elephants. And in Paragraph I, the writer tells us the importance of elephants to them. In Paragraph II, the writer tells us the abilities of elephants. In Paragraph III, the writer tells us why and how we should save the elephants. All the parts are for the only writi

8、ng aim- to save the elephants. Task II: Retell the passage using mind maps Paragraph I : A line mind map Give the key word of each sentence. And teach the students to retell the paragraph using these words. And ask two students to have a try. Paragraph II: A tree mind map Give the key word using the

9、 big tree pictures. Ask them to retell the paragraph together. Paragraph III: It s the students turn to make their own mind map. It s groupwork. Ask one students to report their mind map and try to retell the paragraph. Summarize the use of mind map and tell them to try to use this tool in their stu

10、dy. 【 ;百万教育资源文库 】 Task III: Talk about writing. All the writing contents are for the writing aims. This is the most important.评论( 0)活动 5【练习】 Assessment Assessment I: 1. Vocabulary 2.Information 3. Structure Assessment II: Homework Write a short passage to describe a kind of animal. You can write about the following ways: age, appearance, habits, ability, personality 【 163 文库:各类优质课,公开课课件 ppt;教案,教学设计,各类试题复习资料,工作文档等上百万资源。】 【平台地址: 】


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