2021版外研版选修四英语Unit 3 单元教学设计.docx

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1、1 Book 7 Unit 3 教教学学设计设计 单元主题单元主题 本单元的主题语境是“人与社会” ,涉及的主题语境内容是跨文化沟通,文 化的包容与合作。 本单元的着眼点是中外文化的交流, 并着重立足于中国本 土文化,涉及中国的文化遗产,当代中国的发展和崭新风貌,中国文化交流 的历史以及中国文学等方面, 引导学生从不同的视角理解中国文化和中国文 明,培养学生开放、多元、学习、包容的精神,树立立足本土文化,接纳世 界多元文化的理念,进一步增强学生的民族自豪感,培养高尚的爱国情操。 单元目标单元目标 学生能够围绕本单元的主题语境内容, 基于单元提供的图片、 导游词、 对话、 访谈、书信、通知等多模

2、态语篇,综合运用各种语言技能,能够对中国传统 文化与现代文明的杰出代表进行描述与介绍; 能够简要介绍中国的文化交流 史以及连接中外文明的重要历史人物,观察并感受中国传统与现代的文明; 能够从更广阔的角度探讨中国如何更好地走向世界; 在知识和思维能力上进 行适当迁移,能够对相关话题开展研究学习与思考;能够在自主学习、合作 学习、探究式学习的过程中开拓思维,用欣赏、学习、探索的眼光看待不同 的文明,用自豪、传承、发展的心态对待自己的文明;能够通过运用各种学 习策略,在自主学习、合作学习与探究式学习的过程中,结合单元提供的反 思性和评价性问题,不断监控、评价、反思和调整自己的学习内容和进程, 激发学

3、习英语的兴趣, 提高分析和解决问题的能力, 提高自己的理解能力和 表达能力,最终促进自身语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合 提升。 Starting out 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 10 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Listening + Viewing 主题语境主题语境 人与社会物质与非物质文化遗产;跨文化的沟通、交流与理解 内容内容分析分析 活动 1 呈现一段与单元主题相关的视频,介绍了丝绸之路的历史、发展和 在中外文化交流方面的历史作用,以及在新时代的今天“一带一路”倡议如 何使丝绸之路重新焕发生机。活动 2 提供一些图片,这些图片从不同的方

4、 面展现了外国友人在中国的经历。学生要试图站在他们的视角,以“共情” 的态度,观察、体悟、思考和讨论。本板块旨在激活学生已有的背景知识和 语言知识,为接下来整个单元的学习活动做铺垫和预热。 教学目标教学目标 1 带领学生观看视频,理解视频的主旨大意,并能够从视频中迅速提取 关键信息,激活学生已有的背景知识和语言知识; 2 2 引导学生通过对图片的观察、体悟、思考和讨论,学会用欣赏、学习、 包容的心态去“遇见”不同的文化,对“文化冲击”现象进行初步的思考; 3 引导学生理解文化的丰富性与多样性,贯彻“中国走向世界”这一主 题,培养多元视角,提升文化自豪感。 教学重点教学重点 引导学生观看视频、理

5、解主题,并对 cultural shock 进行思考与讨论。 教学难点教学难点 引导学生感受和理解文化的丰富性与多样性,贯彻“The world meets China” 这一主题,培养多元视角、提升文化自豪感。 教学策略教学策略 视听教学法、交际教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 (Design 1) 1. Ask Ss about their knowledge of the development of the Silk Road, and dra

6、w a time axis on the blackboard. 2. Play the video. 3. Ask Question 1. 4. Play the video again, and asks Ss to make necessary changes of the time axis. 5. Invite Ss to briefly introduce the history the road to others, and answer Question 2. 1. Use their background knowledge to talk about the history

7、 of the Silk Road. 2. Watch the video. 3. Answer Question 1. 4. Watch the video again and make necessary changes of the time axis. 5. Orally introduce the history of the Silk Road, and answer Question 2. 1. To Activate students background knowledge about the Silk Road. 2. To help students have an ov

8、erall understanding of the Silk Road. Activity 1 (Design 2) 1. Use pictures and questions to motivate Ss background knowledge of the Silk Road. Take down key words on the blackboard. 2. Show the video and ask Question 1. 3. Show the video again. Ask Ss to modify or add info to the previous notes. 1.

9、 Observe pictures, activate background knowledge about the Silk Road. Help T to take notes. 2. Watch the video and answer Question 1. 3. Modify and add necessary info to the previous notes. 4. Answer Question 2 and other questions raised by T. 1. To Activate Ss background knowledge about the Silk Ro

10、ad. 2. To help Ss have an overall understanding of the Silk Road. 3 4. Ask Question 2, and raise a new question: Whatre the differences between the ancient Silk Road and todays “Belt and Road Initiative”? 5. Organize a discussion on the importance of the Silk Road. 5. Discuss about the significance

11、of the Silk Road. Activity 2 (Design 1) 1. Show pictures; Ss observe and answer Question 1. 2. Organize group work. Guide Ss to discuss the messages behind the pics and take down key words. 3. Ask Question 2 and offer key words to help. 4. Guide Ss to think about Question 3. 1. Students observe the

12、pics and answer Question 1. 2. Discuss the messages behind the pics and take down key words. 3. Think about and answer Question 2. 4. Think about and answer Question 3. 1. To encourage Ss to appreciate and learn from different cultures; 2. To guide Ss to think about the phenomenon of cultural shock.

13、 Activity 2 (Design 2) 1. Show pictures; play a related quick-answer game. Then ask Question 1. 2. Organize group work. Guide Ss to discuss the messages behind the pics. 3. Ask Question 2. Require Ss to say at least 2-3 sentences about the pics. 4. Guide Ss to think more. Ask Question 3, and require

14、 Ss to describe briefly about their answers. 1. Students observe the pics and do quick-answer game. Answer Question 1. 2. Group work. Discuss the messages behind the pics. 3. Answer Question 2 with at least 2-3 sentences. 4. Think more, answer Question 3 with brief description. 1. To encourage Ss to

15、 appreciate and learn from different cultures; 2. To guide Ss to think about the phenomenon of cultural shock. 4 Understanding ideas 板块教学设计板块教学设计 (建议时长 3035 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading 主题语境主题语境 人与社会物质与非物质文化遗产 内容内容分析分析 该板块呈现了一篇体现单元主题的课文,语篇类型为导游词。课文为导游在 莫高窟现场的解说词。 课文中的导游先概述了敦煌在古代中外贸易中的重要 位置,然后移步换

16、景,带领游客参观几个主要的洞窟,介绍洞窟的开凿,壁 画的内容,藏经洞的发现与意义,以及敦煌如何在“一带一路”倡议下重焕 新生。这样的课文,不仅要求教师要引导学生理解内容,而且应该通过设置 开放性的问题,帮助学生深入理解,探究主题意义,锻炼思维能力,体悟家 国情怀和拥有全球视野。 读前的导入活动通过请学生观察几幅图片并回答问 题,激活学生的背景知识,帮助学生提前熟悉课文内容。读中活动通过请学 生判断课文的来源,考查学生对课文整体内容的把握。读后活动则通过理解 主旨大意、分析逻辑结构和开放性问答等多种形式,帮助学生深入理解、赏 析课文,探究主题意义,培养思维能力。 教学目标教学目标 1 引导学生获

17、取课文主要信息,能够总结出丝绸之路上敦煌的地位与作用、 莫高窟的概况与主要看点、丝绸之路如何重获新生; 2 引导学生站在“导游”的角度,感知课文的语言特点,学习和掌握如何与 游客交流,如何吸引游客的注意力,如何把握住事物的主要特征,如何展开 具体描述; 3 引导学生基于课文内容,从敦煌的发展与兴衰,莫高窟的独特位置与历史 价值, 敦煌如何增进文化交流和理解, 以及如何提升民族文化自豪感等方面, 加深对单元主题的认知。 教学重点教学重点 1. 引导学生理解对事物的主要特点如何展开描述; 2. 引导学生站在导游视角来理解语篇,并作可能的丰富与拓展。 教学难点教学难点 1. 导游视角具有移步换景的特

18、点,因此需要学生用一定的想象力和空间思 维能力来理解课文内容; 2. 引导学生站在更高视角,加深对单元主题的认知。 教学策略教学策略 P-W-P 模式 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. Before class, encourage Ss to collect pics and info about Dunhuang and Mogao Caves. 2. Divide the class into groups to discuss about the

19、 pics and 1. Before class, collect pics and info about Dunhuang and Mogao Caves. 2. Work in groups. Discuss about the pics and info. Answer Question 1&2. 1. To prepare enough info for further discussion. 2. To let Ss help each other. 3. To practice oral expression. 5 info theyve collected. Ask Quest

20、ion 1&2. 3. Choose one or two groups to share their results with the class. 3. One or two groups present their results to the class. Activity 2 1. Help Ss tell the differences between a travel brochure, a tour guided commentary, a blog and a lecture. 2. Ask students to read the passage quickly. 3. H

21、elp Ss make clear where the passage is most probably from. 1. Tell the differences between a travel brochure, a tour guided commentary, a blog and a lecture. 2. Read the passage quickly. 3. Figure out what kind of article the text is. 1. To make clear what type of writing the text is. 2. To get the

22、general idea of the text. Activity 3 1. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and underline the key sentence of each paragraph. 2. Help Ss to analyze the different focuses of the three choices. 3. Compare the results of the last two steps. Help Ss to get the choice and explain why. 1. Read the passage

23、quickly and underline the key sentence of each paragraph. 2. Analyze the different focuses of the three choices. 3. Compare the results of the last two steps. Get the choice and explain why. To practice how to make a summary of a text. Activity 4 (Design 1) 1. Guide Ss into the roles of a tourist an

24、d a guide. Ask necessary questions to help. 2. Ask Ss to read in details the 1st and 2nd paragraphs (in the role of a tour guide). 3. Asks Ss to go on reading the rest of the article. Questions are need to help. 4. Organize group work 1. Try to think in the role of a tour guide or a tourist, which h

25、elps understand the text. 2. Read Para 1-2 in the role of a tour guide. 3. Go on and finish reading the text. 4. Group work and finish the diagram on Page 28. 5. Check the answers and try to retell the passage. 1. To understand the text in details. 2. To understand the structure of the text. 3. To d

26、o some research into the theme and practice high-level thinking. 6 to discuss and finish the diagram on Page 28. 5. Check the answers, and invite some Ss to retell the passage. Activity 4 (Design 2) 1. Divide Ss into two groups: tour guides and tourists. 2. Help Ss make clear about their roles by ne

27、cessary questions and examples. 3. Guide them into the scenario of a tour to Dunhuang and Mogao caves, and read Paragraph 1-2. 4. Help Ss ask and answer meaningful questions as they are reading Paragraph 3-4. 5. Ask Ss to read Paragraph 5-6 together. 6. Organize group work to discuss and finish the

28、diagram on Page 28. 7. Check answers, ask them to do some retelling. 1. Make clear what role they are in: a tour guide or a tourist. 2. Understand the scenario and read Paragraph 1-2. 3. Read Paragraph 3-4, ask and answer meaningful questions between tour guides and tourists. 4. Read paragraph 5-6 t

29、ogether. 5. Group work: discuss and finish the diagram on Page 28. 6. Check answers and do some retelling. 1. To understand the text in details. 2. To understand the structure of the text. 3. To do some research into the theme and practice high-level thinking. Think & Share 1. Guide Ss to discuss Qu

30、estion 1 in groups. Help Ss to form some answers. 2. Ask Ss to do with the other questions in the same way. 3. Give after-school assignment to do more research into the questions. 1. Discuss Question 1 in groups. Try to form some answers. 2. Do with the other questions in the same way. 3. Do some af

31、ter-school research into the questions. 1. To help Ss think about questions reasonably. 2. Improve Ss level of thinking and reflection. 7 Using language 板板块教学设计块教学设计 (建议时长 8090 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading + Listening + Speaking 主题语境主题语境 人与社会社会进步与人类文明 内容内容分析分析 语法部分的主要内容为状语从句的复习。 这部分要求学生在对典型例句分析

32、的基础上,补全一个关于大提琴演奏家马友友的小语段,之后再运用状语从 句讲述中国高铁的发展,并完成相应的开放性练习;词汇部分通过一个中外 文化交流的时间轴展现了在中国历史上对文化交流做出突出贡献的人物及 其成就,然后通过一篇介绍文坛泰斗钱钟书的小语段进行词汇训练;听说部 分请学生听一段关于在海外孔子学院任教经历的访谈对话录音, 并完成相关 的听力活动。学生在进行阅读、听力、讨论的过程中,能够了解从古代至近 现代的中外文化交流大致的发展历程,多角度理解中国文化的发展与传播, 并且通过不同方式的训练,全面提高综合语言运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1 引导学生复习几种状语从句的用法 及区别,并在真实语

33、境中加以运用。利用材料提供的要点,创造性地使用状 语从句,完成开放性练习; 2 引导学生掌握并能够正确使用与文化交流相关的词汇或表达, 并尽量想出 更多不同的相关表达; 3 引导学生了解从古至今的中外文化交流历程,理解文化交流与文化发 展相互促进的关系,拓展文化视野,坚定文化自信,对中国文化如何更好走 向世界进行初步思考。 教学重点教学重点 1. 引导学生复习状语从句的基本特征并在真实语境中运用; 2. 引导学生理解中西文化交流的历程,并锻炼表达能力。 教学难点教学难点 1. 指导学生对状语从句的灵活运用; 2. 对于中西文化交流大事件的史实知识的正确表述与适当的信息补充。 教学策略教学策略

34、任务型教学法、交际教学法、听说教学法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teachers activity Students activity Activity 1 1. Ask Ss to read and observe the sentences in the box, and tell which type of adverbial clause each one is. 2. Ask Ss to find more adverbial clauses when reading the text. 1. Observe the four sen

35、tences in the box and tell which type of adverbial clause each one is. 2. Find more adverbial clauses when reading the text. 1. To go over adverbial clauses. 2. To help Ss learn from real text. 8 Activity 2 1. Ask Ss to read the text independently and choose proper expressions for the blanks. 2. Ask

36、 Ss to read the text including their choices. 3. Check the answers with the class. 4. Help Ss to tell the types of the adverbial clauses. 1. Read the text independently and choose proper expressions for the blanks. 2. Read the text including the choices. 3. Check the answers. 4. Tell the types of th

37、e adverbial clauses. To apply the adverbial clauses in a context. Activity 3 1. Help Ss to build connection between info points and pics about the development of HSR. 2. Organize group work to describe the development of Chinas HSR. 3. Invite some groups to share their work results orally. Encourage

38、 them to use adverbial clauses. 4. Ask Ss to take down their oral work, and make sure its coherent enough. 1. Observe the info and pics. Build connection between info points and pics about the development of HSR. 2. Describe the development of Chinas HSR in groups. 3. Share work results orally. Try

39、to use more adverbial clauses. 4. Take down the oral work, and make sure its coherent enough. To consolidate the application of the adverbial clauses in a real context. Activity 4 1. Organize group work to describe another Chinese innovation. Encourage them to use adverbial clauses. 2. Invite some g

40、roups to show their work orally. 1. Describe another Chinese innovation. Try to use adverbial clauses. 2. Share the group work in class. To further practice using the adverbial clause. 9 Activity 5 1. Activate Ss background knowledge about the history of communication between China and the west. 2.

41、Ask Ss to read the text and make clear about the time, people and events. 3. Organize group work. Ss tell each other about the topic by using the time axis. 4. Invite some Ss to do the retelling of the text. 1. Prepare background knowledge about the topic. 2. Read the text and get clear about the ti

42、me, people and events. 3. In groups do retelling to each other by using the time axis. Its OK to add personal understanding. 4. Do retelling to the class. 1. To further understand the process of communication between China and the west in history. 2. To learn and use more vocabulary. Activity 6 1. A

43、sk Ss to share what they know about Qian Zhongshu and his works. 2. Ask Ss to read the text independently and fill in the blanks with words from Activity 5. 3. Ask some Ss to share what theyve put in the blanks. Check the answers. 1. Share what they know about Qian Zhongshu and his works. 2. Read th

44、e text independently and fill in the blanks with words from Activity 5. 3. Share what theyve put in the blanks. Check the answers. To enlarge and review the vocabulary about the topic. Activity 7 1. Ask Ss to share what they know about the Confucius Institute overseas. 2. Ask Ss to read the “Did you

45、 know” part about the Confucius Institute. 3. Guide Ss to read the choices and 1. Share what they know about the Confucius Institute overseas. 2. Read the “Did you know” part about the Confucius Institute. 3. Read the choices and make possible To train the skills of grasping the main idea of a conve

46、rsation through listening. 10 make possible assumptions. 4. Play the audio and asks students to make choices. Listen again and make sure of their choices. 5. Invite Ss to share their answers and make necessary correction. assumptions. 4. Listen to the audio and make choices. Listen again and make su

47、re of the choices. 5. Share and check the answers. Activity 8&9 1. Play the audio again and ask Ss to complete the text of Activity 8. 2. Ask Ss to finish the two boxes of Activity 9 independently. 3. Organize group work to improve and help each other with their answers. 4. Check the answers. 1. lis

48、ten to the audio again and complete the text of Activity 8. 2. Finish the two boxes of Activity 9 independently. 3. Improve and help each other with their answers in groups. 4. Check the answers. 1. To learn to understand the details of the listening material. 2. To learn the ways of giving reasons

49、and drawing conclusions. Activity 10 1. Organize group work to talk about scenarios of spreading Chinese culture. 2. Invite several groups to show the scenarios to class. 3. Help Ss to improve their language skills. 1. Talk in groups about scenarios of spreading Chinese culture. 2. Several groups sh

50、ow the scenarios to class. 3. Try to improve the language skills. 1. To understand the language circumstances better. 2. To further practise language skills. Developing ideas 板板块教学设计块教学设计 (建议时长 8090 分钟,教师可根据教学实际酌情调整。 ) 课型课型 Reading + Writing 11 主题语境主题语境 人与社会跨文化的沟通、交流与理解 内容内容分析分析 本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文


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