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1、Unit 4Unit 4 Sharing Sharing Reading and ThinkingReading and Thinking 【词汇积淀素养初探】 . 用本单元的单词及汉语提示完成词块 1. a parcelparcel(包裹) from home 2. some sweets and jamjam(果酱) 3. nice to get mailmail(信件) 4. my secondarysecondary(中学的) school 5. clayclay(陶土) floors 6. a dustydusty(布满灰尘的) track 7. a choruschorus(合唱队

2、) 8. wear cotton uniformuniforms s(制服) 9. the test tubetube(管子) 10. a wrinkledwrinkled(起皱纹的) forehead 11. a platformplatform(平台) for Jenny 12. riperipe(成熟的) corn 13. draggeddragged(拖) ourselves down the mountain . 根据语境完成句子 1. The classrooms are made ofare made of(由制成) bamboo. 2. Many of them also ha

3、ve to walk a long way, sometimes for up toup to(达到) two hours. 3. Theres no electricity, running water or even textbooks, not to mentionnot to mention(更不 用说) laptops, tablets, or other modern devices. 4. Im still trying to adapt toadapt to(适应) these conditions. 5. I doubt whether Im making any dimak

4、ing any differencefference(有任何影响) to these boys lives at all. 6. Everyone seemed to be related tobe related to(与有关) Tombe. 7. I noticed a can standing upside downupside down(上下颠倒) on the grill over the fire. 【阅读精研素养构建】 . 文本整体理解: 理清文章架构 1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks1. Skim the passage an

5、d fill in the blanks V Volunteering in the busholunteering in the bush 2. Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. 2. Read the text quickly and find out the main idea of the passage. The text is written by Jo, a young (1)AustralianAustralian who teaches in a(n) (2)bushbush sc

6、hool in a poor mountainous village. It is about her experience as a (3)volunteervolunteer and her first (4)visitvisit to a village which is the home of Tombe. . 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息 Choose the best answer to the passage 1. In a chemistry experiment the boys jumped out of the windows because they . A. we

7、re frightened by the bubbling mixture B. couldnt stand the terrible smell of the mixture C. didnt like doing chemistry experiment D. knew chemistry was not relevant to them 2. Why does Jo wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids? A. Because she thinks chemistry is too difficult to learn. B. Beca

8、use she thinks chemistry may make little difference to the kids life. C. Because the kids there hardly come across anything of chemistry. D. Because she thinks chemistry useless. 3. In what language do you think Jo gave her lessons? A. Pidgin English B. French C. English D. The local language of Pap

9、ua New Guinea 4. Why did Tombe throw out of the tin can? A. Because he hated the leftover food. B. Because he believed any leftover attracted evil spirits. C. Because he believed the can had no use at all. D. Because this is a way for people in Papua New Guinea to store leftovers. 5. How did Jo feel

10、 after the visit to Tombes family? A. Happy B. Sad C. Worried D. Upset 答案: 15. ACCBA . 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 (1)There is no equipment and since there isnt even a 分句一 原因状语从句 washroom, if I need water I have to carry it from my 条件状语从句 分句二 house in a basin. 译文: 这里没有任何设备, 甚至没有洗手间, 如果我需要水

11、的话我不得不用盆子从我的房子如果我需要水的话我不得不用盆子从我的房子 取水取水。 (2)The class became a circus as the boys, who had never 主句 come across anything like this before, started jumping out of who 引导定语从句 as 引导原因状语从句 the windows. 译文: 整个班级成了一个马戏团, 之前从没见过这种状况的男孩子们之前从没见过这种状况的男孩子们开始从窗户跳出去。 2. 根据课文内容填空 Jo wrote the blog entries to tell

12、 us her (1)teachingteaching(teach) life in a bush school as a volunteer. She described the school whose classrooms (2)were madewere made(make) of bamboo and roofs of grass. They had never come across chemistry experiments (3)beforebefore Jo came here. Jo gave a detailed (4)descriptiondescription(des

13、cribe) of her first visit to a village. After two and a half (5)hourshours(hour) of walking, she arrived at Tombes home (6)wherewhere she could see a low bamboo hut with grass (7)stickingsticking(stick) out of the roof, which had no windows. Inside the house, she found a newly made platform for Jenn

14、y and her to sleep (8)onon. Outside the house, she saw Mukap laid stones on the fire, placed them in (9)anan empty oil drum with kau kau, corn and greens and then (10)coveredcovered(cover) the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam. She felt happy after the visit to Tombes family. 3. 阅

15、读主题活动 (1)What do you think about the life of Tombe? His life is rather hard, original and simple, but he and his family are very His life is rather hard, original and simple, but he and his family are very friendly. friendly. (2)When you graduate from the college, do you want to be a volunteer? And

16、why? I want to be a volunteer to help others when I graduate from the college, at that I want to be a volunteer to help others when I graduate from the college, at that time, I have equipped with enough knowledge, and I am capable of helping others. time, I have equipped with enough knowledge, and I

17、 am capable of helping others. 【要点精研素养奠基】 1. uniform n. 校服; 制服 adj. 一致的; 统一的 *Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms.uniforms. 不像我们国家的学生那样, 这里的孩子们不穿棉质校服。 *(2019浙江高考)School uniformsSchool uniforms are traditional in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of

18、them. 在英国穿校服是个传统, 但是有些学校正开始摆脱它们。 *For twenty minutes or so, our train seems to travel at a uniform speed.uniform speed. 大约二十分钟的时间里, 我们的火车似乎在匀速行驶。 【语块积累】 in uniform 穿制服 school uniform 校服 uniform speed 匀速; 等速 uniform customs 统一惯例 【即学活用】 (1)It is suggested that driving at a uniform speeduniform speed c

19、an save much energy. 据建议, 匀速驾驶可以节省很多能量。 (2)Before the ceremony, all the students will gather together in school uniformschool uniform. 典礼前, 所有的学生将会穿校服聚集在一起, (3)Some boys are playing in the road and among them a boy is in uniformin uniform. 几个男孩在街上玩耍, 其中有个穿着制服。 2. not to mention 更不用说; 且不说 *There is n

20、o electricity, running water or even textbooks, not to mentionnot to mention laptops, tablets, or other modern devices. 那儿没有电, 没有自来水, 甚至没有课本, 更别提笔记本电脑、平板电脑或者别的现代化设 备。 *The environment is clean and elegant, not to mentionnot to mention its high-quality dishes as well as its top service. 这里环境很干净很优雅, 更

21、不用说它高质量的饭菜和顶级的服务 了。 *Jacks so lazy that he hates going for walks, let alone/much lesslet alone/much less jogging. 杰克很懒惰, 所以他讨厌散步, 更别说是慢跑了。 【语块积累】 (1)not to mention. . . =not to speak of. . . =to say nothing of. . . 更不用说 (2)let alone. . . =much less. . . 更不用说 【即学活用】一句多译 我喜欢苹果派, 更不用说苹果了。 (1)I love app

22、le pies, not to mentionnot to mention apples. (2)I love apple pies, not to speak ofnot to speak of apples. (3)I love apple pies, to say nothing ofto say nothing of apples. (4)I love apple pies, let alonelet alone apples. 3. shade vt. 给遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把涂暗 n. 阴凉处; 灯罩; 阴影部分 * (2020 天津高考) Before Vinnie cou

23、ld say yes, the President hurried on, a shade shade of apology in his voice. 在维尼说“是的”之前, 总统匆忙接着说下去, 语气里有些许的 歉意。 *She raised her hand to shadeshade her eyes fromfrom the sun. 她抬起手遮在眼睛上方以挡住阳光。 *There stand some students in uniform in the shades.in the shades. 阴凉处站着一些穿着校服的学生。 【语块积累】 (1)a shade of 少许, 微

24、微 shade sb. /sth. from sth. 为遮挡; 遮住 in the shade 在阴凉处 (2)shaded adj.林荫遮蔽的 【即学活用】(1)语法填空 The great tree shades passers-by fromfrom the heat of the sun. We would have a walk in the shadedshaded(shade) street while we lived in the downtown. (2)I can feel a shade of regreta shade of regret in his voice

25、as to the result of the election. 对于选举的结果, 我可以从他的语气中感觉到些许的悔意。 4. ripe adj. 成熟的; 时机成熟的 *He then placed the hot stones in an empty oil drum with kau kau(sweet potato), riperipe corn, and greens. 随后, 他把热的石头放在一个装着 kau kau(甜马铃薯), 熟玉米和绿菜叶的空油桶里。 *(2020江苏高考) You can be the one who directs the conversation t

26、o fun topics that are ripe forripe for others to add humor. 你可以把谈话引向有趣的话题, 而这些话题已经成熟, 可以为其他人增添幽默感。 *To help these fruits ripenripen faster, keep them on the counter for 2 to 5 days. 为了使这些水果成熟得更快, 要把他们放在柜台上 2 至 5 天。 【语块积累】 (1)(be) ripe for 时机成熟, 准备就绪 ripe time 成熟的时机 (2)ripen v. (使)成熟 【即学活用】 (1)We are

27、 waiting for the first crops to to ripenripen. 我们正等待着第一批农作物的成熟。 (2)The time is ripe foris ripe for heritage buildings to be opened up. 向公众开放遗产建筑的时机已经成熟。 (3)It is the ripe timeripe time for China to make a breakthrough in high-tech field. 中国在高科技领域取得突破的时机已经成熟。 5. drag vt. 拖; 拽 vt. 将硬拖走 drag behind 落在后

28、面 【熟词生义】 Some old thoughts may act as a dragdrag on the development of the society. 一些旧思想可能会阻碍了社会的发展。 (阻碍) 【即学活用】用适当的介词或副词填空 (1)The police was ordered to drag awayaway the protestants around the Congress. (2)In order not to drag behindbehind his classmates, he is determined to work hard. (3)After on

29、e days hard work in the field, they could only have strength to drag alongalong. 6. privilege n. 优惠待遇; 特权 *Jo felt it was such a privilegeprivilege to have spent a day with Tombes family. Jo 感觉与 Tombe 一家人度过一天的时间很荣幸。 *(2019北京高考)Its such a privilegeprivilege to be a part of these kids lives. 能够成为这些孩子生

30、活中的一部分那也是一种特权。 *Our members have the privilege of have the privilege of using the lending service of the library. 我们 的会员享受这家图书馆借书服务的特权。 *Here I feelfeel greatly privileged toprivileged to introduce to you my favorite onethe Dragon Boat Festival. 在这里, 我很荣幸地向你介绍我最喜欢的节日端午节。 【语块积累】 (1)have the privilege

31、 of doing/to do sth. 有的特权或荣幸 its a/ones privilege to do sth. 做是特权或荣幸 (2)privilege vt. 给予特权, 有特权 feel privileged to do sth. 荣幸地做某事 【即学活用】(1)语法填空 Ill feel privilegedprivileged(privilege) to be your guide during the visit. Itll be our great privilege to benefitto benefit(benefit) from your expertise in

32、 health care. (2)Its my great privilege to beIts my great privilege to be here, sharing this moment with our fellow friends from Germany. 我很荣幸在这里与来自德国的朋友们分享这一时刻。 7. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spill

33、ing everywhere. 前几天我正给孩子们展示一个化学实验, 我还不知道什么情况, 这种混合物从试管里冒 出泡泡, 溅得到处都是。 【句式解构】 本句是 be doing. . . when. . . 句型。when 在句中作并列连词, 意为“这时(突然)”, 相 当于 and then, and at that time。 *He was doingwas doing his homework whenwhen the fire alarm began ringing. 他正在写作业, 这时火警响了。 *I was lying was lying awake on my bed wh

34、en when suddenly Sarah came inside and started screaming. 我正躺在床上还没睡着, 这时萨拉突然跑进来, 开始大喊大叫。 【名师点津】突然发生的“when” when 作并列连词, 意为“这时(突然)”的句型还有: (1)be about to do/be on the point of doing. . . when. . . 正要做什么的时候(突然) I was aboutwas about toto leave the room whenwhen he came in. 我正要离开房间时(突然)他进来了。 (2)had done w

35、hen 刚做完什么的时候(突然) I had just walked had just walked out of the kitchen when when someone knocked at the door. 我刚从厨房出来, (突然)有人敲门。 【即学活用】 (1)We were talking whenwere talking when he suddenly took his jacket and ran away. 我们正聊着呢, 突然他就拿着夹克跑开了。 (2)He was about to give up the question whenwas about to give

36、 up the question when suddenly he found the answer. 当他正准备放弃这个问题时, 突然找到了答案。 (3)He had not gone far whenhad not gone far when he bumped into a large cow and fell down. 他还没有走多远就撞上了一头奶牛并摔倒了。 8. Later, I noticed a can standing upside down on the grill over the fire. 后来, 我注意到一个罐子倒置在火上方的烤架上。 【句式解构】 本句是一个简单

37、句。句中含有一个感官动词的复合结构, standing upside down on the grill over the fire 为现在分词短语作宾语补足语; 常用于本结构的感官动词有 notice, see, hear, feel, find 等。 *We were so happy that we didnt notice the water rising.rising. 我们如此高兴以至于没注意到水位在上升。 *I looked over my shoulder and saw the lady holdingholding the quilt tightly. 我越过肩头看到那个女

38、士正紧紧地抱着棉被。 *Suddenly, I found myself facingfacing a difficult situation. 突然, 我发现我自己正面临着一个困难的处境。 【即学活用】 (1)From inside the store, I could see the people outssee the people outside rushing byide rushing by. 从商店里面, 我可以看到外面的人们正匆匆走过。 (2)I noticed him sittingnoticed him sitting there alone in the room at

39、that time. 那时我注意到他正独自坐在房间里。 (3)The driver found himself trappedfound himself trapped in a big morass. 司机发现自己被困在一个巨大的泥潭里。 【一语闻天下】 1. By 2025, the agency plans on launching the worlds first orbiting junk collector to dragdrag the space rubbish out of orbit. 该机构计划到 2025 年发射世界上第一个轨道垃圾收集器, 用来把太空垃圾拖离轨道。 2

40、. Since January 21, 2020, the NHC has provided daily updates on nationwide cases on its official website and social media platform,platform, and provincial health departments have done the same on local cases. 自 2020 年 1 月 21 日起, 国家卫生健康委每日在官方网站、社交媒体平台发布前一天全国疫 情信息, 各省级卫生健康部门也每日统一发布前一天本省份疫情信息。 3. Unli

41、ke mass-produced products, most alpaca dolls in Peru are handmade goods manufactured by local artisans in their family workshops, without uniformuniform design requirement, said Bedregal, adding that it was hard to find partners as making 1, 000 identical alpaca dolls meant enormous work for local a

42、rtisans. 贝德雷格尔说, 与批量生产的产品不同, 秘鲁大多数羊驼玩偶都是由当地工匠在家庭作坊手 工制作的, 没有统一的设计要求。他还说, 很难找到合作伙伴, 因为制作 1 000 个一模一样 的羊驼玩偶意味着当地工匠的工作量很大。 4. “We continue working to open the door to new destinations, demonstrating that our food meets the highest quality standards, privilegingprivileging functionality and safety, with

43、 qualities that are increasingly essential for Asian consumers, ” he added. 他补充说: “我们将继续努力, 为新目的地打开大门, 证明我们的食品符合最高质量标准, 强调功能性和安全性, 这些品质对亚洲消费者来说越来越重要。” 【课时检测素养达标】 . 语段填词 1. The other day I received a parcelparcel(包裹) and a mailmail (信件)from my nephew, who lives in the remote mountain area and studies

44、 in a secondarysecondary(中学) school. He especially presented me a picture, in which he wears a brandly new uniformuniform(校服). 2. In the huthut(小房子) once lived an old farmer, who had a sharp jawjaw(下巴), and many wrinkleswrinkles(皱纹) on his face. In his house, there is a deserted fireplacefireplace(壁

45、炉). A kettlekettle (水壶)and a panpan(平底锅) lay on the table covered with dustdust(灰尘). 3. We helped the farmers clean up weedsweeds(杂草), pick riperipe (熟的)apples. Although it was rather hot, the big apple trees could provide shadeshade(阴凉) for us. After a whole days hard work, we felt very happy and d

46、raggeddragged (费力前行)ourselves along the path to school. . 单句语法填空 1. Many pavilions have been built to shade the walkers fromfrom the sunlight. 2. He was cyclingwas cycling(cycle) in the countryside when it started to rain heavily. 3. We feel at ease inin our school uniforms every day. 4. I feel grea

47、tly privilegedprivileged(privilege) to take part in an activity called “ Save the Earth”. 5. I think it is ripe ofof me to try the new and challenging work. 6. We can watch the dragon dance and attend the temple fair, not to mentionto mention (mention)the delicious snacks we may taste in streets. 7.

48、 I saw many dancers dancingdancing(dance)on the square happily. 8. Those black men who were protesting on the street were draggedwere dragged(drag) away by the police. . 结合课文主题, 使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇 50 词左右的短文 1. 我曾经在一个偏远的中学支教。那儿的学生生活很穷苦, 没有校服, 更别提现代化的教学 设备。 2. 尽管条件很糟糕, 但我仍然致力于教授他们更多的知识。课后, 我会帮助当地人清理杂草, 收获成

49、熟的庄稼。 3. 我离开后, 有一天当我正在办公室上班时我收到一封信。信里我教过的那些学生表达了对 我的感谢。 I once volunteered to teach in a remote secondary school. The students there lived a poor life and didnt wear uniforms, not to mention modern teaching equipment. Despite the terrible conditions, I was devoted to teaching them more knowledge. Af

50、ter class, I would help the locals clean up the weeds, and harvested the ripe crops. One day after I left the school for two years, I was working in my office when I received a mail, in which the students I once taught there thanked me. 十十 Unit 4Unit 4 Reading and ThinkingReading and Thinking . 单词拼写


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