(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit2 Lesson 5 Integrated skills II 教案.doc

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1、1 英语(必修第三册)英语(必修第三册) Unit 2 Natural disasters Integrated skills () I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. brainstorm and discuss the plot development reasonably; 2. continue a story about Marys family caught in a flood. II. Key competence focus 1. Discuss and p

2、redict possible plot development. 2. Master the basic techniques of continuation writing. III. Predicted area of difficulty 1. Keep the two parts of the story coherent and consistent. 2. Give proper and detailed descriptions in the continued story. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Reading for plot 1.

3、T asks Ss to review the basic elements of the story. Characters: Mary and her parents Setting: On a rainy day, in their house Plot: The city Mary and her parents lived in was flooded. They were trapped at home, not sure what to do. 2. T asks Ss to complete the plot line. Mary and her parents were tr

4、apped at home by a storm. Mary wanted to leave but her parents thought it was dangerous. Mary and her parents had no idea what to do. ? 【设计意图: 学生通过概述故事第一部分的大意, 复习故事的三大基本要素: 背景 (setting) , 人物(characters)和 情节(plot),然后通过 plot line 过渡到故事情节的发展。】 Step 2 Discussing for clues 1. T asks Ss to think about the

5、 following questions: What if Mary and her parents try to leave their house? What if they decide to stay at home? What safety tips from part A can be used to help Mary and her parents protect themselves? Will any new characters appear? Who are they and what will they do? 2. T breaks the above questi

6、ons into more sub-questions and gets Ss to have a discussion. (1) Sub-questions for the first question Which choice may bring them more danger and why? What may be the possible decision and who will make it? (2) Sub-questions for the second question If they decide to leave the house, what do they ne

7、ed? 2 If they decide to stay indoors, what do they need? Do they have them? (3) Sub-questions for the third question If new characters appear, who are they? What will they do? What will Mary and her parents do? If no new characters appear, what will Mary and her parents do? 3. Before discussion, T p

8、resents them a tip on how to ask for clarification. Some useful sentence patterns: Im sorry, could you say that again? What do you mean by that? Could you please explain this word? 4. T shows Ss a sample for their reference. 【设计意图:进入情节预测环节之后,让学生以二人小组的形式进行讨论,依据故事第一部 分的信息进行合乎逻辑的推断,并指导学生如何在口语交流的过程中让对方进

9、行阐明和解 释。】 Step 3 Writing for language 1. T guides Ss to find out about the dialogues in the story. (1) Dialogues in the story “Mum, Dad,” said Mary suddenly, “I think we should leave here right away!” “No,” said Dad suddenly. “Its too late! The radio says the city has already been flooded.” “We can

10、drive our car through the floodwater! Lets just leave! Im really scared!” cried Mary. “We cant do that, honey,” explained Mum, “otherwise the moving water could wash the car away.” “Dont open the door!” shouted Mum and Dad at the same time. “The water may flood in!” “Mary, dont worry. Everythings go

11、ing to be OK,” she said softly, trying her best to comfort Mary. Her voice was calm, but Mary could tell she was worried too. (2) More specific words to replace say cry, explain, shout, scream, yell, roar, whisper, add, continue, remark, repeat, complain, warn, reply, apologize, comfort, beg, refuse

12、, answer, cheer 2. T guides Ss to find out about the scene descriptions in the story. (1) Descriptions of scenes in the story It had been raining non-stop for three days. The wind roared and the rain beat on the roof and windows. The sudden silence in the house seemed to make the wind and rain more

13、frightening outside. (2) The functions of scene descriptions Specify the setting Create tension Move the plot forward 3. T guides Ss to find out about the actions in the story. (1) Actions in the story Mary was looking through the windows at the endless rain outside. Mary walked to the door. She was

14、 curious to see how much water there was outside. Dad was listening to a weather report on the radio, while Mum was putting their important 3 documents and disaster supplies into a bag. Dad moved the dinner table against the door, in case the floodwater forced the door open. Mum waved to Mary to sit

15、 on the sofa. Without saying a single word, Dad walked to the sofa, sat down and hugged his wife and daughter. (2) Tips on describing actions Use specific verbs. Use verb chains to show a series of actions. 4. T asks Ss to continue the story by using the ideas from the discussion. Meanwhile, T remin

16、ds them to make proper use of dialogues, scenes and actions. 5. T asks Ss to polish their writing from the following aspects: punctuation, spelling, grammar, choice of words, style (formal/informal) and structure. 【设计意图:聚焦故事第一部分中的对话、场景描写和动作描写,拓展对话描写中“说”的 多样表达,并分析场景描写的作用,对动作描写提出建议,为学生的续写提供支架。】 Step 4

17、 Presentation 1. T invites several Ss to show their writing to the whole class. 2. T evaluates their writing in terms of structure, language and handwriting. 3. T asks Ss to give some suggestions to improve the writing. 4. T asks Ss to revise their writing according to the comments. 【设计意图:通过展示与评价,让学

18、生对续写有初步的了解,并发现自己的问题所在。】 Step 5 Appreciation 1. T shows Ss a sample and appreciates it with them. 2. T asks Ss to find out the dialogues, descriptions of scenes and actions. 3. T asks Ss to figure out the transitional words or sentences to ensure the second half matches the first half in terms of cha

19、racters, plot and style. 【设计意图:分析范例,进一步感知读后续写的语言特点和结构。】 Step 6 Summary T summarizes 3 tips for continuation writing. Tip 1: Read for the basic information and draw a plot line to get a clear picture. Tip 2: Get clues from the given information to create a reasonable plot. Tip 3: Follow the original language style and keep the style consistent. 【设计意图:根据本节课的三个环节,总结提炼关于读后续写的三点建议,让学生对续写的 总体思路有个初步的了解。】 V. Homework Polish your continuation writing.


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