(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 2 Nature disasters重点单词练习(含答案).docx

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1、Unit 2 Nature disasters 重点单词练习 injure vt.伤害,使受伤;损害injured adj.受伤的一 injury n.伤害,损害 严重受伤_ 伤害某人的自尊/情感_ Luckily, the_(injure) were soon taken to the hospital. Two players are out of the game_(因伤). If you exercise like that._(你会把自己弄受伤的)! react v.起反应; (对)作出反应;回应reaction n.反应,回应;抗拒; 化学反应 作为对的反应 _ 连锁反应_ 对起反

2、应;对作出回应 _ 反抗,反对_ crash n.碰撞声,破裂声;碰撞;崩溃 vi. 崩溃 撞上某物_ 碰撞到上 _ 穿过_ 撞得粉碎 _ 车祸_ signal vi. 标志 n.信号,暗号;标志;信号灯 示意某人做某事 _ 危险信号 _ 清晰的信号 _ 发出信号 _ 接收信号 _ 交通信号灯_ 我妈妈在示意我将桌子移开。 My mother_ confirm vt.证实,确认;使确信;批准confirmation n. 确认;证实;批准 使某人确信某事 _ 任命某人担任某职位_ 我打电话是想确认一下我明天这个时间去杭州的航班。 Im phoning to _ _(已经确定) he will

3、be sent abroad for further education. hug vt.拥抱,搂抱;抱紧 n.拥抱;搂抱 给某人一个拥抱_ 热烈地拥抱某人_ 熊抱某人 _ occur vi.发生,出现;存在于occurrence n.发生;发生的事情 It seldom occurred_ him to stop and enjoy the scenery. He was so occupied. 当一些学生身上发生不愉快的事情的时候,我们的老师鼓励他们要保 持良好的心态。(occur, keep up) _ relief n.宽慰,轻松;减轻,消除;救济relieve vt.使减轻 如释重

4、负;松了口气 _ 做某事令人欣慰。 _ 终于放心了! _ 使某人欣慰的是_ inform vt.通知;了解,熟悉informed adj.见多识广的, 消息灵通的 information n.信息;消息;情报;资料 通知某人某事 _ 随时告知某人某事_ 与 inform sb. of sth.结构相同的短语还有: 治好某人的病 _ 使某人相信某事 _ 提醒某人某事 _ 抢某人的某物 _ 使某人摆脱某事 _ 指控某人犯有罪 _ 怀疑某人某事_ 这些旧照片使我想起我快乐的童年。 The old photos_ shock vt.使震惊;使气愤 n.震惊,惊愕;剧烈震动 shocked adj.感到

5、震惊的; shocking adj.令人震惊的 处在震惊中 _ 陷入休克状态 _ 极大的震惊_ 震惊某人_ 令某人震惊的是_ scare vt.惊吓scared adj.害怕的scary adj.恐 怖的,吓人的 恐吓某人做某事 _ 把吓跑 _ 把吓死 _ 害怕(做)某事 _ 害怕做某事_ 恐怖的一刻 _ 恐怖片_ power n.电,电力;权力;政权;控制力;能力;能量;力量powerful adj. 强大的,强有力的,效力大 的powerless adj.无力的;无权的 断电_ 核能/风能/太阳能_ 说话的能力_ 为某人能力所不及 _ 在某人的能力(权力)之内 _ 执政(强调状态)_ 开始

6、掌权/执政(强调动作) _ 给飞机提供动力_ supply n.补给,补给品;供应;供应量,储备 v.供应,供 给,提供 食物/水/煤气/电供给 _ 供求关系 _ 供给不足 _ 一批;许多_ 为某人提供某物_ donate vt.捐赠,赠送;献(血)donation n.捐赠一 donor n.捐赠者,赠送 者 向某人/某机构捐赠某物_ 地震发生后,全世界的人向地震灾区捐款捐物。 After the earthquake happened, _ flood n.洪水,水灾;大量 vt. 大量涌入; (感觉或 回忆)涌上心头,充满 (河水)泛滥 _ 大量_ 从蜂拥而出_ (感觉或回忆)突然涌现

7、_ 大量收到某物_ curious adj.好奇的;奇特的curiosity n.好奇心curiously adv.好奇地 对好奇 好奇做某事 _ 真是奇怪。_ 唤起某人对的好奇 _ 出于好奇心_ 带着好奇心;好奇地_ Dont_ (对太好奇)what you shouldnt know preserve vt. 保存;保护;维护;贮存,保鲜;保留 n.保护区preservation n.维护;保护;保持;保养 保护免受 _ 为而保存某事物_ 自然保护区_ 被保存得很好_ 成立这个组织是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。 The organization was set up to_ import n

8、.进口产品,输入的产品;输入 vt.进口,引进export n.出口产品, 输出的产品;出口,输出 vt.出口, 输出 进口税_ 出口许可证_ 从向出口某物_ beyond adv.在(或向)较远处;在另一边 prep.在(或向)更远处;超出; 晚于;无法;超出之外 为某人能力所不及 _ 某人无权/没有能力做某事 _ 无与伦比_ 某人做梦也想不到 _ 难以置信的_ 超过限度_ 超出某人的理解范围_ distant adj.遥远的;冷漠的distance n.遥远,久远;距离;差异;疏远 distantly adv.遥远地;冷漠地 从远处,离一段距离 _ 在远的地方 _ 在步行距离之内 _ (与

9、)保持距离 _ 与某人保持一定距离 _ 按里程_ rescue n. 锋利的;急剧的;明显的;尖锐的;强烈的sharply adv. 急剧地;明显地;尖锐地;强烈地 sharpen v. (使)变锋利 言语犀利_ 公路上的急转弯 _ 他膝盖上的剧痛_ What do you mean by that? Paul asked_(sharp). Anne _(sharp) her pencil and started to do her homework. locate vt.找出的准确位置;把 安置在(建造于)location n.地点,位 置 _(locate) in Shandong Pro

10、vince, Mount Tai is famous for its beautiful scenery. 中国位于亚洲的东部,陆地面积约为 960 万平方千米。 _with the area of about 9, 600,000 square kilometres. 答案 1.1 be/get badly/seriously injured injure ones pride/feelings injured because of injury you will do yourself an injury 2. 1 in reaction to a chain reaction react

11、 to react against 3. crash into sth. crash sth. into. sth. 3 crash through crash to pieces 5 a car crash 4. 1 signal (to) sb. to do sth. a danger signal a clear signal 4 send out a signal receive/pick up a signal traffic signals is signalling (to) me to remove the table 5. confirm sb. in sth. confir

12、m sb. as sth. confirm my flight to Hangzhou at this time tomorrow It has been confirmed that 6. hug sb. =give sb. a hug give sb. a big hug give sb. a bear hug-give a bear hug to sb. 7. to When something unhappy occurs to some students, our teachers encourage them to keep up a good state of mind. 8.

13、in relief It is a relief to do sth. What a relief! to ones relief 9. 1 inform sb. of sth. keep sb. informed of/about sth. cure sb. of sth.; convince sb. of sth.; remind sb. of my happy childhood 10. 1. in shock suffer from shock a big/great shock 4 give sb. a shock to ones shock 11. scare sb. into d

14、oing sth. scare. off/away scare/frighten. to death be scared/frightened/ afraid of (doing) sth. be scared to do sth.6.a scary moment a scary movie 8 the man was almost scared to death 12. 1.power failure nuclear/wind/solar power 3.the power of speech beyond ones power within ones power be in power c

15、ome to power power the aircraft 13. food/water/gas/electricity supply supply and demand in short supply 4 a supply of supply sb. with sth./supply sth. to sb./provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 14. donate sth. to sb. /sth. people all over the world donated money and materials to the quake-st

16、ricken areas 15. be in flood a flood of. flood out of sth. flood back be flooded with sth. 16. be curious about. be curious to do sth. It is curious that. 4 arouse ones curiosity about. 5. from/out of/through curiosity with curiosity=curiously 7. be too curious about 17. 1 preserve. from/against (do

17、ing) sth. preserve sth. for. 3 a nature preserve be preserved well 5.preserve endangered species from extinction 18. import duty an export permit export sth.from. to. 19. beyond ones power beyond ones power to do sth. beyond compare beyond ones wildest dreams beyond belief beyond the limit beyond on

18、es comprehension 20. O at/from a distance at a distance of within walking distance keep ones distance (from.) 5 keep sb. at a distance 6 by distance 21. O a rescue team rescue workers a rescue operation come to the/ones rescue rescue.from. 6 thanks to the soldiers who came to their rescue 22. a sharp tongue a sharp bend in the road 9 sharp pain in his knee sharply sharpened 23. O Located China is located in the east of Asia


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