(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 重点词组+句型+词形变化 .docx

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(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit 3 The world online 重点词组+句型+词形变化 .docx_第1页
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1、必修三 U3 重点词组+词性变化 P29 cross barriers 跨越障碍 I hope we will use the net to cross barriers and connect culture. connect culture 联通文化 report on sth Write a report on Internet use. hold a debate 举行关于。 。的辩论 Hold a debate about bring mobile phones to school. electronic communication 电子通信 Small digital images

2、 used to express ideas or feelings in electronic communication. P30 take off 突然成功, 起飞, 脱下, 离开 Soon, emojis took off throughout the world. technological wonder 科技奇迹 The internet is a technological wonder, bring about far-reaching changed in all aspects of our lives. bring about 引起 导致 far-reaching 深远的

3、 广泛的 have effects on . 对。 。有 影响 What effects do you think the Internet has on your life? a single shared community The internet has the power to connect people across the world to a single shared community. enable sb to do sth 使能够 The Internet enables people to reach beyond their villages and get in

4、 touch with the outside world. access to 有权使用;通向。 。的入 口 With access to the internet come some truly life-changing advantages. lie in 在于 One of the greatest advantages of the interne lies in the quick and easy access to a huge amount of information. to certain extent 在谋者程度上 To a certain extent, the w

5、orlds knowledge is all at our fingertips. bring up 提出,培养 In the time it takes to find one book in the library, we can use a search engine to bring up millions of results. no wonder 难怪 No wonder the internet has now become the first place that the majority of people turn to for information. turn to 转

6、向, 求助于 P31 have sth delivered to sb 某物被运送给某人 You can have food delivered to you using food delivery apps and sites. 倒装句 Gone are the days of searching shop after shop for the perfect pair of boots. order a taxi 打车 It is now simple and fast to order a taxi with a taxi app. make arrangements 筹备; 做计划 W

7、hen you wish to go on holiday, you can make all your travel arrangements just in front of the computer. establish and maintain 建立和维护 Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties. above all else 最重要的是 social ties 社会关系 get in the way 妨碍 阻碍 With all sorts of communication so

8、ftware, physical distance no longer gets in the way. instant message 即时信息 短信 An instant message, a group chat, a video call, a comment on an update- there are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we care about them. group chat 群聊 video call 视频电话 only in this way 只用这样 Only in this way

9、can the Internet be a place of discovery, wonder and inspiration for everyone. raise questions 引发问题 It also raises all sorts of questions: 33 cut off contact 切断联系 In such cases, be aware that you always have the right to say no and cut off contact. 34 it occurred to sb 某人想起 It occurred to her that d

10、ance had a very positive effect on her daughter. on a regular basis 定期的 经常的 More than 10,000 users visit Just dance on a regular basis. recommend sth/sb to sb 推荐某人某物给某人 If you upload a photo of your face, itll recommend a few haircuts to you. try out 尝试 试验 体验 In that case, you can choose different s

11、tyles from hundreds of hairstyles and try them out. be nervous about 紧张 I m always a little nervous about having a new haircut. P39 glue to 粘在 紧跟着 My eyes were glued to the little screen. feel stressed 感到沮丧 A dead battery in my smart take up 占据 Sometimes I had the uncomfortable feeling that this lit

12、tle machine had taken up too much of my time, and that I could have done more meaningful than just looking at a tiny screen all day. could have done 本能够做某事 slide into 不知不觉的沾染上/陷入 Sliding into the habit was easy, but it was difficult to quit the habit. knock off 撞到 Head down, eyes on my smartphone, I

13、 stepped into the road and a car shot past, nearly knocking me off my feet! make up ones mind to do sth 下定决定做某事 At that very moment, I made up my mind to spend a whole week without my smartphone. stretch out 伸出, 展开 The empty hours stretched out in front of me, and I felt disconnected from everyone a

14、nd everything. 40 pick up 捡起,收拾,接机 I finally picked up the classic novel I had always wanted to read and was soon lost in the beautiful language. be lost in 全神贯注于 fix on 集中于 固定 With eyes no longer fixed on our phones, we had a chance to really enjoy each others company. bring sb up to date with/on s

15、th 告知某人最新的消息 I brought them up to date with what was going on in my life. cut back on 缩减 削减 I cannot escape from the modern world, but I can cut back on the amount of time I spend on my smartphone. shoot past 飞驰而过 in terms of 在。 。 。方面, 就某方面 而言 belong to 属于 归。 。所有 词形变化 billion n. 十亿 billionaire n. 亿万

16、富翁 obviously adv. 显然,明显地 obvious adj access n. 机会,权利;路径,通道 accessible adj 易接近的 可进入的 可理解的 assess vt. 评估评估 assessment n. 评估, 评价 extent n. 程度,限度;范围 extensive adj 广泛的 大量的 广阔的 majority n. 大部分,大多数; 多数票 major adj 主要的 重要的 n. 主修科目 commerce n. 商务;商业;贸易 commercial adj 商业的 商务的 commercialize v. 使商业化 deliver vt.递

17、送,传送;发表,宣布; 交出 delivery n. 递送 交付 deliverable adj. 可传递的 可交付的 arrangement n. 安排;布置; 约定;排列 arrange v. 安排 整理 establish / vt. 建立(关系或联系); 设立; 确立;使得到认可;查实,确定 establishment n 确立 制定 实施 instant /nstnt/ adj. 立即的,立刻的;方便的 n. 瞬间,片刻;某一时刻 instant noodle 方便面 Instantly adv. 立即地 马上地 aware /we(r)/ adj. 知道,意识到;察觉 到,发觉;有

18、意识的 awareness n. 意识 认识 unaware v. 不知道的 无意识的 未察 觉的 entertainment /enttenmnt/ n.娱乐活动; 招待,娱乐 entertain v. 娱乐 招待 款待 entertaining adj.令人愉快的 mobile /mbal/ adj. 可移动的,非固定的; 行动方便的;流动的 n. 手机 mobilize v. 动员 调动 Mobilization n 动员 调动 addict /dkt/ n. 对入迷的人;瘾君子 addictive adj. 上瘾的 addict to 对。 。 。 上瘾 scary /skeri/ adj. 恐怖的,吓人的 scare v. 使害怕 受惊吓 appreciate /priiet/ vt. 欣赏,赏识;感谢 appreciation n. 欣赏 Appreciative adj. 感激的 赏识的 military adjadj. 军事军事的的 militarily adv .军事地 insurance n. 保险保险 保险费保险费 保险业保险业 insure v. 投保 给。 。 保险


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