(2021新教材)牛津译林版必修第三册英语Unit1 Nature in the balance 辅导讲义(无答案).docx

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1、1 教师辅导讲义教师辅导讲义 必修三必修三 Unit 1 Nature in the balance 教学内容教学内容 参考参考 I.匹配词义 A.单词匹配 ()1.soil A.n 昆虫 ()2.continent B.n 地区,区域;行政区 ()3.million C.prep 在下面, 在下方;配不上 ()4.species D.n 营养素,营养物 ()5.nutrient E.n 土壤;国土,领土,土地 ()6.wildlife F.n.种,物种 ()7.beneath G.n 野生动植物,野生生物 ()8.extinction H.n 大陆,陆地,洲 ()9.insect I.num

2、.一百万;许多,大量 ()10.region J.n.灭绝,绝种 B.短语匹配 ( )1.in turn A.逐渐增加, 扩大 ( )2.break down B.相应地, 转而 ( )3.breathe life into C.由于, 因为 ( )4.due to D.使分解(为), 使变化(成) ( )5.build up E.给带来起色, 注入活力 ( )e up with F.摆脱, 丢弃, 扔掉 ( )7.call for G.使发生(或存在) K 词汇识记词汇识记 2 ( )8.spring to mind H.(公开)要求;需要 ( )9.get rid of I.想出,想到 (

3、 )10.give rise to J.突然记起(或想到) 默写单词 1. n.vt. 伤害,损害 2. n. 长,长度;时间的长短;篇幅,(电影)片长 3. n. 不同种类;变化,多样性;变种,变仁 4. vi.vt. 生存,存活;幸存,幸免于难 5. adv. 因此,从而;这样 6. vi 不复存在,灭绝,消亡;消失;失踪 7. n. 农业,农学 8. n. vi.vt. 影响,作用;撞击;冲撞,有影响;冲击 9. vt. n. 损害,伤害,损坏,破坏 10. n. 气候;倾向,风气 参考参考 语境填空 1. We have decided to take no action. 2. St

4、udents took to the streets to against the decision. 3. The carpark was packed solid with people. 4. There was for me to sit. 5. Her father was the editor of the Saturday Review. 6. The company made a healthy on the deal. 7. Tents come in shapes and sizes 8. She is going to useful rubbish. A 词汇运用词汇运用

5、 absolutely defence nowhere protest profit various recycle belt former further 3 9. We live in the commuter . 10. What points can be raised in of this argument. 语法填空之派生词 1. He has made it (absolute) clear so you must have 2. A (track) is a person who can find people or wild animals by following thei

6、r prints. 3. They have driven the rhino to the edge of . (extinct) 4. His (apply )for membership of the organization was rejected. 5. As babies, we rely (entire)on others for food 6. Hes the president of a large international (organize). 7. There are conflicts between (region)and national interests.

7、 8. Some (economy)issues were discussed in the conference. 9. The leaves of certain trees are (poison)to cattle. 10. She earns her (live)as a freelance journalist. 参考参考 play a significant role in 起重要作用 ecosystem 生态系统 continent n.大陆,陆地;洲 with an area of 面积是 length.长,长度;时间的长短;篇幅,(电影)片长 one in ten 十个中有

8、一个,十分之一 species.种,物种 water lily 睡莲 variety.不同种类;变化,多样性;变种,体 wildlife.野生动植物,野生生物 beneath prep.在下面,在下方;配不上 survive vi 生存,存活 vt 幸存,幸免于难 feed on 以为食 in turn 相应地,转而 W 词语助读词语助读 4 insect.昆虫 break down 使分解(为),使变化(成) nutrient.营养素,营养物 breathe life into 给带来起色,注入活力 carbon.碳 oxygen.氧,氧气 thus adv 因此,从而;这样 agricul

9、ture.农业,农学 cattle.牛 impact.影响,作用;撞击,冲撞 vivt.有影响;冲击 in danger of 处于危险中 extinction.灭绝,绝种 参考参考 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1. n. 时间的长短;篇幅,(电影)片长 3. vi.生存, 存活 v 幸存,幸免于难survival n.残存 物:幸存事物survivor n. 幸存者:生还者 4. vi 不复存在,灭绝,消亡;消失;失踪disappearance n. 消失;失踪 5. n. 农业,农学agricultural adj.农业的 参考参考 1. variety n. 不同种类;变化,多样性

10、;变种,变体 I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer. 不同种类 We want more variety in our work. 变化,多样性 Apples come in a great many varieties. 变种,变体 2. living adj.活着的,活的;在使用的 n.生计,谋生;生活方 W 词汇派生词汇派生 O 一词多义一词多义 5 Father never talked about what he did for a living. 生计 Chinese is one of the most beautif

11、ul languages that is living in the world. 在使用的 He is the finest living pianist that I have ever seen. 活着的 参考参考 Words and Phrases 知识要点 1 harm. n.变化,多样性;变种,变体 (教材 P3)The forests different levels support an unbelievable variety of wildlife. 雨林的不同层次使种类多到难以置信的野生动植物得以生存。 I 要点直击要点直击 6 1 We all need variety

12、 in our diet. 我们都需要饮食多样化。 1 Im always pleased to try out a new variety. 我一直乐于尝试新品种。 造句我们有各种款式和尺码的货品。 We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes. 归纳拓展 (1)a variety of=varieties of =various 各种各样的;不同种类的 (2)vary v.变化多;变化;使多样化 vary from. to. 从到不等; 在到之间变动 vary with. 随而变动 即学即练单句语法填空 For (variety )reasons,

13、 we couldnt attend her wedding. Students are offered (variety)of courses in this department. That sort of thing varies person to person in African countries. The menu in the restaurant varies the season. 典型例句助记 I am glad that our students have varieties of questions to ask in class, and I would love

14、 to answer them in various ways. In addition, the questions vary from person to person. 知识要点 3 survive vi 生存,存活 vt 幸存,幸免于难 (教材 P3)While significant number of jaguars survive here, they are only one element of this forests food chain. 尽管相当多的美洲豹在这里生存,但它们只是这个雨林食物链的一个要素。 例 1 Is it enough to have survive

15、d for long time?能保存很长一段时间就足够了吗? 例 2 I can t survive on 20 week. 我每周靠 20 英镑难以生存. 造句 很多鸟死于这次严冬 Many birds didnt survive the severe winter. 归纳拓展 (1)survive sth. 幸免于;从中挺过来/活过来 survive on 依靠生活 7 survive sb.by. 比某人多活 (2)survival n. 生存;幸存 (3)survivor n. 生还者,幸存者 注意注意 survive 作“幸存;幸免难”解时为及物动词,其后直接接宾语,不用介词 in

16、 或 from。 即学即练单句语法填空 The old woman survived her own daughter ten years. If you develop AIDS, your chances of (survive)are very small. He is lucky to have (survive)the terrible accident. 知识要点 4 break down 使分解(为),使变化(成) (教材 P3)When jaguar dies, tiny army of microorganisms helps break down its body and

17、return the nutrients to the earth. 当美洲豹死亡时,一小群微生物帮助分解它的尸体,并将营养物质还给大地。 1 Peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached 两国之间的和平谈判破裂,没有达成协议。 2 The computer system broke down suddenly while he was searching for information 在他搜寻资料时,电脑系统突然坏了。 造句塑料袋很难分解。 Plastic bags are

18、difficult to break down. 归纳拓展 break up 破裂,绝交;解散;破碎 break in 闯进,打断 break into 闯入;侵占 break out (战争、火灾、疫病等)暴发 break through 突破;冲破;有重要发现 break away from 逃脱;脱离 即学即练单句语法填空 Its very impolite of you to break while were talking. His house was (break)into last night. When the war broke , he was only four. My

19、girlfriend has broken with me. 典型例句助记 8 Unfortunately, the peace talks broke down in the end. As a result, a war broke out between the two countries The native people had to break away from their homes and suffered a lot from the war. 知识要点 5 due to 由于,因为 (教材 P3)Over the past 50 years, about 17 per c

20、ent of the rainforest has disappeared due to human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming. 在过去的 50 年里,由于农耕和养牛等人类活动,大约 17%的雨林消失了。 1 In the north of India, the population is booming due to high birth rates. 在印度北部,由于出生率高,人口正在迅速增长 2 Due to the widespread use of penicillin, many lives were sav

21、ed during the war. 正因为青霉素的广泛应用,战争期间很多生命得以挽救。 造句比赛因下雨而延期。 The game was put off due to the rain. 归纳拓展 (1)due adj. 应付的;应得的;适当的;预期的;到期的 be due to do sth.预期/预定要做某事 be due to sb. 应支付/应给予/应归于某人 be due for sth. 应得到某物 (2)表示“由于”的词组还有: owing to 由于 because of 因为;由于 as a result of 由于 thanks to 多亏;由于 on account o

22、f 由于,因为 即学即练单句语法填空 The team are due (fly)to Italy next month. The meeting isnt due (start)until three. Have they been paid the money that is due them? The sports meeting had to be put off due the bad weather. 知识要点 6 damage vt开发 build up ones strength 恢复体力 build sb.up 增强体质 build up ones vocabulary 增加

23、词汇量 build on 把建立于;依赖 即学即练单句语法填空 10 You can build his honesty. It may take a few weeks for you to build your strength again She has built a very successful business. Greenhouse gases continue to build in the atmosphere, causing the global temperature to go up. Sentence Patterns 重点句式 1 倍数+ the size of

24、. (教材 P2)With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China. 亚马逊雨林面积约 600 万平方公里,相当于中国面积的一半以上。 句式分析 本句中用了“倍数+the 名词(size/length/width/height/weight+of+被比较的对象”这一结构。 1 Beijing is ten times the size of my hometown.北京是我家乡的十倍大。 2 This river is thr

25、ee times the length of that one.这条河是那条河的三倍长。 造句那架飞机的飞行高度是那只风筝的十倍。 The plane flew ten times the height of the kite. 知识拓展 常见的倍数表示法: (1) 倍数+as+adj.adv.(原级)+as. (2)倍数+比较级+than. (3)倍数+what 从句 翻译 This table is (三倍长)than that one. The price of the house this year is .(是去年的两倍) 即学即练单句语法填空 1This bridge is fiv

26、e times the (wide )of that one. 2The red ruler is four times (long)than the yellow one. 3The city is ten times as (big)as my hometown. 4A new iPhone costs about three times price of a second-hand one. 重点句式 2 “表语系动词十主语”倒装句式 (教材 P3) Above that is the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor. 11 在那

27、之上是在黑暗的雨林地面上的大量落叶。 句式分析 本句为完全例装句。 作表语的介词短语 above that 位手句子开头,整句进行了全部装正常语序为 The mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor is above that. 1 In the middle of the hall was standing a tall young man.在大厅中央站着一个高个子的年轻人。 2 Among the guests is the person you are looking for.你找的那个人就在客人当中。 造句窗户旁边是一位悲伤的母亲。Nea

28、r the window is a sad mother. 知识拓展 需要完全倒装的情况: (1)当作表语的“介词短语/形容词/分词”置于句首时,句子要用全部倒装,构成“表语(介词短语/形容词/分词)+连系 动词+主语”结构。 (2)表示地点、时间、方向等的介词短语放在句首时。常见的介词有: among, between,in,at, beneath 等。 (3)表示方向、地点和时间的副词 in,out,down,up,off,back, away,over, there,now,then,here 等放于句首, 若主语是名词而不是代词时,要全部倒装。 翻译 (汽车来了). (我们学校前面矗立

29、着) tower. 即学即练 单句语法填空 Sitting in the hall (be)the two astronauts who were very young. Here (come)a good chance that you can use your summer vacation to go on study tours. On the wall (be)hanging two old paintings. Present at the evening party on Thursday (be)our English teacher. 长难句分析长难句分析 1. (教材 P2

30、) The Amazon River, from which the rainforest gets its name, is close to 6, 400 kilometres in length-roughly 100 kilometres longer than the Yangtze River. 分析此句为主从复合句,其中 from which the rainforest gets its name 为“介词+which”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 The Amazon River. 译文亚马孙河接近 6400 公里长,比长江大约还长 100 公里,亚马孙雨林便是由其得名。 2.

31、(教材 P3)Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things. 12 分析此句为简单句,home to different kinds of living things 是名词 world 的同位语。 译文雨林的每一层都形成了自己的小世界,是各种生物的家园。 3. (教材 P3) As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of

32、extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question: can we afford to damage the lungs of the planet? 分析此句为主从复合句。其中 As 引导时间状语从句,表示当时候,随着”。 can we afford to damage the“lungs of the planet 是名词 question 的同位语。 译文人类活动的影响不断增大,濒危物种名单越来越长,这留给我们一个问题:我们能承担得起损伤“地球之肺”的后果 吗? 教材对接高考教材对接高考 教材 1.The human race h

33、as done much harm. 高考 (2020 全国卷 I)These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when theyre short of water and a plant that can detect chemicals in groundwater. 2.The forests different levels support an unbelievable variety of k wildlife. (2020.全国卷)There are different kind

34、s of fruit trees as well as a of animals. 3. When jaguar dies, a tiny army of micro-organisms helps break down its body and return the nutrients to the earth. (2020.天津卷)Jones idea has been fully realized - the “HAPPY TO CHAT” benches help the invisible social barrier that keeps people from saying he

35、llo. 4.As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list o species in anger of extinction becomes longer, we are left with a question: can we afford to damage the lungs of the planet? (2020 全国卷 I)Nutria the ecosystem seriously. 应用落实应用落实 I 单句语法填空 1. The polluted air around is (harm)to

36、our health. 2. He was ordered to pay ( damage)totaling 3, 000. 3. She survived her husband ten years. 4. She is the only (survive)in the accident. 5. A police officer came to our help when our car on the way. 13 6. The band s first album is due (come)out this month. 7. Build yourself to peak perform

37、ance on the day of the exam. 8. The production is now three times it was five years ago. 9. In front of our house (lie)a river where we used to swim. 10. The island offers such a wide (vary)of scenery and wildlife. 短语填空 1. Increased production will, , lead to increased profits. 2. The graduates our

38、business. 3. As is known to all, the panda is becoming extinct. 4. I like her her sister. 5. The country needs new leadership if she is to future development. 6. Birds nuts and berries in the winter. 7. Many people were expecting that the peace talks would . 8. This design came to the oriental style

39、. 9. The project had to be abandoned a lack of government funding. 10. She has always been encouraged to swim to the strength of her muscles. 课文语法填空 Welcome to the Amazon rainforest, the 1. (large)rainforest in the world. It plays a significant role in 2. (maintain)the fine balance of the Earths eco

40、system. The Amazon rainforest crosses into eight countries 3. an area of around 6 million square kilometres, more than half 4. size of China. It is named after the Amazon River, 5. is close to 6, 400 kilometres in length. Of the 390, 000 plant species 6. (know)to us, more than 40, 000 can be found i

41、n the Amazon rainforest The forests different levels support an unbelievable 7. (vary)of wildlife. And more than 1, 300 species of 8. (bird)and over 400 species of mammals hide among the forest. The Amazon rainforest 9. (know) the“lungs of the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20% of all th

42、e Earth oxygen. Moreover, the Amazon rainforest 10. (be)a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Words and Phrases 知识要点 1 come up with 想出,想到 (教材 P6) All of them come up with creative ideas on how to solve these problems. 他们都对如何解决这些问题提出了创造性的想法。 1 When you have finished, try

43、to come up with two more events for each category. 当你完成后,每一种类尽量再提出两个项目。 2 Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will come up with. 盯住这些家伙,你永远不知道他们会想出什么来。 in turn break down breathe life into due to build up feed on in danger of play a role in more than be known as 14 造句我很惊讶他能想出这么好的

44、主意。 I was amazed that hed come up with such a sweet idea. 归纳拓展 come about 发生 come across (偶然)遇见;发现;被理解;被弄懂 come up 被提出;出现;发芽 come out 出来;长出;出版,发行;结果是 when it comes to(doing) 当谈到(做)时 即学即练 单句语法填空 1. He came a cat in the park. 2. His new album came last year. 3. We need to a better plan without delay 4

45、. When it comes to (study ), he is very weak. 知识要点 2(教材 P6) Some call for the application of modern technology, and others a change of lifestyle. 一些人要求应用现代技术,另一些人要求改变生活方式。 (1) call for(公开)要求;需要 归纳拓展 call up 给打电话;使回忆起 call back 回电话;收回 call on/upon 拜访(人);号召 call at 拜访(某地) call in 请来;召来 call off 取消 即学即

46、练单句语法填空 1.The old picture called memories of his childhood. 2.The government calls on the citizens (lead) a green life 3.The game was called because of the bad weather. 4. I now call the chairman to address the meeting. (2) application.应用,运用;申请 1 Since the1970 s many new applications have been found

47、 for me. 从 20 世纪 70 年代起,我又被开发出了很多新的用途。 2 Barbara made an application for a job as a nurse. 芭芭拉提出了应聘护士工作的申请。 造句这项发明会在工业中得到广泛应用。 The invention would have a wide range of applications in industry. 归纳拓展 (1)apply vt. 涂:敷;搽应用:运用 vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效 apply (to.) for.(向)申请 apply to 适用于;与有关 apply oneself to.专心于(t

48、o 为介词) apply.to. 把运用到;把涂到 (2)applicant n.申请人 即学即练单句语法填空 1. The girl decided to apply a job in this company 15 2. The technology (apply)to this field was highly thought of. 3. Students should apply themselves to (improve)their 4. In this way we can better apply theory practice. 知识要点 3 get rid of 摆脱,丢

49、弃,扔掉 (教材 P11) .it s also given me cough that cant get rid of. 它还让我患上了咳嗽,而且老是不好。 1 He attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him. 在聚会上他老是缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。 2 Most people have some regret that they just cant seem to get rid of. 大多数人都会有一些似乎摆脱不了的遗憾。 造句我的头疼的毛病老是不好。 I cant get rid of this

50、 headache. 归纳拓展 rid sb. /sth.of. 使某人/某物摆脱 rid oneself of. 摆脱;从中解脱 get/be rid of. 摆脱/除去 即学即练单句语法填空 Maybe we should rid (we)of modern technology and return to simpler times. I was glad (be)rid of the car when finally sold it. You should rid yourself (you)of the smoking habit. If I ruled the world, I w


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