接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 5 What are you doing -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f044d).doc

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1、Unit5 Whose dog is it? (Part B Lets learn) 一、一、Teaching target(教学目标)(教学目标) 1、Knowledge target(知识目标): (1). 能听、说、读、写这六个单词: sleeping, jumping, playing, climbing, eating drinking (2). 能初步听说认读并运用句型: What is he/she doing? He/She is .What are they doing? They are v+ing. 2、Ability target(能力目标): (1) .Can use

2、 the target language in the real life. 能在生活中运用目标语言进行交 流。 (2). Can cooperate with the classmates to discuss or practice 培养学生与同学合作讨 论交流和完成任务的能力. 3、Emotion target(情感目标): (1). Love and protect animals. 培养学生爱和保护动物的情感 (2).Learn to communicate with other and love English more.培养与人合作交流的能 力和对英语的兴趣。 二、二、 Teac

3、hing key points(教学重点)(教学重点): 1. Master the new words, sleeping playing climbing jumping eating drinking. 2. 能灵活正确运用今天所学句子和单词描述别人正在做某事。 三、三、Teaching difficult point(教学难(教学难点)点): 1、 climbing 的发音。 2 在实际生活中灵活正确运用今天所学句子和单词描述别人正在做某事。 四、四、Teaching process(教学过程)(教学过程) (一)引入联结(一)引入联结 1、Warm- up (热身)(热身) Gree

4、t and group students and play a game. (课前游戏,活跃气氛,放松心情) 2、leading in(置境引入)(置境引入) 创设去动物园的情景,引出人物主线陈洁。Watch the cartoon animals,animals are everywhere. 观看并学唱本单元配套的一首歌曲视频,并用头脑风暴的形 式问学生在视频里你看到了什么,有哪些动物。 and find what animals can you see in the zoo. (Singing a song can arouse the Ss parti cipation desire

5、and lead Ss into a thick English studying atmosphere.(创造动物园情 景, 请学生说出已学过的动物单词激起学生的参与欲望和信心,创造学英语的环 境。) Do you want to go to the zoo and play with them? 3、Presentation (联结呈现新知)(联结呈现新知) 1、Before we go, we need a camera, we should finish a task. Look at the picture:what can the bird do? She can sing.loo

6、k at another picture. What is he doing? He is singing. Find the rule of progressive aspect. (通过一个获得相机的任务,先引出一个动物 动作的原型和动词的现在进行时做对比,使学生初步发现感知语言规律。 ) 2、Let s go to the zoo. (1)Observe the animals activities, begin to feel the progressive aspect and learn to say them one by one correctly. (通过观察不同动物的活动,

7、逐一教学 六个新单词,并用六个不同的游戏操练听,说读的能力。 ) What are the animals doing? Lets see one by one. 1Learn the new word: sleeping. Whats this? It is a cat. What is the cat doing? It is sle eping. Listen and repeat. Sleeping, sleeping. Then who can do action for us? do action together while say the sentence.(叫学生表 演单词正

8、在睡觉的动作,使音形义相结合,形象的动作便于学生理解和记忆。 ) 2用图片和动画的形式教学单词:jumping(正在跳).教学读音,语义,拼写, 造句,等方面。 (通过一只兔子跳和五只兔子跳的对比,使学生发现并掌握单 复数的不同用法) 3动作教学 climbing(正在爬) ,用大小声的游戏练习。扩展运用爬山,爬树, 爬楼梯。 Then using phonics to teach:ee, dr, ,u, b(不发音) (用自然拼读法教学生语 音,并渗透补充相关的几个单词,举一反三。 ) 4Through the way of guessing to teach the words:eatin

9、g 、drinking.(通过猜一猜的 方式教学这两个单词,利用学生的好奇教学。 ) 5Through expanding teaching to help students understand the meaning of playing,like playing basketball.(通过扩展单词的搭配,如打篮球,打乒乓球,使学生充分理 解,并举一反三,学会说更丰富的语言。 ) ( 2 ) A chant.(Maybe you are a little tired. Now lets have a chant and relax togeth er.) (学生此时学完新单词,让大家站起

10、来,用说唱的形式一边拍手做动作一边 把所学新单词和句型串起来。活跃课堂和思维) (二)(二)感悟生成感悟生成 创设情境,陈洁在动物园迷路了,需要闯过四关才可以找到回家的路,通过闯创设情境,陈洁在动物园迷路了,需要闯过四关才可以找到回家的路,通过闯 关游戏让同学们在欢乐中操练巩固单词和对话,四关分别从词关游戏让同学们在欢乐中操练巩固单词和对话,四关分别从词- -句句- -对话对话- -篇章,篇章, 层层递进,贯穿了听说读写的活动。层层递进,贯穿了听说读写的活动。 4、Practice(在实际活动中感悟和练习)(在实际活动中感悟和练习): (1). Carrot down. (萝卜蹲游戏,趣味中练

11、习单词)萝卜蹲游戏,趣味中练习单词) Ask 6 students come to the front, choose one of the 6 word card. For example: Student A : eating, eating, down; jumping, jumping, down Student B: jumping, jumping, down; sleeping, sleeping, down Student c: sleeping, sleeping, down;. (2) . Lets play ( Make sentences ) (造句游戏)(造句游戏)

12、教师将写着人名、动作、地点的卡片分别装在三个袋子里,要求学生分别从这三 个袋子中各取一张卡片,然后将这三张卡片连成一句话,看看哪一组同学组合的 句子表达的意思最有趣。 (3). Groups work. (action,ask and answer) (小组合作练对话) (小组合作练对话) Student A does the actions (A 同学做动作) Student B asks and student C answers(B 同学提问,C 同学回答问题) B: What is he / she doing? C: He/ She is (C 同学回答问题) ( A,B,C 三个同

13、学可以轮流表演,轮流问答。) 森林大王来巡视, 检验练习得效果, 以学生为中心, 给学生上台练习问句的机会。 (4).Smash golden eggs.(砸金蛋游戏,当堂检测)(砸金蛋游戏,当堂检测) every eggs is a question, students who answer correctly will get relative point.(一个 金蛋是一个题目,答对有不同对的分数) ( 1 )( )What are you doing? I _ reading a book. (复习相关知识) A. is B. am C. are ( 2 ) The elephants

14、 _ water. (本课易错点区分单复数) A. is drinking B. are drinking C. are drink ( 3 ) is , doing, she, what? (连词成句) (重难点) _ (4 ) Are they sleep? (做肯定回答) (为下节课的内容做准备) _ ( 5 ) lucky one(幸运星,不用答题直接获得分数,活跃气氛) (6 ) Do the action of climbing(学以致用,据词做动作,灵活有趣的题目设置, 避免枯燥。 ) 5、Produce and Extension (生成、拓展、巩固)(生成、拓展、巩固) (1

15、)Complete and write a diary (补充日记内容)(补充日记内容)1、 Create the situation of language learning. In the evening, Chen jie write a diary, but it is broken by Fido, lets help her to complete it. then let three students read out their diary. (创造一个情景,让学生修复被 Fido 弄 烂的日记,并让三个学生读日记内容) 2、播放一个学生野炊的视频,让学生仿写日记。第一,锻炼写

16、作的能力,第二, 学习与生活实际相结合,回归生活。 (2)Lets sing and dance. Show a video of what are you doing? sing and dance together 学唱一首歌 what are you doing?,并跟着视频学做动作。歌词和动作概况 了本节课所学并有所拓展, 巩固今日所学, 用生动活泼的歌舞愉快地结束本节课, 使学生意犹未尽。 6、 Emotional teaching. (情感教育)(情感教育) The animals are our good friends, we must love and protect the

17、m. 7、Summary(课堂总结)(课堂总结) (1 ). Words and sentences(所学单词和所学句型): (2). Give the gifts to the group who wins.(给胜利的小组发奖品) 五、五、Homework(作业)(作业) 1.Make a survey(做一个调查). On this weekend, Call your 5 friends to ask what are they doing? (本周末选一个时 间,打电话给五个朋友,用英语问他们正在做什么。 ) 2. sing and dance what are you doing?

18、for your family.(把 what are you doing? 这首歌舞表演给家长看) 六、六、 Teaching assessment (教学反思)(教学反思) Write after class.(课后写) 七、七、Blackboard design。 (板书设计)。 (板书设计) Unit5 Whose dog is it? (PartB Lets learn) What is he/She doing? He/She is. Climbing What is he/She doing? jumping They are. playing drinking sleeping eating


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