接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 7 Where are you going -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c0784).doc

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1、接力版四年级下册接力版四年级下册 Lesson 7 Where are you going?板块一、板块二教案板块一、板块二教案 一、教材内容分析 本课的主题是学习运用句型“Where.going?”询问某人将要去哪里及运用句型 “.going to the.”做出回答。 板块一 Look, listen and say 本板块通过三幅情景对话图,呈现核心句型“Where are you/they/.going? I am/We are/They are going to the.”询问他人的去向及其回 答,同时学习地点词汇 playground 和 shop。 板块二 Ask and ans

2、wer 通过两个小朋友之间的问答活动,进一步巩固句型 “Where are you going? Im going to the.”同时学习表示地点的新单词 library。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)能听懂、会说、认读单词:playground ,shop, library。 (2) 能听懂、 会说句型: Where are you/they/.going? I am/We are/They are going to the. 2. 能力目标 (1)能准确模仿本课录音中的内容。 (2)能在图片或情景的帮助下运用句型“Where are you/they/.going? I am/W

3、e are/They are going to the.”询问某人将要去哪里及其回答。 3. 情感态度、文化知识、学习策略 (1)培养学生观察和表达能力,引导学生初步形成英语思维意识。 (2)保持对英语学习的兴趣,乐于模仿, 敢于开口,积极参与英语活动。 三、教学重难点 重点:在实际情景中运用句型“Where are you/they/.going? I am/We are/They are going to the.”询问某人将要去哪里及其回答。 难点: “be going to+地点名词”的语用功能与现在进行时的区别。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up (1) 师生互相问好

4、。 Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. (2) 歌曲热身。Do you like songs? Lets enjoy a song. But you should answer my question:What can you hear in the song? Now stand up and do the actions. 教师播放歌曲“Where are you going?”创设轻松的学习氛围,导入本课话题。 要求学生边听歌曲边回答老师的问题。 Step 2 Lead-in T:What can you hear in the

5、 song? Ss:I can hear the park/zoo.(扩展 oo 的音标教学) T:Do you like going to the park/ zoo? Ss:Yes, I do. T:I like going to the park and the zoo,too. And I am very happy now. Do you know why? Ss: No. T:Because the weekend is coming,I am going to play. T:Do you want to go? Ss: Yes. T:Where are you going?(询

6、问学生) Ok,today we will learn a new lesson”Where are you going?”(学生跟读课题) This is my plan. Lets have a look. T:出示 shop 图片。In the morning,I am going to the shop to buy some food.教读单 词,板书句型并操练(学生跟读,小组读)。 Step 3 Presentation (1) Can you guess where will I go in the afternoon?出示图片 I am going to the library

7、 to read a book.教读单词,板书句型并操练(学生跟读,小 组读)。 (2) Can you guess where will I go next?出示图片 I am going to the playground to play sports.教读单词,板书句型并操练(学生跟读, 小组读)。 (3) Can you guess where will I go in the evening?出示图片 I am going to the cinema to see a film.教读单词,板书句型并操练(学生跟读,小组 读)。 (4)Listen and answer. How ab

8、out our friend, Ann and Tom? Do you know where are they going?(询问学生) 图一:Now, lets check. Listen and fill in the blanks. 图二:How about Tom and his friends? Lets listen. 图三:There are three pictures. Lets listen. (一听,二跟读,三自己读)OK,now its your turn. (5)Now , choose one picture to act it out.(师示范) Step 4 P

9、ractice (1) Read quickly. (2) Pair work. Two students to practice the sentence. (师示范) Step 5 Extension Play a game. Lets play a game. Before playing ,we should choose our places. T:先出示单词卡片,问学生 where are you going? Here you are. 在开车的过程中询问学生 Is it the park?如果学生回答不是就继续开车。 Step 4 Summary 1.情感教育。 T:出示图片,

10、what can you see in the picture? How many? Are they fat? Where are they?Lets go to the zoo. Whats your feeling from the video? Ss:. T:Yse, no feeding in the zoo? How about in the library? Can we talk in the library? Ss:. T:So we should keep quiet in the library. And no littering in the park. You can try to find more those pictures in our life. 2.What had you learned today? Step 5 Homework 1. 听录音跟读两遍。 2. 和同学一起,仿照课本,根据自己的计划创编对话。 板书设计 Lesson 7 Where are you going? Where are you going? I am going to the. We are going to the. Where are they going? They are going to the.


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