接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 7 Where are you going -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:21e62).zip

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  • 接力2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Lesson 7 Where are you going _ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:21e62)
    • Where are you going.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案21e62.docx--点击预览


Listen and choose 1.Who is going to have a trip ? A. Daming B. Damings grandma 2. How does he/she feel? A. Happy B. Nervous Make lists of things to doMake lists of things to do Read and answer. 1.Who is going to help Daming? 2.What does she/he tell Daming to do? Grandma Listen and answer. Where is Daming going? To the airport. What is Daming going to take ? clothes shoes present the tickect passport When is Dming going to the airport? At seven oclock tomorrow morning. Who is going with Daming? His mum. I am going to_(place) _(time). I am going there with _. I am going there by_. I am going to take _. I will have a nice trip. Lets write. Talk about your trip. A: Hi,_. _ is coming. Where are you going? B:_. A:How are you going there? B:_. A:What are you going to take? B:_. A:What are you going to do? B:_. A: Who is going with you ? B:_. A: Safe tirp/Have a nice trip,_. B:Thank you. What about you? A:_. B:_. I am going to_(place) _(time). I am going there with _. I am going there by_. I am going to take _. I will have a nice trip. Lets write. Where When What to take Who How Beijing Shanghai Hainan New York . next week on May Day at Dragon Boat Festival . ID card clothes shoes ticket passport hat . my family my friend mum dad . car plane train bike ship . Homework 1. Read the text for three times. 2. Make you trip plan and share with you friends. Thank you 1 Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going?教学设计 教学内容Where are you going? 教材分析 本课的课文情境是 Daming 明天就要出发去纽约,奶奶打电话询问 Daming 是否做好了 准备?Daming 说自己有点紧张,于是奶奶建议 Daming 列一张清单,写明自己的目的 地,要带的行李,出发的时间以及送自己去机场的人。最后,奶奶祝福 Daming 一路平 安。本课通过阅读教学,让学生用一般将来时态,简单地描述自己的旅行计划,学会 制定旅行计划。从学生已有的生活经验出发,话题贴近学生的生活,能引起共鸣。 学情分析 教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经具备初步的听、说、读、写的能力,积累了一定的词 汇和句型, 对一般将来时态“be going to”结构有一定的了解。能进行简单的表达。如: “Where are you going? /Whos going with you?.”因此在本课的教学中,教师应在此基 础上创设情境,进一步引导学生巩固和拓展对一般将来时态的表达及运用。 语言能力功能:制定和谈论旅行计划。 词汇:全体学生能运用:when, nervous, all right, airport, ticket, passport,safe 句型:全体学生能运用由”where/when/what/who” 引导的问句进行问答。 “Where are you going?”-To the airport. “What are you going to take?”- Clothes, shoes, present, the ticket, passport. “When are you going to the airport?” -At seven oclock tomorrow morning. “Whos going to the airport with you?” -Mum. 学习能力能够运用一般将来时态询问别人的旅行计划或者向别人叙述自己的旅行计 划。全体学生能通过小组合作谈论旅行计划。 思维品质通过文本的学习,激发学生思考:如果你是 Daming,你去旅行还要带些什 么东西? 教学目标 情感态度培养学生善于表达,乐于分享自己的旅行计划;不管去哪里游玩,做些什 么,都要注意安全。 教学重点学生能正确使用本课词汇和句型来制定和谈论旅行计划。 教学难点学生能正确使用由”where/when/what/who” 引导的问句进行问答。 教学方法情景教学法,合作学习法,交际法 教学准备单词卡,音频,视频,PPT。 教学流程时间教学步骤 教师活动学生活动 设计意图 1minPre- reading 师生问候。师生问候。热情地和孩子们问候,活 跃课堂气氛,拉近师生距 离。 5minsWatch a video 分享自己的旅游经历和 暑假将要去 London 的计 划。 让学生提建议。 学习新词汇:airport ticket, ID card,When. 给老师提建议。 在情境中学习新词汇; 激发学生学习兴趣。 发散学生思维。 3minFree talk 请学生互相谈论自己的 旅行计划。 谈论旅行计划,回答老 师问题。 有自己初步的旅行计划。 2 8minsWhile- reading 1. 播放音频让学生感知 课文。 2. Read freely and choose. 3. Read and fill in the blanks. 4. Read and answer. 1. Ask questions about Damings trip. 2. Read alone. 3. Read with deskmate and answer. 4. Read in groups and answer. 通过层层递进的阅读方式, 让学生深刻理解课文内容。 提高学生阅读理解能力。 7minsPost- reading 1. Read and imitate. 2. Role play the text. 3. Retell the text. 4. 情感教育。 1. Read and imitate. 2. Role play the text. 3. Retell the text. 4. Safety at first. 全面巩固课文。通过思维 导图复述课文,提升思维 能力。 渗透安全教育。 1minsEnjoy a video 观看世界各地旅游胜地 的视频 看视频。激起他们的旅行兴趣。为 学生在接下来的“制定小 组 trip plan”的环节做铺 垫。 8minsGroup work 展示自己的旅行计划。 引导学生开展小组活动: The best trip planning group. 请小组展示旅行计划。 小组合作策划自己的旅 行。 争当“最佳旅行策划组。 ” 教师通过展示自己的旅行 计划,让学生运用本课句 型讨论本组的旅行计划, 并能写下来。 1min总结点评Hope you have a nice trip.对表现最佳小组给予肯定 和鼓励。 1minHomework1. Read the text for three times. 2. Make your family trip plan. Ss get to know the homework. 课后制定自己与家人的旅 行计划并分享。 板书设计:
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