接力版四年级下册英语-Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:901d3).zip

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Do you want milk or water? 你想要牛奶还是水? Lesson 14 schoolbag breakfast rice cake pear 火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词 ) orange apple ice cream football Warm up 2 Welcome to my shop! 欢迎来到我的商店! drinks (饮料) Wow, so many drinks! Do you want milk or water? I want milk,please. I want water,please. 你想要牛奶还是水? 请给我牛奶。 请给我水。 hot milk cold milk Do you want hot milk or cold milk? I want hot milk,please. I want cold milk,please. 请给我热牛奶。 请给我冷牛奶 I want tea,please. I want juice,please. Do you want juice or tea? 请给我果汁。 请给我茶。 你想要果汁还是茶? an apple an orange Do you want an apple or an orange? I want an apple,please. I want an orange,please. bread 面包 I want rice,please.I want bread,please. Do you want rice or bread? potato tomato 马铃薯,土豆番茄,西红柿 +es +es Do you want potatoes or tomatoes? 你想要牛奶还是水? 请给我牛奶。 你想要米饭还是面包? 请给我米饭。 你想要土豆还是西红柿? 请给我西红柿。 观察下面这三个人的问话,你发现这三个问句有什么相同的地方 ? 总结: 当表示询问“你想要或者(还是) ”时,句型表达为: “Do you wantor?”(or意思 是“或者”放在两个物品中表示对比和 选择。) 我们可回答:I want .,please. 你想要牛奶还是水? 你想要米饭还是面包? 你想要土豆还是西红柿? Practice: 1.Do you want water_tea? A. and B. or C. to 2.你想知道对方喜欢牛奶还是果汁时,应说 : A. I like milk B. Do you like milk or juice? 3.当你想要一些果汁是,应说: A. I want some juice B. Do you like juice? summary: drink 饮料break 面包 potato 土豆 tomato 西红柿 Do you wantor? 你想要.还是(或者).? I want .,please. 请给我. Homework listen and imitate this dialogue. 听录音并模仿和表演对话。 Make a survey of your family about what they want. 用今天所学的句型调查一下你的家庭成员喜欢什么。 Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water? Hello, my friend. Im very happy to share my teaching design with you. Today our topic is Lesson 14 Do you want milk or water? First, teaching contents. This lesson includes 3 parts: in the first two parts, it mainly deals with this pattern: Do you want . or .? I want .; the third part is a real situation to practice this pattern.21 教育网 Two, learning objectives. 本课的教学目标有: 1.知识目标:听、说、认读 want、drink 等单词,及句型:Wow, so many drinks! 能够准确地模仿课文录音,并在实际情境中运用句 型:Do you want or? 及其回答 I want www.21-cn- 2. 能力目标:选择疑问句 Do you w ant or?在真实情境中 的灵活运用,培养学生的英语交际能力;任务教学,小组合作,培 养学生的团结协作能力。【版权所有:21 教育】 3.情感目标:教育学生要有合理的饮食习惯。 Three, key points and difficult points. 1.本课的教学重点:听、说、认读 want 、drink 等单词,熟练 掌握句型:Do you want or? 及其回答 I want 21cnjycom 2. 难点: 选择疑问句 Do you want or? 在实际情境中的 灵活运用。 Five, teaching steps. Step 1: warm-up. 热身环节,我们有两个小活动。 首先,创设本课的主题情境:Welcome to my drink shop!(欢迎 来到悠优饮品店。) I prepare some drinks for you! Can you say them quickly? 请学生快速、大声说出俩写单词和词组。 这一环节的设 计意图是: 通过这样的方式既复习了单词又提改了学生的紧张感, 未上课做好准备。21cnjy 第二,出示饮料图片, 教授新单词 drinks, 以及句子: Wow, so many drinks! 自然地引出新知,为后面文本的学习作铺垫。 Step 2: Presentation. There are so many drinks here. 结合音频菜单询问学生:So what do you want? 学生可以这样回答:I want some.当学生回答 I want some milk. 可以继续询问: Do you want some hot milk or cold milk? 引导学生回答:I want some hot milk. 或者 I want some cold milk. 同理, 可以继续询问其他的学生:Do you want green tea or black tea? 或者 Do you want apple juice or orange juice? Do you want .or .? 等等。【来源:21世纪教育网】 教师中分你点教读该句型,并进行机械操练。当学生与老师尝 试过对话过后,学生理解并会运用该选择疑问句:Do you want or?及其回答 I want 并进行同桌对话练习。21世纪*教育网 接下来呈现文本。Today, Tom and his mother also come to my shop. Please watch and answer. 今天, Tom 和妈妈也来到了我的饮 品店,请观看视频,并回答以下两个问题。 www-2-1-cnjy-com Question 1: Listen and choose: What does Tom want? You can answer like this “he wants some. ”A. milk B. juice C. tea. 通过 观看动画,学生很容易找到答案:He wants some juice. Question 2 : Does Tom want apple juice or orange juice? He wants orange juice. Tom 是想要苹果汁还是橙汁呢? 通过再次观看 动画, 学生不难发现:He wants orange juice. 最后进行文本的夯实与输出:听音跟读 Listen and imitate; 同 桌对话 Pair-work; 角色扮演 Role-play.21 世纪教育网版权所有 Step 3: Consolidation. First, lets have a chant. 这首小歌谣是这样 的:Milk or tea, milk or tea. Do you want milk or tea? I want milk. I want tea. I want milk and tea. 2-1-c-n-j-y Then, work in groups. 学生四人一小组,小组内成员使用课堂上 赢得的奖励卡,一起设计一家甜品店或饮品店,其中一人扮演店员, 其余三人扮演顾客,创编对话。可以参考一下句型: Can I help you? Yes, I want. Do you want .or.? I want. 学生进行小学汇报 表演,可以将学生自评与小组互评相结合,并从以下三个方面进行 评价: 1. Pronunciation and intonation. 语音、语调、语调较好的小组可 以获得一枚奖章。21*cnjy*com 2. Action and feelings. 语音、语调、语调较好,并能加入适当的 动作与情感的小组,可以获得两枚奖章。21 教育名师原创作品 New ideas. 语音、语调、语调较好,并能加入适当的动作与情 感,而且富有创意的小组可恶意获得三枚奖章。【出处:21 教育名师】 最后根据小组得分评选出获胜的小组。 Last step: Moral education. Boiled water is the best drink. Balanced diet, healthy life! 白开水是最好的饮料。引导学生均衡饮食,健康生 活。【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 And the homework is: 1. listen and imitate the dialogue. 2. Make a survey of your family about what they want. Thats all for today. Thank you for listening. Bye-bye!
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