冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 3 Writing Home-Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0df0).doc

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冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 3 Writing Home-Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:b0df0).doc_第1页
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1、冀教五下Lesson15 Sending the Postcards教学设计 教学目标 知识目标 1听、说、认、读单词 turn,wrong; 2听懂、遵循并发出指令: Go straight,turn left at the traffic lights; 3运用 How much is? How much are?句型询问物品价格。 能力目标 1通过学习能够问路、指路; 2能够运用句型询问物品价格,在询问单个物品时会用 How much is? 在询问多个物品时会用 How much are? 并能做出相应的回答; 情感目标 通过分组竞赛的方式鼓励学生积极参与,培养学生的竞争意识,激发学生

2、 的集体荣誉感。 教学重难点 1 听懂、 遵循并发出指令: Go straight, turn left at the traffic lights; 2.在询问单个物品时会用 How much is?在询问多个物品时会用 How much are? 并能做出相应的回答; 教学准备 课件;写上重点单词、句型的磁条;明信片;奖励贴 课堂组织形式 分组竞赛式 将全班根据座位分为 A、B 两个大组,根据参与课堂活动情况 进行加分。 教学过程 一一. .热身复习热身复习 1谈话 向学生问好,鼓励学生,交代分组比赛情况。 (激发学生竞争欲 望,调动学生的学习积极性。 ) T: Today Im your

3、 new English teacher, you can call me Mrs. Wang. How are you today ?Nice to meet you !Do you like to have a competition?Lets have a competition. Ill devide the class into two groups,one is Group A,the other is Group B. 2.看图片、说单词。Letter、stamp、email、computer,postcard。 (复 习前两课的内容,以旧引新,让学生快速进入学习状态。 ) 3.

4、讨论一张明信片,引出课题。 T:Look,whats this ?Its a postcard,too.Whose postcard is this ?Yes,its Jennys.Jenny wrote it to her mum and dad. She wants to send it to her mum and dad. Today,lets learn .Show the title on the blackboard.(联系上一课,创设 情境,自然过渡到新课。 ) 二二. .新课呈现新课呈现 1.看图片,学新词。 (课件呈现一张 Danny 、Jenny 的图片) T:Who a

5、re they ? What do they want to do ?Where can they send the postcard? 让学生用中文作答,学习短语 post office。 (课件呈现一张邮局 图片。 )师领读,生跟读。一组一组跟读两遍。师将磁条贴到黑板上。 2看图片,听录音,学句子。 (接上一环节) T: Are they at the post office? (出示一张他们在宾馆的图片)Where are they now?Look,Jenny is asking the way.Lets listen.What is she asking? 学 习 句 型 “ Exc

6、use me,where is the post office? ” “Go straight,turn left at the traffic lights.”说到 traffic lights,大屏 幕显示一张红绿灯图片。 3、学短语、听指令、做动作。 (课件呈现直走、左转、右转三张交通标志 图。 ) 师领读,生跟读几遍,然后教师让两名学生来到教室前,听老师发出指 令“turn left、turn right、go straight”做出相应的反应。两名学生做 出示范后,全体学生起立,听音做动作。 4.看图片,当指挥。 (出示一张 Danny 、Jenny 要去邮局的简易地图。 ) 全班同

7、学大声说出怎么到达邮局。 三三. .学习第二部分对话学习第二部分对话 T: They are at the post office. They are talking with the clerk. Do you want to listen? Before you listening, please look at the four questions first. Q1:How many stamps does Jenny need? Q2:How much are they? Q3:What is Danny doing ? Q4:Is Danny right? 1.看视频,回答问题。

8、2.学习 wrong、right。通过几道数学题,如“3+2=6,3+2=5”让学生作出 判断,理解 wrong、right 的含义。 3.打开课本,跟读对话。 4.三人一组,小组内分角色读对话,然后找两组展示练习的结果。 5.师生分角色读课文。师扮演售货员,男生扮演 Danny,女生扮演 Jenny。 四操练巩固四操练巩固 1.T:How many stamps does Jenny need ?How much are the stamps?将 此句贴到黑板上,并让学生做出回答“Theyre twenty yuan.”师接着问: “How much is one stamp?”请一生回答“

9、Its ten yuan.”将四个句子全 部贴在黑板上。 2.将四句编成一首 chant,边拍手边说。 How much are the stamps?Theyre twenty yuan. Theyre twenty yuan. How much is one stamp? Its ten yuan .Its ten yuan. 3.检查对单复数的理解情况。 先出示一组多个水果图片,教师请学生完成对话填空,如下: A:Hello!Can I help you? B:Yes.How much the apples/oranges? A: six yuan. B:Ill take . 请学生先填

10、空,然后两人一组练习。练习后,请两组同学展示。再出示 一组单个水果的图片,与前面的形成对比,请生先完成填空,然后两人一组 练习。 A:Hello!Can I help you ? B:Yes.How much one stamp? A: two yuan. B:Ill take . 五拓展运用五拓展运用 1师拿出一沓明信片,问学生: T:What are these?I want to sell them.Do you want to buy them? 师扮演售货员,请几生上来购买,练习前面所学的句型,然后教师请学生 来扮演售货员,教师购买明信片。教师走到一生桌前,拿起学生的一样文具, 询问

11、价格。学生两人一组利用文具自编对话。 2.看图片,说句子。 大屏幕出示两组远近不同的四样物品,请学生练习用 this,that,these, those 询问价格。 3.看地图,说路线。 T:You can ask the price.You can buy something.Lets go shopping. 课件呈现一张地图。 T:What can you see on the map? T:Excuse me.Where is the shoe shop?请一生上来边说边指。 同桌两人练习对话。 六总结本课重点六总结本课重点 T:What did we learn in this lesson?请全班齐说板书内容。 布置作业 完成课中的 look and write ,写句子。 板书设计 Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards post office A B turn wrong How much are the stamps? Theyre twenty yuan. How much is one stamp? Its ten yuan.


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