冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 3 Writing Home-Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:10a03).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Writing Home_Lesson 15 Sending the Postcards_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:10a03)
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Lesson 15Lesson 15Lesson 15Lesson 15 Sending the PostcardsSending the PostcardsSending the PostcardsSending the Postcards Show me your left hand, left,left,left. Show me your right hand, right,right,right. left hand,right hand, clap,clap,clap! Show me your left foot, left,left,left. Show me your right foot, right,right,right. left foot,right foot, go,go,go! turn leftturn rightgo straight street 大街 /i:/ /ei/ traffic lights post office school park shop zoo First Street post office hotel (1)How many stamps does Jenny need? (2)How much are the two stamps? (3)How much is one stamp? (4)Danny is writing nine postcards.Is he right? Listen, watch and Answer She needs two stamps. They are twenty yuan. Its ten yuan. No,he is long song wrong. 30 18 How much is/are _? 5 They are_. Its_ 70 J i n S t r e e t Clothes Shop Book Shop Toy Shop 15 20 128 10 35 16 80 70 50 100 9 20 15 28 10 3025 12 13 14 10 35 11 Homework Write down your dialogue on your notebooks. (把你的 对话整理到本子上。) Lesson15 Sending the Postcards 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课选自冀教版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 3 Wring Home., 本单元,孩子们将学习关于写信、明信片和电子邮件的词汇和 表达。本课处于本单元第三课,通过前两课,学生已经了解了 和朋友及家人联系的三种方式,学习了书写明信片和信件的姓 名地址,本课主要讲 Danny 和 Jenny 邮寄明信片的过程中发生 的事,第一部分主要是怎样指路问路,指路问路四年级学生有 过接触,所以在此更加深一下指路问路的应用。第二部分讲述 在邮局里发生的事情。本课通过主要是让学生学会如何如何指 路、问路,学会在生活中询问价钱。本课篇幅不长,图文并茂, 但其中包含着丰富的语言信息。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本班学生有了一定的英语知识基础,具备了一定的逻辑思 维能力以及简单的口语表达能力和阅读能力,能借助图片读懂 简单的对话,表达情感和进行语言交流。在本单元已经学过明 信片的书写格式,学生对明信片有一些了解,并对指路问路以 及生活中询问价钱,有了一定的基础和经验。所以学生学习这 一课有了一定的基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1.知识目标: (1)能听懂、会说、认读并书写单词:turn, wrong (2)能听懂并遵循基本方向指令语: Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights. (3)能认读、理解并运用句式: How much are they? -They are_ yuan. -Ill take them 2.能力目标:会用英语进行简单的问路指路和询问价格。 3.情感态度目标: (1)积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (2)积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 四、教学重点与难点四、教学重点与难点 教学重点: 1. 能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:turn、wrong 等。 2.能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Where is the post office? Go straight. Turn left at How much is/are? 教学难点: 结合具体的语境,灵活运用本课所学语言知识,在生活中学会应 用指路、问路、询问价钱等英语。 教具准备: PPT 课件,自制交通指示牌,磁条板书 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1. Warming up(2 minutes) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you S: Lets chant“left, right”and do the action. 【设计意图:师生问候、chant 进行热身,既活跃气氛又复习 left,right,为本课新知做准备。 】 Step 2 Presentation(25minutes) 1. turn left, turn right, go straight (1)大屏幕出示交通标志:turn left, turn right, go straight,区分 straight 和 street (2)games:全体学生按老师指令做动作。 四名同学到前面,根据其他学生指令做动作。 【设计意图:通过游戏形式练习 turn left,turn right, go straight, 既提高了学生兴趣,又有效练习了本课重点短语。 】 2.traffic lights. 通过屏幕出示图片进行教授。 3.教授 Part1. (1)post office. T:Jenny and Danny want to send postcards,but they dont have any stamps.What will they do? S:They will buy some stamps. T:They will buy some stamps. Where will they go to buy? 引出 post office 并领读。 (2)出示地图,引出路线。 T:But they cant find the post office.Lets listen and answer: Where is the post office? 一名学生到前面,边回答边在地图上指路线:Go straight . Turn left at the traffic lights. 显示 post office 位置。教师出示板书:Go straight .Turn left at the traffic lights. 师指着其他地点,问:Where is. 生答。 (3)再次听音,完成对话。 师出示板书 Excuse me.Where is? 师生对话/生生对话 A:Excuse me.Where is? B:Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights/on Xin Rong Street.You will see it on your A:Thanks. B:Youre welcome. 【设计意图:整体感知文本,为语言输出做准备。 】 4.教授 part2 1.T;Now Jenny and Danny get to the post office. What will happen? Lets listen and answer: (1)How many stamps does Jenny need? (2)How much are the two stamps? (3)How much is one stamp? (4)Danny writes nine postcards. Is he right? 【设计意图:通过听音回答问题,既整体感知对话内容,又引 出本课重点句式 How much is/are以及生词 wrong. 】 2.从答案中提取:How much is/are? Its/they are并练习 3. wrong:读,通过动作释义,比较 wrong, long, song 读音 出示板书:wrong 【设计意图:通过教师肢体动作体会生词的汉译,通过比较三 个单词读音,探究并巩固生词发音。 】 4.打开课本,自读课文。 【设计意图:进一步感知文本,为后面的对话做准备。 】 Step3.Practice(10 minutes) 1.师出示第二张地图,创设情境,引出对话。 T:This is me. Im hungry. I want to go to the KFC to buy some food. 走到一名同学面前问对话: T:Excuse me. Where is? S1:Go straight. Turn right at the traffic lights. T:Thanks. S1:Youre welcome. 2.T:Now Im at the KFC. Where is the waiter or waitress? 师生对话: T:Good afternoon. Welcome to KFC. May I help you? S2:Yes,I want to buy some food. How much is it? T:Its S2:How much are they? T:They are S2:Ill take them ,please. T:Here you are. B:Thanks. A:Bye. 3.Practice in groups of three. 4.Show time. 【设计意图:将本课所学知识进行总结、整合,并运用到实际 交际中来。 】 Step4.Homework(1minute) Write down your dialogue on your notebook. 【设计意图:前面练习了听说读,最后落实到写上。 】 板书设计: Lesson15 Sending the Postcards A:Excuse me. Where is? B:Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights. You will see it on your A:How much is /are C:Its/They are A:Ill take wrong
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