冀教版(三起)五下-Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip -Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:9084b).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip _Lesson 21 Look at the Photos!_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:9084b)
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Lesson21 Look at the Pohtos! Look at this photo! She is _. Look at this photo! He is _. Look at this photo! This is a photo of _. I was _. Now I am _. Look at this photo! This is a photo of _. He was in the_. He _ a _.flewkite park my son LOOK AT THESE PHOTO S! Who are they? Listen to Dannys StoyListen to Dannys Stoy Where did they go? They went to Beijing. LOOK AT THESE PHOTO S! Where were they? They were _ the _ _. He was _ the _ _. They were _ the _ to Beijing.train on Palace Museum at Great Wall on LOOK AT THESE PHOTO S! What did they do ? LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! What did they do ? They _ with the baby. It _ fun. played was LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! What happened to Danny ? He_ his tail. Because he _ down. He _ sad. hurt fell was LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! What did they do ? They _ fun. They _very happy. They _ _ _. They _ about the _ _. took some pictures talkedGreat Wall had were Look at this photo! This is a photo of_. They were _. They _. He was _. He _. . LOOK AT THESE PHOTO S! What did they do ?Where were they ?How was they? LOOK AT THESE PHOTO S! LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! Look at this photo! This is a photo of my son and I. We were at the Summer Palace. It is in Beijing. We went to Beijing by train in April. We arrived there at 8:00a.m. We went to the Summer Palace by subway(地铁铁 ).We saw many people there. We saw many old tables and chairs.We took many pictures. My son played and talked with his friends. They had fun together. What a beautiful place! We were very happy. LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! Ask and answer: 1、How did we go to the Summer Palace? 2、Did we have fun in Beijing? 3、Were we sad? We went there by subway. Yes, we did. No, we werent. LOOK AT THIS PHOTO! Read the passage and tell me T or F? 1、This is a photo of my friends. ( ) 2、We were at the Summer Palace. ( ) 3、We went to Beijing by car. ( ) 4、My son drew some pictures for his friends. ( ) 5、There were old tables and chairs. ( ) Homework: Show me a photo of you or your family.Write some words about it using the past tense. Thank you for your listening! 冀教版三年级起始五年级下册 Lesson21 Look at the Photos! 教学设计 教学目标: 一、 语言能力目标: 1、认识并会表达 am/is are 的过去式 was, were. 2、认识、会写、会说 photo/photos. 3、认识、了解 happy 的用法。 4、会用 I was/We were at the _.We/They/I did .简短的过去时 的句子描述照片内容。 二、 学习能力目标: 1、通过一般现在时和一般过去时的对比,培养学生独立思考的能力。 2、通过呈现不同的照片引导学生表达过去时的动作。 3、通过问与答的形式,输入信息,学生感受积累语言。 4、通过呈现课外阅读内容,培养学生综合运用的能力。 三、 思维能力目标: 利用问题引导,观察图片,阅读指导,语言输入培养学生的发散思维能力和逻辑思 维能力。 四、 文化品格目标: 通过描述自己的旧照片,回忆以前的生活和经历,发现生活的变化和美好,增进家 人与朋友的感情。 五、 教学过程: (一)导入情境,课前热身: T: Today, we have a trip of the photos. Look at some photos. 1、出示鹿晗和迪丽热巴的照片: Look at this photo. Who is he/she? 学生回答 :She/He is _. 2、出示老师百天的照片:Look at this photo. This is a photo of _. I was _. Now I am _. 3、出示自己孩子的照片:Look at this photo. This is a photo of _. He was in the _. He _a kite.引出 fly 的过去式 flew 让学生说一说。 (二)新授: 1、导入:Do you like to fly a kite? Does Danny like to fly a kite? Lets look at these photos. Who are they? 出示课文中的三幅图,说一说 They are _. Lets listen to Dannys story. 2、播放课文的视频;然后回答问题:Where did they go? They went to Beijing. 3、再次播放视频:然后回答问题 Where were they in these photos? They were on the _. He was at the _. 4、提出问题 What did they do ? 让学生默读,圈出关键词(动词的过去式) 。 5、分图进行剖析:学生看图回忆,培养学生分析能力 Look at this photo! They _ with baby. It _ fun. Look at this photo! 教师提问 Was Danny happy? 学生尝试回答 Yes, he was. No, he wasnt.然后填空。Danny _sad. 继续提问:What happened to Danny? 学生思考回答问题 He hurt his tail. 教师提问为什么 hurt 后面没有”s”。学生思考后回答这是过去时,没有三单,hurt 的过去式没有 变化。 引出其它动词过去式不变的单词:readread putput cutcut letlet 继续提出问题: Why did Danny hurt his tail? 学生思考 Because he fell down.引导学生说出 fall 的过去式。 第三图:引导学生想象、猜测他们做了什么在长城上 What did they do? 引导学生尽可能地表达其它动词的过去式 took pictures、talked、played、saw、walked 等 6、逐图分析后,pair work 选择其中一幅图用下面的提示词表达: Look at this photo! They were _(地点)。They _(做了什么)。 They were _(感受)。 (三)复习巩固,课外阅读 T: I have other photos for you. I hope you like it . 播放教师自己制作的影集。Ask: Where is it? 试着让学生猜一猜是否去过这个 地方“The Summer Palace” 1、出示一张照片:出示文本 2、学生小组合作读一读,完成两个练习(回答问题与判断) 3、汇报展示 Homework: Show me a photo of you or your family. Write some words about it using the past tense. 板书设计: Lesson21 Look at the Photos! Key points: 1、a photophotos a picturepictures 2、look at 看 3、动词的过去式: 1)规则的直接加 ed playplayed happenhappened talktalked walkwalked 2)不规则动词的过去式: 1、单词变化 am/iswas arewere flyflew fallfell seesaw taketook 2、 单词不变,个别发音改变 hurthurt putput cutcut letlet readread hithit
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