冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Unit 2 Review-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:60cec).docx

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1、Again, Please! 教学内容分析 本课是一节复习课。学生已经重点学习了十二个月份的表达、序数词 第一至第十二的表达、节日的具体日期,以及描述天气的名词和形容 词。本单元的内容与生活紧密相关,教师可以通过游戏和活动,创设 真实的语言情景,来调动学生的积极性,从而激发学生学习英语 的兴趣,为进一步学习打下基础。 学情分析 教学对象是四年级的学生。学生已经学习了本单元的单词和句型,有 了一定的基础。 他们活泼好动, 好奇心强, 乐于表达, 而且喜欢表演, 乐于展示自我。 本课通过一些游戏活动, 使学生掌握所学并灵活运用。 三、教学日标 1、知识与技能目标 复习巩固有关月份、天气的词。学生能

2、识别、理解并根据正确的顺序 排列第一到第十二月份。了解 6 个主要节日的名称及其日期。能够运 用本单元所学的四会句型: When Is it? It s How is the weather? It s 2、情感态度目标 激发学生学习英语的兴越。使学生乐于模仿,敢于表达。积极参与各 种学习活动,在小组活动中与其他同学积极配合。 3、学习策略目标 课堂活动中,注意倾听,积极思考。积极利用所学的英语进行表达和 交流。 教学重点难点 1、教学重点:复习本单元要求掌握的词汇与句型,并进行听说读写 的练习。 2、教学难点:在直实的情景中灵活运用所学知识 四、教学准备 多媒体、卡片 五、教学过程 Step

3、1 热身活动,导入新课 1 Greeting Lets sing a song G 通过唱歌,让学生更快地授入英语课堂气氖中的同时,更让学生回 忆与巩固与本单元相关的知识,为后面的提可铺垫。 ) step2 知识横理,巩固训练 I Talk about the months。 T:This song talksabout the months ? How many months are there in a year? Ss There are twelve months in a year. T: Do you agreen with her? Ss Yes. T: What are the

4、y? Ss T:We know January is thefirst month of the year.So we can put the “first” here.Who can put the other words in right place? S1 S2 T:Lets say them like this”_ is the _ month of the year.Who can try? S1 S2 S3 S4 (设计意图:通过这一活动,让学生系统的复习巩固了月份的词汇, 重点句型的操练到了举一反三,知识脉络清晰。 ) 2 Talk about the birthda T: OK

5、! We know there are twelve months in a vear. But my favouritemonth isJanuary.Because my birthday is in January .When is your birthday? Ss: My birthday is T:Can you ask the other? S1:When is your birthday? S2: (设计意图:通过问答形式,复习现固本单元的知识,也让学生在轻 松的环境下学英语,提高学习效率。 ) 3 Talk about the festivals T:we know New

6、years Day is in January.When is New years Day? S1 T:There are many festivals in a year. You can choose your favourte festivals talk about in your group. 2)Let the students know about some other festivals in China. Forexample: The Lantern Festival, Tree Planting Day, Womens DayQingming Festival, Mid-

7、autumn Festival and so on 设计意图,激发了学生的学习兴趣,复习了所学知识,同时扩展了学 生的知识容量。 ) 4. Talk about the weather 1)Boys and girls, Look! This is Childrens Day.Your favourite day? T: Hows the weather? Ss-its 2) Let the students enjoy a song about weather. Then ask the students,What kind of weather do you see? 6)Talk abo

8、ut some pictures What s this? How s the weather? What kind of weather do you see? 3) Talk about some pictures What s this? Howvs the weather? 4)Let s chant! Sun, sunny Hows the weather? Its sunny. Snow snowy. How s the weather? Its snowy Rain rainy Hows the weather? Its rainy. Wind windy Hows the we

9、ather? Its windy Cloud, cloudy. Hows the weather? It s cloudy 5)We are little, little forecasters Hello boys and girls! This is the Weather Forecast(天气预报)Tn Bering Its in Chengdu Its Kunming Its in Lhasa Its in Harbin Thatsall Thank you! (设计意图:能根据提供的情景,将本单元的语言运用到实际生活中 提高了学生综合运用语言的能力。 chant 节奏明快,朗朗上口

10、。加入 动作的融入,有利于学生掌握所学知识。 ) step3 扩展练习,评价检测 1 Listen and Tick 2 Read and choose 这两个检测题是从易到难,查漏补缺,设计了诊断性补偿练习,进 步考查学生的知识掌握情况。 Step4 整合应用,能力提升 Write and Draw 2 Extension There are many sayings about the weather in China Can you read them? 1 Rain cats and dogs 2 A snow year a nch year 3 Tall trees catch mu

11、ch wind 4 A vears plan begins with spring (设计意图:开圈学生视野,激发学生学习英语的兴超) step5 课堂小结,布置作业 (设计意图:开学生视野,激发学生学习英语的兴趣) step5 课堂小结,布置作业 1. Ask the students to say what we have leamed in this class 2. Choose your favourite month to talk about with your parents. (设计意图:适量及适当的家庭作业将课内的学习延伸到了课外,进 步现固所学知识。 ) 六、板书设计 Again, please! _is the _month of the year。 How s the weather? It s sunny hot snow snowy cold rain rainy cool wind windy warm cloud cloudy


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