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Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player Do and Guess Tips: 寻读快速阅读寻找答案 Question: 1.In which year the boy won the World Cup? 2.How old was the boy at that time? In 1958, he won the World Cup. He was 17 years old . Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs? The boy from a very poor family. His parents couldnt buy him a football. Tips: 略读略读文本抓住主要信息 Listen to the radio. (P2) 1.What was the boy playing ? 2.Who gave him the football ? coach coach He thought that the boy would be a good player. The coach gave the boy a football as a gift. From then on, the boy played football harder. Why did the coach give him a football? Read P3 sliently and underline the answer. What did the boy do for the coach at Christmas time ?(exercise) Tips: 略读略读文本抓住主要信息 Read and choose : ( )What did he do for the coach at Christmas time ? A He bought a Christmas gift. B He dug a hole for the Christms tree. B dug is the past tense of dig dig-dug Why did the boy dig a hole for the Christmas tree? I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree. If you were the coach, what do you want to say? 1.What did the coach do? 2.What happened in 1958? The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. In 1958, the 17-year-old boy and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. Tips: 寻读快速阅读寻找答案 Pele To do the exercise ( ) 1.The boy dug a hole on Childrens Day. ( ) 2.The boys family was very poor, He cant buy a gift for his coach. ( ) 3.The coach didnt like the boys gift. ( ) 4.When the boy 17 years old, he and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. Read and write (T) or (F) at Christmas very F T F T A B C D E Act (P3). At Christmas time, the boy wanted to do something for the kind coach. He ran to the coachs home and dug a hole in front of his house. The coach asked why. The boy said, “I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree.” The coach was happy. He said, “This is the best Christmas gift.” Retell the story in your groups. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。 What do you learn from Pele? Homework: 1.Read and retell the story. 2.Talk about other famous people with your friends. Goodbye ! 1 冀教版小学英语三年级起始版冀教版小学英语三年级起始版 六年级下册第六年级下册第 1 单元单元 Lesson 6:A Famous Football Player 一、课题一、课题 lesson 6:A Famous Football Palyer! 二、教学背景分析二、教学背景分析 1.学生情况分析学生情况分析 (一)本课面对的是六年级的学生,已经是高年级的学生了,课堂常规基本 已成形,阅读习惯已形成,大部分同学对英语学习产生了浓厚的兴趣和能力; 也有了一定的语音语调的基础,随着身心的发展,视野逐渐开阔,接触和接受 新鲜事物的意愿和能力也在提高和加强。教师在教学过程中要设计多样化的教 2 学活动,激发学生学习兴趣,引导其它层次的学生有勇气去开口表达。创造生动 活泼的场景,巧妙引导,并进行规范的语言示范,在此基础上,学生会更愿意 表达自己的所学,让每一个孩子都能体验学习的快乐和成功。 (二)生活背景:讲述的一个球王诞生的过程,意在教育孩子们在艰苦的环 境下依旧心存伟大的理想而为之奋斗和努力。 (三)知识基础:高年级的学生有了一定的英语基础,语法和词汇也有了一 定的积累。学生课下提前查阅掌握了一些有关球王贝利的资料。 2.单元内容分析单元内容分析 本课是冀教版小学英语三年级起始版六年级下第 1 单元的 lesson 6:A Famous Football Palyer!是一节故事课,通过学习故事中的人物,告诉孩子们即 使身存艰苦的条件,但是心中依旧保持有自己的理想和目标,并为之奋斗。 3.教学内容分析教学内容分析 通过读故事,学故事。学生也能够谈论在他们的世界里面对困难和艰苦的条件 时不气馁,持之以恒,坚持努力完成理想的精神。学生在阅读故事的过程中巩 固了本单元所学的语言知识,学习了不同的阅读策略,提高了阅读技能,更重 要的是学生在运用英语语言读懂故事、了解人物事迹的同时又体会到语言学习 的乐趣,增强自信心和成就感。 三、教学目标分析三、教学目标分析 1知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: (1)学生要听并理解一个简单的故事。 (2)学生会根据关键词的提示复述故事。 (3)学生能借助图片、板书等帮助,表演故事。 2学习策略目标:学习策略目标: (1)寻读、朗读、默读等阅读策略相结合,发展阅读策略; (2)增强小组合作意识,共同完成任务; (3)在教学过程中使用小组评价机制,培养学生的合作意识和自我调控能力。 3情感态度目标:情感态度目标: (1)激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生乐于阅读,善于表演 (2)通过学习本故事,培养学生再困难艰苦的条件下,为了自己的理想而奋斗 的坚强不屈的精神。 4文化意识:文化意识: 穷人家的孩子坚持追求自己的梦想,无论条件多么的艰辛,梦想最终成为 了现实。人穷志坚,有志者事竟成的精神。 四、教学重难点分析四、教学重难点分析 教学重点教学重点:教给学生使用不同的阅读策略理解课文,复述和表演故事。 教学难点教学难点:能在老师帮助下复述、表演故事。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 PPT 课件,图片 六、教学过程设计六、教学过程设计 Class Opening and review (3 minutes) Leading-in(1 分钟)分钟) 用 Free talk 引入,教师先设置一个游戏:do and guess,跟学生互动,然后提 问 Whats sport it is? 3 【设计意图】:通过游戏问答,观看足球视频,学生激活关于运动知识,为 引入故事做准备。 T: Good morning, everyone. Im your English teacher today. You can call me Ms. Du. T: lets play a game:do and guess:what sport it is?(one student come to the front choose one paper and do action ,others guess.) S1: Playing baskstball. S2: Playing ping-pang. S3: Riding a bike. S4: Skating. S5: Playing football. T:You did a good job.All you did just now are sports.lets watch a vedio,and tell me :what sport it is? Pre-reading(3 分钟)分钟) 老师在黑板上画一个巨大的足球图案,学生猜完:football,自然过渡,引 出本课内容。 T: Look at this what is this? Ss: Football. T: Today,lets read a story about football and a famous football player. 【设计意图设计意图】: 采用画图、观看,提问、预测的方式进行课前导入,激起学生学习兴趣, 让学生在愉快的氛围中进入故事的学习。 While-reading(14 分钟)分钟) 1. 整体感知故事:整体感知故事: 播放本课动画录音(带英文字幕) ,并提出问题 Who wants to have a meeting? 学生带着问题看动画,整体感知故事并回答问题。 T:Lets watch the video together and answer the questions. PPT: 1.In which year the boy won the World Cup? 2.How old was the boy at that time? Ss: In 1958, he won the World Cup. (T:Whats this? The World Cup,老师贴图黑板) He was 17 years old . T: Good. What happens in this story? Lets see. 【设计意图设计意图】: 让学生整体感知语篇,对故事大意有初步的了解。 2.分段阅读理解:分段阅读理解: (1)Part 1: Picture1 Picture 1: PPT: Why did the boy use boxes and bottles as footballs? S1: The boy from a very poor family. His parents couldnt buy him a football. 4 Picture 2: 让学生们看书快速寻读,回答问题 T: 1.What was the boy playing ? 2.Who gave him the football ? Ss: the coach. (老师 ppt 播放几张图片,让学生猜测 coach 的含义,并学习发音。) T: Why did the coach give him a football? S1: He thought that the boy would be a good player. The coach gave the boy a football as a gift. From then on, the boy played football harder. 【设计意图设计意图】: 开篇时教师角色扮演吸引学生的注意力,带学生进入课文,为后面故事的 展开做铺垫。采用寻读策略让学生在短时间内掌握文本关键信息,理解课文内 容。 (2)Part 2: Picture3: 让学生默读课文,选择,掌握课文细节,理解课文内容。 T: Read and choose : ( )What did he do for the coach at Christmas time ? A He bought a Christmas gift. B He dug a hole for the Christmstree. (引出 dug a hole 的讲解,找一个孩子做动作,其他学生猜测短语含义。 ) PPT:Why did the boy dig a hole for the Christmas tree? Ss:I cant buy you a Christmas gift. But I can dig a hole for your Christmas tree. If you were the coach, what do you want to say?(设置开放性问题,让孩子们小 组讨论,畅所欲言) 【设计意图】: 通过默读策略深入了解故事细节。 (3)Part 3: Picture 4-5: 让学生默读课文,了解本段内容,记忆课文细节信息。 1.What did the coach do? 2.What happened in 1958? 1. The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. 2. In 1958, the 17-year-old boy and his team won the World Cup.He was famous around the world. T:Do you know who the boy is? Look at this picture. Ss:Pele:the World famous football palyer. 【设计意图】: 通过寻读找出答案,孩子们的好奇心得到了最终的解答。 5 Post-reading (12 分钟)分钟) 1.1. exercises: (1) Read and write (T) or (F) ( ) 1.The boy dug a hole on Childrens Day. ( ) 2.The boys family was very poor, He cant buy a gift for his coach. ( ) 3.The coach didnt like the boys gift. ( ) 4.When the boy 17 years old, he and his team won the World Cup. He was famous around the world. (2) 【设计意图】: 检验学生对故事的理解,进行笔头输出部分。 2.2. 复述故事:复述故事: (1)先让学生在小组内,根据关键词的提示进行复述,小组内分工合作。 (2)看 PPT 图片复述故事梗概。 2. 表演部分:表演部分: (1)学生分组小组内合作,准备表演。 (2)小组上台展示表演。 3根据故事内容进行情感态度教育:根据故事内容进行情感态度教育: T:watch a vedio.(观看球王贝利精彩进球集锦) What do you learn from Pele? Ss: 对学生进行情感态度教育: Where there is a will, there is a way. 【设计意图设计意图】: 先以老师带领对板书上的关键词进行顺序梳理,学生默读记忆,层层递进, 逐步突破复述课文这个难点。小组准备可以让全体学生得到练习,难易进行分 配,每个程度的孩子都能得到锻炼,组内准备好后找两组学生上台展示成果, 输出所学。最后根据故事内容进行情感态度教育,鼓励学生要为了理想为奋斗, 有志者事竟成。 Homework 1.Read and retell the story. 2.Talk about other famous people with your friends. 九、教学评价设计:九、教学评价设计: 评价手段主要是采取激励性评价,包括学生自我评价,组长评价,教师评 价。 6 学生自我评价:学生每次正确地完成一次任务,在练习纸上画一颗苹果。 组长评价:组长根据组员在小组活动中的表现情况,酌情给一至三苹果。 教师评价:教师根据学生回答问题情况给一至两颗苹果。 十、板书设计十、板书设计 lesson 6:A Famous Football Palyer! 九、课后反思:九、课后反思: 本节课根据教学内容和学生的实际情况,设置明确具体、可操作的各个维 度目标。课堂气氛严肃活泼,既创造了一种无意识、无压力的学习氛围。学生 通过整节课的学习,达到了教学目标。 不足之处: 1教学难点中帮助孩子们的进行故事的复述,还有个别程度稍微差一点同 学完成不了复述。还有的同学是在背故事,而不是根据关键词的提示进行复述。 经过反思后,教师认为,应该带着学生们做示范和举例说明,怎样利用黑板上 的提示词进行有效的复述而非背诵故事。对于后进生的指导,要个别指导。 2在表演中学生的各种动作并没有到位,有的背对着其他的同学,有的没 有任何肢体语言,我应该提前对学生们的表演加以指导,对于内容来,应该先 开拓他们的思路加以引导,而不是单纯的给出指令让孩子们直接去表演。应该 启发引导学生们进行自我创作。