冀教版(三起)六下Reading for Fun-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:90024).doc

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1、Making the Mark 教学设计教学设计 一、设计思想: 英语课程既要注重培养学生的语言基础知识和基本技能, 也要注重优化学习过程,引导学生形成有效的学习策略和较强 的文化意识,培养学生积极向上的情感态度和价值观。 二、学情分析: 本课的学生是六年级即将小学毕业的学生,他们已经具 备了一定的英语听、说、读、写的基础,因此根据学生已有的语 言知识水平和本故事背景知识的了解,培养学生阅读能力和听说 技能,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 三、教材分析:本课是小学英语冀教版三年级起始六年 级下册 Reading for Fun 的第一个故事:Making the Mark,本课为 选作教学内容。由于

2、孩子们大部分喜欢听故事,学故事,所以我 选择本课的内容。本故事整篇用过去式叙述,而过去式是小学阶 段的难点之一,本故事讲述了孩子们在语文上所学过的“刻舟求 剑”,故事情节很容易理解,通过看图,孩子们就可以理解大概意 思,但是由于生词太多,给孩子们复述课文带来一定的难度。 四、教学目标: 1、知识目标: Students will listen to and understand the simple story with the help of the picture and me. Students will ask and answer questions about the story.

3、 Students will be able to read the story fluently. Students will like to take on roles to act it out. 2、能力目标: 学生在学习时能集中注意力。学生能 够积极参与并敢于尝试各种活动。培养学生听故事和说故事 的习惯。 3、情感目标:.培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和好奇心。 通过故事的学习,孩子会理解万事万物都在变化之中,面对 新的环境,新的挑战,我们要改变思想,适应环境。 五、教学重难点: 重点:上述 1、2 目标 难点:How to act out the story? 六、教学策略与手段: 直观

4、教学法。 任务教学法。 故事表演法。 七、教具:图片、玩具剑、单词卡、本课课件 八、教学过程: Step1: Greeting: How are you? Nice to meet you! Hows the weather today? What doyou like to do? Do you like story?(设计 意图:课前亲切的问候可以拉近师生的距离,通过谈论学生喜 欢做的事情,为复习和讲故事做铺垫。) Step2: Review: Lets see who is the first to saythe past tense of the words: is was are w

5、ere do did have had say said(设计意 图:通过抢答的方式,激起学生的学习积极性。) Step3: New Contents: Before reading: T:Boys and gilrls,Todays storys name is “Making the Mark”What does it mean? Lets watch the video.(设计意图: 视频,尤其是动画是孩子们喜闻乐见的学习方式,它可以吸引 学生眼球,同时培养学生整体感知故事的能力。) Ss: 刻舟求剑 T: Good!Before we leran the story, Lets loo

6、k at the picture. (show the ppt)Whats this? Ss: 剑 T: Yes, “sword”say it please! Pay attention to the letter: “w”no sound (板书:sword) Ss: sword T: Good job! Todaysstory is about a sword. Reading: T: Okay, Lets look at the story picture by picture.(Show the picture through ppt.) Picture 1: What can you

7、 see in the picture? What are they doing? Who has a sword? What is he doing? Read the text silently. Fill in the blank. Picture 2: What happened? Why did the sword fall into the river? Pay attention to the words: fall fell careful(板书:fell into careful) Picture 3:What do the other men say? Ss: Lets s

8、top the boat to find it. T: Yes, (板书:stop find) Picture 4: Did the man worry ? What did he say? Ss: Dont worry. I can wait. T: Good! (板书:worry wait) Picture 5:What did he do on the boat? S1: 刻记号 T:Yes,make made a mark(板书:made a mark) Picture 6: What did he do when the boat crossed the river? S2: He

9、stands up. T: Right! stand stood stood up (板书:stood up) Picture 7: What did he do next? S3:找剑 T:Yes,He looks for the sword. (板书:looked for )Was it there? S4: No it wasnt. Picture 8: What are they doing? S5: 笑 T:Laugh Laughed (板书:laughed )Why did they laugh? S6: The man is 愚蠢的 T:Stupid (板书:stupid) Wh

10、y was he stupid? S7: Because the boat 移动,but the sword didnt. T: Great! Move moved (板书:moved) Practise: a: Read it by yourself. ( 1min )b: Lets read it together. Read it in roles. After reading: Practise the story in roles. (3mins) Act out the story. T: What did we learn from the story? Everything i

11、s changing. We should change our attitude to the things that has changed. Step4: Conclusion Lets retell the story together. Step5: Homework Tell the story to your parents. 九、板书设计: Making the Mark sword Picture 1: crossing had sword cleaning showing Picture 2: fell intocareful Picture 3: stopfind Picture 4: worrywait Picture 5: made a mark Picture 6: stood up Picture 7: looked for Picture 8: laughedstupid moved 十、教学反思: 确实:万事万物处于变化之中,我们的学生也一样,他们 在不断地成长,作为教师,我不应该用同样的教学方法,评价 方式去对待孩子们,我应该学会不断地去创新教学方法,改善 评价方式,以适应这些处于不断变化的孩子们。


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