冀教版(三起)六下Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 2 At the Sports Shop-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:876d1).doc

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1、1 冀教版冀教版六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 2At the Sports Shop 教学背景分析教学背景分析 1.1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课选自于冀教版小学英语六年级下册第二课。这是一个会话课,内容围绕李明和 Jenny 在体育用 品店买东西展开。本课重点句型是 Do you want or? 并涉及指示代词 this, that, these, those 以及单词 T-shirt 和 ping-pong ball。通过本课学习, 学生能运用所学句型并综合以前所学, 运用英语进行购物交流。 2.2. 学习者分析学习者分析 六年级的学生已经有了一定的听、说、读、写能力,也接触

2、过服装、水果、食品等的购物对话。学 生对于体育用品、运动服以及购物情境比较感兴趣,乐于参与。因此本课最重要的是创设情境激发学生 的学习兴趣,在孩子共同参与、体验教学活动中培养其综合语言运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1. 知识与技能:(1)能够熟练使用选择疑问句 Do you want this or that?询问对方在两者中的选 择,能准确理解 or 的意思。(2)适当拓展运动服装类单词和球类运动器材。(3)能理解课文内容,能 在教师创设的情境中,联系生活实际进行购物场景的会话与表演。 2. 情感态度与价值观:通过本节课的学习,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生沟通交流及 小组合作的能力

3、。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 重点:重点:熟练使用选择疑问句 Do you want or?询问对方在两者中的选择。 2. 难点难点:these/those 的发音及其运用;能联系新旧知识在情境中交流表演,实现语言的综合运用。 教学用具教学用具 CAI,PPT,book,sport clothes,balls 教学过程教学过程 Step I: Warm-up & revision 1. Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Ms. Yang. T:First Les divide the class in t

4、o 6 groups .lets have a race. OK? This time we say a chant,. Ready? Begin!(两遍歌谣) 2. Say a chant (Ss 伴节奏说 Chant) 2 This is near, that is far. This is an ear, that is a star. I have these, you have those. These are knees, those are toes. This, that, these, those, Near, far, now we know. T: Good job! S

5、it down, please! T:Look at these words “this, that, these, those”!(老师教读四个指示代词) T:_, Can you spell these words?(找学生在白板上默四个指示代词并教读) (设计思路:歌谣热身,歌谣内容又是本文涉及到的指示代词,为后面的学习做了铺垫。 ) 3. Memory game T: Now look at the picture. There are many people in the park. lets play a memory game. Try to remember the colou

6、rs of their clothes and the flowers. Give you 5 seconds. Ready?(时间显示) Go!(学生仔细观察并记忆图 片信息。 ) T: OK. Times up! This woman is wearingThat woman is wearing Who remembers it? (PPT 出示 This woman is wearing a _ dress. That woman is wearing a _ dress.) S: This woman is wearing a yellow dress. That woman is

7、wearing a red dress. T: Wonderful! You have a good memory. Heres a prize for you!(奖励的代金券,将在后续情境中用到。 ) T: How about this man and that man? (PPT 出示 This man is wearing a _ shirt. That man is wearing a _ shirt.) S: This man is wearing a blue shirt. That man is wearing a white shirt. T: Great!(奖励)And wh

8、at colour are the flowers? (PPT 出示 These flowers are_. Those flowers are _.) S: These flowers are yellow. Those flowers are red. T: Excellent!(奖励)And what are the people doing? S: These people are talking. Those people are playing.(如果不能完整说出,及时提示 These people are Those people are) (设计思路:利用游戏的形式复习指示代词

9、 this, that,these,those 的用法。对课后习题进行了整合处理, 增加了趣味性。 ) Step II: Lead in T: And they are very happy. Today I am very happy. Because my sports shop begins. This is my sports shop “Sunshine Sports Shop”. It is big and nice. Welcome to my shop! Whats in my shop? Lets have a look! T:Yes, I have a lot of clo

10、thes. They are.(PPT 展示以 clothes 为中心展开的单词) 3 (学生读出:T-shirts, coats, trousers, shorts, shoes, socks, caps.) T: I also have sports equipment, please look! They are.(PPT 展示图片) (学生看图说出:basketball, football, ping-pong balls, volleyball, shuttlecocks, tennis balls. (设计思路:创设贴近学生生活的语言情境,猜测环节激活了学生已有的知识,复习和拓展的

11、单词为后 面的语言输出做了铺垫。 ) Step : New concepts 1. 开业酬宾情境中展示商品,用or句型提出建议。 T: My shop is beginning. So many things on sale.(出示图片降价图片)What do you want to buy? 预设一: T: _, what do you want to buy? S1: I want to buy a jacket. T: I have many jackets. Do you want this jacket or that jacket?(PPT 出示夹克图) S1:I want thi

12、s one. T: Why? S1: Because I like blue. 预设二: T: _, what do you want to buy? S2: I want to buy a dress. T: I have many beautiful dresses. Do you want this dress or that dress?(PPT 出示连衣裙图) S2:I want this one. T: Why? S2: Because I like purple. 预设三: T: _, what do you want to buy? S3: I want to buy runn

13、er to play sports. T: I have some runners. These runners are 40 dollars, those are 60 dollars. Do you want these or those?(PPT 出 示运动鞋图图) S3:I want these one. T: Why? S3: Because they are cheap. T: So today we study two new sentences.(板书Do you like this jacket or that jacket? Do you want these T-shir

14、ts or those T-shirts?这两个句型并举例、教读、造句) 4 2. 游戏形式操练以上新句型 T: Next time lets play a game. Make sentences with your partner like this: #A: Do you like/want this T-shirt or that T-shirt? B: I like/want this one. #A: Do you like/want these balls or those balls? B: I like/want those one. (设计思路:游戏新颖有趣,学生乐于参与到

15、游戏中气氛活跃,真正做到了玩中学,学中玩。 ) 3.听读课文内容,回答问题。 T: Now listen to me carefully. Today Jenny and Li Ming want to play sports. They need a T-shirt and some ping-pong balls. Please listen to the text and answer the questions. (PPT 出示问题后播放原文动画视频) #What do they buy at the sports shop? # Which T-shirt does Li Ming

16、buy? # Which balls does Jenny buy? Why? T:Role play.(分角色朗读课文) (设计思路:重点知识已在之前的情境交流中处理,因此文本处理注重听力和跟读模仿,培养良好的听 说能力,注重语音语调的练习。 ) 4.休息时间,观看视频。(PPT 播放运动视频) T: Lets have a rest. Watch a short movie. There are many famous players in this movie. Have a look! (设计思路:调节紧张的学习氛围,励志歌曲振奋精神。 ) Step : Consolidation a

17、nd show T: Practice in your group. Then you can come to buy something from my shop. (设计思路:创设贴近学生生活的商店场景,引导学生联系生活创设购物情境,在情境中交流、展示, 达到综合语言运用能力的提升。 ) Whats your favourite sport?I like _ best. What do you want tobuy?I want to buy _. Doyoulike/want_or _? I like/want _. Why?Because _. Step V: Class Closing 5 T: Class is over! This is our homework. #Listen and read Lesson 2. #Try to write your dialogue down. T: Bye, class! S: Bye, Miss Yang. (设计思路:歌曲结束为本课画上完美的句号。 )


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