科普版三年级下册英语-Lesson 1 I can help you-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:d0069).zip

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  • 科普2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年11月第1版)_小学英语_Lesson 1 I can help you_ppt课件_(含教案)_部级优课_(编号:d0069)
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bat hat pat mat bad dad mad had cap sat jam fan can fat map bag a Z Za ac c is is a a r ra at, t, a a f fa at t r ra at. t. Z Za ac c s sa at t onon a a c ca an.n. Z Za ac c s sa at t onon a a c ca an.n. TheThe a antsnts r ra an n toto thethe j ja am.m. Oh!Oh! I I a amm s sa ad.d. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a p pa an.n. B Ba am!m! B Ba am!m! Oh!Oh! I I a amm s sa ad.d. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a f fa an.n. TheThe a antsnts r ra an n a andnd r ra an.n. Oh!Oh! I I a amm h ha appy.ppy. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a n na ap p onon a a mma at. t. Z Za ac c is is a a r ra at, t, a a f fa at t r ra at. t. Z Za ac c s sa at t onon a a c ca an.n. TheThe a antsnts r ra an n toto thethe j ja am.m. Oh!Oh! I I a amm s sa ad.d. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a p pa an.n. B Ba am!m! B Ba am!m! Oh!Oh! I I a amm s sa ad.d. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a f fa an.n. TheThe a antsnts r ra an n a andnd r ra an.n. Oh!Oh! I I a amm h ha appy.ppy. MyMy j ja am!m! Z Za ac c h ha ad d a a n na ap p onon a a mma at. t. Zac is a rat, a fat rat. Zac sat on a can. The ants ran to the jam. Zac :Oh! I am sad. My jam! Zac had a pan. Bam! Bam! Zac: Oh! I am sad. My jam! Zac had a fan. The ants ran and ran. Zac : Oh! I am happy. My jam! Zac had a nap on a mat. Zac is a rat, a fat rat. Zac sat on a can. The ants ran to the jam. Zac :Oh! I am sad. My jam! Zac had a pan. Bam! Bam! Zac: Oh! I am sad. My jam! Zac had a fan. The ants ran and ran. Zac : Oh! I am happy. My jam! Zac had a nap on a mat. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a TryTry toto readread thisthis storystory afterafter class.class. 123 56 4 Lesson1 I can help you (Lets read) 一设计理念: 本着以学生为主体,教师为主导,通过肢体语言和视频冲击复 习了字母发音,利用字母拼贴,夸张表演让孩子们自主进行单词拼 读。接着将枯燥的语音练习利用一个和本节课语音密切相关有趣的 绘本故事呈现,来激发孩子们的求知欲,在这个过程中,老师要放 手,引导孩子们自己去试着读故事,练习语音,启迪心智,培养孩 子的语感。让孩子们在绘本中习得语音,理解这个绘本,从而更好的把 语音知识巩固从而到达学以致用。 二教学目标: (一)知识目标: 1.复习巩固元音字母 a 的闭音节发音。 2. 能拼读和元音字母 a 相关的单词。 (二)能力目标 1. 培养孩子们的独立阅读能力和拼读能力。 2. 提高学生的听、说、读、演的能力。 (三)情感目标: 培养孩子们的合作能力。引导孩子们勇于大胆尝试,利用所学 知识解决新问题。本课尝试让孩子们大胆去演绎这个绘本,可以从 情感方面更好的体验,理解这个绘本,培养了孩子们的勇于探索和 尝试的精神。 三教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:学生能拼读和元音字母 a 相关的 cvc 结构单词,可以 做到见词能读,听音能写。 2. 教学难点:学生自己可以通过已学知识来进行语音绘本的试读、 拼读和理解并且到后面的演绎。 四教学步骤: Step1.warm up 1. Show the letter“a” T:Hello, everyone. Today lets review the letter “a”.Now I have a funny video, and the letter“a”in it. Do you want to watch it? Ss: Yes. T plays it. 2. Review the consonant letters T shows the consonant letters one by one ,and make students try to read them and act them. Step2.Lead in 1. Try to spell the words.(教师先呈现 ap 的拼读过程,再让生自己 去试着完成后面的字母组合拼读) (1)T teaches Ss how to spell a-a p -ap Ss try to spell by themselves.( a-a g-ag a-a t-at) (2)Try to spell the words (cat,bat,rat) (教师先呈现单词 cat 的拼读过 程并且动作表演出词义让知识正迁移,简化音标的学习,孩子容 易理解,再让生自己去试着拼读新的单词并解其义。) T shows how to spell the words “cat” and act it. To makes Ss try to spell the other words. 2. I can read(从拼读大量单词可以发现拼读规律,从而更正确拼读 单词。) To make students try to read and spell the words on PPT. Step 3.Presentation &Practice 1. I can read sentence. (1) Zac is a rat, a fat rat. T shows a good friend to students. And make them to guess his name. Then shows the first sentence : Zac is a rat, a fat rat. To make students try to read and act it. (2)Zac sat on a can. T:Today I will tell you something about Zac. Look! Whats this? Ss Try to guess and spell the word“ can”. T: Whats in the can? Can you guess? Ss guess it and spell it. T shows the sentence by picture. And make Ss try to read and act it by themselves. 2. Look at the story-Zac the Rat.(ppt 呈现动画故事) 3. Try to read the story T shows it by acting ,and students try to read the story by themselves.(这个过程老师可以纠错和解释些词汇,只是引导孩子 自己去试着读出绘本故事。) 4. Read after the tape。(让学生跟着原声再朗读一遍,对前面自己 试读是一个检查和正确读音的模仿和输入过程。) 5. Read the story by themselves. Step5.Extension 1. Try to act the story in groups. (让学生自主的在小组内讨论表演这个故事,通过讨论进一步消化 故事和展现语音知识应用。) 2.A wonderful show To make some groups to act .(给学生提供平台演绎故事,从情感上 更好的理解故事,从而更好巩固强化语音知识。) Step6.Summary T :Look at the screen, there are so many “a” in the words and the letter a sounds (让生重新再回顾今天学的知识,再拼出来元音字母 a 的闭音节发音) Step 6.Homework 1. To read the new story about Zac after class. 补充资料:1.绘本 Zac the Rat.(单独附纸上) 2. (家庭作业补充文本) Zac has a pan. Zac has a bat, pat, pat, pat. Zac has a can, tap, tap, tap.Cat has the pan. Bam, bam, bam. Zac has a pal.
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