新人教版九年级Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.(Section A 1a-1c )PPT课件(省优课).ppt

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新人教版九年级Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.(Section A 1a-1c )PPT课件(省优课).ppt_第1页
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新人教版九年级Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.(Section A 1a-1c )PPT课件(省优课).ppt_第5页
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1、Welcome,Unit10,Youre supposed to shake hands.,He should knock at the door.,They should not eat in class.,They are not supposed to eat in class.,He is supposed to knock at the door.,We are supposed to know some customs(风俗). If we dont know the customs, we may make some mistakes.,China has 56 ethnic g

2、roups(56个民族). There are also many different customs among them.,Do you know the customs of Miao Nationality ?,苗族十分注重礼仪。客人来访,必杀鸡宰鸭盛情款待,若是远道来的贵客,苗族人习惯先请客人饮牛角酒。吃鸡时,鸡头要敬给客人中的长者,鸡腿要赐给年纪最小的客人。有的地方还有分鸡心的习俗,即由家里年纪最大的主人用筷子把鸡心或鸭心拈给客人,但客人不能自己吃掉,必须把鸡心平分给在座的老人。如客人酒量小,可以说明情况,主人不勉强,但不吃饱喝足,则被视为看不起主人。主人路遇客人不抢走第一步,迎客

3、要穿节日服装。客人不要称主人“苗子”,他们喜欢自称为“蒙”。,/br?zil/Brazil,Korea,Japan,the United States,/meksik?u/Mexico,Do you know these countries?,What do people do when they meet for the first time in these countries?,In our country, when we meet someone for the first time, what should we do?,In China, we should,In China,

4、we are supposed to shake hands.,shake hands.,shake hands,In what else countries, people are supposed to shake hands when they meet for the first time?,kiss,In what countries, people are supposed to kiss when they meet for the first time?,bow,In what countries ,people are supposed to bow when they me

5、et for the first time?,Game 1: I say, you do,One says the action, the other acts it.,Game 2: I say, you say,One says the country, the other says the custom.,Guessing Game,Match the countries with the customs.,1a,c,b,a,b,a,Listen and check your answers,1b,A: In what are the people supposed to do when

6、 they meet for the first time?B: Theyre supposed to ,the United states,Mexico,China,Japan,Korea,Brazil,Pair work,France,Group work,Show time,Summary,一. customs,Summary,、Language point be (not) supposed to do sth =should (not) do sth (不)应该做某事,一、翻译句子。1.你不应该在课堂上吃东西。 You are _ _ _ eat in class.2.他们应该什么时

7、候见面? When_ they _ to meet?,not supposed to,are supposed,二、句型转换。They are supposed to bow.1.对划线部分提问:2.改为同义句:3.改为否定句:,They should bow.,What are they supposed to do?,They are not supposed to bow.,Exercises,Homework,1.You can Make a survey with different customs indifferent countries. 2. You must,Make five sentences with “be supposed to”.,Thanks!,U盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了?以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动?找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思?各大文库价格昂贵?来【163文库】吧,你可以:上传分享资料赚取零用钱;创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用;百万教学资源供你下载;【平台地址:】,


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