教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:9021a).doc

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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:9021a).doc_第1页
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1、TeamTeam 备课小组备课小组 AuthorAuthor 执笔执笔 DateDateMarchMarch 5th5th ModuleModule /Topic/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 ModuleModule2 2 UnitUnit 单元单元 UnitUnit4 4 TitlTitl e e 题目题目 Have a good time in Hainan. PeriodPeriod 课时课时 1 1 TypeTypeofof lessonlesson 课型课型 词句训练课词句训练课 TeachingTeaching ContentsContents Analysis/Analys

2、is/ StudentsStudentsAnalysisAnalysis 教学内容分析教学内容分析/ /学生学生 分析:分析: 本模块的话题谈及计划问题,主要学习有关计划所及的描述。本课是五年级下册 Module2 Plans Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan 的第一课时,我设定为词句训练课。结合 Unit4 的词句学习以及学生是实际情况,进一步 复习巩固句型 Whats the date? What are you going to do? We are going to 引导学生学习 What will you go to do ? We/I will go

3、 to 。运用将来时的两种表达方式来谈论自己在某个节日的计划。并能就“计划”这 个话题进行交流和仿写。 五年级学生在 unit3 已经较熟练地掌握了序数词以及日期的顺读法和逆读法,熟练掌握了 be going to do, 本课将学习 will do 的一般将来时句型。学生能结合具体日期描述自己某个节日的计划。因此,本节课将引导学 生通过自主、合作、探究的学习方式,完成一系列的综合语言任务。 ObjectivesObjectives: 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1 1LanguageLanguage knowledgeknowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 能听说以下词

4、汇并知道它们的意义: travel, mountain, climb, beach, have a good time, go mountain climbing, play on the beach, camp under the stars 能熟练运用 be going to: What are you going to do.? I am going to . 能理解和运用 will do: What will you do .? I will. What will he/sh do .? He/She will. What will they do .? They will. 能正确使

5、用序数词表达日期,并用 be going to 和 will 表述自己某个节日的计划。 2 2、LanguageLanguage skillskill 语言技能:语言技能: 能听说认读单词、短语,能熟练上口。 能理解和运用句型: What will he/sh do .? He/She will. What will they do .? They will. 能用两种将来时简述自己想要做的事。 3Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 联系课文,要求学生生活要有规律和计划,养成良好的生活习惯。 4 4LearningLearning StrategiesStrategies 学习策略目标:学习策

6、略目标: 培养团队的合作精神,课堂上能让学生集中精力听教师的讲解,观察教师的示范,聆听教师的要求。 能积极用英语完成“任务” ,主动用英语与人交际,加强交流 DifficultiesDifficulties AnalysisAnalysis 教学重、难点分析:教学重、难点分析: 重点难点:重点难点: 1.能听说读单词、短语,能熟练上口。 2.能熟练运用两种一般将来时来陈述计划。 3.能用一般将来时仿写计划。 TeachingTeaching Aids/MediaAids/Media 主要教学媒体主要教学媒体 PPTPPT TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedure

7、s 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤 Learning strategies 学生学习策略 Purpose 设计意图 WarmWarm upup 1.Free talk How many months are there in a year? What are they? 2.Review the words of months (Look and say) 3.Review the ordinal numbers 4. Finish the exercise and Lets check Wha

8、ts the date? 1.Answer the questions How many months are there in a year? What are they? 2.Look and say quickly 3.Read the ordinal numbers 4. Look and say out the dates 复习月份单词,为学生用英 语说日期作准备 序数词是本单元的学习重 点,复习本本类单词为学生 用英语说日期作准备 教会学生记忆月份单词及序 数词的方法,并帮助学生复 习、巩固用英语说日期的两 种方法 RevisionRevision andand exercisee

9、xercise ( (三三)P)Patternattern drilldrill 5. Brainstorm:Talk about the date and holidays What can we do on our holidays? (1) Tell what we can do on our holidays (2) Know other people like to do these on their holidays (3)Lets learn : go mountain climbing, play on the beach, camp under the stars 6. Gu

10、essing game:Look at the part of the picture and guess what the people are going to do.引入学习 will do What will you do .? I will. What will he/sh do .? He/She will. What will they do .? They will. 7. Make a dialogue in pairs. A: Whats the date? B: Its . A: What is going to do on? B: They are going to 5

11、. Talk about :What can we do on our holidays? Say out the things we can do Learn the three new phrases : go mountain climbing, play on the beach, camp under the stars 6.Guess:Whatarethepeople going to do? 学习 will do 7.Look at the picture and make a dialogue 让学生说出英语日期的两种 读法,检查学生是否掌握 把日期与节日、假日联系起 来,为讲

12、假期的计划作铺垫 通过头脑风暴,让学生说说 假期能做的事情,复习巩固 本单元及第一单元所学的重 点词汇,并以旧引新,引出 Unit4 部分的词汇, 让学生了 解,认读 通过看图“猜”的游戏,制 造信息差,让学生在合理的 情境下操练和巩固本单元的 重点句型:一般将来时的特 殊疑问句及回答和询问日期 (四)(四)ExerciseExercise ( (五五) ) ConsolidationConsolidation 8. Read the teachers plan for May Day and fill in the form 9. Check the answers MyPlanforMay

13、Day Date Thingstodo April 30 th May 1 st May 2 nd 10. Talk about how to write a plan in English 11. Think about the plan of May Day holiday and talk in groups 12. Write a plan for May Day according to the form above 13. Share the plans 8.Read and fill in the form 9.check the answers 10.Learn to how

14、to write a plan 11.Talk in groups and fill in the blanks 12. Write a plan for May Day 13. Share the plans in class 的句型.由老师提问逐步过 渡到学生提问,培养学生用 英语提问的能力 通过听老师的计划初步感 知,了解如何运用“一般将 来时”来描述计划做的事情 展示老师的计划短文,让学 生通过观察,找出一般将来 时的句子结构,为主题写句 作铺垫 让学生初步构思自己的五一 假期计划,填写表格。表格 的形式相对简单, 降低难度, 让部分待优生可以逐步进入 写作,为专题写句作准备 (六)(六)HomeworkHomework 1. Continue to finish the passage after class 2. Share your plans to your parents in English 板书设计板书设计 Module2 Plan 1. A: Whats the date? B: Its _. 2. A: What are you/they going to .? B: I am/They are going to. 3. A: What is he/she going to .? B: He/She is going to.


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