教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300e9).docx

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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300e9).docx_第1页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300e9).docx_第2页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300e9).docx_第3页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:300e9).docx_第5页
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1、自主学习自主学习导学案设计导学案设计 五五年级下册年级下册 Module2 Unit3 导学案导学案 【导语】【导语】 同学们,通过这一课的学习,你将学会以下语言知识和技能: 能听、说、读、写:plan,important,date,month,test, forget, important, 序数词。 能正确使用序数词逆读法表达日期。如 the first day of March 能用核心动词词组描述计划,如:visit the museum, visit a farm, have a test, see a film, have a party, have a sports meetin

2、g, have a school trip. -What are you going to do on _? - I am going to_on _. 能理解课文,并流利朗读课文。 Task: (任务驱动任务驱动) Today our task is how to talk about our plans. Youll do the following tasks. 【Task 1】Lets Talk. Question(问题导向问题导向) Youve learned something about plans before. Which date do you like best? Wha

3、t will you do on this day? Can you share with your partners? Complete the mind map. 选择自己喜欢的一个特殊节日,并写出在这个节日里的动词短语。 说明说明:该任务用于唤醒学生对于主题/话题的经验,或者引导学生开展前置性学习,了解 主题/话题的背景性知识。学生可以在课堂上自主、讨论完成,教师也可以布置学生课前 完成。 【Task2】Lets Learn. 1. Textbook Question: What is the date? Can you get some information about the di

4、alogue? What is the date today? Is it Mikes birthday? I.Listen to the dialogue. II. Read the dialogue for 3 times suggested. III. Answer the questions. (1)Whats the date today?_ (2)When is Mikes birthday?_ (3) When will we have an English test?_ (参考答案;参考答案;1. Its the first of June.2.Itson June 11th.

5、3, Its on June 24th.) IV. Read the dialogue to your partners. 说明说明:该任务通过让学生多遍听读课文,目的是让学生在课文所提供的语境中整体感知 语言,设计活动和教学时,可根据实际教学主题,明确听读的次数以及后续活动,如同 伴互读、小组串读、分角色共读等。 2. New words and Sentences Question: Can you say something about the dialogue? I.Underline the key sentences the new words. II. Read the sent

6、ences. (学生自主说、俩俩说、小组说学生自主说、俩俩说、小组说) A: Whats the date today? B: Its the first of June.Why? A: We are going to see a film tomorrow evening. Dont forget. B: Is there anything else important this month? A: Yes. We are going to have an English test on June 24th. Dont forget. Question: Can you use these

7、sentences to talk about your plan? 说明说明:该任务的主要任务是让学生圈划重点的词、句型,并且结合网络资源中提供的句 型示范,通过自主练、俩俩说、小组说等多方式,让学生学会重点词句。设计活动和教 学时可以灵活选择练习的方式。 【Task3】Lets Play. Question: Can you remember the new words? I. Watch the video and learn the words. New words: II. Spell the words in pairs. III. Learn the difficult poin

8、ts. day &date anything important & something important 英文导语:We use”anything important” in interrogative sentences and negative sentences while we use”anything important” in affirmative sentences. be going to What day is it today? (星期几?) Whats the date today?(几号?) Is there anything else important thi

9、s month? There is something else important this month.(注:anything 用在一般疑问句中; 而 something 用在肯定句和否定句中;important 用在后面修 饰anything和something) There is something else important this month. (注:anything 用在一般疑问句中;而 something 用在肯定 句和否定句中;important 用在后面修饰 anything 和 something) She is going to see a film tomorro

10、w. We are going to have an English test this month. (注:be going to 后面用动词原形。) 英文导语:We use “be going to” in the future tense. 说明说明:该任务的主要任务是通过自然拼读、词语联想等多种策略,让学生学会单词的拼 读、记忆和书写。设计活动和教学时,要特别注重引导学生自主、合作发现规律。 【Task4】Lets Check. Question: How do you learn? Lets check. I. Fill in the blanks. (检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈

11、(检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈) 1.t_st2.f_rg_t 3. _mp_rt_ nt4.m_ s_ _m 5.th_ _d6. f_fth 7. n_nth8._ _ght 答案:答案: 1. test2. forget3. important4. museum 5. third6. fifth7. ninth8. eight 知识点:知识点:单词或词组的拼写单词或词组的拼写 难度:适中难度:适中 II. Choose the right answers. (检测重点难点)(检测重点难点) 1. What_ (A. dayB.date) is it today?Its Sunday.

12、2. Whats the _(A. dayB.date) today? Its June 1st. 3. Is there _ (A. somethingB. anything ) else important this month? 4. I am going to_(A. haveB. having ) an English test this month. 5. _ (A. IsB.Are ) you going to the party tomorrow? 答案:答案:1. A2. B3. B4.A5. B 知识点:固定搭配知识点:固定搭配 难度:适中难度:适中 III. Fill i

13、n the blanks.(检测课文内容)(检测课文内容) A: Whats the _today? B: The _ of June. Why? A: We are going to _ a film tomorrow evening. Dont _. B: Isnt that _ birthday? We are all going to his home for a party tomorrow. A: No. Mikes birthday party is on _ . B: Is there _ else important this month? A: Yes. We are go

14、ing to have an English test on _. Dont forget. 答案:答案: 1. date2. first3. see4. forget 5. Mikes6. June 11th7. anything 8. June 24th. 知识点:课文的理解和记忆知识点:课文的理解和记忆 难度:适中难度:适中 Check the answers. I can get_(score: 4/5) Question: What do you learn? Do you have any questions? Self-Assessment (自我评价、反思整节课的表现)(自我评价、反思整节课的表现) Today I have learned: 3 new words: 1. _ 2._ 3._ 2 new sentences: 1. _ 2. _ 1 question: _ 说明说明:该活动是即时反馈练习,引导学生检查自主学习的效果,帮助教师了解学生和预 设互动探究环节的教学。


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