教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:502f2).zip

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Module 5 Safety Dont _. run on the stairs Do _. keep quiet in the library You should _. dry the floor You shouldnt _. play with water Swimming is fun deep end stretch 2. Discuss in groups and find out the improper actions, then give some suggestions or warnings. Jiamin: Its so hot today. Would you like to go swimming? Xiaoling: Good idea. Lets go swimming in the lake behind our school. Janet: No. Its dangerous to swim in a lake. We should _ _. Jiamin、Xiaoling & Ben: OK! Ben: Lets meet at the school gate after lunch. Then we will go to the gym together. Xiaoling: Do tell _. (At the school gate) Janet: Wheres Jiamin? Hes late. Jiamin: Here I am. I had a big lunch, and I am so full. Ben: You shouldnt_. You may feel ill. (At the swimming pool, Jiamin & Ben are running here and there.) Xiaoling: Oh no! The floor is wet. Dont _. You will fall down. Lets stretch first. Janet: When we go into the pool, stay at this end, dont go to the deep end. Remember we are not good swimmers. eat too much go to a swimming pool your parents first run there 3. Read in different roles. Sports meeting safety athlete track (1)Say some rules as you know to help us stay safe at the sports meeting. (2)Read the sentences. Discuss and tell whether it is safe or not. Is it the safe thing to do? Circle A or B. (1) Eat a big breakfast on the sports meeting day. A. Yes. B. No. (2) Drink as much water as you can before you play sports. A. Yes. B. No. (3) Wear your best clothes for the sports meeting. A. Yes. B. No. . (4) Before doing sports, sit down and have a good rest A. Yes. B. No. (3)Listen & check. Dont forget safety first. Here are some tips to help you stay safe. First, Third, Second, Fourth, Finally, (4)Read & match. Please dont eat too much for breakfast tomorrow morning. Dont drink too much water before or after taking exercise. You may get sick. Please dont go onto the track when the athletes are running. Its very dangerous. Wear the right clothes and sport shoes. Do stretch your body before doing exercise. (4)Fill in the blanks. First, please _ _ _ _ for breakfast tomorrow morning. Second, dont _ _ _ water _ or _ taking exercise. You may get _. donteatmuchtoo drinktoomuch beforeafter sick Third, please dont _ _ the _ when the athletes are _. Its very _. Fourth, wear the _ _ and _ _. Finally, _ stretch your body before doing any exercise. goontotrack running dangerous rightclothes sport shoes do Project: Make a project in groups to show the rules in different places. Module5 Safety 拓展阅读课教学设计 【教学内容分析】 本课是在学习完 Module5 Safety 这一模块的基础上进行的拓展阅读。所选择阅读材料是五年级上 册拓展读与写Module5 的 Swimming is fun 和 Sports meeting safety 两篇文章。学生对安全的话 题已经有所了解,对保护自己、提醒他人等都有连贯说话的基础和兴趣。本课通过对两个场所的一些安 全和行为要求的描述,促进学生针对一些真实现象进一步运用语言知识进行输出,归纳、复述出场所规 则。 【学生情况分析】 学生在本模块的两篇课文中,学会了用 Do、Dont和 You shouldnt对不安全的行为进行规劝或 警示,会用 You will/may陈述行为后果,会制定班规,零散地知道一些警示用语会出现在哪个场所。本 课的阅读材料会引导学生了解游泳池和校运会的规则,从而带领大家思考,不同场合有不同的行为规范 要求和安全警示,我们如何在保护自己的同时做一位文明礼貌的好少年,培养学生的核心素养。 【教学目标】 1.能够通过阅读了解篇章的内容,完成相应练习,进一步巩固用于提醒注意安全、行为规劝的句子。 2.通过情景的创设,引导学生灵活运用新旧知识表达自己想说的话。 3.通过图片及语言框架的帮助,培养学生提取信息、归纳信息的能力,以及口头复述的能力。 4.了解不同场所的安全警示或者行为要求,做到文明礼貌;及时规劝他人,防止意外发生。 【教学重难点】 重点:正确理解短文内容,完成相关的练习。 难点:能通过阅读及反复说话,根据提示和思维导图复述文章内容。 【教学策略】 1.以规则话题贯穿课堂,通过媒体资源感知文章内容,学习、理解文章。 2.充分利用图片、游戏等资源进行短语和句子的教学,优化课堂教学。 3.联系实际生活,利用听读方式对学生进行语言输入。 4.通过课堂活动, 让学生体验到学习的乐趣,体验运用语言的成就感。 【教学准备】 PPT 课件,阅读纸质及录音材料,图片,英文卡片,示范海报 【教学过程】 I. Leading-in: Greeting II. Pre-reading Introduce my students to the new class by showing pictures. In the pictures, there are some improper actions. Try to persuade them to do or not to do sth. by using Do、Dont 、You should. Or You shouldnt. 设计意图:从相互认识自然过渡到教学内容,且引导学生在老师设置的情景下积极运用语言,建构框架, 为下面的任务做铺垫。 III. While-reading 1. Reading 1: Swimming is fun (1) Show the title and picture, learn the new words: deep end, and stretch. 设计意图:由上 一环节自然过渡,并解决新单词 (2) Discuss in pairs and find out the improper actions, then try to give some suggestions or warnings to the guys. 设计意图:将原文中表示规劝那句话挖空掉,让学生根据上下文编写一句, 培养学生的思维和创新能力。 (3) Check, compare and learn. 设计意图:出示原句,对比自己组的想法,鼓励不同的意见。 (4) Read the passage in groups. 设计意图:分角色朗读,给予上口的机会。 2. Reading 2: Sports meeting safety (1)Show the title and picture, learn the new words: track, and athlete. 设计意图:由上一 环节自然过渡,并解决新单词 (2)Say some rules as you know to help us stay safe at the sports meeting. 设计意图:通过 引导学生预测安全规则挖掘学生已有知识,能帮助文本更好掌握。 (3)Use your common sense, and tell whether it is safe or not. 设计意图:小组朗读句子,并 利用常识讨论、判断句子正误。 (4)Listen to the passage, and check the answer. 设计意图:第一次听录音,整体感知,了解大 意。 (5)Read and match. 设计意图:文章的几条规则比较难上口,通过将图片与相应句子的匹配能将规 则具体化的同时,降低上口难度。 (6)Try to fill in the blanks. 设计意图:巩固对几条规则的掌握。 IV.Post-reading Project: Make a project in groups to show the rules in different places. 设计意图:引导学生 认识不同场所有不同的安全规则,在 Make a project 的过程中更多地学会保护自己,保护别人,甚至是 文明礼貌等。 V. Homework 附阅读材料:附阅读材料: 1. Swimming is fun Jiamin: Its so hot today. Would you like to go swimming? Xiaoling: Good idea. Lets go swimming in the lake behind our school. Janet: No. Its dangerous to swim in a lake. We should go to a swimming pool. Jiamin、Xiaoling & Ben: OK! Ben: Lets meet at the school gate after lunch. Then we will go to the gym together. Xiaoling: Do tell your parents first. (At the school gate) Janet: Wheres Jiamin? Hes late. Jiamin: Here I am. I had a big lunch, and I am so full. Ben: You shouldnt eat too much. You may feel ill. (At the swimming pool, Jiamin & Ben are running here and there.) Xiaoling: Oh no! The floor is wet. Dont run there. You will fall down. Lets stretch first. Janet: When we go into the pool, stay at this end, dont go to the deep end. Remember we are not good swimmers. 2. Sports meeting safety Hello, boys and girls! This is Mr Wei, your PE teacher, talking to you. You all know that, tomorrow is the school sports day. You are all excited, arent you? Dont forget safety first. I hope everyone will enjoy an exciting but safe sports meeting. Here are some tips to help you stay safe. First, please dont eat too much for breakfast tomorrow morning. Second, dont drink too much water before or after taking exercise. You may get sick. Third, please dont go onto the track when the athletes are running. Its very dangerous. Fourth, wear the right clothes and sport shoes. Finally, do stretch your body before doing exercise. OK. Thats all. See you tomorrow.
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