教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:80732).zip

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(第 1 课时) 义务教育广州版小学英语教材 MODULE 5 U10 How to stay safe Unit 10 第1课时教学目标: 1、能听说以下词汇和词组并知道它们的意义: 词汇:cross, traffic light 词组:cross the road play in the street climb tall trees 2、能用Do/Dont 表示规劝,并运用U9和 U10的句型和 短语进行对话和规劝。 How to stay safe at home? W a t c h o u t ! D o n t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Y o u m a y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . S a f e t y f i r s t . D o n t f o r g e t . P5 How to stay safe? before leaving (at school) Before we leaveBefore we leave How to stay safe at school? A boy is running on the stairs. What will you say to him? Dont _. You may _. stairs run run on the stairs run on the stairs fall down Before we leaveBefore we leave Dont _. You may _. run on the stairs fall down Before we leaveBefore we leave How to stay safe at school? What we should do? If you see your classmate _, go and _. in trouble tell your teacher teache r classmate tell your teacher in trouble . Before we leaveBefore we leave How to stay safe ? What we should do? go and help in trouble friend Let me help you. If you see your friend _, go and _. in trouble help Dont _during school hours _ . leave the school without asking the teacher How to stay safe at school? The boy wants to _. It is _. But he leaves _. leave the school during school hours ? ? without asking the teacher leave the school during school hours without asking the teacher Dont _during school hours _ . How to stay safe at school? leave the school during school hours ? ? without asking the teacher leave the school without asking the teacher If you see your classmate _, go and _. Dont _. Dont _ during school hours without asking the teacher. run on stairs in trouble tell your teacher leave the school Before we leaveBefore we leave Now, we can leave for the park! How to stay safe in the street? Before leaving (at school) In the street How to stay safe in the street? AB How to stay safe inthe street? traffic light cross the road ( )Cross the road when the traffic light is red. ( )Cross the road when the traffic light is yellow. ( )Cross the road when the traffic light is green. How to stay safe in the street? Dont _when the _ is red. Safety first. Dont _. forget traffic light cross the road Do _at the_or _. Safety first. Dont _. cross the roadtraffic lights safety crossing forget How to stay safe in the street? Do _when the_is _. Safety first. Dont _.forget green cross the road traffic light What will you say to the women? Dont _when the_is _. You may _. Safety first. Dont forget. cross the road traffic light red get hurt What will you say to the drivers? Please stop when you see people the road. Safety first. Dont forget. crossing Now we are on the way to the park! Before leaving (at school) In the street In the park How to stay safe in the park? How to stay safe in the park? Be careful! Dont take any money or _ from a _ _. Dont stranger candy take candy _ _ in the park How to stay safe in the park? P5 Be careful! Dont take_ from a _ _. Dont _ _ stranger candy or toys take . in the park Dont _. You may _.climb tall treesfall down AB How to stay safe in the park? P5 How to stay safe ? What we should do? tell the . in trouble friend Help! If you see your friend _, go and _. in trouble tell policeman or parents Before leaving (at school) In the street In the park Back to school Dont leave asking your teacher. So they are waiting for their teacher and classmates to leave together. How to stay safe in the park? P5 without 1. _ cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing. 2. _ cross the road when the traffic light is red. 3. _ climb tall trees. 4. _ run on the stairs. 5. _ play in the street. 6. _ take any money or candy from strangers in the street. 7. _ tell your teachers if you see a classmate in trouble. 8. _ leave school during school hours without asking your teacher. Childrens safety, Dos and Donts Do Dont Dont Dont Do Dont Dont Dont Do VS Dont Before leaving (at school) In the street In the park Back to school Dont run on the _. Dont leave during school hours _ asking your teacher. Dont the road when the is red. Do cross the street at the or . Dont tall trees. Dont take aany money or candy from in the street. Do tell your teachers if you see a classmate . Dont leave during school hours asking your teacher. T o r F F F T T F The boy should _ on the stairs. A boy leaves school, but he should _. A girl crosses the road on a _ light. We should stay _when we are at school or outdoors. When you are at school, please _ if you are leaving school. Do tell the teacher when you see your classmate _. When you are outdoors, please cross the road at the _or _. If a stranger gives you candy or money, dont _ it. It is not safe. safe tell the teacher in trouble traffic light safety crossing take safe tell the teacher in trouble traffic light safety crossing take fill in the blank Homework: 1. 完成思维导图。 2. 抄写U10 词一行 3. 一起作业。 差异情趣 对话对话生成生成 智慧创造1 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 10 How to stay safe Team 备课小组备课小组 Date 日期日期 May,21th Designer 执笔执笔 Module/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module 5 Safety 对话教学的有效性 Title 题目题目 Unit 10 How to stay safe Period 课时课时 第 1 课时 Type of lesson 课型课型 新授课 Teaching Contents Analysis 教材分析教材分析 本模块话题是安全,是与学生日常生活较为密切的话题。主要是通过对日常生活中,不同情景里人们安全行为的 判断,让学生用祈使句表达自己的观点。语法方面主要是让学生进一步学习祈使句的用法和以及句子中正确使用 Do. 和 Dont. 这篇对话的篇幅短,作为标语、提示语句子结构比较简单,学生较易理解和上口,关键是如何把独立的句子与生活 实际连接起来。 Students Analysis 学生分析学生分析 本模块话题贴近生活,学生们对本话题内容比较感兴趣,表现欲也很强,加上他们在生活中,如:地铁、超市等也 经常出现英文的安全标语,因此,对他们来说,要理解和上口这篇对话难度不大。 因此,在这节课里,教师注重引导在学生在一个文本情境下进行学习,有意识地培养学生观察图片,用英语思维的 能力。学生能通过多形式的活动,进行听说读等方面的训练,并将所学知识联系到实际运用。 差异情趣 对话对话生成生成 智慧创造2 Teaching Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1. Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 单词:traffic lights, safety crossing, strangers, school hours, in trouble 句型:1. Dont. 2. Do. 2 能理解安全标语的意思和正确朗读. 3 能运用句型 Do cross the street at the traffic lights or safety crossing Dont cross the road when the traffic light is red. 2. Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: 1)能在情境中理解、正确运用句型。 2)能正确理解文本内容,熟练地上口。 3)能借助提示信息(如图片和关键词、句等)帮助下完成标语。 3. Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 1)通过本课,提高安全意识和自我保护意识; 4. Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: 1)能进行小组合作,与他人交流; 2)情景教学策略、以旧带新等多种方式学习。 教学重点教学重点 运用本课的单词短语和祈使句 教学难点教学难点课文句子的连读与朗读 教学媒体教学媒体课件、照片素材、音频文件 教学过程教学过程 差异情趣 对话对话生成生成 智慧创造3 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1. Greeting (1min)活跃气氛 I. Warming up 通过图片感知、学习新词: safety crossing 和 traffic lights S: Do. when the . is green. S: Dont. when the . is . You may. Please stop. 锻炼学生观察图片,捕抓细节的能力。同 时也引导学生从多角度思考问题; 5. Lets try. (3 min) 延续情境:Now we arrive to the park. How to stay safe in the park now? PPT 中图片展示, T: When someone you dont know, give you candy. 导出句型: 情景 4 Dont take any money or. from. 情景 5 Dont climb tall tree T:Look at these two pictures, which one is right? What would you tell him? S:No.表述 补全句子并齐读 S: B is right. S:Dont. You may. 学习新词 strangers 差异情趣 对话对话生成生成 智慧创造5 情景 6:Dont leave . T:Playing outdoors can be so much fun. 直接引出情景:But children ,please remember. 学习新词 without 提高学生的自我保护意识 6Lets fill in the blanks. (3 min) 提供图片和句子挖空,重新呈现对话, 帮助学生记忆。 补全句子 8. Lets put a tick or cross. 根据课文知识,判断句子正误 判断句子正误,并说明原因 学生活动的难度逐步递增,符合他们五年 级喜欢表现,喜欢挑战的心理特点; III. Development 9. Lets make some rules. (6 min) 四人小组间讨论,根据板书的思维导图, 从三个方面提出建议 四人小组讨论并完成图表 小组合作,技能体现学生语言交际能力, 思维导图在一定程度上开拓思维 IV. Conclusion & Homework 1. 完成思维导图; 2. 抄写 U10 词一行; 3. 一起作业; 延续性作业,检测学生学习成果。 差异情趣 对话对话生成生成 智慧创造6 Designing on the board: 板书板书 Unit 10 How to stay safe
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