教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b1aa6).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 1 兔子舞(歌词) left left right right go turn around go go go Jumping grooving dancing everybody Rooling moving singing night&day Lets fun fun together Lets play the penguings games Smacking beating clapping all together Rocking bumping screaming all night long Lets go everybody And play again this song Directions right left turn right . turn left Jiamin ate something bad. He went to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor said Jiamin should stay in the hospital for some days. So Janet and Ben go to the hospital to see Jiamin. But they dont know the way(线路线路). They are lost(迷路了)(迷路了). Lets learn They go and ask a lady for help. Lets listen. . Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead Lets learn go straight ahead 一直向前一直向前 then turn right at the second crossing. the first the second the third 。 Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss(错过错过) it. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Lets learn the first the second the third Thank you so much. Youre welcome. Lets learn 请设置相应的音频。 1. ( ) Janet and Ben are lost. 2. ( ) Janet and Ben ask a man for help. 3. ( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. 4. ( ) Go straight ahead then turn left at the first crossing. 5. ( ) The hospital is the third building on the right, behind the bank. T F F F Choose true (T) or false (F). lady hospital. next to the school. F 听一遍对话录音,通听一遍对话录音,通 过句子判断让学生了过句子判断让学生了 解对话的大意。解对话的大意。 Lets listen right second 因为前面有详细的呈现和解释,学生应能理解对话并明 白线路,这个步骤视情况可跳过。 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Oh dear! I think were lost. Lets go and ask the lady over there. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Lets read 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. Lets read Oh dear! I think were lost. Lets go and ask the lady over there. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Lets recite Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. Lets recite Guessing game: What place is it? Lets play 通过游戏复习和学 习有关场所的单词 。 park Lets play cinema Lets play market Lets play library Lets play factory Lets play shopping centre Lets play hospital Lets play bank Lets play 通过phonics教授单 词。 restaurant Lets play 通过phonics教授单 词。 post office Lets play 通过phonics教授单 词。 Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your _, next to the _. You cant miss it. left cinema second first left restaurant Could Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your _, next to _. You cant miss it. Could 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2、看地图,仿照课文编写一段问路的对话 。 附件:教学设计方案模版附件:教学设计方案模版 教学设计方案 课程 广州版小学五年级英语下册 Unit 11 CanCan youyou telltell meme thethe way?way? (Period 1) 课程标准 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语 的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的 学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的 英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用 能力;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮 助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义 精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的 基础。 教学内容 分析 广州版小学五年级英语下册 Unit 11 第 1 课时。本单元的主题是 方向。在本 Unit ,通过问路用语 Can you tell me the way?引 出 Turn right at the second crossing.等指路用语的学习。本课的单词 比较多,句子比较长,给学生的学习将会带来一些阻碍。因此, 如何通过歌曲、TPR 、Game 激发学生兴趣,创设情景,突破教 学难点,突出学习重点,是本课教学的一个难点。 1、课文对话及词条。 2、理解和流利朗读课文,在提示下复述课文对话 教学目标 3、能在老师提供的框架下清楚地问路和向他人发出线路指引。 学习目标 1、能借助情景并联系实际理解课文内容。 2、积极与小组合作,掌握一定的合作技巧,与同学共同学习。 3、能结合生活实际,进行知识的拓展学习。 学情分析学生对旧单词记忆不牢固,口语能力较弱,对英语学习有点倦怠。 重点、难点 重点:能正确理解和使用前述问路和指路用语 难点:能正确描述建筑物之间的位置关系。 教与学的媒 体选择 金太阳,自制课件,图片 偏教师课堂讲授类 偏自主、合作、探究学习类 课程实施 类型 备注 教学活动步骤 序 号 名称 课堂教学环节/ 学习活动环节 长度 1 一、Warming up 1、Greeting. Talk show 2、Listen to the song 兔子舞(歌 词,PPT) 4 分钟 2 二、Pre-task 1.采取 TPR 的方式 开展学习 right, left, turn left/right,如 show me your left hand, show me your right hand. Turn left, turn right. PPT 5 min 呈现 right 及 left 两个单词以及 turn right/left 两个词组。 2.学习理解的 directions 3三、While-task 1. Title: U11: Can you tell me the way? 2. Free talk: 3.,呈现情景, 学习单词 hospital,,way 和 lost,小组读单 词(PPT) 4. 动态呈现情 景,学习生词 go straight ahead 及 crossing,齐 读单词 (PPT) 5. 呈现情景, 学习生词 miss(PPT) 6.理解并朗读情 景中出现的句型, 提示学生读准升、 降调,教师示范。 (PPT) 6. Pair work 形 式操练句型。 20 min 7.练习:判断对 错(PPT) 8.听课文录音, 并跟读课文,自 由读课文 (金太阳课件) 9.根据提示,指名 复述课文 (PPT) 10.Guessing game: What place is it?(PPT) 4 四、Pro-task 1.拓展练习: Lets talk(PPT) 2. Sum up. 8-9min 5 五、Homework 1. Recite the new words. 2. Read the text fluently. 3.Try to make a dialogue . (PPT) 2 min 教学活动详情 教学活动教学活动 1: Pre-task 活动目标为新课做铺垫。 解决问题解决问路指路中转左、转右两个重要方向。 技术资源自制的 PPT 常规资源肢体语言、手部动作 活动概述 师生根据 right, left, turn left/right 的意思做出相应的动作。 教学的策略 通过 TPR 导入,师生互动,更好地理解 turn left/right 的意思。 反馈评价调动学生积极性,为课文学习做好铺垫 教学活动 2:Pro-task 活动目标培养学生听说能力、提高口语交际能力。 解决问题单词的学习,句型的运用。 技术资源自己制作的 PPT, 常规资源图片,小黑板 活动概述 运用 PPT 创设情境,让学生四人小组进行 lets talk 对话练习, 巩固所学单词和句型,完成拓展练习。 教与学的策 略 学生通过学习活动来完成语言学习目标,并能在情景中运用 反馈评价 运用多媒体教学手段,创设情境,生动逼真,吸引学生兴趣;增 大课堂容量,提高教学效率。 评价量规 其它 参考书广州市小学五年级英语课本、教师教学用书 备注
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