教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:306e9).zip

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PeriodPeriodPeriodPeriod 6 6 6 6 Module 6 DirectionsModule 6 Directions Draw a map - Draw a map - Our Beautiful GuangzhouOur Beautiful Guangzhou Hello GuangzhouHello GuangzhouHello GuangzhouHello Guangzhou Welcome to GuangzhouWelcome to GuangzhouWelcome to GuangzhouWelcome to Guangzhou Excuse me. Could you tell me _? Go straight ahead. Turn at the . crossing. The is on the . Turn out of . Thank you very much. Youre welcome. Take the left/ right. Walk along the . Walk through the . Ask the way Tell the way Can / Could you tell me the way to ? Can / Could you tell me how to get to the ? Where is the ? How can I get to the ? go straight ahead/ on walk along this road/ street cross the main street/ road walk through the Summar y turn left at the first crossing take the first left turn right at the second crossing take the second right turn left at the end of the road Group Discussion How many ways can you get to Grandmas Noodles shop? Visit GuangzhouVisit GuangzhouVisit GuangzhouVisit Guangzhou JackyJackyColaCola They go to play together every Sunday. Lets see where they go and how to get there. Lets compareLets compare Hello, my name is Jacky. Im ten years old. Guangzhou is my home and I love it very much. I like to go to different places with my family. Donghu Park is one of my favourite places. I like the fountain (喷泉) show there. I usually go there with my mum. We usually take the NO.3 bus to get there. We walk long Dongshan Street and come into the park from the east gate, then go straight head and cross the zigzag bridge(九曲桥). Walk along the small road by the lake, the fountain is in the middle of the park. We watch the fountain show and take a walk around the lake. After that, we walk through the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly, Cola, my dog is running to me and give me a big kiss. Hello, my name is Cola. I am four years old. My family often take me to different places to play. I think there are many interesting places in Guangzhou. My dad usually take me to Donghu Park for a walk. But I am not allowed to go into the park, so we just take a walk outside the park. Usually, we go there by Mobike. We stop at Dongshan Bus Terminal. We walk along Dongshan Street and turn right at the third crossing. Walk along Hequn 1st Road, then take the first left. Go straight on, Donghu Park is on my left. Why do I come here? Because my brother-Jacky is waiting for me and he will take me to Ersha Island for a picnic. A A B B My home Hequn 1st Road front gate east gate Donghu Road Donghua East Road Xinhepu Road Dongshan Street by _ by _ Donghu Park lake bus bike Discover GuangzhouDiscover GuangzhouDiscover GuangzhouDiscover Guangzhou Guangzhou is a modern and beautiful city. I love here very much. I want to know more about Guangzhou. Could you please show me more interesting places to me? NoticeNotice Interesting Places around usInteresting Places around us Yanjiang East Road Dashatou Bus Terminal Pearl River Dashatou Road Dongshan Stadium Group Work 1. Choose one interesting place around us. 2. Discuss and draw a map in group. 3. What can you do there? 4. How can you get there? Directions Tell the way Follow the map Find a short cut Show the way Draw a map Use the map HomeworkHomework 1. Draw your own map of an interesting place in Guangzhou. 2. Share with your parents. 1 基于英语学科核心素养的模块整体教学设计课例 M6 Directions Module 6 Directions Period 6 Draw a map Our Beautiful Guangzhou 一一. . 教学对象分析:教学对象分析: 本课时为教科版小学英语五年级下册 Module 6 Direction 的第 六课时,主题为 Draw a map Our Beautiful Guangzhou,学生 在前面五个课时的学习中已经学习了用英语问路及指引用语,了解 了如何在实际生活中指引方向,如何看地图和使用地图。基于整体 设计的资源重构和创设语境的教学理念,本课在前面学习的基础上 进行了资源的调整和重构,设计推广美丽广州的学习任务,复习巩 固建筑物名称,方位介词,指引用语,讨论并确定海报的地点,最 后小组制作海报。通过本课的学习,发展学生的语言能力,树立学 生的主人翁精神,培养文明出行,热爱广州的情怀等方面的文化品 格。 二二. 教学目标:教学目标: 本课时目标:本课时目标: 透过复习巩固,梳理语言框架,能在语言框架的帮助下,复习 本模块知识,联系生活设计向 Aki 推广美丽广州的海报任务。 语言能力目标: 1. 能熟练掌握本模块的词汇与句型。 2. 能熟练运用以下语言知识进行会话与表述: 2 Can you tell me the way to ? Go straight ahead, turn left/ right at the crossing, The is on the left/ right. Turn left/ right out of the , Take the left/ right 3. 能借助语言框架,综合运用所学知识,向 Aki 介绍广州的特色景 点,展现美丽的广州。 思维品质目标: 1. 通过小组合作,制作海报,培养应用,创新等思维能力。 2. 利用地图的引导作用,养成理解文章,分析问题等思维能力。 3. 通过小组讨论,描绘地图路线,养成发散性思维。 文化品格目标: 在本课的学习中,学生回顾本模块所学的语言知识,并通过阅 读,了解各景点的具体路径,小组合作完成学习任务制作美 丽广州路线图海报,养成文明出行,主人翁精神,人文情怀和合作 学习等素养。 学习能力目标: 1. 课前上网找资料,阅读篇章,养成搜集信息,提取信息,加工信 息的能力。 2. 课堂完成海报,阅读活动和写作活动,养成整理归纳知识,形成 阅读策略和写作策略。 3 3. 小组讨论,分工,完成任务,养成合作学习意识与能力以及主动 参与语言实践的意识和习惯。 三三. 教学重难点:教学重难点: 学生的口头表达能力一向相对较弱,对于与生活息息相关的句 子也很少会运用到实际中,学生对现实生活中如何使用英语问路及 指引方向一直停留在教材提供的句式中,没有因应实际而调整,学 生难以多说。因此本课的教学重难点是: 1. 根据实际情况指引方向。 2. 能联系实际设计最佳路线。 四四. 教学过程:教学过程: 课前检查上节课的学习情况,看 video,呈现美丽广州。 . Pre-task 1. Hello Guangzhou 呈现实际生活中出现的建筑,复习巩固本模块 出现的建筑物的名称,并对其作简单介绍。 2. Welcome to Guangzhou 呈现简易地图,操练本模块句型。 3. Summary: 梳理指示路线句型,逐渐形成语言框架。 4. 小组讨论:呈现地图中的某一地点,小组讨论是否可以有不同的 路线 【设计意图:利用身边熟悉的建筑,调动学生学习的积极性和兴趣, 活跃思维,复习旧知,为下一步学习做准备。 】 . While-task: 1. 以“羊城小主人”的例子创设情境,明确本课学习任务。 4 通过呈现简短的“羊城小主人”征集通知,明确任务要求,激发 竞争意识及学习兴趣。 【设计意图:激发兴趣,明确任务。 】 2. 阅读 2 篇不同路线的文章,小组内俩俩进行阅读,分别找出对应 的路线,组内比较,梳理设计路线的框架。 【设计意图:联系生活,从不同方面比较不同路线的利与弊,培养 学生的发散性思维,明白条条大路通罗马的道理。 】 3. 观看广州美景视频,激发情感。 4. 小组选定某一地点,规划路线介并绍相关活动。 5. 小组分工合作,制作路线图海报。 【设计意图:小组合作制作海报,培养学生应用,创新等思维能力 和合作学习等素养。 】 . Post-task: 1. 分享海报,小组汇报。 2. 评价,小结本模块目标,情感升华。 【设计意图:培养学生社会责任和人文情怀。 】 . Homework: 1. Draw your own map of an interesting place in Guangzhou. 2. Share with your parents. 五五. 板板书设计书设计和和评评价价 5 Period 6 Draw a map- Our Beautiful Guangzhou Ask the way Tell the way Can / Could ? Go straight ahead / on Where is ? Walk along this road How ? Turn left / right at the crossing Take the left / right Turn left / right at the end of The is on the 六六. 重构语篇和语用任务重构语篇和语用任务 Reading 1: A Hello, my name is Jacky. Im ten years old. Guangzhou is my home and I love it very much. I like to go to different places with my family. Donghu Park is one of my favourite places. I like the fountain (喷泉) show there. I usually go there with my mum. We usually take the NO.3 bus to get there. We walk long Dongshan Street and come into the park from the east gate, then go straight head and cross the zigzag bridge(九曲桥). Walk along the small road by the lake, the fountain is in the middle of the park. We watch the fountain show and take a walk around the lake. After that, we walk through the park and out of the front gate. Suddenly, Cola, my dog runs to me and gives me a big kiss. 6 Reading 2 B Hello, my name is Cola. I am four years old. My family often take me to different places to play. I think there are many interesting places in Guangzhou. My dad usually takes me to Donghu Park for a walk. But I am not allowed to go into the park, so we just take a walk outside the park. Usually, we go there by Mobike. We stop at Dongshan Bus Terminal. We walk along Dongshan Street and turn right at the third crossing. Walk along Hequn 1st Road, then take the first left. Go straight on, Donghu Park is on my left. Why do I come here? Because my brother, Jacky waits for me and he will take me to Ersha Island for a picnic. 7 为推广美丽广州制作海报 Hello, Aki. Lets show you something about _. _ is in _ District(区). You can go there by _ or _. * _ is _. You can _ there. * If you want to _, you may _, the _ is _. * If you want to _, _. The _ is _. * _ is _. You can go to _. We hope you will like it. Thank you.
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