教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 3 We are going to have an English test-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:50575).zip

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    • plans for Reg&Invitation.docx--点击预览
    • plans for RegPPT.pptx--点击预览
    • plans for Reg微课视频.mp4
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    • 教案50575.doc--点击预览


Module 2 Plans 单元感受课单元感受课 Plans for Reg 课前作业课前作业 Worksheet Class :_ Grade 5 No._ 1. 请搜集有关学校活动的动词词组,写在下面表格内。请搜集有关学校活动的动词词组,写在下面表格内。 ActivitiesPlans 1.go on a spring outing 2.plant trees 3. visit a farm 4. have a funny sport meeting Outdoor Activities Learn-from- Leifeng Activity 10. help people 11. 12. Reading Festival 13.read books 14. write stories 15. Art Festival16. visit the museum 17.dance and sing 18. have a school open day 19. More Plans 自定自定 计划计划 2. 你将会到参加哪些学校活动,并说说原因。你将会到参加哪些学校活动,并说说原因。 Plans in our school/clubs/class in March and April. Date On _ Activities: I am going to Reasons: on March the thirteenthhave a theme class meeting (班队会) of Trees planting Day Its fun. / I am good at it./ I can learn from it. A years plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。一年之计在于春。 If you dont have a plan, is planning to fail. 如果你没有计划,就是计划着失败。如果你没有计划,就是计划着失败。 Tips: We are going to , because. Its good for Its famous for Invitation Evaluation(点评点评): Agree(赞同):(赞同): Disagree(不赞同不赞同): I think Reg will like the plan, because Reg likes The plan is interesting/. I like it. I dont think Reg will like the plan, because Reg doesnt like The plan is not good. I think Reg will like our plans better than your plans, because we are going to Talk about Talk about What season is it? When is spring? What do you like doing in spring? when how what A years A years planplanplanplan starts starts with spring.with spring. 一年之计在于春。一年之计在于春。 planplanplanplan 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 The first period 话题话题感受感受课课 Module 2 PlansPlansPlansPlans in springin spring ? ? ? ? What are we going to do? important activitiesimportant activities class importantimportant activitiesactivities the Reading Festival the Learn- from-Leifeng Activity Outdoor Activities the Art Festival importantimportant activities activities the Reading Festival the Learn- from-Leifeng Activity Outdoor Activities the Art Festival What are you going to do? What will you do? I am I am We are We are 2. I like _, so I am going to2. I like _, so I am going to 3. I like _, so I am going to3. I like _, so I am going to 4. I like _, so I am going to4. I like _, so I am going to WeWe I I willwill going togoing to will go to will go to Share your plans in groups:Share your plans in groups: Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Lots of Lots of Lots of Lots of wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful plans!plans!plans!plans! I am going to come to Huayang Primary School for some months. Module 2 PlansPlansPlansPlans for Regfor Regfor Regfor Reg PlansPlansPlansPlans How to plan for Reg? date MarchMarch AprilApril Its Its importantimportant to choose a right to choose a right datedate to make the plan for all these to make the plan for all these activities.activities. months Every plan can Every plan can go wellgo well! ! 圈选日期,学习时间顺读法 Say the dates in March and April in groups! Get to know more about Reg WhatWhat does Reg likedoes Reg like? ? WhatWhat does Reg want to does Reg want to do?do? ? Make plpla an ns for Reg. Reg, we are going to _ and we will _on _, because have a funny sports meeting April 12th Talk about your planplans in groups: We are going to on We will on because Write Write an invitationan invitation( (邀请函邀请函) ) : Make plans for Reg!Make plans for Reg! Each of you choose one sentence to finish the invitation. 每人选一个句子完成邀请函。 Dear Reg, We would like to invite you to visit our school. We have many interesting and happy plans here. First, we are going to _ on March _. Second, we are _ on March _. Third, we _ on _ _. Fourth, _. If you can come, we will have a good time together. Class _, Grade 5 TipsTips I think Reg will like the plan , because Reg likes The plan is I like it. Evaluation(Evaluation(Evaluation(Evaluation(点评点评点评点评) ) ) ): I dont think Reg will like the plan, because Reg doesnt like The plan is I think Reg will like our plans better than your plans, because we are going to Will Reg like the plans? Thank you for your plans!Thank you for your plans! I am going to your school for special days.I am going to your school for special days. Make Make my traveling plans in China.my traveling plans in China.Make Make my traveling plans in China.my traveling plans in China. Welcome!Welcome! Homework: 想一想, 填一填并向同学介绍学校一年中每个月最重要的计划: 1 ModuleModule 2 2 PlansPlans PlansPlans forfor RegReg(第一课时(第一课时: :话题感受课)话题感受课) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课是五年级下册 Module2 Plans 第一课时话题感受课,有承上启下的 功能,主题为 Plans for Reg。本课旨在让学生在情景任务中复习 Module1 Seasons 与本模块相关的知识,如:日期顺读法和相关话题的动词词组,并感知、 理解和初步运用新单词和主要句型。内容延续 Moudle1 中 Reg(Bens cousin) 寒假后的故事“一年之计在于春”,春天是制立计划的最佳时机,学生通过 谈论计划,为计划合理安排时间,再根据 Reg 个人信息制定邀请计划,小组合 作书写邀请函并进行互评。本课为单元整体后续教学内容:Reg 留在中国的 special days, travel plans 和 plans for Australia 埋下伏笔。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级学生有一定的语言能力。学生能用 phonics 拼读法学习单词;学生通 过将近五年的主题式英语学习积累了大量的动词词组;在 Celebration 模块中接 触了日期的顺读法,为本课学习打下基础;学生思维比较活跃,口语交际能力 较好,敢于用英语表达自己的意见和想法。学生最为突出的是小组合作学习能 力,在本课学习当中,学生应能口述和完成邀请函和在互相评选活动中充分进 行小组合作,达到学习目的。但是,学生没有系统学习过本模块的重点语法知 识:一般将来时,如句型:be going to, 所以暂不能完整地介绍自己的各项计 划与想法,也不具备根据生活实际,较好地制定计划的能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 【语言知识】 1. 单词:important,date,month;有特殊变化的序数词:first(1st) , second(2nd), third(3rd), fifth(5th), twentieth(20th), thirtieth(30th)。 2. 短语(动词词组):如, visit the museum, have a sports meeting, go to the school open day, visit a farm. 3. 句型:be going toon 【语言技能】 1.能理解,认读词组:visit the museum, have a sports meeting, go to the school open day, visit a farm。 2. 能运用顺读法说日期,如:March the 4th。 3. 用主要句型 be going toon谈论计划,小组写话。 【语言情感与文化品格】 2 体会“一年之计在于春”的重要性; 了解学校的春季计划,感受丰富多彩的校园生活。 【学习策略】 融入情境,视听结合,利用提供的学习资源完成学习任务。 1.能在课前通过前置性学习任务收集与话题相关的资源。 2.根据学校、社团或班级计划视频复习动词词组,表述自己喜欢的计划;通 过 Reg 的视频了解其个人信息,用 be going to完成邀请函任务。 【思维品质】 通过对人物的了解进行计划的制定和评价,发表个人见解。 四、教学重点四、教学重点 在单元话题的情景中为 Reg 制定计划并相互点评; 五、教学难点五、教学难点 小组活动的组织; 在语用任务:为 Reg 设计来校体验的计划、在活动中介绍计划并互评。 6、教学内容教学内容 情境设置辅助文本(Video): 3 1. Activities in our school. A years plan starts with spring. Our classes, clubs and school have a lot of plans for this spring. We are going to have outdoor activities. In March, we are going to go on a go spring outing and plant trees. Whats more, we are going to visit a farm and have a funny sports meeting there. Learn-from-Leifeng activity is a very important activity in March. We are going to help people in need. Do you like Reading Festival in our school? In April, we are going to read some interesting books and funny stories, and then share them. The Art Festival is one of the most important plans in these two months. We are going to have a school open day for the Art Festival. We are going to play music, dance and sing. We will visit the museum, too. Children! There are lots of wonderful plans waiting for you. Are you ready? 2. This is Reg. (1)Wow! There are a lot of wonderful plans in spring. (2)I am Reg. I am going to your school in March and April. Can I join you? Lets be friends! (3)Let me introduce myself first. A years plan starts with spring. I love making plans and I am a good planner, so my favourite season is spring. I am good at playing sports, such as skiing, swimming and riding horses. Moreover, I like reading and I often read books in the library. I want to know more about your school life? Could you please make a visiting plan for me? (4) Thank you for your visit. What wonderful plans! I am going to your schools special days with you. Later, I am going to make my traveling plans for different cities in China. It will be really fun. After that, I will go back to Australia. You are always welcome to come to Australia. 七、教学策略七、教学策略 融入情境,视听结合,利用提供的学习资源完成学习任务。 1. 通过学校、社团和班级和 Reg 视频来引入语用任务,设置情境,建立任 务型学习背景,激发学生 critical thinking 并发表自己对 Reg 的认识。 2. 利用 visiting plan 活动充分调动学生自主探究与小组合作。 八、教学媒体八、教学媒体 课件、视频、worksheet、板书、课前导学案 九、教学过程:九、教学过程: 4 教学环节教师活动学生活动教学意图 1. Free talk. Talk about spring. A years plan starts with spring. 回顾并谈论有关 spring 的信息,学习 新单词: important,plan 揭示主题, 板书关键词: important, plans Pre-task 2. Play a video “Activities in our school”, and talk about activities. 看视频,复习与春天 有关的动词词组,用 一般将来时 be going to说计划。 感知核心句型: I am going to 3. Talk about the activities students like and share. 勾选或写出喜欢的活 动并与同学分享。 认读新词组: visit the museum, have a sports meeting, go to the school open day, visit a farm 复习相关动词词组, 认读新话题词组, 并运用 be going to 表达自己喜欢的活动 计划。 4. Play a video: This is Reg. 引出关键人物 Reg 认识话题人物 Reg。导入语用任务情境。 5. Learn the dates in March and April. 用顺读法读日历中的 日期。 学习新单词 month, date;学习日期顺读 法和序数词。 6. Get to know and talk about Reg. 播放有关 Reg 的 视频。 了解并谈论 Reg。通过刻画主要人物 Reg 的性格爱好,为 完成邀请函的语用任 务做铺垫。 7. Learn the dates for the plans. 为活动安排适合 时间 完成 worksheet:选 择合适的日期和活动, 并运用 be going to on 进行汇报。 在选择日期合理安排 活动的任务中,口头 运用 be going to on交流汇报。 While-task 8. Write an invitation for Reg. 引导学生相互介绍 计划和自主评价。 引导学生相互介绍计 划和自主评价。 学习小组共同完成写 给 Reg 的邀请函。学 生可以依据自己的能 力选择模仿写或者单 独写句子。 9. Discuss and evaluation. 组内交换意见 并点评。 小组汇报展示邀请, 同时组织学生依据 Reg 的信息,评价互 动。 Post-task 10.Gratitude from Reg. 看 Reg 的感谢视频。 任务完成, 延续话题语情学习。 5 九、板书设计九、板书设计 十、家庭作业的设计十、家庭作业的设计 (前置作业):收集整理四季活动类的词组 (课后作业):想一想, 填一填并向同学介绍学校一年中每个月最重要的计划: Plans in our school : On , we are going to Date Activities on March the twelfthWe are going to have a Tree Planning day.
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