- Plans in Australia阅读拓展课课件.ppt--点击预览
- Plans in Australia阅读拓展课阅读材料.doc--点击预览
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Module 2 Plans Nov 23rd Im sure we will. Nov 24th Nov 25th Nov 26th Nov 27th Regs Travel Plan in Hainan Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Regs Easter Plan On April 15th (Before Easter) My family will _ in many colours. On April 16th (Easter Day) My sister and I are going to _ in the garden. We will eat _ for breakfast. After breakfast We are going to enjoy _ in the park. We will play with _. My family will _. paint eggs look for eggs hot cross buns Sydney Easter Show many cute animals have a big dinner In the morning In the evening Module 2 Plans Gold Coast In the morning, on the first day in the sea In the afternoon, we are going to see _. in _ The next day, we will _. On the third day, we are going to play _. in _ On the last day, we will go _ in the morning. in the sky After that, Ben will _ in the afternoon. many sea animals Sea World surf and dive with koalas Dream World skydiving fly back home Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans States and Cities in Australia There are six states in Australia. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. Melbourne is the second biggest city in Australia. Module 2 Plans Travel in Australia Australia is a good place for water sports. People can swim, dive and surf in the sea. In Great Barrier Reef, they can swim in the sea and see many beautiful coral reefs. They can also take a flight trip and enjoy the pretty blue sea and island from the sky. Module 2 Plans Travel in Australia They can go hiking in the rainforest or go skiing in the mountains. People can visit Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney. They can also take a hot air balloon trip in Melbourne. Module 2 Plans Travel in Australia Many people like to drive along the Great Ocean Road. Its very exciting to enjoy the beautiful sea. Module 2 Plans Important Days in Australia There are many important days in Australia. The Australian Open usually starts on January 15th in Melbourne. It is a famous tennis game. Melbourne Cup Day is on the first Tuesday in November. It is a day for the horse racing. Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans Module 2 Plans A Regs Easter Plan Easter is an important day in Australia. This year it will be on April 16th. My family will paint eggs in many colours on April 15th. On the 16th, My sister and I are going to look for the eggs in the garden early in the morning. We will eat hot cross buns for breakfast. After breakfast, we are going to enjoy the Sydney Easter Show in the park. We will play with many cute animals. It will be fun! Then we will have a big dinner that evening. Im sure we will have a happy Easter. Task 1: Read and fill in the blanks. 在横线上补充相关的信息完成表格。 Regs Easter Plan On April 15th (Before Easter) My family will _ in many colours. In the morning My sister and I are going to _ in the garden. We will eat _ for breakfast. After breakfast We are going to enjoy _ in the park. We will play with _ _. On April 16th (Easter Day) In the eveningMy family will _. Task 2: Listen and answer the questions.听同伴B的描述回答问题。 Regs Summer Holiday Plan 1. Where are Reg and Ben going on summer holiday? Theyre going to travel in _. 2. What will they do on each day there?(连线) early in the morning on the first day go surfing and diving in the afternoon on the first day fly there the next day go skydiving on the third day fly back home on the last day play with koalas in the Dream World after that see many sea animals in the Sea World Task 2: Listen and answer the questions. 听同伴A的描述回答下面的问题。 Regs Easter Plan 1. When will be Easter this year? It will be on _. 2. What will Regs family do during Easter? (按活动先后排序) ( )My sister and I are going to look for the eggs in the garden early in the morning. ( )On April 15th my family will paint eggs in many colours. ( )We are going to enjoy the Sydney Easter Show in the park. We will play with many cute animals. ( )Then we will have a big dinner that evening. ( )We will eat hot cross buns for breakfast. B Regs Summer Holiday Plan My cousin Ben will visit me in January next year. It will be summer at that time. We are going to travel in Gold Coast for four days. We will fly there early in the morning on the first day. In the afternoon, we will visit the Sea World. We are going to see many sea animals there. The next day, we will surf and dive in the sea all day. It will be fun! We are going to swim with the fish in the sea. On the third day, we will go to the Dream World. We are going to play with koalas there. On the last day, we will go skydiving early in the morning. After that Ben will fly back home in the afternoon. I am sure we will have a good time in Gold Coast. Task 1: Read and fill in the blanks.在横线上补充相关的信息完成路线图。 to Gold Coast In the morning, on the first day in _ In the afternoon, we are going to see _. in the sea The next day, we will _ in _ On the third day, we are going to play _. in the sky On the last day, we will go _. After that, Ben will _. 1 ModuleModule 2 2 PlansPlans PlansPlans inin AustraliaAustralia(阅读拓展课)(阅读拓展课) 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课是五年级下册 Module 2 Plans 第五课时“阅读拓展课”,本课以 Plans in Australia 为话题,参考教材 Did you know?版块拓展词汇并结合本课话题,自编 两篇不同难度的文本,分别关于 Reg 复活节假期计划和暑假计划: Regs Easter Plan/ Regs Summer Holiday Plan。在本单元前 4 课时中,学生讨论了 Reg 在中 国的重要节日安排以及海南旅游计划,本课通过精读 Reg 在澳大利亚的假期计 划,学生可以学习如何利用思维导图制定计划,再通过广泛阅读关于澳大利亚 的介绍,获取大量关于澳大利亚的信息,领略独特的澳洲风情,也能够学会为 自己的旅行做计划。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生已经有较强的认知基础,并对世界充满好奇。华阳小学的学 生在生本理念的培育下,具有较强的自主学习和合作学习能力,非常适合本课 时以学生为中心的 Jigsaw Reading 阅读教学模式。在本单元前四课时中学生对 于 Plans 这一话题已经积累了一定的语言基础,在本课时前置性学习任务中通 过阅读与澳大利亚相关的文本以及查找资料,学生也积累了一些关于澳大利亚 的信息资源。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 语言知识:语言知识: 1)新词:surf, dive, skydive 2)句型:We will travel in for days. On the first/ second/ third day, we will/ are going to After that/ Then, we will/ are going to 2. 语言技能:语言技能: 1)能正确理解阅读文本内容,在思维导图的帮助下正确提取信息。 2) 能在 Jigsaw Reading 阅读活动中运用一般将来时复述并交流文本信息。 3) 能综合运用一般将来时 be going to/ will 制定到访澳大利亚的计划。 3. 语言情感与文化品格语言情感与文化品格: 能了解澳洲的复活节习俗和独特的澳洲风情,理解不同国家的学习生活和 文化差异,建立全球化的语言学习观。 4. 学习策略学习策略: 1)能在课前通过前置性学习任务收集与话题相关的资源。 2)能在 Jigsaw Reading 阅读活动中自主和合作学习。 3)能利用思维导图提取和整理信息,用一般将来时制定计划。 2 四、教学重点四、教学重点 1不同阅读文本的信息提取和交流。 2利用获取的信息制定到访澳大利亚的计划安排。 五、教学难点五、教学难点 Jigsaw Reading 中信息的交流和整合。 6、教学内容教学内容 自编文本:自编文本: A Regs Easter Plan Easter is an important day in Australia. This year it will be on April 16th. My family will paint eggs in many colours on April 15th. On the 16th, My sister and I are going to look for the eggs in the garden early in the morning. We will eat hot cross buns for breakfast. After breakfast, we are going to enjoy the Sydney Easter Show in the park. We will play with many cute animals. Then we will have a big dinner that evening. Im sure we will have a happy Easter. B Regs Summer Holiday Plan My cousin Ben will visit me in January next year. It will be summer at that time. We are going to travel in Gold Coast for four days. We will fly there early in the morning on the first day. In the afternoon, we will visit the Sea World. We are going to see many sea animals there. The next day, we will surf and dive in the sea all day. It will be fun! We are going to swim with the fish in the sea. On the third day, we will go to the Dream World. We are going to play with koalas there. On the last day, we will go skydiving early in the morning. After that Ben will fly back home in the afternoon. I am sure we will have a good time in Gold Coast. 七、七、教学策略教学策略 3 1. 设置前置性学习任务,课前就相关话题自主学习,收集资源。 2. 教学活动设计以学生为主体,运用 Jigsaw reading 教学模式,实现少教多学 的阅读课堂教学。阅读材料为自编的难度不同的两篇文本,阅读前学生根据 自己的语言水平选取文本,体现分层教学。相同文本的同学在独立阅读之后 进行讨论,确认已掌握文本信息。然后回到 4 人小组内,分别复述各自的文 本内容,交换信息,并完成任务。学生们为了能综合了解 Reg 的假期安排, 需在小组内分享阅读信息。学生既能独立自主地完成阅读任务,也能相互配 合,体会到共同攻克难关、分享学习成果的愉悦。 3. 读后练习利用思维导图,帮助训练学生的抽象思维,以及提取和整理信息的 能力,并为写作提供支架。 八、教学媒体八、教学媒体 教学课件,前置性学习学案,自编阅读文本及练习,关于澳大利亚的视频。 九、教学过程:九、教学过程: 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学意图教学意图 1. Lets review. 复习上节课 Reg 的海南旅游计划。 在时间轴的帮 助下复述海南 游计划。 承上启下,为介绍本课主人 公 Reg 做准备。 Pre- reading 2Lets watch and talk. 播放视频,简单 谈论澳大利亚。 看视频,直观 了解澳大利亚 的概况,简单 分享前置学习 成果。 通过看视频以及谈话引出相 关话题,唤起学生旧知,为 后面进入阅读做准备。 3. Lets read. 介绍阅读文本 根据自身阅读 水平选择不同 通过自主选择文本体现分层 教学,相同文本的学生组成 4 A/B,组建阅读 小组。 难度的阅读文 本,独立阅读 完成任务。 专家组 A/B,为后面的讨论 和分享交流做准备。 4. Lets discuss. 引导学生讨论用 一般将来时复述 文本内容。 相同文本的学 生核对任务答 案,讨论用一 般将来时复述 文本内容。 通过同伴互助,确认已正确 理解文本信息,并讨论如何 复述文本内容,为后面 4 人 小组内分享交流做准备。 While- reading 5. Lets talk. 引导学生小组内 交换信息。 在 4 人小组内 A/B 组学生轮 流复述各自文 本内容,完成 任务。 通过练习用一般将来时复述 文本内容,交换文本信息, 并培养合作意识。 6. Lets report. 组织全班汇报。 A/B 组学生分 别汇报对方的 文本信息。 通过交换汇报文本信息,检 查 Jigsaw reading 信息交流过 程的有效性,学习如何利用 思维导图制定计划,为后面 制定计划做准备。 7.Lets learn more about Australia. 分发澳大利亚小 册子,组织全班 分享。 阅读小册子, 画出自己感兴 趣的地方,全 班分享。 通过广泛阅读有关澳大利亚 的介绍,获取更多关于澳大 利亚的信息,为后面制定到 访澳大利亚的计划做准备。 8. Lets make a plan.引导学生选 取一种思维导图 制定计划。 在思维导图帮 助下制定到访 澳大利亚的计 划。 通过制定计划综合整理有关 澳大利亚的信息,运用语言 解决问题。 Post- reading 9. Lets share our plans. 展示计划, 全班展示介绍 自己的计划, 通过学习其他同学的计划, 再次复习和巩固如何制定计 5 引导评价。互相评价。划。 Sum-up全班小结本课学习内容。 十、十、板书设计板书设计 十一、家庭作业的设计十一、家庭作业的设计 如果有机会去国外旅行,你最想去哪个国家呢?查找相关的资料,制定一 份旅行计划吧!