教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0743).zip

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Lets guess Hainan Where is it ? (Period 1) MODULE 2 Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan 执教老师:黄埔区光远小学陈焕娣执教老师:黄埔区光远小学陈焕娣 班级:五(班级:五( 3 3)班)班 本课时教学内容与目标:本课时教学内容与目标: 1. 能听、说、读以下单词和短语:能听、说、读以下单词和短语:travel, mountain, climb,beach,deer,noon,have a good time,mountain climbing, at the beach 2.能读懂课文,并复述能读懂课文,并复述 3.套用课文,利用所给信息套用课文,利用所给信息 介绍一个新的计划介绍一个新的计划 Lets enjoy a video! 1.What can you see in this video? 2.What can you do in Hainan? listenlisten andand numbernumber About my plan What will I do first? ( ) go mountain climbing ( ) camp under the stars ( ) swim in the pool ( ) fly back home ( ) ( ) visit a farm go for a picnic 1 3 6 4 5 2 Nov _ early in the morning: _ in the afternoon: _ Nov _ _ Nov _ _ _ _ Nov _ _ _ that evening: _ Nov _ at noon: _ About my plan When and What will we do first? go mountain climbing camp under the stars swim in the pool visit a farm go for a picnic fly back home fly there 23rd 24th 25th go shoppingplay on the beach 26th cant wait to see the deer 27th ReadRead andand fillfill NextNext weekweek wewe willwill traveltravel toto HainanHainan forfor fivefive daysdays. . Nov _ early in the morning: _ in the afternoon: Nov _ Nov _ Nov _that evening: Nov _ at noon: go mountain climbing camp under the stars swim in the pool visit a farm go for a picnic fly back home fly there 23rd 24th 25th go shoppingplay on the beach 26th cant wait to see the deer 27th 1.On1.On Nov.Nov. 23rd23rd wewe willwill _ _ _ _ inin thethe morningmorning. . InIn thethe afternoon,afternoon, wewe willwill _ _ _ _._. 2 2. OnOn thethe 24th24th wwe e willwill _ _ _ allall day.day. 3.3. OnOn Nov.25thNov.25th wwe e cancan _,_, _ oror _. . 4.On4.On thethe 26th26th wwe e areare goinggoing toto _._. ThatThat eveningevening wewe willwill _ _ _ _._. 5.The5.The nextnext dayday wwe e willwill _ _ _ atat noonnoon . . fly there go for a picnic go mountain climbing go shoppingswim in the pool play on the beach visit a farm camp under the stars fly back home About my plan oror Have a good time in Hainan Next week we will travel to Hainan for five days. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we are going to visit a farm. I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. That evening we will camp under the stars. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. Lets read ImIm suresure wellwell _in in Hainan.Hainan. Nov 23rd Tues NextNext weekweek wewe willwill _ HainanHainan forfor fivefive daysdays. . Nov 24th Wed Nov 25th Thurs Nov 26th Fri Nov 27th Sat is a. retellretell byby cluesclues ImIm suresure wellwell havehave a a goodgood timetime in in Hainan.Hainan. Nov 23rd Tues NextNext weekweek wewe willwill traveltravel toto HainanHainan forfor fivefive daysdays. . Nov 24th Wed Nov 25th Thurs Nov 26th Fri Nov 27th Sat WeWe willwill _ inin thethe morning.morning. In the afternoon, we will _ _ _ _. On the 24th November 25th On the 26th I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. Then We will _ _ _ all day. We can _, _ or _. We are going to _ _ _. That evening we will _ _ _ _. We will _ home at noon . is a. free day retellretell byby photosphotos make snow men go skiing ice light show go mountain climbing camp under the stars go swimming visit a farm go for a picnic go shopping play on the beach We will travel to Harbin from next Thursday to Sunday for four days. I am sure . Write a plan 1.Tell your plan to your classmates. 2. Ask your classmates about their plans. HomeworkHomework Work sheet 1.Listen and match. ( )go mountain climbing ( )camp under the stars ( )swim in the pool ( )fly back home ( ) visit a farm ( ) go for a picnic 2.Read and fill. DateThings you will do Nov _early in the morning: _ _ in the afternoon: _ _ _ _ Nov _ _ _ Nov _ _ , _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ Nov _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _, that evening: _ _ _ _ Nov _at noon: _ _ _ 3.Write a plan go for a picnic , go swimming , camp under the stars , go shopping go mountain climbing, play on the beach , visit a farm, go skiing make snowmen, ice light show We will travel to Harbin from next Thursday to Sunday for four days. I am sure _. 教学设计案例教学设计案例 UnitUnit 4 4 HaveHave a a goodgood timetime inin HainanHainan 教 学 设 计 表 章节名称 Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan 计划 学时 第一课时 学习内容分析 本模块的话题是 plans。本单元的话题主要以日期,活动的单词以及如何 描述自己的计划句型为主要内容,谈论了在具体的将来的时间里,自己打算做 什么,在三四年级的英语学习中,孩子们已经学习过大部分的活动单词,并且 在五年级下册的 Unit3 We are going to have an English test 中已经对将 来时以及日期有一定的了解和掌握。这为本节课的内容奠定了基础。本节课主 要围绕如何向用一般将来时来描述自己的计划以及课文文本的理解和运用展开, 本课以 Ben 将要去海南五日游展开话题,从而学会用相关的句型向他人讲述自 己将在某天做某事的句型。其主要内容为:主语will动词原型. 和 主语 be going to 动词原型句型的熟悉和运用以及课文的理解。 课程标准 1To learn the meaning and simple usages of some words and phrases. 2.To use will to refer future events 3.To encourage the students express bravely 知识与技能:能听、说、读本课的单词和短语,能表达自己将要做某事的句型。 过程与方法:图片,视频,情境教学法,两人小组活动,小组活动,多媒体辅 助教学 教学目标 情感、态度与价值观:能体会学习英语的乐趣,乐于说英语,用英语交流。 教学重点及解决措施 词汇:have a good time, travel, mountain, mountain climbing,deer 句型:we will./We are going to. 教学难点及解决措施 (1)在教学中组织形式多样的英语活动,观看关于海南的旅游宣传片,创设情 景让学生在“视、听、说”中加大词汇的复现,激发英语学习的兴趣,从而深 化学生对单词音、形、意的掌握以及句型的运用。 (2)充分利用图片、视频等资源辅助教学,让英语教学生活化,情景化。 教学设计思路 本课题是根据本年段学生学习语言的认知规律和课标提出的学习目标 来设计的,注重直观,形象,激发学生好奇心和兴趣,以学生熟悉的生活情境 和经验为基础,通过看看猜猜,读读写写等活动让学生在“做中学,用中学” 的过程中学习语言,运用语言。 信息技术应用分析 知识点学习水平媒体内容与形式使用方式使用效果 单词、句型好 自制课件、图片、视 频、worksheet、单词 卡片 多媒体播放器好 教学过程(可续页) 教学环节教学内容 所用时 间 教师活动学生活动设计意图 Greeting 打招呼30s 与学生互相打招 呼 与教师打招呼 调节学生课堂气 氛,以便更好的 进行课堂教学 Warm-up Guessing game 1min PPT 呈现图片和 问题 看图猜地点 通过看图猜地点 激发学生的好奇 心以及吸引学生 的注意力,使学 生更快的进入到 课堂中来 Pre-reading 1.复习句型 What can you do.? 5mins 1.提出问题,播 放海南旅游宣传 片视频,引出本 课标题并板书 1.学生带着问题 看视频 2.学生回答问题 1.引出本课目标 课文 2.通过老师的提 问,让学生对课 文内容有初步的 了解 While-reading 1.学习单词 mountain climbing 25mins 1.PPT 呈现要排 序的活动,教授 新单词 1.听录音,完成 排序 2.四人小组阅读 1.通过听力练习 培养学生的注意 力 2.学习单词 travel,deer 3.学习句型: We will ./We are going to., 4.进行美读 训练 mountain climbing ,播放 录音,检查答案; 2.设置小组任务, 四人小组阅读课 文完成 worksheet 练习 2, 检查答案; 3.设置两人小组 完成任务,两人 阅读课文,并根 据表格提示,完 成句子,检查答 案。 4.布置学生自己 读课文,完成书 本 P21 练习,检 查答案 5.播放课文录音, 进行美读训练 课文完成表格信 息 3.两人小组阅读 课文完成句子填 空 4.学生自己阅读 完成书本 P21 练 习 5.跟录音朗读课 文 2.通过小组合作 的形式培养学生 的团队合作意识 和团队精神,并 感知全文 3.4.通过多种形 式的阅读,加深 学生对课文的理 解和记忆,为后 面的复述课文坐 铺垫 5.通过让学生模 仿录音的语音语 调,规范学生的 发音。 Post-reading 1.根据提示 复述课文 2.根据图片 提示复述文 章 3.套用课文, 利用所给信 息介绍一个 新的计划 8mins 1.设置任务,让 学生两人根据提 示复述课文 2.引导学生通过 图片复述课文 3.PPT 呈现新计 划的信息,引导 学生填写 worksheet 表格 信息 1.两人一组根据 提示复述课文 2.根据图片和教 师的引导复述课 文 3.根据所给的信 息填写 worksheet 表格 1.2.通过多种方 式进行对课文的 复述,了解学生 掌握课文的程度, 并培养学生语言 组织和表达能力 3.借助课文的结 构,重新编写一 个计划,培养学 生的创造性思维。 Homework Homework30s 1.Tell your plan to your classmates; 2.Ask your classmates about their plans 完成课后作业 作业巩固本课知 识并作延伸。 教学板书设计 教学板 书设计 U4 Have a good time in Hainan Date Things will do Nov.23rd fly there go for a picnic 24th go mountain climbing 25th go shopping swim in the pool play on the beach 26th visit a farm cant wait to see the deer camp under the stars 27th fly back home
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