教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)--(编号:708b2).zip

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Period 3 Class3,grade5 Wouldyouliketogotoskate? WouldyouliketogowithKate? Gotoskate?WithKate? Thatsoundsgreat. Wouldyouliketogotoschool? Wouldyouliketoswimatthepool? Gotoschool?Swiminthepool? Thatsoundscool. Wouldyouliketoseeafilm? WouldyouliketogowithTim? Seeafilm?WithTim? Iprefergoingtothegym. Lets review the dialogue. this Saturday Nothing. go on a picnic go with us souds great! should school gate together 14th, right birthday party No problemnext time Free talk: 1.What day is it today? Its Wednesday. 2. Whats the date today? Its April 19th. 3.What are you doing this weekend? I am going to/will/plan to+活动活动 About me watch a football match go to the supermarket see a film go to the Book Centre About you! I am going to / I plan to Would you like to .? Uncle Ti m . Imreadinganinterestingbook. IamseeingafilmonTV. Iamwatching theMonkey King. Metoo.Iplantogoonapicnic. Wouldyouliketogowithme? Ifeelbored. Apicnic?Thatsounds great! Oh,dear,ImsorrybutIam goingtomygrandmas birthdaypartytoday. Noproblem.Maybenext time. Bye. Bye.Imflying.Im flying. Haveagood time.Imflying.Im flying. Hello,MonkeyKing.Iplantogoona picnic.Wouldyouliketogowithme? Apicnic?Thatsoundsgood. Hello,LionKing.Whatareyoudoing? Nothing.Iamsleeping.I feelbored.Why? MonkeyandIplantogo onapicnic.Wouldyou liketogowithus? Apicnic?Cool. Hello,ElephantKing.Whatareyou doing? Nothing.Iamtakingashower.Ifeel bored.Why? MonkeyKing,LionKingandI plantogoonapicnic.Would youliketogowithus? Apicnic?Thatsoundsgreat.Wewillhavea goodtime. Hey,guys.Wouldyouliketohavea picnic? Apicnic?Cool. No problem. Maybe next time. Oh, dear, Im sorry. We cant have a picnic now. Read the story, and then answer the questions. (1)What does Uncle Tom plan to do ? (2) Is the bird going on a picnic with uncle Tom? He plans to go on a picnic. (3) Who are going on a picnic with Uncle Tom? Monkey King, Lion King and Elephant King. No, she is going to her grandmas birthday party. Lets read the story. Lets act out. Invitation 邀请用语邀请用语 Would you like to? That sounds good/great/cool. Id love to. Good idea.接受邀请接受邀请 婉拒邀请婉拒邀请 Im sorry but I am going to No, thanks. Id like to, but I have something to do. Letswrite Invitation card DearDear Janet,Janet, MyMy birthdaybirthday is is ing. ImIm goinggoing toto havehave a a birthdaybirthday partyparty onon Saturday.Saturday. It It willwill startstart at at 6:00.6:00. WouldWould youyou likelike toto come?come? yours,yours, AngelAngel 1.背诵U5课文。(家签) 2.家听U5单词。(家签发微信) 3.写一封邀请卡。(作文本) Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 Would you like to go with us 教学设计教学设计 第第 3 课时课时 一、教学内容分析:一、教学内容分析: 本模块的话题是邀请,主要进一步学习和运用一般将来时在不同的话题与活动 中的提问和回答,活动如:go on a picninc, have a birthday party,watch a football,see a film,goshopping 等等短语,会灵活运用句型:Would you like to go with us?提出邀请的肯定与否定问答,以上短语学生基本接触过,通过复习一般 将来时句型 What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to.表达自己将 要做的事情作为铺垫,再引导到邀请 Would you like to go with us?让学生进一步 的掌握一般将来时,并运用到实际生活当中。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 五年级的学生已具备了一定的英语学习能力,对英语充满热情,通过五年级上册的一 个学期的英语学习,积累了一定的词汇量,英语学习兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,表达欲望 强,敢于模仿,乐于交往。在一系列的活动引导学生滚动归类这些活动的短语,很好 激活了学生的知识储备,为本课打下了基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1、能用现在进行时态去谈论将来的计划, 如:What are you doing this Saturday? I plan to 2、掌握邀请用语, 如:Would you like to? Shall we? Do you want to.? 回答:Good idea! Thats OK. Thats great. Id love to, but 4、能理解并流利朗读 Lets talk 中的对话并掌握其中的功能用语。 5、重点难点:重点难点: 1.掌握四会单词: nothing / why / sound /gate/ cool/ dear/ problem 2. 能运用以下句型: What are you doing this Saturday? Would you like to? (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 1.通过复习课文,并会填空,理解与复述课文大意。 2.通过阅读绘本,提高学生阅读技巧与思考能力。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 1、活化语言输入,培养灵活运用的语言能力。 2.通过绘本对语言进行拓展,培养学生开阔的思维。 3.通过情景的创设,培养学生的语言实践运用。 4.能积极与他人合作,共同完成绘本阅读的学习任务。 (四)文化品格目标(四)文化品格目标 1.通过活动,培养学生有礼貌的与人相处,提高学生文化意识,激发学生热爱 中国传统文化意识。 2.通过将来时态,培养学生有计划的学习与生活。 教学重点(教学重点(Key Points): (一)(一)教学重点教学重点 U5 的知识拓展,绘本教学。的知识拓展,绘本教学。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 1.理解绘本意思,并完成相关的任务。 2.会写邀请卡。 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 通过以研学后教的理念为引导,采用“小学英语 IIO 课堂教学模式”去设计教 学,强调在输入中理解,在操练中内化,在输出中应用。本课以围绕 “Invitation”这个任务,开展教学活动,通过思维导图,培养学生想象以及归 纳总结的能力,在老师引导示范,学生通过小组交流,激发大脑思考,相互交 换知识信息,做到自主与探究,从而达成教学目标。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 PPT,研学案、研学案、绘本。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I.Preparation 1.Lets chant.【设计意图:从朗读小诗熟悉 Would you like?对课文作为铺垫】 2.Lets review the dialogue.【设计意图:巩固课文】 3.Lets recide.【设计意图:单词的记忆与灵活运用】 4.Free talk: a)What is the date today?Its b)What day is it today? Its c)What are you doing this weekend? I am going to 【设计意图:从问周末的计划,导出 Miss Wu 的计划】 IIInput-Internalization(1) 1.Talk about the Miss Wus plan. 【设计意图:从 Miss Wu 的计划,引导出学生的计划】 1. Talk about the students plan. A:What are you going to do this weekend? B:I am going to/plan toWould you like to go with us? A: Good idea! Thats OK. Thats great. Id love to, but 【设计意图:让学生从自己的计划中,提出邀请,提高学生句子连贯性表达】 2. Ask and answer in groups. 【设计意图:让学生通过小组合作的方式,交流信息,训练学生的大胆表达能力】 IIIInput-Internalization(2) 1. Share the story. 2. Read the story, and then answer the questions. 3.Read3.Read thethe story,andstory,and thenthen actact outout inin groups.groups. 【设计意图:通过故事阅读,扩大词汇量,培养学生拓展思维,课外知识阅读和理 解能力,以及语言表达能力和总结能力】 IV.Out put. 1.Lets write invitation card. 2.Show the invitation card. 【设计意图:通过写邀请卡,培养学生句子的搭配和连贯性的表达能力,以及写作 的能力】 V.Assessment contentsAssessment Task 1 我能复述课文,并完成任务。 Great( )Good( )So so( ) Task 2 我能阅读绘本,并回答问题。 Great( )Good( )So so( ) Task 3 我能写邀请卡Great( )Good( )So so( ) VI板书设计 Unit5 Would you like to go with us? Invitation That sounds good/great/cool 接受邀请接受邀请 Id love to. Good idea. Im sorry but I am going to 婉拒邀请婉拒邀请 No, thanks. Id like to, but I have something to do. 作业布置作业布置 1.背诵背诵 U5 课文。(家签)课文。(家签) 2.家听家听 U5 单词。(家签发微信)单词。(家签发微信) 3.写一封邀请卡。(作文本)写一封邀请卡。(作文本)
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