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1、2020-2021 学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查(二)学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查(二) 英语2021 年 5 月 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。 第一节第一节 (共共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 7.5 分分) 听下面 5 段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。 每段对话

2、仅读一遍。 1.How soon will the package arrive with EM? A. In about two weeks.B. In less than two days.C. In more than three days. 2.What will the man do next week? A. Give a report.B. Make a presentation.C. Take a rest. 3.What does the women advise the man to do? A. Find the article at the reference desk

3、. B. Read the article on the computer. C. Turn to the librarians for help. 4. What will the woman probably do? A. Cancel her membership.B. Rush to catch a busC. Call the man back later. 5. what do we learn from the conversation? A. The woman didnt like classical music. B. The man didnt think highly

4、of the conductor. C. The conductor didnt like the choice of the music. 第二节第二节(共共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 22.5 分分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作合时间。每 段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。 6. Why does the man make the ca

5、l1? A. To make an enquiry about a new car. 注意:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。两部分答案都做在答 题卡上。总分为 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。 B. To buy an insurance for his car. C. To make a complaint about the service. 7. How much does the Red Flag charge monthly? A.$ 30.B.$ 40.C.$ 48. 听第 7 段材料, 回答 8、9 题。 8. What did the man find

6、in the 1ibrary? A.Aticket for a festival. B.A book about Spanish music. C.A brochure about a music festival. 9. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife.B. Manager and secretary.C. Teacher and student. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. What are the two speakers talking abo

7、ut? A. Advice on having an interview. B. Tips on choosing a job. C. Ways of learning English. 11. What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Remember her answers in advance. B. Be natural when she speaks. C. Use as many English words as possible. 12. How does the woman feel about the mans suggesti

8、ons? A. Not practical.B.A bit confusing.C. Quite valuable. 听第 9 段材料, 回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. On the phone.B. At the airport.C. In Milton. 14. How far is Milton from TorontoAirport? A. Less than 150 miles.B. More than 150 miles.C. Exactly150 miles. 15.

9、Why doesnt the woman rent a car? A. She cant drive herself. B. She doesnt feel like driving. C. She doesnt have enough money. 16. Whats the womans final decision? A. Taking a taxi from the airport. B. Taking the airport shuttle bus. C. Taking a Greyhound bus. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What is the

10、 speaker? A. Aguide.B. Ateacher.C. Acoach. 18. What does the speaker mainly talk about? A. Factors deciding the choice of goods. B. Consumerschoice of cars. C. Products with high quality. 19. What do people think of responsibility nowadays? A. Its getting more attention. B. Its still important. C. I

11、ts the deciding factor. 20. Where can people get access to more information? A. From newspapers.B. From a website.C. From a book. 第二部分阅读第二部分阅读(共两节,满分共两节,满分 50 分分) 第一节第一节(共共 15 小题小题; 每小题每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A The UCLA (University of California, LosAngeles) Volu

12、nteer Center works with many external partners to provide this list of current volunteer opportunities. Search here for an opportunity in the community that suits your interests or skills. Good luck! Medical VolunteerAbroad Programs Volunteering Solutions have been organizing medical volunteer abroa

13、d programs in different countries for 12 years. Participants (preferably medical students) joining these programs will work under the guidance of professional doctors and nurses. The medical volunteering opportunities, offered in different areas like Emergency and General Medicine, are available thr

14、oughout the year with flexible start dates and durations. Answer Crisis Calls at a Helpline Community Helpline currently has opportunities for students as a Volunteer Crisis Listener. It provides a nonjudgmental listening ear to the callers while also assisting individuals in coping with mental heal

15、th issues to prevent serious crises. No previous experience is required but completion of a five-week training program is required. The crisis line is open from 8 am to 8 pm every single day.Ashift consists of 3 hours and we ask that you sign up for 1 shift a week. Youth Education Volunteers Needed

16、Youth Education Volunteers at LINC Cares serve at after school programs and summer camps that provide fun recreational activities support strong educational habits, and promote good health and positive social development for children from low-income families. Volunteers serve at the after-school pro

17、gram one weekday per week from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. 21. What do we know about Medical VolunteerAbroad Programs? A. Volunteers will work domestically.B. There are various volunteering areas. C. Volunteers will work independently.D. There is a fixed volunteering time. 22. What is a Volunteer Crisis Lis

18、tener required to do? A. Judge the caller when listening.B. Be capable of stopping crises. C. Complete a training program.D. Work twelve hours per day. 23. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Volunteer programs.B. Educational courses. C. Recreational activities.D. Charity work. B Ian McKenna was in t

19、hird grade when he learned that many kids at hisAustin school werent getting enough to eat at home. He wanted to help, but local volunteer organizations turned him away, saying he was too young. So he decided to find his own solution. For years, he had been gardening with his mother, and they often

20、distributed their extra vegetables to the neighbors. “Why not give the produce to a soup kitchen? Then I thought, Im good at gardening, says McKenna, now 16. “Why not plant a garden at school, so that kids in need could take food home? McKenna persuaded his school to set aside space for a garden; th

21、en he asked the community for donations of seeds and equipment. Other students donated their time. Within months, McKenna s garden was producing lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash for students and their families Now, seven years later, McKennas Giving Garden project has expanded to five area s

22、chools in addition to his own backyard garden, and he has provided organic produce, enough for 25,000 meals, to Austin families. For most of his gardening activities, McKenna wears the same T-shirt in different colors, with his personal motto on it: BE AGOOD HUMAN. To him, that means helping in any

23、way you can, no matter what your age. Even a smile might change someones life, he says. “It lets them know that they are important. It can make their day. When COVID-19 hit the U.S., McKenna redoubled his efforts, cooking up to 100 meals to distribute to the hungry on the weekends. When social dista

24、ncing meant that volunteers couldnt work on community garden plots, he started offering online classes and a gardening hotline so families could grow at home. While gardening is his core focus, McKenna says he is always looking for new ways to help the hungry. 24. What caused Ians decision to help t

25、he kids in his own way? A. Being rejected by volunteer groups.B. Being good at gardening. C. Asoup kitchens support.D. His mothers suggestions. 25. What do we know about the Giving Garden project? A. It helps students only.B. It was started with joint efforts. C. It is funded by schools.D. It earns

26、great profits every year. 26. Which of the following can best explain Ians personal motto? A. Where there is a will, there is a way.B.Asmall gesture makes a difference. C. One good turn deserves another.D. Love can break all the barriers. 27. What is the best title of the passage? A. Ian McKenna, Gr

27、owing a Food Bank B. Ian Mckenna, an Experienced Gardener C. Giving Garden Project, an Impossible Mission D. Giving Garden Project, a Universal Solution C Streaming (流媒体) first became popular in 2005, thanks to YouTube. Nowadays nearly three quarters ofAmerican households subscribe to at least one v

28、ideo streaming service. With almost 200 million subscribers worldwide and a billion hours of content viewed each week, Netflix is by far the biggest paid service. No. 2 isAmazon Prime Video. But for every Goliath, there are a hundred Davids. Many smaller streaming services show nothing but sports, c

29、lassic movies, or Japanese anime (动画片). In the early days of steaming the appeal was the lower cost, and it still is. The average streamer spends $37 a month (and subscribes to three streaming platform, while the average cable (有线电视) user pays more than $200 per month. Still streaming has become mor

30、e expensive in recent years. In 2019, Netflix raised the price of its basic service 12.5 percent, to $8.99 a month.Aquarter of is subscribers, who protested price increases, said they would cancel their subscriptions. Few did. Amajor reason: Streaming networks have become home to many of the most po

31、pular TV series, including recent Emmy winners. They offer full-length feature films as well, and last year, Netflix received more Oscar nominations (提名) than any other media company. In fact, streaming has changed the Oscar competition, at least for this year. Usually only films shown in theaters a

32、re considered, but because of the coronavirus, all movies released online in 2020 are qualified for the 2021Academy Awards. That shift is especially good news for Disney, which is putting the much anticipated movie Mulan on its new streaming service, Disney+. But watching Mulan from your own home wi

33、ll cost $29.99-on top of the services monthly fee of $6.99. Too much streaming can have its disadvantages, however. There are those who binge-watch, a term Merriam-Webster added in 2017 with the definition “to watch many or all episodes of (a TV series) on end.Alejandro Fragoso from New York holds t

34、he Guinness World Record: 94 straight hours. 28. What do the underlined words “Goliath and “David in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. TV viewers.B. TV programs. C. Streaming subscribers.D. Streaming services. 29. Why did most Netflix subscribers continue their subscriptions? A. They cannot go without it. B.

35、 They think the low cost is a thing of the past. C. Netflix has controlled the market. D. They think it is good value for money. 30. What does the good news in Paragraph 3 mean to Disney? A. The movie Mulan can be released on Disney+. B. The movie Mulan will generate great profits. C. The movie Mula

36、n can compete for an Oscar. D. The movie Mulan will win an Oscar award. 31. What do binge-watchers tend to do? A. They start a new life.B. They watch TV series continuously. C. They break world records.D. They watch TV series aimlessly D Not long ago, Linda Khan was sitting by a hospital bed in Hous

37、ton, feeling ill at ease. Beside her lay her father who needed a heart surgery. The two of them had engaged in nothing but depressing small talk. Then, her eye fell on a pile of books. She picked up one, and started to read it out loud. Right away it changed the mood and atmosphere, she says. Readin

38、g gave the daughter a way to connect with her father. Listening allowed the father travel on the sound of his daughters voice into a place where he felt himself again. “From then on, Khan says, “I always read to him. In a 2010 survey in the United Kingdom, elderly adults who joined weekly read-aloud

39、 groups reported better concentration, less anxiety, and an improved ability to socialize. The survey authors owed these improvements in large part to the “rich, varied diet of serious literature that group members consumed, with fiction encouraging feelings of relaxation and calm, poetry fostering

40、focused concentration, and narratives giving rise to cognitive (认 知的) thoughts, feelings, and memories. In truth, almost any kind of reading to another person can be beneficial. Readers get rewards too. For Neil Bush, the late-life hospitalizations of his famous parents, George H. W. and Barbara Bus

41、h, became opportunities to repay a debt of gratitude. “When I was a kid, they would read to me, he said. With his parents in and out of care, “Weve been reading books about Dads foreign policy and, more recently, Moms autobiography. Bush went on, his voice thick with emotion, “And to read their amaz

42、ing life to them has been a remarkable blessing to me, personally, as their son. To many people, reading to parents may seem so far outside the normal range of regular activities, and it may even feel odd and improper. However, there are still a lot many who brave the momentary strangeness of readin

43、g to elderly adults and both reader and listeners are, to borrow a phrase from Wordsworth, surprised by the joy of it. 32. What did reading offer to Linda and her father? A. Away to establish a bond.B.Away to travel together in reality. C.A way to treat the disease.D.A way to engage in learning. 33.

44、 What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A. Improvements in mental health.B. Benefits of reading to others. C. Changes in cognitive process.D. Development of social skills. 34. What does Neil Bushs experience prove? A. Reading benefits more than the listener B. Parents should red more to their kids. C. Ch

45、ildren should show their gratitude. D. Reding to parents is childrens duty 35. How does the author feel about reading to an elderly adult? A. Improper and odd.B. Abnormal but worthy. C. Rewarding and joyful.D. Interesting but unnecessary. 第二节第二节(共共 5 小题小题; 每小题每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 12.5 分分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项

46、中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 Rushing to work, watching the stock (股票) market drop daily working long into the night on a project, all of these situations can build up stress. Stress in such situations means pressure, conflict, loss of control, and uncertainty. These feelings can lead to a variety o

47、f problems.36 What is stress? Stress is your bodys physical and psychological response to anything you regard as overpowering. This may be viewed as a result of lifes demands, and your lack of resources to meet them.37This additional energy cannot be destroyed. If not used, it creates an imbalance w

48、ithin your system. Somehow the energy must be channeled into responses to regain a balance. 38Without some stress you would lose your energy for living. You will do well on certain amounts; but too much or too little stress will limit your effectiveness. Ideally, you find your best level of stress-t

49、he balance at which you are most motivated. 39It can make you spend your efforts on not being unhappy, rather than on being happy.You can become negatively influenced in your attitudes and feelings about your life more easily. In addition, medical research estimates as much as 90 percent of illness

50、and disease is Stress-related.40High blood pressure and heart disease have been linked to stress factors. Most health professionals agree stress can be a contributing factor in making existing medical problems worse. A. These different attitudes influence a persons reaction to stressful situations.


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