教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0864).doc

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教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0864).doc_第1页
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教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 11 I was born in January-Fun with language-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0864).doc_第2页
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1、教 材 分 析 这个单元的话题是关于 celebrations 的话题,本课的内容在三年级时已经接触 过部分表达,现在进一步拓展,使用新的时态来描述 Jiamin 的生日派对及出生 时间。 目 标 表 达 (知识、技能和情感目标) 1、Grammar and communicative functions: Asking people their age: How old are you? Telling people ones age: Im . years old. Telling people the month in which one was born: I was born in

2、. Communicative drill: Whats going on? Happy birthday. 2、Learning outcomes: Pupils will be able to -ask people their age. -tell others their age. -ask people the month in which they were born. -tell others the month in which they were born. 学 情 分 析 学生已掌 握了什么 1、与生日庆祝相关的单词、词组。 2、12 个月份的英文名称。 3、be 动词的一

3、般过去时和现在进行时。 学生还未 掌握什么 正确使用句型进行交流。 重 点 使用现在进行时和 be 动词的一般过去时进行交际活动。 难 点 使用现在进行时和 be 动词的一般过去时进行交际活动。 方 法 手 段 多媒体课件 教学过程 (主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 四个环节设计意图 和达成目标的表述 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)学生学习过程 (学生学什么、 怎么学?) 复习热身1. Brain storm: How do you spend our holiday? 通过头脑风暴复习与生日庆 祝相关的词组。 活动导入 2. Pre-task (1) Ask fo

4、ur teams to act out Unit 11. T:Werehavingapartyfor Jiamins birthday.Whats going on? Lets act it out. (2) Sing along “Happy birthday”. 1、 表演本课的课文内容为任 务的开展做铺垫。 2、唱“生日”歌以活跃课堂 气氛。 3、 传球游戏激发了学生学习 的动力并操练了要求掌握的 句型。 T: Shall we sing a birthday song for Jiamin? (3) Play a game“Pass the ball”. (Passtheballwhi

5、lemusicis playing.Whenmusicstops,the pupil who just has got the ball stands up to say“My birthday is in .”or“I was born in .” T:Pleasetelluswhenyour birthday is or when you were born. 分层呈现3.While-task (1)Fun with language 1 Ask the pupils to say what the people are doing in each picture? Listen and

6、number. (2) Fun with language 4 Ask the pupils to discuss how Xiaolings birthday is going on according to the pictures orally in pairs. Finish the sentences. (3) Fun with language 3 Ask the pupils to discuss the passage in groups. Choose the correct answers. Read the passage together. 1、 通过图片在头脑里复原一

7、 个生日派对的流程同时复习 了现在进行时活动的表达。 2、 充分利用学会的词汇完成 句子,使语言表达更连贯。 3、通过阅读,加深对所学语 言知识的理解。 拓展提升4. Post-task (1) Did you know? (Introducepeoplecelebrate birthdays in different ways.) (2) A task (Say and write sth. about your hometownhowtospendyour birthday. 1、了解更多庆祝生日的方 式。 2、通过任务的完成, 了解自 己家乡的一些风俗习惯,在 综合运用语言的同时对传统 优秀民族文化的传承。 课后作业1、家听本课词句。 2、背诵本课对话。 3、完成活动手册本课笔头练习。


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